After the Death of the Eldest Sister-in-law, She Remarried

- Transmigrating into a Script

Chen Pandi glared at Yun Qinghuan. She wasn’t willing to give money. She grabbed Yun Yong, intending to leave.


They had come to take Yun Qinghuan away, hoping to profit from her remarriage and gain more dowry. It didn’t make sense to leave without taking her and having to pay money.


But Yun Yong didn’t resist. When she turned around, she saw Yun Yong tremblingly taking out five yuan from his pocket and giving it to Yun Qinghuan.


Yun Qinghuan didn’t refuse. She took the money and snatched the remaining five-yuan bill and a ten-yuan bill from his hand. “Dad is so generous. This money is just enough for my medical treatment and meals.”


Chen Pandi looked at the money in her hand with envy, almost bursting into angry curses.


Yun Yong was forcibly dragged away by Chen Pandi.


The couple left in a rather embarrassing state.


After they left, Yun Qinghuan, with a soft and weak appearance, thanked the onlookers. “Thank you all for supporting our Bai family today. We have some family matters to attend to. Once everything is settled, we will definitely express our gratitude properly.”


As soon as she mentioned dealing with their family matters, everyone instantly found excuses to leave with sly expressions.


Once everyone was gone, Yun Qinghuan walked with An’an to Liu Yuzhi, handing her the twenty yuan she had just taken from Yun Yong. “Mom, you take this money. Get something delicious to eat.”


Mainly because she was genuinely hungry.


Liu Yuzhi didn’t want to take money from her daughter-in-law, but the situation at home was dire. She reluctantly took the money, looking at her with guilt. “I’m useless, causing you to suffer.”


“Mom, don’t say that. I’m also a part of this family, and it’s my duty to contribute.”


Yun Qinghuan spoke nicely, but in reality, her heart remained undisturbed.


She had no retreat now; she could only rely on the Bai family and needed to maintain good relations with them.


Seeing Liu Yuzhi’s tearful and moved appearance, afraid she would start a lengthy conversation, Yun Qinghuan softly coughed a few times. “Mom, I’m not feeling well. I want to rest in the room for a while.”


As she spoke, her face conveniently grew even paler.


Sure enough, Liu Yuzhi instantly showed a worried expression. “Then go rest quickly.”


She even pulled the child away, obviously not wanting him to disturb Yun Qinghuan.


Before entering the room, Yun Qinghuan looked at the man sitting in the wheelchair behind Liu Yuzhi.


The man was probably in his twenties, with a cold and stern demeanor. His facial features were clean and smooth, and a black mole adorned his high nose. He sported a neatly shaved crew cut, and while he had a sun-kissed tan, it couldn’t hide his handsome face.


Perhaps noticing Yun Qinghuan’s gaze, he politely nodded in acknowledgment, a form of greeting.


Yun Qinghuan was surprised but returned the nod.


Internally, she was amazed. This was supposed to be the big antagonist, the powerful uncle Bai Naihan in the book. His handsome and refined demeanor made it difficult to believe he was a military veteran. At first glance, he looked more like an aristocratic young master.


Finally lying on the bed, the creaking wooden board bed made a few noises. The bed was covered with a quilt that had been there for who knows how many years – stiff, but at least it was neatly arranged. The scent was not unpleasant, and the quilt was relatively better; it was a new quilt Liu Yuzhi had made for her son and daughter-in-law when they got married, using the accumulated cotton from several years. It was considered a new quilt.


As for Yun Qinghuan’s birth mother, she didn’t come over during the wedding. Apart from being particularly active when demanding the 300 yuan dowry, the rest of the time was spent crying poor and asking for money as if she were dead. There was no information whatsoever, and during the wedding, she didn’t even bring any dowry.


Fortunately, the Bai family members were generous and sincerely treated Yun Qinghuan well.


Now alone in the room, Yun Qinghuan felt an intense headache.


She didn’t know why she was so unlucky. Perhaps it was because she worked too hard during filming, refusing to use a stunt double. As a result, during the wirework scene, something wasn’t properly secured. She only heard her manager’s scream, followed by the whistling wind and the intense pain of bones shattering upon contact with the ground.


Then, she passed out in pain.


Before passing out, she thought about her misfortune. If she didn’t die falling from such a height, she was determined to investigate who tampered with the wires and wanted to put her in a life-threatening situation.


Yun Qinghuan had never been a pushover. She clawed her way out of the orphanage, endured hardships, served dishes in a restaurant, made bubble tea in a teahouse, and even sparred in a boxing gym. She tried almost anything that could make money.


She had tasted more bitterness than most and was accustomed to the darkness of the world. Saying that humans were scarier than ghosts wasn’t an exaggeration. A slight misstep could lead to falling into someone’s hands, breaking into pieces with nothing left.


She experienced hardships but ultimately climbed to the position of a top actress with her cunning and strategy.


Yun Qinghuan believed she had succeeded in life and had no significant regrets. She just wanted to earn enough money and then enjoy life.


However, before she could enjoy life, she unexpectedly found herself in this rundown village after waking up.


Yes, Yun Qinghuan didn’t believe she accidentally fell from the wire. There were too few accidents. She had offended many people in the entertainment industry, and some of them probably wished for her early demise.


She was a bit annoyed. She hadn’t had a chance to seek revenge if she really died now.


Instead, she found herself in an awkward situation.


Upon crossing over, her head felt heavy, and memories that didn’t belong to her surged in her mind.


Yun Qinghuan quickly skimmed through the brief life of this person. When she learned that this person’s son was named Bai Jin’an, it felt like a thunderbolt striking her.


Bai Jin’an?

The name was incredibly familiar. It was from a script she had recently taken on, adapted from a historical novel. The main antagonist in the story was Bai Jin’an, and coincidentally, the deceased mother of this antagonist shared the same name and surname as her—Yun Qinghuan.


When Yun Qinghuan first saw this script, her initial reaction was that the author probably had a grudge against her. Why else would they write about a woman with the same name and surname meeting a tragic, early death?


In this historical novel, Yun Qinghuan was the mother of the major antagonist, Bai Jin’an. The description of his mother was limited to a few sentences, mentioning that she was a knowledgeable youth sent to the countryside. Through a twist of fate, she married Bai Jin’an’s deaf-mute father and gave birth to him.


Unfortunately, the good times didn’t last. When he was three years old, his father fell off a cliff and died. His mother abandoned him to remarry an abusive man, and she was eventually beaten to death by her in-laws while pregnant. One body, two lives lost—it couldn’t be more tragic.


From then on, Bai Jin’an had no parents, no one to care for him. His grandmother also passed away due to illness. It wasn’t surprising that he grew up to be a troublesome child.


His transformation into a wealthy and influential antagonist was all thanks to his silent and reticent uncle, Bai Naihan, who became a rich and powerful figure through his own efforts.


Translator Note

The next release will be on Dec. 20

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