After the Death of the Eldest Sister-in-law, She Remarried

- Widowhood

“You Bai family are bullying us! I never agreed to let my daughter marry your deaf and dumb son in the first place. If your son weren’t such a disgrace, tarnishing my daughter’s innocence, how could a high school graduate, so beautiful and a city girl, marry into this godforsaken place?


“I always said your son is not only deaf and dumb but also a short-lived ghost. Now, he’s been married for only four years and died. Today, I, Chen Pandi, am laying it all out here. Even if I die today, I will take my daughter away. She’s still so young; I won’t let her become a widow to your short-lived ghost!”


Chen Pandi cried and wailed as if her daughter had suffered great injustice.


On the side, Liu Yuzhi listened, holding her chest. She had been grieving deeply over the funeral of her eldest son these past few days, mourning the loss of a younger generation. Seeing her in-laws come over, she expected them to console her. Little did she know that her son’s mother-in-law, without much preamble, declared her intention to take her daughter-in-law away. Liu Yuzhi was left dumbfounded.


Even though she had never traveled far from the village in her entire life and lacked extensive experience, Liu Yuzhi understood that if her daughter-in-law really left with her mother this time, her poor grandson would not only lose his father but also his mother.


Therefore, she chose not to argue further. Unexpectedly, Chen Pandi began to cry loudly in front of the villagers.


“It’s impossible! As long as I, Liu Yuzhi, am here, you won’t take Qinghuan away. My grandson, An’an, cannot be without his mother! If you insist on taking her away today, you’ll have to return the 300 yuan betrothal gift my family gave you!”


Though Liu Yuzhi was feeling a bit dizzy from anger, she knew her son’s mother-in-law loved money. The intention was probably to send her daughter back to her parents’ home for remarriage and demand another dowry.


So, she demanded the return of the dowry directly. 300 yuan was not a small amount, even for her city-dwelling mother-in-law, and it likely took several years to accumulate.


As for the claim that her son’s mother-in-law was taking her daughter away out of concern, Liu Yuzhi didn’t buy it. Liu Yuzhi had mentioned that Qinghuan was bedridden due to grief over her son’s sudden accident, and yet Chen Pandi hadn’t bothered to check on her own daughter all this time.


Sure enough, when Liu Yuzhi mentioned the dowry being 300 yuan, the villagers who had gathered to watch the commotion were surprised. Initially, they only knew that the mute son of the Bai family was demanded of a hefty dowry for marrying a knowledgeable young woman. Liu Yuzhi, a strong-willed woman who cared about her reputation, had borrowed money all over the place. However, they hadn’t anticipated a whopping 300 yuan dowry!


For these villagers, who barely earned a few dozen yuan a year, and at most a bit over a hundred, 300 yuan was an astronomical sum.


Grandma Chen couldn’t stand by anymore and spoke up, “That Yun Zhiqing’s mother, back then, the Bai family gave you a considerable dowry. In the countryside, that money is enough for Wensong’s child to marry several rural brides. You can’t be such an ungrateful person. Wensong has just left us; it’s not even the seventh day. If you take his wife away now, be careful he gets angry and comes looking for you, his mother-in-law, in the middle of the night!” 


Feeling guilty, Chen Pandi, with Grandma Chen’s words, suddenly felt a chilling atmosphere around her, a sense of eerie unease.


“You, old woman, can’t talk nonsense! I’m doing it for my daughter’s good. She’s so young, can’t afford to be a widow for no reason, and the 300 yuan dowry is not a loss. My daughter, such a beautiful girl, married to the deaf-mute Bai Wensong and gave birth to a son for him. No matter what you say, I won’t refund the dowry!”


Although Chen Pandi was somewhat afraid, she wasn’t easy to deal with and quickly responded. Her daughter wasn’t a delicate maiden anymore, having given birth, and remarriage would be less favorable than her first marriage.


Liu Yuzhi was furious and was about to retort to Chen Pandi’s shameless remarks when her grandson suddenly rushed over and gave Chen Pandi a strong push.


“You bad person, go away! Don’t take away my mom!”


Bai Jin’an, covered in dirt, dressed in ragged clothes, resembling a little beggar, like a small firework, directly collided with Chen Pandi.


If it weren’t for Chen Pandi’s man quickly supporting her from behind, she might have fallen flat in public.


Instantly, anger appeared on Chen Pandi’s face. After stabilizing herself, she wanted to hit Bai Jin’an. “Where did this little bastard come from? Watch me teach you a lesson!”


The raised hand was about to fall harshly; Bai Jin’an was only three years old, small and frail. If the slap landed, he would likely suffer severe injuries.


Liu Yuzhi’s heart skipped a beat. She wanted to intervene, but everything happened in an instant, and she was too late.


Onlookers couldn’t bear to watch, thinking the child was pitiable. His biological father had just died, and now his grandma was here to take his mom away. Now, even his grandma wanted to hit him.


However, the expected scene did not occur. At the critical moment, a man suddenly rushed over and directly held Chen Pandi’s arm, squeezing it fiercely. “With me around, let’s see who dares to harm An’an!”


The man’s voice was deep, his eyes icy as he coldly stared at Chen Pandi.


Though he was sitting in a wheelchair, he had just rushed over in an instant, so fast that people couldn’t see clearly.


Chen Pandi froze under his scrutinizing gaze, involuntarily trembling, feeling an ominous fear.


After all, the man had been stained with blood, his hands unknown to the count of lives taken.


He stared at Chen Pandi as if looking at a lifeless corpse.


“You, you cripple, let, let go of me!” Even though Chen Pandi’s frightened voice trembled and faltered, she still stubbornly insulted the man who had suddenly appeared.


The man’s eyes narrowed, and he slightly exerted force on his hand.


Chen Pandi screamed in pain, “Ah!”


“Let, let go! I, I won’t hit him anymore!”


Instantly, she began to plead, her previous arrogance replaced by a humble and supplicating demeanor.


On the side, Liu Yuzhi, upon seeing her younger son suddenly appear, immediately pulled her grandson over to check if he was okay.


“An’an, are you okay?”


The child pursed his lips, not saying anything, looking at Chen Pandi fiercely, a stubborn yet aggrieved expression.


In response, he just shook his head, his eyes reddening.


Liu Yuzhi felt a pang in her heart, but she couldn’t dwell on it. She quickly checked her younger son, subconsciously looking at his legs.


Just now, her younger son’s movements were exceptionally fast, and his leg injury was still severe. She wondered if it aggravated his wound?


Upon closer inspection, she noticed the handsome man with a tense expression, fine beads of sweat forming on his forehead, his complexion turning pale.


Translator Note

[Grandma Chen should be one of the onlooking villagers – if that part got you confused.]

The next release will be on Dec. 16

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  1. RedQueen says:

    I am confused I am really sorry for saying that but I am really confused

    1. I don’t know exactly where, but I hope you get it with this:
      Barely seven days after the death of Bai Wensong who was the protagonist’s husband, the parents of the protagonist came to take her away in a bid to marry her off to another family.
      [Mother: Chen Pandi; Father: Can’t recall his name 😅]
      There were several onlooking villagers, one of which included Grandma Chen who spoke in favour of Liu Yuzhi.
      Liu Yuzhi: The mother of Bai Wensong who is reluctant to release her daughter-in-law (the protagonist) to her parents since the protagonist birthed a child, with her late husband, who was now about four years old.
      Liu Yuzhi’s disabled son, Bai Naihan, was the man who swiftly protected the protagonist’s child when the protagonist’s mother was about to land a slap on the four-year-old.
      Now, Bai Naihan who was previously a military man sustained a leg injury which greatly affected his ability to walk and landed him on a wheelchair. It is believed that he has little or no hope to walk again.

      I hope you understand with this, but if you still don’t, please tell me the exact part you aren’t clear on.
      Though I hope you do after reading the subsequent chapters.

      Thanks for the comment by the way, RedQueen! I know it’s weird, but as my first comment, honestly, thanks!

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