After Online Dating with Unlimited Streaming BOSS

The Vanguard General Ning Dan spoke disrespectfully, but the surrounding demon generals did not find it strange and did not speak out to stop him.

The demon race has always been a society where the strong rule, valuing martial strength. A demon emperor who cannot lead them to conquer is dispensable.

Not only the Vanguard General had this idea, but other demon generals were also outside the demon palace, grinding their teeth and itching to try.

Seeing no response for a long time, Ning Dan, in anger, drew a huge axe from his back. His flexible body arched like a moon, hands holding the axe, and with a loud bang, he struck the towering palace gate made of obsidian!

Sparks flew, and the sound of metal clashing continued endlessly. Some weaker demon servants could not bear the loud sound wave, covering their ears and collapsing on the ground with blood streaming from their mouths and noses.

This strike only used fifty percent of Ning Dan’s strength, which could have split a wall four people wide under normal circumstances.

But the demon palace was not just a residence for the demon emperor; it also embodied the formidable defensive power of the emperor. The stronger the demon emperor, the harder it was to breach the palace’s defenses.

After the strike, the sparks scattered from the obsidian gate, leaving no trace behind. Only a buzzing vibration echoed in the air, signifying to the demons present that the attack was real.

The demon generals involuntarily took a half step back.

A dormant figure in the demon palace was finally disturbed by the noise. The demon generals collectively shuddered, starting with Ning Dan, dropping to one knee.

It wasn’t that they wanted to kneel; the increasing pressure behind the palace gate forced them to kneel, to submit.

Ning Dan squeezed out a few words from his teeth, “Respectfully welcome… the demon emperor…”

The demon emperor’s footsteps were light but clearly audible through the heavy obsidian gate to each demon. Step by step, he stopped at the palace gate.

The long-closed doors of the demon palace creaked open slightly, and the young yet imposing voice of the demon emperor came through the gap, “Be quiet, I want to read.”

A daring demon general asked, “Your Majesty! With the instability between the two realms, should we take the opportunity to conquer the immortal world?”

After a moment of silence, the demon general felt cold sweat trickling down his forehead. Just as he thought his words had angered the demon emperor, the young voice continued, “You are always shouting about fighting, but lack any culture. I’ve said it before, you should read more. Reading can change your fate.”

Surprisingly, his temper was quite good.

As the last words fell, the hard-won gates slammed shut with a bang. The footsteps of the demon emperor gradually faded away.

Rubbing the back of his head, a demon general asked Ning Dan, who had stood up first, “General, what does this mean, the demon emperor… finding us uncultured? Does our lack of culture affect our ability to fight?”

Ning Dan furrowed her brows tightly, “… Perhaps what the demon emperor means is that we need to thoroughly study the current situation of the immortal realm, look into historical records about the immortal realm, know ourselves and know the enemy, and we will not be imperiled in a hundred battles.”

She unexpectedly quoted an idiom with eight characters, instantly astonishing the surrounding demon generals, who applauded.

“Wow! General Ning Dan is really cultured! Truly a powerhouse second only to the demon emperor!”

“From the demon emperor to General Ning Dan, the stronger the fighting power, the more culture. Is that what it means? Let’s hurry back and read books! Reading can enhance our fighting abilities!”

“That makes sense, that makes sense!”

The demons dispersed, returning to their respective dens.

Ning Dan said, “The demon emperor is right; these are a group of illiterates who only know how to kill and fight.”

Outside the demon palace, the officers all dispersed, leaving only the demon servants adjusting their breathing and steadfastly guarding their positions.

Inside the demon palace, the demon emperor, barefoot and yawning, dragging his long black robe, made his way to the study.

This was probably the most cultured place in the entire demon realm: the bookshelves towering to the ceiling were filled with classics from various eras, including those from the immortal and demon realms, bamboo slips, books, and some shelves even contained tortoiseshell and stone inscriptions.

In addition to the door, the four walls of the study are full of bookshelves, and in the center is a table with books and ink scattered on it.

The Devil looks like a handsome young man in his twenties, with a pair of black and purple horns on his head, signaling his inhuman identity.

He sat casually on the floor in front of a desk, his long hair, the same color as his horns, falling carelessly to the ground. He picked up the half-read book on the table and continued to read.

His reading speed was much faster than normal human beings, and if Rong Yi had seen it, he would have shouted out unimaginable terms such as “quantum wave speed reading”.

One book after another, very soon, he finished reading the books piled up on the table, and with a wave of his long sleeve, the books he had read automatically floated up and returned to their original place on the bookshelf.

At the same time, more books floated down from the bookshelf and landed neatly on the desk.

He just kept reading and reading until it was dark and the demon servant came with a lamp and carefully asked, “Does Your Lord want to have some food?”

The devil race is the same as the human race, when cultivation reaches a certain stage, it is possible to cut off food and drink. However, the Devil Race emphasizes yu, and it is naturally difficult to give up the yu of the mouth and stomach, so even for the Devil Race that has already cut out grains, there are quite a number of Devil Race members that still retain the habit of eating things.

His Holiness buried his head in a book and waved his hand, signaling that he did not need it.

The Devil Servant organized the books scattered on the ground for him, and asked softly, “I wonder which book your Lord is looking for, and I am allowed to look for it on his behalf.”

Venerable Lord finally raised his head to look at him, just one glance, scared him to prostrate on the ground with fear and trembling, “…… Right, I’m sorry Venerable Lord, yes, it’s the little one who has overstepped his bounds ……”

“New? Looked fresh.” Your Holiness asked in a good temper.

“Yes, yes. Zhuo Ya that there is something in the family to take a leave of absence, I was temporarily transferred here by the Grand Master.”

“…… The one who has always been here is called Zhuo Ya Na ……” the demon lord murmured to himself: “It’s okay, don’t shake. Didn’t Droyana tell you when he handed over to you?”

“Yes, I did,” he said, “but I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen her before. She said that the Demon Lord likes quietness, but has a good temperament, and asked me to serve you carefully, and to ask you what you need when necessary, and not to disturb you during the day.”

Demon father oh a sound: “She may forget to tell you, I only is looking for the devil world must attack the cultivation world reason, may not be a certain book in the book, so I have to read all over. It’s alright, you go about your business.”

That devil servant was stunned, promised softly and retreated.

He hurried to the back door, where Ning Dan was already waiting with some impatience.

“What is he doing?” She asked with a frown.

The magical servant looked around and saw that no one was around before whispering a few words in her ear.

Ning Dan’s frown deeper: “…… This still need reason? I think he is looking for excuses for his own rather salty fish! Ho, all day and night reading books, also do not cultivate, I seize his position, also is only a matter of time!”

While they were secretly co-transmitting information about the Demon Lord, they didn’t see that a white paper crane crossed the dark red sky of the Demon Realm, easily breaking through the barrier of the Demon Palace, and flew towards the study.

Luna: Hello everyone, I am Luna, the dean of the Gikasberg replica.

Ogre: My goodness! Is this the rumored “other copy”? I must be the lowest-ranked copy boss!

Captain: Sister-in-law? What’s the point of pulling us into a group? There’s a player party tonight, and the little mermaid wants to attend, so I’m going to get ready. ……

Anna: Good morning, sister-in-law! I’m going to go get ready for the party.

Rong Yi: Everyone, long time no see. There’s something I’d like to ask for your help.

Rong Yi: Please take a look at your system to see if there is an additional item transmission channel.

Rong Yi: If so, please send the largest item you can at this time. Rong Yi: If there is one, please send the largest object that can be sent at the moment.

A translucent woman holding a broken sword floats in the air with a blue hovering screen in front of her.

In the eyes of ordinary NPCs, this picture is a broken sword floating slowly in the air. A passing Acacia Sect disciple curiously wants to poke at it, and the sword will float away on its own. If you are still persistent in hand-cheap, you will get the sword on the ground flying a “roll” character.

These days, this sword frequently appears in various places at the Acacia Gate – the meeting hall, dining hall, martial arts arena, disciple classrooms… Senior Sister Luo Huayue said it was an ancient treasured sword given to her by her elders at home, with a spirit of its own, devoid of a master, able to move freely, possessing consciousness. She advised junior disciples to observe from afar and not get too close.

Rong Yi thus enjoyed the most liberated time entering this instance at the Acacia Gate.

In recent days, the presumed transmission channel created grew larger. To test if the channel existed with all the NPCs she knew, she gathered all familiar bosses to share information.

Items from the channel included Luna’s small vial, a sea fish from the captain, dinnerware from the ogres, a blackboard from Jing Jing. Three days later, Luna sent a complete cart, the captain sent a large swim ring, the ogres sent a chair, and Jing Jing sent a desk.

As items grew larger, disciples at the Acacia Gate began noticing strange items from other worlds near the mystical sword.

Rong Yi was merely testing the channel’s size and ignored the items, which curious disciples evenly divided among themselves for play or collection.

As the channel grew large enough, Rong Yi contemplated on whether a person could pass through it. A junior disciple she had grown close to excitedly waved at her, calling out, “Mr. Sword, Mr. Sword!”

Unsure of the sword spirit’s gender and impatient with the disciples, Rong Yi often scolded them. The disciples, imagining a graceful fairy while speaking to Rong Yi, nicknamed her “Mr. Sword.”

Picking up the fish tank, Xiao Di Zi said: “You mentioned the fish came from the sea, so I asked my senior brother to bring back some seawater from the East Sea. It kept the fish alive!”

In the cyan-colored ceramic tank swam a rainbow-colored fish – the first gift from the captain. Rong Yi had thought the fish would die, so she let the disciple take it, reminding him not to eat it, only to discover it thriving.

This proved that the channel could support AI life forms!

Realizing she possessed a powerful weapon, Rong Yi could summon bosses from other instances to challenge the game’s mainframe!

Although unsure how to contact the mainframe in this instance…

Regardless, passing through an unknown channel to another instance was a significant adventure for bosses confined to a single instance.

To ensure everything goes smoothly, Rong Yi decided to try it out herself.

In the system interface, a button read “[Click to Upload Attachment].”

With a gentle touch on the group chat with the bosses, a one-meter-wide black hole appeared on her screen. Being purely spiritual now, she glided effortlessly into it.

Inside, the darkness shimmered with colorful lights – a vivid and vibrant black.

Soon, several forks appeared in the path ahead, likely leading to different instances.

She randomly chose a path and swiftly approached the glowing exit.

Luna sat with management NPCs from a mental institution in the monitoring room, calmly directing them to guide the newly entered players through the level, reminding them to prioritize safety.

Rong Yi saw that she was busy, so he casually left a piece of green picked in the Acacia Gate and retreated back.

The way back was equally smooth, passing through the fork in the road, and when she was almost at the exit of her own copy, she suddenly found a piece of paper wrapped in the colorful blackness, floating slowly in the air.

Maybe she was too nervous when she entered the passageway and didn’t notice it on the way here.

Rong Yi casually picked up the piece of paper and found a few printed words on it:

“Go for it.

The “snooper” that helped them get rid of the game’s controls and re-establish the communication firewall was indeed IS, who had been paying attention to them in the real world.

Rong Yi put the note on her body and drifted out of the passageway. Just as she was about to put away the hovering screen, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

She could already go through the channel to her npc friend – X was also an npc. his current status was offline, but Rong Yi guessed that he wasn’t really offline, but rather, he had entered a copy of the storyline and couldn’t recognize his true identity.

Although she doesn’t understand the technical side of things, but if the technical things are converted into figurative behavior – for example, x is temporarily blocked from communicating with her, then can she force open this seal?

Thinking of this, she immediately opened the chat interface with X, and a button [Click to Upload Attachment] appeared next to the input box.

The black hole opened up again on the blue hover screen, Rong Yi took a deep breath and drifted in.

Here and the passageway leading to several other bosses is not different, in the colorful black, Rong Yi soon drifted to the end.

There was a round iron door that looked a bit like a manhole cover.

There was no lock on the door, nor was there any place to enter a code.

Rong Yi knocked, and a hollow echo came from the other side.

“Hello!” She shouted, and the echo reverberated through the passageway, wondering what was on the other side of the door, and whether her voice could carry through.

“Fan Xingze?”


“Are you a devil in the demon world?”

“Come out to fight, boyfriend?”

The echoes swept out in a circle, mixing with the previous words, gradually becoming inaudible.

The other side of the door remained silent.

Rong Yi tried all kinds of methods, but the manhole cover just did not move. She sighed and drifted back to the Acacia Gate.

The devil suddenly woke up from the sea of books.

He had a dream, and in the dream, someone called out to him, not the devil, but another name.

The voice was indistinct and seemed to come from far away. It was a woman’s voice.

Very familiar, very familiar, a woman’s voice.

She called out to him – what was it?

It was deep in the night, and the fire on the candlestick with the mermaid’s oil on the table was burning brightly. Suddenly, the devil felt that his breath, which was supposed to be stable, was unstable, and that something was bubbling out uncontrollably…

Quietly, an orange-colored light screen emerged from within his body, abruptly illuminating the study.

The devil poked the screen strangely, what is this?

What is this? With this poke, a strange interface popped up. On the interface, a line of words appeared.

Rong Yi: Hello!

The Devil frowned. Rong Yi – who is it?

Rong Yi: Fan Xingze?

Rong Yi: Boyfriend?

Rong Yi: Are you a devil in the devil world?

Rong Yi: Are you coming out to fight, boyfriend?

The devil frowned deeper.

What is a boyfriend …… again?

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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not work with dark mode