After Online Dating with Unlimited Streaming BOSS

“This child, how can he run around at such a critical time?”

The appearance of the Xiangsi Gate Master, Renhui Fairy, seemed like a beautiful young woman in her twenties, but when she spoke, she sounded old-fashioned, as if she had raised her own grandmother.

She was indeed not young, deserving the title of “grandmother” even from the talented young men, even the Palace Master of the Supreme Palace, with white beards, had to respectfully call her “Master Sister.”

The Supreme Palace and Xiangsi Gate had been in a close relationship since their ancestors’ times, and their bond remained intimate. Xiangsi Gate disciples even found it natural to say, “The Qingyuan Ceremony is a great opportunity for Ye to shine. This time, we can’t be deceived like before. I’m not saying Supreme Palace is competitive, but if you don’t compete, others might come after you. Promoting Ye’s reputation early will also benefit the Supreme Palace.”

“Master Sister is right,” the Supreme Palace Master bowed his head honestly. “It’s my fault for not disciplining my disciples properly.”

“At least you acknowledge it!” Renhui Fairy tapped his head disapprovingly. “You haven’t set a good example, and good children like him have gone astray.”

As they spoke, they noticed a dazzling golden cage flickering in the mountain forest. Renhui Fairy saw Luo Huayue and frowned, “Yue.”

Then, she saw the innocent face inside the cage, Yin Yue, and said, “Yue.”

The two Yues looked at each other and then at the two sect leaders. Yin Yue bowed, “Master, this fairy seems to have some misunderstanding about me. Let’s talk it out instead of blaming her.”

Ren YI clicked his tongue a few times, impressed by their ability to hold the moral high ground.

After a moment of contemplation, Luo Huayue bowed to the two sect leaders, “Palace Master, Master, it’s not a misunderstanding. I have received reliable information that Young Master Yin is indeed a descendant of the demon clan.”

The demon clan were ancient enemies in the cultivation world, not to be spared even if mistaken. Although a bit extreme, leveraging the bias against the demon clan was necessary to get through this hurdle.

Renhui Fairy furrowed her brows, “Don’t talk nonsense! Young Master Yin was raised by the Palace Master since childhood. If he truly had demon blood, wouldn’t you, as the Palace Master, have noticed?”

With that, she looked at the Palace Master, immediately noticing his unusual expression.

Ren Yi’s eyes darted between the two sect leaders, observing the Palace Master hesitantly touching his white beard without a direct rebuttal.

“I’ve watched you grow up. How could I miss any traces of deception in your actions?” she asked sternly. “Zhong Ming, what’s really going on? Is Ye truly a descendant of the demon clan?!”

Yin Yue looked surprised. Surprised? Ren Yi floated above him, hadn’t he already guessed his heritage was related to the demon clan? What was he surprised about now?

It must be a surprise that his Master actually knew about his lineage?

“Master…” he approached the cage, forcing a smile, “What do you have to say…”

The Palace Master Zhong Ming remained silent for a moment, then slowly said amidst the gazes of Renhui Fairy and his beloved disciple, “Destiny cannot be changed, nor can our parents be chosen. Ye has been diligent since childhood, devoted to his studies, never straying, a rare talent among the younger generation…”

He rambled on, praising Yin Yue from his childhood to adulthood, essentially saying that his excellence overshadowed his uncontrollable heritage.

The more Renhui Fairy listened, the more furrowed her brows became. She interrupted him, “Demon blood cannot be tamed. This is the lesson our ancestors learned over a hundred years. Zhong Ming, you’re usually sensible. Concealing the fact that you found a demon descendant, how dare you act so recklessly!”

With that, her face turned stern, her eyebrows furrowed, and she summoned a magical instrument, “Flowing Wind” — a ribbon spun in the air in indigo color.

“Flowing Wind can discern human, demon, and demon blood. I will find out with one try!”

With that, the ribbon twisted like a snake, entering the golden cage and forming a circle around Yin Yue.

Yin Yue immediately raised his sword to defend himself, but Renhui Fairy sneered, “Just a drop of your blood, what are you afraid of?”

As he spoke, the flowing wind coiled around the sword and climbed up Yin Yue’s arm, abruptly tightening it! Yin Yue frowned slightly, above the flowing wind, a dark color was dipped out vaguely.

He raised his head and looked helplessly at the Supreme Palace Master: “…… Master ……”

That blank and uncontrolled look, even by him tortured all the way Rong Yi see all write in the heart can not bear.

This is a child, do not know what they have made a mistake to be treated like this, looking forward to the elders can stand behind them to speak for themselves to support waist.

However, the Supreme Palace Master yu words and stop, and finally did not do anything, did not say anything, only sighed.

The light in Yin Yue’s eyes completely dimmed.

The wind swept the blood back to the side of Fairy Renhui. Yin Yue even gave up struggling, smiled miserably, threw the broken sword aside, and sat down on his knees with a tired look of “kill or be killed as you wish”.

Fairy Renhui pinched a decision, and the blood stains on the flowing wind precipitated out, changing shape in the air, and finally condensing into a small black bead.

“I thought you were a half-blooded descendant of the Demon Race.” Fairy Renhui nestled the master in her palm and squeezed it vigorously, shattering it into black powder, a cold smile appearing at the corner of her mouth, “I didn’t think that it was a pure-blooded Demon Race!”

Hearing this, Supreme Palace Master and Yin Yue both raised their heads in surprise and said in unison, “This is impossible!”

Fairy Renhui looked at this one and that one, interested: “Oh? Why is it impossible?”

The Supreme Palace Master hurriedly said: “When I picked him up, there was a fairy who sent a message to me from thousands of miles away to take good care of him, saying that this was his father who took him away from him, and that she couldn’t take care of him because of her serious injuries, and that she could only entrust him to me from thousands of miles away. That fairy’s magic power is pure, and it is the human race!”

Rong Yi suddenly realized that the Supreme Palace Master must have told Yin Yue about this incident, and that is why Yin Yue has a very different attitude towards her parents.

Fairy Renhui: “The person who transmitted the message must be his mother? You can’t make a judgment as long as you haven’t seen it with your own eyes!”

She raised her hand and condensed indigo-colored true qi in her palm, and the Supreme Palace Master pulled her arm in a panic: “Senior Aunt! This child grew up in the Immortal Cultivation Realm since he was young, and has only read about the Immortal-Demon rivalry in books-I know that the Demon Race has harmed you deeply, but how can you put your own hatred on innocent people!”

Ren Hui slapped away the Supreme Palace Master with another palm and glared angrily, her indigo-colored true qi piercing through the golden cage and attacking Yin Yue, “He’s not human!”

“He is a devil!”

“He must be a hidden nail placed in the Immortal Cultivation Realm by the Devil Realm, waiting for us to be unprepared to be stabbed by him! Luckily we found him early, so we can cut the grass and get rid of the roots!”

The Supreme Palace Master was so shocked that his mustache rose up and he shot to the ground, his body dexterously blocking in front of the golden cage, “No–”

He was fast, but Fairy Renhui’s true qi was even faster, so fast that he couldn’t even open his protective astral energy.

The indigo-colored true qi was intangible but powerful, instantly piercing through his dantian cave.

Yin Yue’s eyes widened in disbelief, “Master …… ……”.

Similarly unbelievable are the Fairy of Renhui and Luo Huayue. Luo Yuanyue exclaimed, “Senior,” and came forward to support his swaying form. Fairy Renhui immediately withdrew her hand, “Zhongming! Why are you so–”

Supreme Palace Master spat out a mouthful of blood, stained the snow-white beard on the chin, ho ho laughs: “I don’t know …… Master Aunt know, I’ve been unintelligent since I was a child …… This child I picked up and raised for more than twenty years, is a dog, I can’t let go! It died for no reason ……”

“Whether he was a devil or a man, he was me ……”

The Supreme Palace Master collapsed to the ground without saying a word.

Even if you are an Immortal Cultivator, if you are injured in the most vital dantian cave, your life is still hanging by a thread.

“Master!” Yin Yue pounced over, ignoring the golden cage’s electric current, anxiously reaching out from the inside, grabbing the Supreme Palace Master’s clothes on his shoulders, crying out like a three year old child, “Master I have medicine!”

He rummaged out a bunch of bottles and cans from his pouch and piled them up beside the Supreme Palace Master, and when he looked up at Renhui Fairy again, there were already hidden threads of blood in his eyes, “…… If you hate the Demon Race, you can just kill me, so what does it have to do with my master?”

Supreme Palace Master lay on the ground, blood flowed everywhere, Luo Huayue hands also stained a lot, she looked up in panic: “…… Palace Master, Palace Master is not breathing ……”

Rong Yi’s heart tightened.

Things that had developed to this point had completely deviated from her expectations. She felt herself trembling slightly – no, it wasn’t her who was trembling, it was Yin Yue who gripped his sword tightly and stood up with his head bowed.

His expression was hidden in the darkness, and his sword made a small tapping sound in its scabbard.

Fairy Renhui did not notice his vision. She jumped to the lifeless Supreme Palace Master’s side, stopping his abdominal wound with her magic while calling his name repeatedly:

“Zhong Ming, Zhong Ming?”

“…… You killed my master.”

Yin Yue said softly, raised his head, the whites of his eyes as if seeping into the ink, is with the naked eye can see the speed of gradually turning black, and finally the entire whites of the eyes are black and blood occupied!

Rong Yi was shocked, this was clearly the change he had undergone at the Qingyuan Dharma Assembly scene, she had guessed that the mastermind behind the scene had triggered his mutation, but she had not thought that he could have spontaneously mutated like this!


Lightning flashed overhead, illuminating the dark clouds that had gathered above them at some point. It was only then that Fairy Renhui reacted and looked up angrily, “You are indeed a pure-blooded demon, and your magic power is not shallow enough to trigger heaven and earth’s visions!”

“I killed your master? He obviously died for you!” Fairy Renhui’s eyes were filled with hatred, the flowing wind came swiftly, and under the rapid speed, it was as sharp as a knife blade, slicing into the side of Yin Yue’s abdomen!

Naturally, Yin Yue would not be captured with his hands, he raised his sword to resist, and with a clang, it clashed with the silk and satin texture of the flowing wind, making a sound of gold and jade!

Rong Yi was waiting for this moment! With this blow, her experience bar, which was stuck under the skill “Speak”, finally rose!

“Yin Yue!” She shouted loudly, and indeed attracted the young man with bloodshot eyes, who was struggling with the flowing wind, and had even split the golden cage.

The young man raised his black and red strange eyes to look at her, his hair scattered, against the rolling thunder above his head, like an evil demon descending into the world with a grand and strange momentum.

“Activate! Meet the Parents!”

Come on! Kneel down and call your sister-in-law! Let’s players and NPCs work together to walk the plot properly!


A loud thunderclap above his head exploded a black hole familiar to Rong Yi – surprisingly, it was the entrance to the Demon Realm!

And Yin Yue didn’t clear his eyes as she had expected, and called out a sister-in-law in a regular manner.

He tilted his head slightly, like a dog that couldn’t understand what its master was saying – of course this dog was extremely fierce and disobedient, and would even bite people-

“You can talk now?” He grinned a somewhat ominous grin, and stepped forward, managing to choke Rong Yi, who was a semi-transparent ghost, by the neck: “Tell me, what is the relationship between you and my parents?!”

Rong Yi was shocked, this NPC was not affected by her skills! Why?

Moreover, his current state – both in terms of force value and mana value – was too much higher than usual.

This is very abnormal.

Fairy Renhui looked up, her pupils shrinking slightly, “The entrance to the Demon Realm is open!” As she said this, she pulled up Luo Yuanyue, who was kneeling in a pool of blood, and gathered the body of the Supreme Palace Master into her pouch, “Run!”

Yin Yue’s attention immediately shifted to her. As the entrance to the Demon Realm grew larger and larger, his strength seemed to grow, and he was actually able to tear apart the golden cage that had previously trapped him within an inch of his life with his bare hands, and rushed straight at Immortal Ren Hui, “Give me back my master!”

Rong Yi covered his neck and coughed a few times, and then his body was uncontrollably led by the sword to float forward.

However, the suction force at the entrance of the Demon Realm above her head grew stronger, and the familiar sensation struck her once again–

She was sucked in again.

Rong Yi: …… Kam.

I wanted to delay the development of the plot and let the world line go on for a while longer. I didn’t expect that it would backfire, and the world would be destroyed earlier!

In the darkness, a familiar “drop” sounded.

【World Line Restart-003】

【Entering World Line-004】

The author has something to say: An hour late …… I was wrong ……

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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