After Online Dating with Unlimited Streaming BOSS

Rong Yi: Subway, elderly person, looking at cellphone.jpg

X sent a message, good news.

She couldn’t understand X’s message, it was absurd.

Miss? Still compensating? Did he take her as one of those fleeting encounters?

Thinking about this, Rong Yi felt a sudden unexplainable anger, pushed the floating screen away aimlessly, squatted by the pond in frustration.

However, she was always rational, quick to anger but quick to calm down, soon following the routine of the game – this guy was probably still in the plot, not fully awake yet.

Fine, no matter what kind of person he is now, as long as we can communicate.

Rong Yi immediately grabbed the floating screen that had just been neglected, and sent a message.

Rong Yi: I’ll tell you straight, your goose is in our hands now.

Rong Yi: If you don’t want to tear tickets, come to the immortal realm to pay the redemption as soon as possible.

In the demon palace, the demon lord frowned: “Goose… What is that… This person is talking nonsense, probably gone mad.”

When he figured out that the goose was his son, he received another paper crane message from his dear son.

He finally confirmed that his dear son had successfully infiltrated the enemy’s camp, telling him that now was the best time to attack the immortal realm; even this Rong Yi from the immortal realm was urging him to hurry up.

The enemy was at their doorstep, taunting, “Come on, fight me!” The hint of the demon’s warlike blood in him finally boiled.

Alright, let’s fight then. Anyway, for now, the demon clan held the power to open and close the gates between the two realms. If they couldn’t win, they could just retreat.

The demon lord, without a trace of war honor, thought like this.

Just as he was about to set off, rallying his eager demon generals, he received a message from Rong Yi.

Rong Yi: By the way, don’t open the gate to the demon realm.

Rong Yi: If opened, the world will be destroyed, you won’t have a good ending either.

Rong Yi: Find another way to come.

Since encountering this person, a “川” shape of worry seemed semi-permanently etched on the demon lord’s brow. Opening the gate to the demon realm would lead to the destruction of the world? He wouldn’t believe such alarmist words!

Ning Dan solemnly arranged the troops and approached, “Your Majesty, the preparations are ready, we can depart anytime.”

Demon Lord: “…Wait.”

Demon generals: ?

Demon Lord: “Recently, has the void fissure between us and the immortal realm expanded?”

Ning Dan: “Exactly. This is a sign to conquer the immortal realm.”

Demon Lord: “We won’t use the gate to the demon realm.”

Demon Lord: “The immortal realm must have defenses against the gate to the demon realm. They might have an ambush waiting for us if we enter through the gate. We will catch them off guard by crossing through the fissure!”

This silent operation didn’t fit the usual style of the demon realm, but no demon dared to defy the Lord’s command.

No one knew how the Lord suddenly learned the sneaky tactics of humans, just as no one knew why, in the face of battle, he changed his mind to open the gate to the demon realm and enter the immortal realm, breaking the traditional process of demon realm warfare.

The massive demon army moved from their assembly point towards the fissure. Even though it had expanded significantly, the fissure could only accommodate four or five demon soldiers passing through simultaneously.

From noon until midnight, the demon army finally passed through the fissure in full.

They regrouped outside the fissure in the forest. They heard that near the fissure was a prominent sect in the immortal realm; they prepared to launch a surprise attack overnight, catching them off guard!

However, before they could use brute force to break through the mountain protection array, they saw a pair of cultivators, dressed in light robes, holding torches as they descended the mountain, opening the gate as if welcoming guests.

The leader appeared to be powerful, and those around him showed great respect. Leading a young man with handsome features, he greeted the stern demon lord with a bow: “It seems this is the great Demon Lord.”

“Your Majesty, this is the Supreme Palace. I am the Supreme Palace Master. This is my senior disciple, who seems to be an acquaintance of the Demon Lord. Twenty-eight years ago, I found him here, and he took my surname and the name Yin Yue.”

Yin Yue took a step forward like his master, but with a cold gaze, showing no sign of warmth.

“Who…is this person?” Ning Dan tilted his head to the side, “Look closely, Young Master Yin and the Lord… they really look alike!”

Everyone examined closely. It was not just a resemblance, they looked exactly the same! Apart from the lack of horns on his head and a younger face, Yin Yue and the Demon Lord were like carved from the same mold!

For a moment, no demon dared to speak.

The Demon Lord’s brow furrowed deeper, “Could this be his illegitimate son?”

If that were the case—

“Is there someone named ‘Rong Yi’ among the visitors?” he asked loudly.

After noticing the appearance of demon soldiers outside the Supreme Palace, Raymond and others brought Yin Yue over. At this moment, they were mixed in with the crowd, feeling puzzled.

Following her previous judgment, Rong Yi stayed far away from Yin Yue to prevent the time reversal of the opening of the gate to the demon realm. Thus, she remained inside the Longing Gate with Luo Huayue.

Raymond and Zhang Haiyang exchanged glances and then stepped forward, asking, “What does the Demon Lord want with her?”

The Demon Lord hesitated. If he revealed that Rong Yi informed him that the Immortal Realm had imprisoned his son and demanded a ransom, she would be seen as a traitor to the Immortal Realm.

And she was likely the girl who bore his son overnight. He already wronged her once, he couldn’t do it again.

“…She and I are old acquaintances,” he spoke vaguely. “We are not very close, just checking if she is here.”

The Demon Lord’s tone was odd, and the immortal cultivators exchanged looks. Fortunately, except for a few players, no one knew that the broken sword wandering the Longing Gate was Rong Yi, so they believed no one could answer his question.

Ning Dan grew impatient, “Lord, why say so much? It’s clear they have kidnapped the young master to use as leverage against you! Facing our demon army, they only sent a few people, underestimating us!”

“Yes! Charge at them!” The demon soldiers, protective of their dignity, attempted to regain Yin Yue.

Little did they know Yin Yue would sneer, “Hah. I discovered long ago that the teleportation array outside the mountain gate was built based on the rift between the two realms—look beneath your feet!”

The demons lowered their heads and found the array lines drawn under their feet, emitting a golden light that triggered golden chains, binding them to the ground!

Ning Dan was furious, “Young Master! You are a descendant of the Demon Lord, why help the Immortal Realm to fight against us?”

“Haha, descendant.” Yin Yue stepped past his master, looking at the struggling demons before the mountain gate. “If being his descendant means being abandoned from a young age, taken in by a master only to disrupt my peaceful life, never raised by him but now ordered to risk my life under the guise of a father… and knowing my heritage makes me tremble in fear for being part of the demon race, stepping on thin ice—then I’d rather not have such a father!”

The Demon Lord looked at his illegitimate son with a complex expression. The array used crystal spirit stones specialized against the demon race; even if it didn’t directly harm them, it made their blood clot, causing unbearable agony.

“…Yue’er, you said I ordered you as a father… didn’t you send me a paper crane first? Moreover, I—never knew I had a son!”

Watching the live report from Zhang Haiyang on the team channel, Luo Huayue snacked on melon seeds, “It’s done, the demon race has arrived. We just have to defeat the demon race, and this level will be cleared!”

Rong Yi crossed her arms floating in the air, pondering:

The demon race had indeed arrived, and following the normal game logic, defeating them meant progressing in the game.

But her goal was not just to pass the level, but to defeat the game’s main brain.

The old man had already set up the support for her outside the field: she could now summon bosses from various dungeons to assist her. With such powerful forces, she forcefully entered the game this time; whether there would be a next time remained unknown—

She has to take a chance.

She has to take a chance.

Rong Yi: Go to the Supreme Palace.

Luo Yuanyue and ICE bring their broken swords and use the transmission array outside the Acacia Gate to arrive at the Supreme Palace, where they see the two sides in a stalemate.

To be precise, it was the “father and son” duo in front of the two sides who were in a stalemate.

“Wow!” With red eyes, Yin Yue pulled out a handful of paper cranes from her pouch and threw them in front of the Demon Lord as if they were scattered by the heavenly maidens.

“Obviously, it was you who passed the paper cranes to me first! Otherwise, how would I know how to make paper cranes that can reach the Demon Palace?”

“And now, in front of Master and the elders of the Immortal Sect, you still want to deny it–what kind of sin did my mother have that she got you into this mess?”

The confinement spell’s binding power on the Demon Lord was limited, he was still able to move his body, bending down and picking up the paper crane on the ground and opening it, the handwriting on it was familiar, but he had no memory of what was written on it.

He looked blankly at Yin Yue: “I’m sorry …… but I really didn’t write this ……”.

The two sides on the “whether you first and I communicate” this matter has been entangled for a long time, Luo painting month to watch a good show like staggering: “Hey yo, did not think that leisure copy can still see the family ethics drama, dear old father ah, you abandoned his wife in the end why?

Rong Yi watched for a while, suddenly drifted out of the hidden tree, ice quickly shouted at her: “What are you going to do!”

Rong Yi knew that he couldn’t hear her, so she just ignored her and flew directly to the front of the two armies.

When Yin Yue and the Demon Lord saw her, they were both stunned.

Yin Yue jumped up excitedly, “Master! Immortal Master Vastmist! This is the sword spirit that I said was suspected to be an undercover agent of the Demon Sect! Quickly catch it!”

Rong Yi looked straight at the demonic father and realized that the direction of his line of sight was where her soul body was, not where the sword body was.

”Oh, exempt, it seems that this Demon Dignitary who looks exactly like Yin Yue can also see her.

That would be good.

She stretched out her hand to the Demon Exalt, “Hello, can you hear me, I am Rong Yi.”

The Demon Lord’s eyes lit up, and just as he was about to say something, Rong Yi immediately raised his hand, “Stop, it’s not what you think! Anyway, it’s good that you can hear me.”

“Activate, [See Parent]!”

The devil’s dark purple eyes fluctuated, flashing a few invisible rays of light, and while Yin Yue was still explaining to the Supreme Palace Master what this sword was all about, he heard a “thud”, and the devil, who was originally still full of villainy, sat on his butt on the ground.

All the devils do not know what happened, but also thought that this group of cultivators to the devil what poison, one after another to condemn the Immortal Cultivation World moral appearance does not do personnel.

The devil raised his trembling hand to stop them: “…… Quiet! It’s none of their business ……”

Rong Yi floated to his face, “Wake up boyfriend?”

“…… Woke up ……”

Rong Yi revealed a satisfied smile, pointing to Yin Yue behind him, “So what’s the deal with this big son, can you explain it to me?”

The devil’s father – that is to say, the Ai Zhen Sheng, aka Fan Xing Ze panicked and stood up, pulling the body’s chain wow: “Rong Rong, you listen to me to explain, this is a misunderstanding!”

“En listen to it.”

“…… He is not my son.”

Yin Yue snorted coldly, “Better not. I don’t want anything to do with you.”

The devil father sighed and narrated the events of that year ……

Since there is a time flow difference between this copy and the outside world, Fan Xingze entered when he was still a young child of the Demon Lord.

He is hijacked by the plot of the copy and loses his memory, but rationally he still questions why he is attacking the Immortal Cultivation World.

However, the Devil race is set up as a race with unusually strong fighting instincts, and the young Devil is unable to resist his fighting instincts, which is very painful. In order to strike a balance between instinct and reason, the first thing he did after his cultivation rose was to split off the part of his soul that was related to his fighting instincts – that is, the period of time during which the Demon Generals remembered that the Demon Zun had once “lost his mind to the devil” and shut down.

The split soul manifested as a formed baby. If nurtured in the demon world, the environment there inevitably ignites his fighting spirit. Therefore, the Demon Lord sent the baby to a sect near the crack between the two worlds.

Perhaps due to instinct not being completely eradicated or some deeper knowing, that a woman named Rong Yi would come to awaken him, the Demon Lord left a sword for the baby. When a soul from beyond this world forcibly intrudes, the sword will guide the soul, making her the sword spirit.

He passed on a fake “message from the mother” to the Supreme Palace Master who came to pick up the child, asking him to treat the child as one abandoned by cultivators.

Rong Yi listened quietly.

It seemed the mastermind had also sensed Fan Xingze’s arrangement, and in turn made her the key to unlocking the child’s demonic nature, turning the opening of the entrance to the demon world into a key for time reversal.

Thus, Fan Xingze’s carefully laid plans for himself and Rong Yi became his own self-imposed trap.

“… am I… your fragment?” Yin Yue, who had been silent, asked tremblingly, “I… am I not even a complete person?”

The Demon Lord hurriedly said, “No, no, no.”

Yin Yue looked at him expectantly.

The Demon Lord said, “I can only say that you are not even a complete demon.”

“You are my incarnation of madness, aggression, bloodlust… all beastly qualities.”

He pulled the golden chain on his wrist and raised his thumb towards Yin Yue, “Pretty cool, right?”

Author’s note: This silly infinite stream is ending soon~ Little angels, check out the preview of my next chapter when you have time! Thank you!

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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