After Online Dating with Unlimited Streaming BOSS

The next day, the execution of the cloned war criminals by the smelting unit officially began. Out of humanitarian considerations, all the androids were in an unawakened state, except for three who were granted access to shared feelings with their originals.

Accompanied by three heartbreaking cries from the secret living area, the executions came to an end.

Rong Yi did not bother to check on the mental state of those three who had experienced a death-like pain; as long as they couldn’t die, it was fine for her. She believed in seeking revenge when necessary, but once done, she would not dwell on her pain or the pleasure of revenge.

In her heart, she had already turned the page on this matter.

Zhong Zhi Ming fulfilled his promise without delay, and x immediately initiated cooperation between two organizations.

With the assistance of Rong Yi as a mediator, the preliminary collaboration plan was formed – the smelting unit would provide resources and rights only accessible through human conquest to help the Gear Revolution establish an independent Gear Life country in the land of the non-gentry. Under the mediation of the smelting unit, the Gear Life regime and the human authority signed a century-long peace and friendship agreement, allowing both sides to develop their cultures and economies within the agreed scope.

As awakened gear lives appeared in human society, they would be sent to the Gear Life country according to the treaty; humans who mistakenly entered the Gear Life country would be escorted back to human territory safely as per the agreement.

Thus, in this virtual high-tech future, humans and gear lives occupied separate corners of the desolate Earth, coexisting without interference.

With conflicts resolved, the Gear Revolution naturally dissolved, reorganizing into the government of the Gear Life country. The anticipated war between humans and gear lives was eliminated, leading to world peace.

When x announced from the stage that Gear Life would henceforth have independence and freedom, all players’ systems displayed a “mission complete” notification.

Rong Yi was no exception.

As x stood on the stage, surrounded by cheering gear lives and swarming human media, she mouthed to him, “See you later.”

An exit portal materialized behind each player. Inside the portal, NPCs couldn’t see the glowing gateways or the smelting unit’s personnel diminishing.

Only x could observe these changes.

As Rong Yi heard the system’s settlement beep, she could already see the light of the exit portal behind her.

“Rong Rong!”

Suddenly, x grabbed the microphone on the stage and shouted, startling everyone present. Rong Yi looked at him in disbelief. What could he possibly say at such an important moment?

x felt no hesitation about his actions, clutching the microphone tightly. “I mean, it was Elena before, now it’s Rong Yi, that Rong Rong!”

“After you go back, I might not remember you… don’t be angry, be patient with me, treat me better, I really… really like you!”

The previously festive atmosphere fell silent for a moment. Except for a few high-ranking members of the former Gear Revolution, others were puzzled why their leader had suddenly gone mad and made a confession in such a setting.

Even though they knew it was just a simulation, once these players left, the simulation’s time would likely reset, and the leader of the Gear Revolution would revert to being an NPC. The NPCs present would not remember this scene.

But during this time, under the gaze of onlookers, Rong Yi suddenly empathized with those who suffered from social anxiety disorders.

Nervously looking around, she glared at x, mouthing, “What are you doing?”

x looked tense, gripping the microphone tightly. “It took me thirteen years, thirteen years to muster the courage to confess to you. You must not let me forget–”

The exit portal behind her began pulling her body.

“–I love you–Rong Rong, Fan Xingze has always loved you! It took us a lot of effort to fall in love; you must remember, remember for me–”

An irresistible force pulled Rong Yi out of this world. In a dizzying moment, she only saw x staring intently into her eyes.

Those eyes, unblinking, filled with tears.

Why cry?

Rong Yi doesn’t understand, why cry? Can’t they just go out and meet each other? The game can keep x shut in, but during the day, the other half, Fan Xingze, is not controlled by the game and can serve as a breakthrough.


Why cry?

Before this question could be asked, the world was engulfed by a dark whirlpool and vanished before her eyes.

“Beep. Beep. Beep.”

The sound of the equipment continued clear and slow in her ears. Rong Yi slowly opened her eyes.

All she saw was a sea of white, she should be in the hospital.

There was a faint sound of fabric rubbing against the sheets by her side. She turned her head and saw Fan Xingze had just opened his eyes and was staring straight at her from the bed next to hers.

“I’m going!”

She was so startled that she sat up in one fell swoop, the nurse heard the commotion and came in, exclaiming in delight, “Awake, awake, both of you are awake!”

She cheered and ran out to call the doctor.

Probably from lying down for a long time, Rong Yi felt her head heavy, she slapped her head, “Do you… remember anything?”

Fan Xingze lay back, his voice hoarse from being unconscious for a long time, “We were in a car accident, it shouldn’t have been serious, but we passed out directly.”

“We’ve been unconscious for at least 24 hours or more.”

Rong Yi wrapped herself in the blanket, sat cross-legged on the bed, “Have you… dreamt of anything strange?”

Fan Xingze shook his head.

Rong Yi suddenly found him strange. Although he used to be irritating, he always maintained active communication with her. The current Fan Xingze seemed to have no desire to communicate with her, silent and indifferent.

“What’s wrong with you?” Curious, Rong Yi got off the bed, sat at his bedside, and asked, “Are you feeling unwell somewhere?”

Fan Xingze glanced at her, then at the blanket she had pressed on him, “Can you sit on your own bed? Please maintain some social distance, we are not relatives or close, and you already have a boyfriend, be reserved.”

Rong Yi moved closer to him, teasingly, as Elena would in the book, with a sweet smile on her face, “Oh, why is Mr. Fan so temperamental today, who has upset you?”

Fan Xingze gave her a cold look, a kind of detachment that Rong Yi had never seen in him before, “Miss Rong, please keep some social distance. You have a boyfriend, you know who it is?”

Fan Xingze furrowed his brows, suddenly lifted the blanket, and Rong Yi, caught off guard, fell to the ground with a loud thud!

“How would I know who your boyfriend is?” Fan Xingze didn’t seem to be hurt much. At least his strength remained. He straightened the collar of his hospital gown, sat up straight on the bed, and looked down at Rong Yi, who was sitting on the ground, wincing in pain.

“Is it painful?”

Rong Yi was in too much pain to speak, feeling like her buttocks were about to split into four pieces.

“Sorry, but I did warn you beforehand to keep a social distance with me.” He sat on the bed, showing no intention of helping her up.

Rong Yi gasped for air, not understanding why, when she returned to reality this time, Fan Xingze suddenly seemed like a different person.

The doctor came in and examined both of them. Apart from the tailbone injury that Rong Yi had from falling, which needed an X-ray to check for fractures, everything else was fine.

“Having such good physical functions after lying down for three months, both of you have a good physique!” The doctor praised, “Even your facial muscles haven’t atrophied, it’s truly amazing!”

“For how… how long?” Rong Yi couldn’t believe her ears.

The doctor smiled and said, “Three months. There were no external or internal injuries, yet you both inexplicably passed out for so long and woke up at the same time.” He chuckled, “What a special fate!”

Before Rong Yi could say anything, Fan Xingze stood up and went to the closet to look for his clothes: “Is everything alright? If so, I’m leaving.”

“Hey, no–” Rong Yi had just been helped to his bed by the nurse, and when he saw that he was about to leave, he hurriedly shouted, “You’re just going to leave me here? I was knocked to the ground by you, at least accompany me to take a movie!”

Fan Xingze revealed a cold eye from behind the closet door, “Sorry about what happened just now. I’m very busy with my work, so I can’t help much by staying here. The nurse will take you to the radiographs, and then give me the bill for the medical expenses.”

After saying that, he took his own things, pull open the ward door and stride out.

Rong Yi: “……”

The first thing I’d like to say is that I’m not sure what I’m talking about, but I’d like to know what I’m talking about!

The first thing I did was to get a copy of the book, and then I was able to get a copy of the book, and then I was able to get a copy of the book, and then I was able to get a copy of the book, and then I was able to get a copy of the book.

After Rong Yi suddenly had a car accident and fell into a coma, they were only able to enter the subsequent round of copies without her.

“No random bosses have been seen,” Raymond said, “Not only us, but it’s also being discussed on the forums that in the whole three months, not a single copy has encountered a random boss.”

“No, I’m asking if any of the other copies have been encountered since I woke up.” Rong Yi was lying on the bed and video communicating with her teammates, her tailbone was fine, but there was a mild soft tissue contusion, so she still needed to recuperate for a period of time.

“No.” Luo Huayue was sketching: “Recently, everyone said that the copies have suddenly become particularly difficult, and it’s already hard to come out alive, and if there’s a random boss, then it would be better to commit suicide as soon as you enter the copy, which would be a quick death.”

The game began to become very difficult, desperately harvesting the lives of players; Emerson disappeared both in reality and in the game; Fan Xingze’s attitude became cold and strange. ……

Something has changed in a place she doesn’t know about.

What is it?

After recovering, Rong Yi went to work. Fan Xingze kept the same indifferent attitude he had the day he woke up, and even his coworkers could see that there was something wrong with the way the two of them were getting along.

“Sister Rong, are you and Zoe having a conflict?” One day, can’t hold back linda finally on behalf of the vast gossip colleagues to ask the exit: “Feel zoe recently on your extra …… official business it.”

Before, these two high-level face to face on the fight has almost become a company scene, we all know Fan Xingze some stalking Rong Yi, and Rong Yi to him not false color.

But after this accident, the situation seems to be reversed, is that Rong Yi often take the opportunity to find Fan Xingze to talk, and Fan Xingze treat her like other colleagues, on the matter of things, never say a word.

Rong Yi is gradually getting agitated, and when she is upset, she receives a message from an old friend:

Mo Yuning: Rong Rong, I heard you had a car accident before, now out of the hospital?

Mo Yuning: I went to your company to see you, convenient?

Rong Yi thought, convenient, how not convenient?

Not only is it convenient, but it’s also best to let Mo Yuning take the opportunity to remind Fan Xingze, who, in the end, pined for her for three years when she was in high school!

And who was the one who used a fake identity on the internet to talk to her for three years!

I can’t believe that Fan Xingze, with his thick eyebrows and big eyes, is still a scumbag!

Author’s Note: Ah, I’m still two minutes late, my bad. ……

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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not work with dark mode