After Online Dating with Unlimited Streaming BOSS

On the early morning of the second day, Rong Yi smelled the fragrant breakfast from the cafeteria and was taken by Yin Yue to outside the mountain gate.

She was prepared to be on guard, but Yin Yue led her through twists and turns, arriving at an inconspicuous small cave at the foot of the mountain.

Perhaps sensing her confusion or maybe because they were about to meet her mother, Yin Yue, in a rather good mood, began to explain, “The ‘Missing Each Other Gate’ and the ‘Supreme Palace’ are far apart. Even flying with a sword, we might not make it in time for the Clear Source Ceremony. Fortunately, both sects have two close ancestors who, for convenience in meeting and playing chess, each built a secret transmission array outside their respective sect gates. This tradition has been passed down through the generations. I only learned about it recently from my master.”

With a wave of his hand, torches lit up in the cave one by one, illuminating the intersecting circular array on the ground.

Yin Yue stood in the center of the array, holding a long sword, chanting incantations. Rong Yi felt a flash of silver light, almost without any sense of movement, and the surroundings changed completely.

It was dim around them, with chirping birds outside, sunlight filtering in from a high hollow, forming rays of light.

Yin Yue bent down and crawled out of a half-person-high doorway, and suddenly they found themselves in a lush forest, filled with the morning’s vitality. The place where the teleportation array was located was by a tree thicker than the embrace of five people, seemingly ancient and dead with new green shoots on its three-meter-tall crown.

Rong Yi was amazed by the new surroundings, but luckily Yin Yue couldn’t hear her. They walked a bit into the forest, and a path led straight out. Rong Yi floated to the farthest distance constrained by the sword, looking around.

“Are you a mortal before?” Yin Yue suddenly blurted out a question. Rong Yi nodded, attempting to touch the prohibition on the mountain gate that resembled pink ripples.

“What trouble did you encounter? Or did you die?” Yin Yue produced a token and passed through the prohibition.

Rong Yi sneered. This was something that couldn’t be explained simply by nodding or shaking her head.

Many cultivation sects were built in the mountains, and the ‘Missing Each Other Gate’ was no exception. Once inside the gate, there were often restrictions out of respect, not allowing things like flying with swords in the air, similar to how private cars cannot be driven recklessly on a university campus.

So Yin Yue climbed up the stairs, the long stone-paved mountain path leading all the way to the main hall of the ‘Missing Each Other Gate.’ This road would take a mortal three hours to traverse, and even for a cultivator, it would take at least a quarter of an hour.

Yin Yue was not angry at Rong Yi’s indifferent attitude. As they walked, he took out some powders and talismans from his bag, scattering them towards the figure floating in the air. Some had no effect on Rong Yi, some caused itching on her body, some immobilized her in the sword, and some even made her feel heavy, causing her to fall to the ground.

He watched with delight, occasionally taking out a jade slip to record her reactions. Her protests, to Yin Yue, were just silent movements of the mouth.

“I told you, you have to let me study.”

Fortunately, these “research projects” were not intense, and Rong Yi quickly regained control, flying back into the air and giving him a fierce glare.

Keep it up, I already have a plan to deal with you.

Rong Yi had already contacted Luo Huayue and the others, arranging to meet at the main hall of the ‘Missing Each Other Gate. They disguised themselves as disciples welcoming visitors and upon hearing that Yin Yue was looking for an old friend, they deliberately mentioned a senior sister in the sect who had been seeking her long-lost son for many years, creating a fortuitous coincidence.

Naturally, Yin Yue requested to meet this senior sister, so Luo Huayue and Ice led him deep into the ‘Missing Each Other Gate,’ to a secluded peak where few people tread.

As they walked, Yin Yue felt that something was amiss and couldn’t help but ask, “Does the senior sister live here?”

“This senior sister leads a simple life and hasn’t left her residence in decades. If you want to meet her, you can only come here,” Luo Huayue said with a smile. “It’s hard work for Lord Yin Yue. If you feel tired, how about coming back another day? These days are nearing the Clear Source Ceremony, and Lord Yin Yue indeed needs time to prepare.”

She said that, Ying Yue naturally would not agree to turn back halfway, only able to keep following along.

He trailed behind the two and asked Rong Yi, “The person you mentioned, my mother, is it this shigu (female master)?”

Rong Yi ambiguously nodded, then shook her head.

“And though it’s related to her, it may not necessarily be her?” Ying Yue understood.

Rong Yi: … What I meant was that I thought it was her before, but now it seems like it’s not. But if you insist on understanding it that way, I can’t stop you. After all, I’m just a sword that can’t speak.

She nodded.

Ying Yue silently caught up with the two in front and asked them about the background of this shigu. Luo Huayue and Ice had already coordinated with Rong Yi and seamlessly linked the shigu’s background with Ying Yue’s birth time.

Rong Yi glanced at him with a look of anticipation in his eyes. Now only Ying Yue could see her; Luo Huayue and Ice could only communicate with her through the team channel.

Rong Yi: “I saw him spar with fellow disciples yesterday, very strong. How strong are you guys now?”

Luo Huayue: “I am considered a senior sister, although my player skills are only at a beginner level, my basic strength is not bad.”

Ice: “Unfair to have an unsportsmanlike bout with me.”

Rong Yi felt relieved, at least Luo Huayue should be able to exchange a few moves with Ying Yue.

Moreover, they had environmental support too.

Led by the two, Ying Yue was brought to an elegant cave where they bowed at the entrance. A bell rang inside, and Ice urged, “Go in, the shigu is calling for you.”

Without a doubt, Ying Yue lifted the pearl curtain at the entrance.

“Wait!” Luo Huayue stopped him, “Please, Young Master Ying, sheath your sword.”

It was indeed impolite to meet senior members of a friendly faction with weapons. Ying Yue hesitated while holding his sword and said, “This sword is the only token left to me by my biological parents. I still hope it can recognize my family. Please be understanding, Fairy.”

He seemed determined not to part with his sword, and no matter what Luo Huayue said, he refused to sheath it.

Seeing the situation at a standstill, Rong Yi informed Luo Huayue through the team channel to let him in first, and she would take action accordingly.

Luo Huayue waved her hand helplessly, “Okay, okay, don’t keep the shigu waiting.”

Ying Yue thanked them with a gesture, pushed open the pearl curtain, and stepped inside.

The furnishings in the cave were simple; aside from regular tables and chairs, there were a few landscape paintings on the walls and no other decorations.

And the so-called ‘shigu’ was nowhere to be found.

“Ding ding—”

The wind chimes below the window rang on their own without wind. Ying Yue sensed something unusual, just as he turned to leave, golden lights lit up the room’s four corners. The light drew intricate patterns on the walls, forming a cage the size of the room!

At that moment, the cave’s disguise was lifted, finally revealing its true nature: it was just an open space surrounded by a few trees in the mountains!

Ying Yue tentatively prodded the golden cage with his sword, only to be pushed back more than a meter by the force. Rong Yi was also momentarily dazed by the abrupt feeling of impact.

Though Luo Huayue couldn’t see her floating spiritual body, seeing Ying Yue’s reaction made it clear that Rong Yi had been injured. Anxiously furrowing her brows, she said, “Ying Yue! You are a descendant of the demonic clan; we now confine you here and report to our master. If you cooperate honestly, there may be a way out for you!”

She drew a circular hole the size of an arm on the golden cage, blocking the buzzing golden lines around it and held out her hand, demanding, “The sword.”

Ying Yue looked at Rong Yi, who was still rubbing her temples, then at the two serious figures outside the cage, and unexpectedly smiled, “Are you two in cahoots?”

Luo Huayue’s expression tightened slightly, then she reminded herself to relax. Ying Yue was unaware of any connection between them, this was a scheme against him! If she confessed, Rong Yi would truly be in grave danger!

After learning that Fairy Linlang was not Ying Yue’s birth mother, Rong Yi proposed a devious plan to deceive him into the cave of lovesickness and confined him until after the Qingyuan ritual.

According to her observation, the opening of the gate to the demon realm is mostly related to Yin Yue’s presence. As long as he misses the Qingyuan ceremony, the gate to the demon realm cannot be opened, allowing the plot to continue, giving them the upper hand to control the situation and gain more clues.

This golden cage is a tool of the Xiangsi Monastery, and Luo Huayue, being the favored senior disciple, only borrowed it. Even if Yin Yue is formidable, his strength is ultimately just that of a disciple, making it difficult for him to escape from this level of tool.

As for Rong Yi herself, she didn’t think much about it. Even if she is trapped in the golden cage with Yin Yue, devoid of water and fire, can he still melt her?

“Collusion? We are here to eradicate evil in the immortal world, how can you use such derogatory words!” Luo Huayue said firmly, “Who am I colluding with? What benefits do I get? Speak up!”

Yin Yue, already suspicious of his sword colluding with the Xiangsi Monastery, pretended. But thinking again at this moment, it was indeed absurd. Unable to stray too far from the sword, unable to speak words, being an ethereal being unseen by others, how could he communicate with others?

Ice said he was going down the mountain to find the headmaster. In reality, this was just an excuse. Based solely on Rong Yi’s words that identified Yin Yue as a descendant of the demon race, they couldn’t possibly convince the headmaster, which could cause trouble if he were released.

Luo Huayue sat in front of the golden cage, looking at him as if she would watch him until the end of time. Yin Yue also gradually regained his composure amid the shock and panic. He could converse with Luo Huayue after all.

“Miss Fairy, why do you say I am a descendant of the demon race? I was picked up as a baby by my master; I have always been just an ordinary person. Do you know some secret about my lineage that I am unaware of?”

“If so, please enlighten me, even if I am a descendant of the demon race, I still want to know who abandoned me and whether they are alive.”

“You see, I have always believed that my mother was an immortal, that’s why I joined the Xiangsi Monastery to find some clues. Ignorance is not a crime, so I implore you, based on the respect for my master, let me out so we can explain things properly.”

“Or you can go ask my master, he knows my lineage best.”

Rong Yi had already instructed Luo Huayue that no matter what Yin Yue said, she should ignore it completely. As long as they detained him past tomorrow’s Qingyuan ceremony, there would be a turning point in this scenario!

For Luo Huayue, this was not an easy task, mainly because Yin Yue was just… too handsome!

She appeared calm on the surface, regarding beauty as worthless, but she was actually wailing in the team channel:

Luo Huayue: He looks like a handsome mannequin from the ogre realm come to life!

Luo Huayue: Talking to such a handsome man, I have to either look stern or act like I don’t hear him. It’s too agonizing, too agonizing! Why isn’t it me going to find the headmaster, and Ice is here watching him!

Ice: Because I might not be able to beat him in this scenario.

Ice: And isn’t this torment for me too? Sisters, don’t do unto others what you wouldn’t want done to you.

Yin Yue kept talking, but Luo Huayue showed no reaction. This was truly a rare challenge for Yin Yue, who usually excelled in front of girls.

As the evening approached, Luo Huayue, who had been sitting calmly in front of the cage, suddenly stood up nervously.

She had just received a message from Ice: A high-ranking palace official was personally coming to the Xiangsi Monastery to find Yin Yue!

Imprisoning Yin Yue and Rong Yi was one thing, but stopping the high-ranking palace official from finding him? That was almost impossible!

Upon learning that the senior disciple of the palace had disappeared from their sect, the disciples of the Xiangsi Monastery were also surprised. They asked the disciple guarding the mountain how Luo senior sister had taken Yin Gongzi to that abandoned peak.

Ice: They are here.

Ice: What do we do?!

What to do? Two headmasters, how could they possibly stop them now?

The author has something to say: I’m one minute late again!

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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