After Online Dating with Unlimited Streaming BOSS

Male Nurse, a Gem in the Industry, Seductive men, I'm here to compete with you...

Chapter 13: Male Nurse, a Gem in the Industry, Seductive men, I’m here to compete with you…


“Huff… Huff… Huff…”

“Fright… Fright… Fright…”

At the top of the stairs leading to the second floor of the hospital, Rong Yi and Raymond leaned against their knees, panting heavily.

Rong Yi knew this was a physical endurance instance, but people who had just started exercising always had blind confidence in their physical abilities. Just a moment ago, fueled by frustration, they had been climbing the stairs without stopping, gradually increasing their speed, only to realize midway, after a minute of non-stop effort, that it was indeed incredibly tiring. With the coaxing of Zhang Haiyang and Luo Huayue, the two finally stopped. It was then that she realized—

This instance was seriously exhausting! It felt like climbing ten sets of stairs at Zhongshan Mausoleum*!

Her boyfriend sent her a message:

X: Rong Rong, are you okay? I got you an energy replenishing drink.

X: Stay away from Raymond, this guy isn’t trustworthy.

X: [Cautious Cat.jpg]

Rong Yi: Actually, Raymond and I do have some things in common.

X: ???!!! [Cautious Cat.jpg][Cautious Cat.jpg][Cautious Cat.jpg]

X: What do you have in common with that seductive man?!

X: You and I don’t have that much in common!!

X: [PandaHead: Talking about this makes me tear up.jpg]

Ai Mo is soft and cute in personality, while Rong Yi is composed and rational. For them to get together, Ai Mo really managed to hit Rong Yi’s hidden soft spot. Otherwise, anyone would see them as two completely different individuals.

Ai Mo was well aware of this and thus couldn’t stand to hear Rong Yi being called “different” from him or the like.

Seeing her boyfriend being emotional, Rong Yi quickly gave kisses, hugs, and lifted him up to console him.

Rong Yi: I just think that both him and I have strong competitive spirits, that’s all. It’s not like it’s a positive trait.

Rong Yi: Why are you imagining things? I don’t like those flashy and extravagant types anyway.

X: Then what kind do you like!

Rong Yi: Asking knowingly. Of course, I like someone cute and lovely like you, without a care in the world.

X: …Hehe.

X: [Cute and lovely without a care.jpg]

That’s how you sweet talk. Rong Yi breathed a sigh of relief, taking out from her system backpack the green can that X had given her.

The packaging of the can could rival that of Coco Juice brand coconut water. In bold yellow letters, it said “One Sip Replenishes 999 Function Beverage,” and the empty corners on the left and right were filled with slogans like “From Noob to Pro” and “All-natural with no common side effects like vomiting, diarrhea, hives, epilepsy, etc.”

Rong Yi opened the can and took a sip, a taste that defied description spreading in her mouth along with the thick liquid. She struggled to keep her face from stiffening into a mask of agony.

A few years ago, when she was on a business trip to City B, her business partner enthusiastically invited her to try a local delicacy: fermented bean juice.

The tangy taste, akin to fermented garlic juice, bore a striking resemblance to the indescribable liquid she was currently dealing with in her mouth—neither quite swallowable nor spittable.


X: It might taste bad, but it’s really effective! Hang in there, Rong Rong! Down it in one gulp!

Rong Yi: …I’m starting to suspect you’re jealous and getting back at me.

Zhang Haiyang, who had been panting on the ground earlier, caught his breath and spotted the green can in Rong Yi’s hand. His eyes lit up: “Oh my god, a rich lady!”

With a taste of bean juice still in her mouth, Rong Yi looked at him in disbelief.

“Triple Nine Function, huh? It’s so expensive!” Zhang Haiyang showed envy in his eyes: “I’ve saved up points from three instances and still couldn’t bear to buy it!”

To have such a timid demeanor and still complete three instances, Rong Yi thought, he must be really good at finding ways to survive.

She suppressed her nausea and swallowed that gulp, taking a breath to disperse the taste, then asked, “How expensive is it?”

“Completing a Grade E instance gives you only a few tens of points, but this one costs 150 points!” Zhang Haiyang clicked his tongue in amazement: “Even though the effects are great, I wouldn’t spend a few thousand points on it.”

So, her boyfriend in the game was actually quite well-off?

Raymond chuckled softly, “Aren’t you a newbie?”

“I am.”

“Then how do you have the money to buy top-tier recovery potions?”

“Oh.” Rong Yi picked up the can and shook it, “My boyfriend bought it for me.”

“…You have a boyfriend?”

Rong Yi frowned, “Why do you look so incredulous? Is it strange that I have a boyfriend?”

Raymond was shocked for a moment but then managed to smile faintly, “Of course not.” He whispered in a voice too low for Rong Yi to hear, “…that makes it even more interesting.”

This sentence was captured word for word by his live broadcast camera.


“Oh oh oh! Raymond player’s fighting spirit is ignited again!”

“As an NTR enthusiast, I’m ecstatic!”

“Forceful seizure, love-hate relationship? It seems that Raymond big shot hasn’t tackled a similar target before, making enthusiasts thrilled! Quick! Pin her down! Flick her lips wildly with your tongue!”

“The plot is getting intense! More, more!”

“Is this the charm of popularity?”

The barrage of comments gradually became more extreme, veering in an abnormal direction. If it weren’t for the lucky carnival live broadcast system strictly prohibiting spoilers but allowing anything else, their words would have resulted in account suspensions and warnings on a regular website.

Raymond smirked devilishly, watching the increasing number of tips and audience members. Ha, human nature still leans toward DRAMA.

Suddenly, amidst the barrage filled with blocked words, a neatly typed sentence scrolled through:


“Seductive man, stay away from my girlfriend!”

“Seductive man, stay away from my girlfriend!”

“Seductive man, stay away from my girlfriend!”


The one sending these barrage messages had an advanced account, with bright red and glowing special effects that were eye-catching and jarring, equipped with a three-minute mute effect for regular accounts.

A single special effects barrage costs 100 points, and this person sent it ten times. Points are earned at the cost of one’s life in instances; only someone seriously deranged could do something like this.

Raymond: …Whose rich fool of a son is her boyfriend?!


Rong Yi managed her finances carefully. Despite having hundreds of thousands flowing in and out of her hands daily and making millions in the stock market within minutes, her principle was unwavering: no wastefulness. Upon learning about the expensive nature of the bean juice in her hand, she held her nose and downed every last drop.

Whether it was the impressive effect of the top-tier recovery potion or being mentally overpowered by the taste, Rong Yi did indeed feel a surge of energy coursing through her body, as if she could climb several hundred more steps.

At the end of the stairs, a group of 8 players, including Rong Yi, had gathered. However, aside from her, everyone else was panting like dogs.

“Welcome, 8 patients, to the second floor of our hospital. Welcome,” the nurse sister who had been previously ignored maintained her professional demeanor, repeating her words with an unwavering smile.

The black mist that shrouded the second floor of the hospital dispersed slowly with her words.

Within the spacious lobby, a basketball court-sized area was enclosed, where around twenty patients in hospital gowns were wandering around with various weapons, of all shapes and sizes, their gazes unfocused.

Each of them had a number above their heads, some were 2, and others were 3.


At the other end of the lobby, the staircase leading to the third floor gleamed brightly, with two nurse sisters standing at the entrance in a T-shape stance, smiling as they waited.

One player among the group speculated, “Could it be that by breaking through this weapon formation, we can go up to the third floor?”

Another person countered, “Since we’ve already encountered that shark pool in the first level, I don’t believe this stage would be so straightforward.”

Rong Yi was also clueless about this stage. As she surveyed her surroundings, she suddenly caught sight of something rushing towards her from behind!


“Everyone, be careful!”

Rong Yi had just stepped back when her warning was drowned out by a fierce shout from Raymond. Simultaneously, he acted swiftly, crossing over Zhang Haiyang, who stood between them, and pulled Rong Yi into his arms for protection. The thing charging from behind shot straight through the gap between them, breaking through the array of weapons!

The time limit for the advanced barrage mute had passed, and the fans immediately erupted into excited cheers!


Rong Yi quickly stepped out of Raymond’s embrace, saying, “Thank you.” Despite her words, she appeared serious and made a hand gesture to signal him to stop.

Raymond adjusted his hospital gown and smiled politely, “I apologize for offending you in my haste.”

Rong Yi didn’t have time to pay him any mind. Her boyfriend must have learned about Raymond’s actions, just like in the previous instance, through a player’s live broadcast.

If that’s the case, he might have seen that scene just now as well. Although anyone with common sense could tell that Raymond was just taking advantage of the situation, considering her boyfriend’s sensitive nature, he would probably end up crying again.

As soon as she opened their conversation, it was as expected:

X: …Rong Rong, I feel really uncomfortable.

X: He really crossed the line this time.

Rong Yi: I could have avoided it myself; he went overboard. He’s just being ridiculous, don’t let it get to you.

X: He’s trying to seduce you. Is he close to succeeding?

Rong Yi: No way, that’s impossible. I only like you!

X: My Rong Rong is going to be stolen away!

X: [Frenzied shaking frog.gif]


Her boyfriend was trapped in a mix of anger and suspicion, and he didn’t respond to anything else Rong Yi said.

Similar situations had occurred before. Sometimes Fan Xingze’s outspokenness would irritate her, and she would vent her frustrations to her boyfriend, who would then misunderstand and think she had feelings for Fan Xingze. Rong Yi would spend a good half month consoling her boyfriend and criticizing Fan Xingze to the point that he was worse than a pig or a dog, just to turn the page on that matter.

Dealing with such a sensitive and jealous partner wasn’t something others could easily understand—it was a sweet annoyance for Rong Yi.

Sighing, she decided to follow her usual approach: give it a few hours to cool down and then comfort her boyfriend once he had calmed down.

When she lifted her head, she realized that everyone was staring intently at the field. The thing that had rushed past earlier was an NPC designed to boost speed on the stairs. It was now in the center of the area, barehandedly fighting against a burly man wielding an axe.

“What’s happening?” she whispered to Luo Huayue, who was beside her.

Luo Huayue moved closer to her and explained, “This NPC rushed through the weapon array and got to the other side, but the nurse stopped it and asked for something. When it didn’t have what she wanted, she got angry and mutated. The NPC quickly ran back and started fighting with these patients.”

The burly man roared and swung his axe horizontally, instantly beheading the straw man NPC. The burlap head rolled to Rong Yi’s feet.

The crudely sewn smiley face on the burlap was facing her, and suddenly, she felt a sense of déjà vu.


From the sidelines came a scattered chorus of cheers, mixed with screams, incoherent babbling, and the neurotic stomping of feet.

As the players looked over, they noticed several patients outside the area enclosed by coarse hemp ropes. These patients were unarmed and seemed frail, presumably just spectators.

One player had a clever idea, “Maybe we don’t have to fight through the middle. Couldn’t we just go around the sides?”

Other players shook their heads, “What are you dreaming about? The nurse will definitely stop us.”

“If the nurse mutates in anger again, we won’t help him.”

The player went on his own way, seemingly satisfied, and attempted to move to the side. However, as he tried to pass the first railing of the hemp rope boundary, a white figure materialized right in front of him, as expected.

Other players: “See! I told you, the nurse… no…”

The players fell silent.

The nurse blocking this player wasn’t wearing a well-fitted uniform, high heels, or a T-shape stance. She wasn’t the familiar beautiful nurse miss everyone recognized.


He was dressed in white nursing attire, with a well-proportioned and robust physique, his impeccably chiseled features emanating an otherworldly rigidity. His two muscular arms, faintly veined, were crossed in front of his chest, and as he stood there with an air of disdain, he towered over the player who was a head shorter than him, truly an unassailable figure guarding a passage that no one could breach.

Perhaps to maintain a uniform appearance and set the mood, he had even donned a nurse’s cap on his head, despite his large pompadour-style hair.

He was putting in quite an effort.

However, despite his efforts, he was still starkly out of place in the eerie and glamorous hospital environment created by the nurse miss. After all, anyone with a discerning eye could tell:

“A male, male, male nurse?!”


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