After Online Dating with Unlimited Streaming BOSS

Sorry, Too Small to Bother Knowing, Click to see the internet-famous man in...

Chapter 10: Sorry, Too Small to Bother Knowing, Click to see the internet-famous man in…


Luo Huayue crouched by Rong Yi’s ear and whispered, “Sister, my skill level isn’t high enough. Currently, I can only create non-living things.”


Rong Yi’s eyes showed a clear expression of regret. “Is that so? What a shame.” She turned to the shark-man in the pool and said, “It’s not easy to witness a shark mating scene.”


The shark-man visibly breathed a sigh of relief. Rong Yi immediately pointed at him and complained, “Nurse, look! He sighed! Sharks don’t sigh!”


The nurse turned around. The shark-man had already submerged himself in the water, his sturdy body twisting as he continued to chase the players who hadn’t yet reached the shore.


She smiled and said, “Huh? I didn’t see that.”


“Tsk.” Rong Yi took a drag of her cigarette, stood up, and followed the agile figure underwater as it moved along the shore.


Under the intense gaze of her fiery eyes, the shark-man seemed to be swimming a bit slower.


I wonder, is there any method that could force him to give up his shark disguise?


Zhang Haiyang scratched his head. “Killer whales. But right now, we can’t just get a few killer whales, can we?”


“That’s true,” Rong Yi exhaled smoke. “But we can imitate.”


“Imitate?” Zhang Haiyang was puzzled. “Honestly, I think this person is pretending to be mentally ill. He shouldn’t be easily fooled by us.”


“Young friend, deception is a scheme,” Rong Yi patted Zhang Haiyang’s shoulder, her red lips curling into a sly smile. “To make the opponent realize it’s a pit, yet they still have to jump into it, that’s a positive scheme.”


“Once you graduate and enter society, you’ll understand. True adults don’t engage in deception, they use positive schemes.”


She motioned to Zhang Haiyang with a crook of her finger. “Tell me in detail how you turned the killer whales into sharks.”


The design principle of the small checkpoint guarded by the shark-man was quite simple: everyone competed in swimming within the water pool. However, the competition wasn’t about speed, but luck.


Those with good luck reached the opposite shore, while those with bad luck were killed by him.


Underwater, he attacked with unmatched speed, creating chaos among the players like a catfish, forcing them to use their own tricks to escape his jaws or feed his competitors to him.


This was much more enjoyable than biting children on the beach! After all, children only screamed and cried, lacking any challenge. They just wanted to quickly bite and get their thrill.


However, he wasn’t very entertained by today’s hunting game.


The woman with short hair looked at him with eyes that showed no sign of the nervousness or fear displayed by other players. It was as if she were selecting between steaming or braising a sea bass in the glass tank of a supermarket’s fresh seafood section.


The “mother shark” scheme seemed absurd on the surface, but upon closer examination, he found it was surprisingly viable. To maintain the illusion of shark delusion, he actually had to perform the role of a human-shark AV!


However, from the current perspective, she might just be all bark and no bite, right?


As the shark-man chased after the slowest player in the water, he couldn’t help but pay attention to the short-haired woman and the marine biology student chatting on the shore.


While the two were in conversation, the short-haired woman suddenly looked at him, sizing him up, and gave a somewhat friendly smile.


…Damn, what are they plotting now?


Only a thief knows how to steal, who would be perpetually wary of being stolen from? The shark-man had become accustomed to being the thief; he had no idea that those guarding against the thief could be so irritable!


He observed as the short-haired woman and the marine biology student reached an agreement, nodding at each other. She turned around, searching for the two giant men and women who had been glaring at him with anger.


The shark-man had killed too many people, so he didn’t hold any special impressions of his victims. However, when the female giant mentioned a “5-year-old” little girl, some memories faintly resurfaced.


Golden curls, a pink swimsuit, quite cute in appearance, and likely delicious too—he would probably rank her in the top three. She was just a bit noisy when it came to screaming. The child’s parents had better physical attributes among the prey’s family members and were approaching swiftly. They almost caught him, but not quite.


Hehe, too bad he was in the water.


In the water, he was invincible.


Did they really manage to get into the game?


The shark-man watched as the couple and the short-haired woman exchanged words and approached the edge of the pool. Their gazes were determined, and they leaped into the water together!


“Boom!” “Boom!”


Enormous bodies created massive splashes, yet the shark-man remained unfazed, even smirking.


Was it at the behest of the short-haired woman that they came to seek revenge on me?


He sneered contemptuously, swiftly charging towards the couple with a speed beyond human capabilities!


As he had proclaimed, in the water, he was invincible!


The shark-man charged towards Tasha, and Luo Huayue nervously clenched her hands. Rong Yi’s heart rate also accelerated uncontrollably.


Her plan wasn’t about escaping, but rather to completely eliminate the shark-man. It required two individuals who trusted and coordinated with each other, possessing both strength and speed. Among all the players present, including herself, the only ones willing and capable of attempting this plan were the Russian couple.


Tasha locked eyes with the inhuman gaze of the shark-man, showing no sign of retreat. The mutated teeth of the shark-man were almost touching her arm—


Suddenly, he couldn’t move.


He turned around to find Anton gripping onto his fish-tail-converted feet with all his might!


The shark-man grinned with a sinister shark-like smile. It was futile; his skin was as tough and slippery as fish scales. He only needed to exert a little force—


The eel-like fish tail slipped out of Anton’s control.


Just as he was feeling triumphant, a tremendous force abruptly struck his lower back, forcing him to fly out of the water on his back!


The shark-man remained disdainful. This blow was neither painful nor effective in causing substantial harm. It would only enrage him, making the two of them meet their demise even sooner!


In the instant he plunged into the water, his arms were each tightly seized by the Russian couple, causing him to float on his back on the water’s surface.


But what did it matter? With a simple pull of his arms, his slippery skin would easily help him escape their grip. However, before he could make his move, a loud shout suddenly came from the shore: “Catalepsy*!”


The shark-man involuntarily froze.


Zhang Haiyang’s excited, reddened face attracted the nurse’s attention nearby as he continued to raise his voice, “When killer whales hunt sharks, they work as a team to flip the shark over, making the prey float upside down. In this position, sharks trigger a ‘cataleptic’ state, ceasing their struggle and becoming immobilized, even passing out under duress!”


(Note: *The term “强直静止” in the original Chinese is referring to a “cataleptic” or “tonic immobility” state that some sharks can enter when placed upside down, where the sharks can enter a trance-like state when placed upside down.)


The shark-man trembled abruptly. He remembered! In order to make himself more shark-like, he had studied a considerable amount of shark-related information and had indeed come across this term! However, this term was only mentioned in the context of killer whale hunting activities. He was active in shallow waters and had no possibility of encountering killer whales. When others encountered him in the water, aside from fleeing for their lives, they certainly wouldn’t bother trying to flip him over—it was a meaningless action.


Hence, he had completely overlooked this weakness of sharks!


With the plan executed up to this point, Rong Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief. She tossed the nearly burnt cigarette butt into the water and smiled, “Remember, you’re a shark. If a shark’s belly is up, it has to go cataleptic.”


“Of course, you can also fight back. If you still remember that you’re a human, that is.”


The shark-man’s chest heaved dramatically, and the gills beneath his ears flapped desperately. If he admitted he was a shark, he couldn’t resist; if he resisted, it would indicate that he knew he wasn’t a shark!


The nurse had already turned her gaze toward them. Her smile remained unchanged, but the shark-man understood that if the system detected the failure to maintain his persona, he would lose the game!


Losing the game meant he would be subjected to strict real-world legal consequences. 48 lives, each with his distinctive bite marks as undeniable evidence… Even if he managed to escape to a country without the death penalty, he would undoubtedly spend the rest of his life in prison!


This was a trap, one he had set for himself to evade legal consequences!


“Hey? Are you angry?” Rong Yi looked at the shark-man with interest as he made a contorted expression, much like he had swallowed a fly. “If you’re angry, don’t hold back. Curse me. The more harshly, the better.”


“Oh, I forgot. Sharks can’t speak,” she scooped up a handful of water and playfully splashed it onto his face. “Too bad. Keep it all bottled up.”


Anton and Tasha’s faces displayed long-suppressed sorrow and a cruel sense of revenge. Anton nodded to Rong Yi in gratitude and said in a deep voice, “Everyone, go on ahead. Leave this to us.”


Some players were busy trying to escape in the water, while others on the shore were filled with anxiety and fear. Most didn’t even notice how the shark-man had suddenly been subdued. But with skilled players taking charge, they were naturally more than willing to move along, swimming across the pool without delay.


Rong Yi stretched her muscles and prepared to enter the water when she suddenly received a message from her little boyfriend.


X: Rong Rong, you’re so amazing! Today is another day of admiring my girlfriend!

X: Check your backpack, I bought you a swimsuit. Remember to warm up before swimming~

X: [Blushing face.jpg]

Rong Yi opened her backpack and indeed found an electronic package:

【Gift from your friend X】

She clicked on it and a conservative black swimsuit appeared in her hand.


Was her little boyfriend worried about her clothes getting wet and see-through? He’s really considerate.


Rong Yi chuckled, shaking her head, and retreated to a corner where no one was around to change into the swimsuit. She stashed her clothes, shoes, and socks into the system backpack.


The system backpack displayed on the floating screen was still quite practical, but with her low level, it could hold very few items, and just one set of clothing nearly filled it up.


Even if it was a conservative style, the close-fitting swimsuit undeniably showcased Rong Yi’s graceful figure. She paid no mind to the curious gazes of others. After warming up, she slid into the icy pool water.


By this time, most of the players had left, leaving only Luo Huayue and Zhang Haiyang splashing around in the pool. And the scrutinizing gaze fixed upon her came from the only remaining player on the shore.


Rong Yi had some impression of this person because, compared to the other players, he was too conspicuous.


Curly and voluminous blonde hair, an Eastern facial structure with deep Western features, and a high, well-built figure draped in a knight’s dress adorned with gold and silver threads. His weapon hung at his waist, a silver sword that seemed more decorative than practical.


He might as well have had a white horse standing up next to him like Napoleon.


After Rong Yi entered the water, the dashing man elegantly removed his outer garment, revealing an evidently expensive sharkskin swimsuit underneath. He gracefully leaped into the pool, catching up to Rong Yi’s slow breaststroke with a flashy butterfly stroke.


“Hi, beauty~” He greeted her with a melodious, elegant voice.


Rong Yi: …Does he not know that people who just learned to swim last year shouldn’t be disturbed during their breathing?


She concentrated on her breathing rhythm, paying him no mind.


“You’re clever and composed. I admire you.” He smoothly matched Rong Yi’s leisurely pace with his own. “Perhaps you recognize me; I’m Raymond.”


He brushed his damp blonde hair back, revealing a smooth, forehead.


Rong Yi had no idea who Raymond was. She just wanted him to shut up before he disrupted her rhythm and made her choke.


Finally reaching the edge of the pool with some difficulty, Rong Yi gasped for air as Luo Huayue and Zhang Haiyang pulled her ashore. Raymond lifted himself onto the edge of the pool with both arms, shaking off water droplets, presenting a perfectly natural image of a handsome man emerging from water.


“May I have the pleasure of getting to know the beautiful lady?” He slightly inclined his body, performing a knightly gesture, and extended his hand.


Rong Yi, accustomed to the world of business, almost instinctively shook his hand.


From the pool behind them, Tasha bellowed, “Activate, Wrath of the Kalinka!” Her voice echoed throughout the vast, empty hall.


Accompanied by a subsequent loud noise and a scream, Rong Yi felt Raymond’s grip on her hand, which he subtly and ambiguously squeezed.


Under the intense gaze of his blue eyes, Rong Yi immediately felt a shiver run down her spine!


However, she was Rong Yi, not a woman who would simply flee from harassment.


Her gaze openly shifted downward, examining Raymond’s body snugly enveloped in sharkskin.


She also gave his hand a little squeeze. In response to his satisfied smile, she complied and allowed herself to be drawn closer to his muscular chest. Her red lips parted slightly:


“Sorry, too small, don’t want to know.”

catto support me!! (By onee-chan)


  1. Tohru says:

    Bwahahahahahhaha! I thought the chapter title was an out of context joke, but she truly meant it!

    What will X’s reaction be? Will he feel the urge to look, or will he have confidence?

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