After the Death of the Eldest Sister-in-law, She Remarried

- Seeking Money

Liu Yuzhi felt even more uneasy and hurriedly said to her younger son, “Naihan, release your mother-in-law.”


Chen Pandi also quickly added, “Yes, let go of me. I really didn’t realize this child was An’an.”


Her tone was awkward, tinged with an attempt to please.


Bai Naihan looked at her sternly, and upon hearing Liu Yuzhi’s words, he obediently let go, but his tone remained chilly, “From today on, if I see you bullying anyone from the Bai family, I won’t easily let you off.”


Although he was sitting in a wheelchair with a leg injury, his words were surprisingly convincing. He genuinely wouldn’t let her off easily!


Chen Pandi, frightened, was about to agree without hesitation. After all, the person in front of her had been involved in who knows how many deaths, and now he was disabled. Who knew if his twisted psychology might lead him to do something harmful?


Suddenly, Yun Yong intervened, looking at Bai Naihan in the wheelchair with a stern expression, “I don’t care about the matters of your Bai family. I came here today mainly to take my daughter, Qinghuan, away.”


Chen Pandi quickly regained her composure, nodding, “Yes, we just want to take our daughter away, not get involved in your Bai family’s affairs.”


She couldn’t understand why she had been so submissive just now. She had actually been scared by this disabled young man.


Fortunately, her husband timely reminded her.


Liu Yuzhi didn’t expect that the couple, Chen Pandi and her husband, would still be unwilling to yield. Her face turned especially ugly with anger as she looked at her pale-faced younger son. Even though he tried hard to endure, as his biological mother, how could she not sense his current pain?


Thinking of quickly resolving the Yun family’s matter and then calling the village doctor to examine her son’s leg – the wound must have torn open.


Before she could speak, a melodious female voice interrupted, “I’m not dead yet. Can you stop plotting against me in front of my face? Talking about taking me home, you’re probably scheming about my marriage, hoping to use me to get another round of dowry money, right?”


The tone was extremely sarcastic.


The crowd suddenly quieted down. The previously noisy individuals turned their heads towards the source of the voice.


A delicate and fair-skinned woman was leaning against the door. Likely due to her husband’s sudden death, she had been excessively grieving, with a sickly paleness on her face and red, teary eyes. The entire person appeared delicate and weak, wearing simple black straight-leg pants and an apricot-colored long shirt. The clothes were already faded, with several patches applied. The loose-fitting outfit emphasized her petite and frail figure.


Yet, her exquisite beauty couldn’t be concealed. A small face with misty apricot eyes, cherry-like lips, and flowing, jet-black hair scattered around her as she had just risen from the bed. The stark visual contrast between black and white added to her stunning appearance, momentarily distracting even her biological mother, Chen Pandi.


After recovering from the momentary distraction, Chen Pandi harbored hidden resentment. Her eyes widened as she looked at Yun Qinghuan, carrying a hint of frustration, “Qinghuan, how can you think like this, Mom just doesn’t want you to be a widow. You’re still young. Once you’ve experienced a few years of hardship, you’ll know how difficult it is to be a widow. Moreover, you’ve been in the village for these years and haven’t properly accompanied your dad and me. We missed you. What’s wrong with us wanting you to stay with us for a while?” The tone was particularly aggrieved, as if Yun Qinghuan’s words had deeply hurt her.


Yun Qinghuan’s head was buzzing with pain. From a moment ago until now, this woman’s mouth hadn’t stopped, making her extremely uncomfortable. “Shut up!”


A gentle and weak voice, yet it carried a cold severity.


Initially feeling aggrieved, Chen Pandi instinctively paused upon hearing Yun Qinghuan’s command, looking at her with disbelief. She probably didn’t expect her daughter, who had always been obedient to her, to dare shout at her.


Yun Qinghuan couldn’t care less about the woman’s expression, directly rubbing her temples, full of weariness. “I’ve said my piece today. I was born a member of the Bai family, and in death, I’ll be a ghost of the Bai family. I have deep feelings for Wensong. Don’t even think about bringing me back home, let alone remarrying me for another dowry. Unless you want to watch me smash my head to death right here.”


The last sentence was directed squarely at Chen Pandi and Yun Yong.


Feeling threatened, Chen Pandi’s first reaction wasn’t fear that Yun Qinghuan might actually die; instead, it was anger. “Have you grown wings and ascended to the heavens? Now you dare to contradict me?”


She even wanted to hit Yun Qinghuan.


However, as she reached out, the wheelchair moved to the side, and Bai Naihan, who was in the wheelchair, instantly looked over with a cold gaze. “Did I not say not to touch anyone from the Bai family?”


The little bundle protected in Liu Yuzhi’s arms quickly struggled and rushed over, barging into Yun Qinghuan’s embrace. Then, with a fierce look, the child faced Chen Pandi and Yun Yong, “Don’t bully my mom!”


Mother and son protecting each other.


Yun Qinghuan lowered her head to look at the little bundle in her arms, a dirty and messy figure. From top to bottom, his oily hair tied into knots hadn’t been washed for who knows how long, and there was a strange smell on his body.


Her slight cleanliness obsession almost led her to push him away, but fortunately, her inner reason stopped her.


Moreover, the fact that the little bundle wholeheartedly protected her softened Yun Qinghuan’s heart for a moment, even if she was typically emotionally reserved.


Seeing so many people standing up for Yun Qinghuan, Yun Yong knew it was impossible to take his daughter away today. He looked at her sternly, “Qinghuan, let’s consider these past couple of days as you being in a bad mood. When you’ve sorted out your emotions in some time, your mom and I will come back.”


Chen Pandi tugged at his sleeve, signaling with her eyes that they must take their daughter away today.


The couple had finally managed to get two days off. If they couldn’t take her away, they would have to request more days off, and that would mean financial losses!


Yun Yong remained unmoved, just gripping Chen Pandi’s hand tightly, indicating that she should not act recklessly.


Clearly, today they wouldn’t be able to take Yun Qinghuan away.


Didn’t they notice that the villagers, who had initially been enjoying the spectacle, were no longer pleased?


No matter what, Yun Qinghuan had married into the Bai family, making her one of their own. They might gossip behind her back during trivial matters, but in significant events, they were quite united.


Yun Qinghuan couldn’t be bothered with the hidden thoughts between her parents and didn’t hesitate to roll her eyes, showing no interest in Yun Yong’s attempt to perform a scene of fatherly love and filial piety.


As Yun Yong led Chen Pandi away, Yun Qinghuan directly remarked, “Leaving just like this?”


Yun Yong turned around and looked at her sternly.


Unfazed, Yun Qinghuan met his gaze. “Dad, Mom, haven’t you left behind the funeral expenses yet? Back then, almost every month, Wen Song and I scrimped and saved to send you money and food. Over these years, the scattered amounts should add up to two or three hundred, right? Now, you won’t let us starve to death without giving a penny, will you?”


She said this with an innocent and pitiful expression, as if Yun Yong not giving money was a grave offense.


Upon hearing that Yun Qinghuan and her husband had been receiving so much money from the bride’s family over the years, everyone around also turned their attention to them.


Yun Yong’s face turned ugly. Were they forcing him to give money?

Translator Note

The next release will be on Dec. 19

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