After Online Dating with Unlimited Streaming BOSS

Time, unsurprisingly, moved forward another day.

Rong Yi watched as Yin Yue sat on the bed meditating, and gently spoke, “Hey.”

Yin Yue abruptly opened his eyes, immediately assuming a defensive posture, “Who are you? Did he send you here?”

Rong Yi thought, he must be Yin Yue’s cheap demon father. His hatred towards his biological father was unmistakable.

Communication would be much easier if they could speak, she pointed to the broken sword hanging on the wall, “I am it, it is me, understand?”

Yin Yue’s gaze lingered between the sword and her, about to speak, when Rong Yi promptly interrupted, “You are not a sword cultivator, unable to cultivate a sword spirit, right?”

The young man fell silent.

“I can be cultivated if you wish?” After numerous reincarnations, she understood his desires well and quickly put on a show, “I am the spirit of this sword.”

“…The spirit of the sword…” Yin Yue chewed on those three words.

Rong Yi flew around the room, “The sword has its own intent, a dream come true for many sword cultivators. You effortlessly possess a sword with its own spirit, quite lucky of you.”

She noticed Yin Yue’s skeptical look. Indeed, this child was naturally suspicious, not easily convinced with just a few words.

“If you don’t believe me, take me outside now, I’ll show you just how powerful a sword with a spirit can be!”

Yin Yue’s feelings towards the sword were complex, neither willing to discard it nor particularly attached. Since the sword said it wanted to fight, he naturally agreed. Saying, “just to see how powerful the sword is,” was merely to see its strength. He casually threw the broken sword onto the ground, leaving his opponent’s disciple puzzled as he walked back to the sidelines.

Disciple: “…Senior brother, are you asking me to fight…with a sword?”

Yin Yue chuckled, arms folded, “Yes.” He glanced in the disciple’s direction, but Rong Yi knew he was looking at her, a hint of provocation in his eyes, “Go ahead.”

Thinking it’s directed at him, the disciple, finding it absurd, still, respected Yin Yue’s authority within the sect and proceeded to face the broken sword on the ground with determination.

Since rising to the intermediate level, Rong Yi could freely control the sword’s body, drawing all eyes as the sword emerged from its sheath, clashing with a resounding clang!

The disciple was startled and looked towards Yin Yue watching on the sidelines – he truly didn’t intervene, letting the sword act on its own –

Without much thought, the broken sword fiercely attacked, engaging the disciple in a heated battle.

This was exactly what Rong Yi wanted. Not to convince Yin Yue, but to quickly advance to the advanced level.

Intermediate skills allowed her to control the sword’s body near Yin Yue but not too far, requiring considerable energy to maintain and far from complete freedom.

Advanced skills would let her break free from Yin Yue’s control completely, wielding the broken sword as easily as her own body, covering large distances effortlessly.

Light horses carry heavy burdens faster than carrying a big person on their back.

Moreover, as long as she stayed by Yin Yue’s side, he would eventually want to know about her relationship with his parents. This could trigger his demonic transformation, open the portal to the demon realm, and start a time loop once again.

With Yin Yue’s tacit approval, she casually sparred with about ten junior disciples who came to watch, and remarkably won. Ascending to the advanced level effortlessly, the skill made her impervious to pain, truly tough and resilient, unafraid of being hurt and ready for a fight.

“How was that?” She proudly glided in front of Yin Yue, who applauded, “Impressive. It seems I have at least one of my birth parents who’s a battle enthusiast, otherwise how could they nurture a sword spirit like you?”

“Rong Yi decided not to dwell on this topic, avoiding it with evasive language. As evening approached, Nian’er brought up the matter of the Qingyuan ceremony with him again. Rong Yi coaxed him into the house to rest and prepare for the ceremony.

Late at night, while he was in meditation, Rong Yi quietly descended from the wall and slipped out of the room through the window crack. She flew joyfully in the night breeze and quickly reached the Supreme Palace.

At the foot of the mountain, the dense forest was silent and somewhat eerie. Armed with a sword, Rong Yi boldly flew into the woods, feeling invincible against any lurking danger.

Following her memory, she found the spell formation in the cave that led to the Soulmate Gate. She remembered the incantations that Yin Yue recited that day, but she was unsure if she, in her current ethereal form, could activate them.

The incantation slowly left her lips, a sound that theoretically only Yin Yue could hear, awakening the spell on the ground and transporting Rong Yi outside the Soulmate Gate.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Without memories from the previous timeline, Yin Yue would never guess she could escape here in an instant.

Rong Yi summoned a floating screen outside the mountain gate, calling for Luo Huayue and Ice to come and receive her. Successfully escaping from Yin Yue’s side in the form of a sword, she sneaked into the Soulmate Gate.

However, even in the Soulmate Gate, they didn’t find many clues. They finally confirmed that Fairy Linlang and Yin Yue had no connection at all. She was a confirmed loner who joined the merciless path at eighteen, and it was impossible for her to have birthed a son as old as Yin Yue.

Moreover, based on the clues from the previous reincarnation, Yin Yue was a pure-blooded demon, meaning both his parents were demons, suggesting his mother was likely a pure-blooded demon as well.

Yet, the passage to the demon realm was currently closed.

This lead reached a deadlock. Rong Yi spent time with Luo Huayue and others in the Soulmate Gate, attending the Qingyuan ceremony a few days later. As expected, Yin Yue and Nian’er were also present.

Rong Yi was prepared for the demon realm gate to reopen, and she could even turn back time to gather more clues.

As in previous instances, Raymond and Yin Yue easily advanced to the Sweet 16 and began their match.

However, this time, they fought respectfully, with Raymond conceding a move and stepping down, while Yin Yue also didn’t stand out much, losing in the semi-finals—though he showed no regret, even smiling as he relaxed, as if saying, ‘Finally, I can peacefully watch others perform.’

The players looked at each other in confusion.

What’s going on? How can they just—after failing to cross the life-and-death barrier before—suddenly pass through?

What did they do?

Rong Yi had the same question. However, only she knew the answer.

“Because I left Yin Yue.”

She said in the team channel, “Yin Yue triggered the opening of the demon world portal; when I left Yin Yue, the portal did not open. I am the variable, so the way to prevent catastrophe is to keep me away from Yin Yue.”

Although this conclusion came about by accident, it was still a good thing to have survived this disaster.

At the same time, Ice found the person who shouted, ‘The demon world portal is open!’ in the audience before.

Hearing Ice and Luo Huayue talk in gaming jargon, the ordinary disciple of Tianwen Sect exclaimed, ‘Are you players too?'”

He knew it was the entrance to the demon realm because he was a player himself, and not just any player, but one who had entered this dungeon more than once. From him, they learned that the previous quest in the dungeon was to unite all players to attack the demon realm together and prevent the Demon Lord from occupying the realm of immortals.

” I thought it would be the same this time,” the player said with a worried expression. “We are all worried. Every time the entrance to the demon realm opens, time resets. How are we supposed to progress like this?”

“We?” Luo Huayue immediately asked, “Do you know other players as well?”

“Of course!” he replied. “We cooperated very well in this dungeon last time, so we formed a small team. Ah, our captain has a prominent role this time! If you have any clues, you can communicate with him!”

Thus, under the player’s guidance, the two climbed mountains, crossed forbidden areas, and reached the towering peak that pierced the clouds.

Rong Yi looked at the boundary marker of “Vast Vast Peak” beside the path, furrowing her brows.

Why does this name sound so familiar?

After a brief communication on the floating screen, a lotus flower nearly two meters in diameter came flying down the steep and twisting path like a ladder from the sky. The three boarded the lotus flower elevator and soared towards the peak.

Rong Yi, agile as a swallow, flew lightly beside the lotus flower, reaching the summit in no time.

At the summit, a quaint and elegant middle-aged man stood in front of the pavilion, his robe fluttering in the cold wind.

Luo Huayue was taken aback, “Dr. Zhong?”

Zhong Zhi Ming was evidently playing the role of a refined and otherworldly character in this dungeon. He was deeply immersed in his role, smiling faintly like a transcendent being. “Luo, long time no see.”

Looking around, he asked, “You are all here. Why isn’t Rong here?”

Rong leaped in the air, catching Zhong Zhi Ming’s attention with her extraordinary skills. Though he couldn’t see her soul, he courteously bowed, “Rong is indeed exceptional to join the game in this form.”

Rong Yi: …She didn’t want to take this unconventional path either.

Zhong Zhi Ming’s identity as the Hazy Vast Immortal, who was suspected to be the parents of Yinyue by Linlang Fairy, and the venerable elder of the Tianwen Sect, invited them into the house. They connected online with Raymond and Zhang Haiyang to exchange information.

Based on the information gathered from the two teams, Rong Yi concluded that to prevent the time from resetting, she needed to stay away from Yinyue and prevent him from opening the gate to the demon realm.

From Zhong Zhi Ming’s experience, they had to wait for the demons to initiate the attack on the immortal realm by opening the gate for them to repel the demon realm and complete the dungeon mission.

If Rong Yi let Yinyue open the gate to the demon realm, they would be stuck in the time loop before the great war started, with each reset taking them further back. If Yinyue didn’t open the gate, the demon realm would never invade, and they would never fight, still trapped in the dungeon unable to leave.

It was a dilemma!

Rong Yi pondered, “Is there a way to enter the demon realm without opening the gate? And why does opening the gate trigger time reset? According to Zhong Zhi Ming, opening the gate is supposed to mark the official start of the dungeon mission!”

Considering the mischievous nature of the Lucky Carnival, Rong Yi almost believed that this was a time trap set by the game specifically for her — staying close to the key NPC as the “key” item to open the gate to the demon realm, making her powerless to act.

Truly a clever and bloodless method.

The good thing is, although the game is not reasonable, but Rong Yi is not a person who follows the rules and regulations of the copy guide.

She thought that Fan Xingze had already entered the game, and according to past experience, he would definitely try to find a way to enter this copy where she was, to become a character that didn’t exist in the original copy, or to take the place of a certain powerful boss in the copy.

She asked Zhong Zhi Ming through Luo Huayue’s mouth and found that compared to the last time they entered the copy, there were no extra characters in the Immortal Cultivation World.

That’s right, the Immortal Cultivation Realm should be in the main camp in the story, so when did Boss X enter the main camp?

When did Boss X ever enter the realm? He’s probably in the Demon Realm, playing a more important role, even as a Demon Lord.

And Yin Yue can open the door to the demonic world, more or less must have some unclear relationship with the big boss, such as – is his illegitimate son?

The more Rong Yi thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very high, and he even had a hidden feeling of being a happy mother.

Luo painting month they discussed a long time, did not see Rong Yi in the channel to speak, could not help but ask her if there is something to discover, has not been talking, in thinking about what.

Rong Yi: …… is thinking, a few days do not see, the child is so big ah.

The people:?

Rong Yi: things are unpredictable, into the game before he is still my little cute; into the game, he is already more than 20 years old child’s father ……

She didn’t joke, and even to verify this idea, quietly slipped into Yin Yue’s guest room, took some of his blood, ready to do paternity test.

As long as it is proved that Yin Yue is the son of the devil, then they at least have a weighty hostage before the face of the devil, as a bargaining chip.

The paternity test in the game is definitely not the same as the one in reality. She had heard Fan Xingze say that ai beings have a “genetic code” similar to that of human beings, and if the conditions are ripe, they can also reproduce with each other – i.e. data proliferation.

The offspring of the ai life contains the basic code information of their parents, which can be detected from the fragments of the offspring organisms and precisely identify their parents.

The principle wasn’t difficult to understand, but naturally, Rong Yi didn’t have the skills to analyze the base code.

She used her almost unused points to exchange a “Mathematical Card” in the mall. This is a kind of expensive and ribald card that allows players to turn their favorite inanimate objects in the copy into data and store it in their personal system for collection. The larger the size and value of the item, the more digitized cards are needed.

In the environment where all the members are living, no one will be too lazy to spend the points gained from paying for their lives to buy this thing.

For two drops of blood, Rong Yi can get it done with one Digitizer Card. x can’t get in touch with her now, but she can still ask for help from other talents who are proficient in this area.

Of course, the racial criteria can be relaxed, and it doesn’t have to be “human” talent.

In the copy of Gigasburg Psychiatric Hospital, Luna, who was watching the monitor to adjust the NPCs and players, suddenly received a message.

Rong Yi: You’re a medical student, ai genetic engineering, do you understand?

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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