After Online Dating with Unlimited Streaming BOSS

Rong Yi rarely saw Fan Xingze speechless.

She smiled, “Is the business done?”

X stood still for a moment, “It’s done.”

Her slender fingers traced the lines on his clothes, “Then we’ll say goodbye for now.”

As soon as she spoke, Fan Xingze saw her snowy white arms wrapping around X’s already red neck like a snake, she smiled and pressed the communication switch on the screen.

The screen on the other end instantly went black, and the few people around the screen saw their stunned faces mirrored on it.

“Rong Rong, that…”

Fan Xingze awkwardly tried to explain to Rong Rong beside her. Rong Rong just smiled at him, “I understand, Mr. and Miss Erlina are in love.”

Fan Xingze was stunned, “…Are you not angry?”

Rong Rong tilted her head, “Why should I be angry?”

She stood up to organize the documents on the table, “Mr. is indeed different towards me, but I can feel that he is looking for another person in me. He is good to me, but not in the way you imagine. It’s more like…guilt and indebtedness.”

Rong Rong sighed, laughed relaxedly, “Ah, it’s really good. This time when he saw me, there was no guilt and indebtedness in his eyes.”

“I can finally treat him as a brother, without considering what secrets are hidden behind his kindness to me.”

Fan Xingze was amazed at Rong Rong’s tolerance. He always thought of her as a newly awakened girl relying solely on X. He thought she would be devastated by X’s sudden change of heart, but never expected –

“…Looks like I was overthinking.” Fan Xingze chuckled embarrassedly.

X cautiously raised his hand to hold Rong Rong’s delicate white arm on his neck, “Rong, Rong Rong, please let go…”

Rong Yi giggled, “After we finally meet, why let go?”

“…When you act like this, I feel like I’m being unfaithful…” X muttered softly.

Rong Yi squinted, “Oh? Isn’t that even more exciting?”

She tightened her arm around him, her cheek almost touching his neck, “With your appearance, you resemble the human template the most among the copies.” Saying that, she moved closer, almost whispering, “And it’s very similar to Fan Xingze’s surface.”

“I-I-I can explain…” X blushed, raising his hands in surrender.

Rong Yi lightly traced his cheek with her fingers, smiling softly, “I’m your girlfriend, why be so nervous?”

X slightly tightened his grip on Rong Yi’s hand, “I-I’m still not used to it…after all, we only chatted online before.”

“What are you saying? We see each other every day at the company, right?” Rong Yi patted his face, “Hmm? General Fan?”

X embarrassedly lowered his head, “….Don’t call me that way…”

Rong Yi had enough fun, released him, and stretched lazily, “Alright, alright! Tired after a day, let’s sleep!”

X honestly commented, “We’re like bio-humans now, just need to recharge.”

Rong Yi leaned in front of him, forcing him to tilt back, “Is that so? But I just want to sleep.”

This room seemed to be designed to accommodate both humans and bio-humans, equipped with human toiletries and specialized cleaning machinery for bio-humans. It had a comfortable soft bed and various charging ports for different models of bio-humans.

However, Rong Yi still took a shower in the bathroom following the habits she had as a human, changed into the silk pajamas prepared in the guest room, and blow-dried her hair. When she walked out of the bathroom, X was still sitting upright at the desk.

“I’m ready,” she spread the specially made skin cream for androids on her hands, gently patting it on her face, then lay on the soft large bed, propped her head up to look at X, who seemed tense. “It’s your turn.”

X: “My turn…?”

Rong Yi: “Your turn to freshen up.”

X: “Oh, okay… okay…”

He stiffly stood up, moving robotically towards the large bed. Rong Yi’s gaze was intense, making him too scared to look at her delicate curves.

Inside the washroom, X quickly tidied himself up, whispering to the red-faced person in the mirror, “She’s your girlfriend… Why are you so nervous… Have you done something to upset her… Okay, maybe a little, but it was to find her, right… In the end, it’s because I love her… I have nothing to hide… It’s perfectly natural for boyfriend and girlfriend to share a room at night…”

He mumbled to himself while wearing his pajamas, then walked out of the washroom, walking directly to the edge of the bed and awkwardly laying down next to Rong Yi.

“Oops?” Rong Yi rolled over, softly pressing against him. “Not scared of me anymore?”

It was only when he got close that she heard him muttering, “Perfectly natural…”

She chuckled, poking his cheek, “Why are you so cute!”

X closed his eyes, “Perfectly natural!”

Suddenly, he flipped over, pinning Rong Yi beneath him, staring intensely at her.

This time, it was Rong Yi who became stiff all over. She lay stiffly on the bed, asking, “…What are you doing?”

X replied firmly, “Doing what’s perfectly natural.”

Despite playing the role of an experienced older sister in front of her younger boyfriend, Rong Yi’s own romantic experiences were not much more than X’s, having been admired in high school and pursued in college.

Rong Yi feigned composure, “Oh, what’s so ‘perfectly natural’ about it?”

X stared at her, muttered something about her being beautiful, then gently kissed her forehead.

Then, relieved, he turned over and lay beside her, holding Rong Yi’s hand.

“…Is that your idea of ‘perfectly natural’?”

As Rong Yi spoke, she felt her heart thumping, a blush creeping onto her cheeks that X couldn’t see.

X wouldn’t back down, “What, not enough? Scared I’ll get serious?”

Rong Yi, not one to back down either, “Bring it on then!”

X: “You’ll regret it if I do!”

Rong Yi: “Who’s regretting now?”

X: “I’m doing it!”

Rong Yi: “Come on then!”

The tension escalated, and if they didn’t act soon, his girlfriend might think he had issues! X took a deep breath, and without hesitation, flipped over ready to pounce on her—


But he collided head-on with Rong Yi, who was also initiating a move.



Both held their noses, groaning in pain as they tumbled on the bed. Even for androids, hitting such a sensitive spot still caused intense pain and tears.

The room door was immediately knocked on, and outside, the security guard’s tense voice could be heard, “Is everything alright? Do you need any help?”

Rong Yi realized that their room had always been guarded by security. They claimed it was for protection, but it seemed more like surveillance. The smelting team had always been wary of them before real cooperation began.

X quickly said, “It’s okay! No need to come in!”

Guard: “Really, sir?”

X: “We accidentally bumped our heads!”

Rong Yi: “Yes, everything’s fine!”

The guard couldn’t understand how these two androids could bump their heads in a spacious guest room. But since the guests said it was okay, he let it go.

They suddenly felt a chill, looked at each other, and couldn’t help but burst out laughing. The tense and ambiguous atmosphere between them had disappeared.

Rong Yi lay back on the bed, with X holding her hand.

X softly said, “This is nice. But this isn’t a very proper place.”

Rong Yi: “Agreed.”

X: “Moreover, being with you like this is strangely proper.”

Rong Yi: “Agreed.”

X: “Well, when we get back…”

Rong Yi: “Agreed.”

X: “I haven’t finished yet.”

Rong Yi: “I know what you’re going to say.”

X: “Oh, really? I was thinking, when we get back, you’ll give me a 50% raise.”

Rong Yi: “Dream on.”

X: “You said ‘agreed’.”

Rong Yi chuckled, turned to him, and asked, “How come you’re both Ai Yuesheng and Fan Xingze?”

X turned to face her, sounding hesitant, “How should I explain…”

Rong Yi thought about their previous experiences where mentioning the game’s underlying logic led to punishment. Now, X couldn’t explain clearly due to these rules.

It was uncertain if Fan Xingze would remember being Ai Yuesheng in reality. When they entered the virtual world again, they would be controlled by its rules. Having the freedom to communicate like now seemed impossible.

Rong Yi pondered while X gently held her hand, saying softly, “You know? When I was Fan Xingze, I noticed early on that you had a habit of touching your lips when thinking. It’s quite unhygienic, you know?”

Rong Yi: “…” It was true, but it felt out of place with the mood, don’t you think?

X: “I bought many lip balms, but kept them at home. I felt it was too ambiguous to give them to you as colleagues, so I never dared to.”

Rong Yi: “Oh. Can you remember to bring some for me this time when you go out? I really need them.”

He looked at her with endless tenderness and a hint of helplessness in his eyes, “I’ll try my best…”

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


  1. Nera says:

    I CALLED IT, I mean it was obvious that x was fan xingze but still im happy that they finally reunited with eachother :’)

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