After Online Dating with Unlimited Streaming BOSS

The style in the bedroom is just like the living room, both exhibiting a cold and clean black and white gray color scheme.

The curtains are drawn, the light is dim, the central air conditioning quietly operates, a snowy white duvet neatly covers the person in the bed, with an additional floral wreath hung, giving off an atmosphere akin to a funeral parlor.

Rong Yi stood at the bedroom door, hesitating, when something lightly touched her calf.

Turning around, she saw a robotic platform carrying green tea, gently nudging behind her as if urging her to enter.

Her slippers had soft soles, making no sound as she stepped on the thick gray carpet.

Under the nudging of the robotic platform, she approached the edge of the bed and saw Fan Xingze sleeping.

Without his glasses, his face was sharp and aggressive, pale with sunken cheeks, furrowed brows, seemingly burdened even in his slumber.

Of course, just appearances. Rong Yi firmly believed that money could solve 80% of the world’s troubles, so Fan Xingze’s worries must be reduced by at least eighty percent compared to others.

She solemnly stood by the bed, feeling like she was missing a white chrysanthemum in her hand, unsure of what to say.

“Wish him a speedy recovery or something,” the AI butler suggested softly. “Just speak a bit louder; it might stimulate him to wake up sooner.”

Rong Yi pondered, “I’ve been wanting to ask, what illness does he have? And as for his AI doctor, is he really capable? Should I call an ambulance to take him to the hospital?”

The AI butler disagreed, “I’m sure I am capable; the key is whether he is capable.”

Rong Yi asked, “Are you the AI doctor?”

The AI butler replied, “Just an additional medical function, really. If it were up to me, I don’t see the need for another AI. It’s a bit excessive on the AI side.”

Truly fitting for an AI butler created by Fan Xingze, the tone reeked of arrogance and presumption, much like him.

Rong Yi noticed the intravenous lines on Fan Xingze’s arms, with unfamiliar drugs in the IV bag. Perhaps he was being sustained by these during this time, explaining his gaunt appearance.

Just as she was about to advise the AI butler again or consider taking him to the hospital, she noticed something glint in Fan Xingze’s hair.

Gently touching his soft hair, she discovered several electrode pads firmly attached to his scalp, occasionally emitting a high-tech blue light.

“What’s this?” she inquired to the AI butler.

“Oh, that’s the device for treating his illness,” the AI butler answered.

Rong Yi was shocked, “Fan Xingze has a problem with his brain?”

You see, WBD company didn’t spend a fortune to bring Fan Xingze over just for his looks; it was for his multi-billion brain! If his brain was impaired, wouldn’t the company suffer a huge loss?

The AI butler paused, seemingly processing how to respond to Rong Yi’s awkward conjecture.

After a moment, it replied, “No, you’ve misunderstood. He fell into a coma due to some unexpected circumstances. I’m currently trying to awaken him from his dreams.”

Rong Yi had heard of similar illnesses, like Sleeping Beauty syndrome, but Fan Xingze always appeared very healthy, with no issues during his previous check-ups.

She asked the AI butler, “Has he experienced this condition before?”

“Oh,” the AI butler said, “He has. But it was brief. It’s not a major issue, just lack of sleep.”

“Call out to him,” the AI butler suggested. “He might wake up earlier upon hearing your voice.”

Misgivings arose in Rong Yi’s mind. She and Fan Xingze were just ordinary colleagues who often argued. What special reaction could he have to her voice?

But since even his “family” demanded it, she felt awkward refusing and could only call out by the bed as if summoning a spirit, saying, “Fan Xingze, Fan Xingze, it’s time to get up and go to work. The company needs you.”

The person in bed remained like a statue, completely unresponsive. Rong Yi was not surprised in the least.

This wasn’t some melodramatic idol drama. Even if it were, she shouldn’t be the one waking him up. It should be the one he had on his mind.

According to Fan Xingze’s preferences, what could wake him up was probably the program under development.

Rong Yi felt she had fulfilled her duty as a colleague and it was time to leave.

Since Fan Xingze couldn’t help her, there were other tech experts in the company. She hoped to seek their help in solving the disappearance of Ai Yuesheng.

“Wait,” the AI butler suddenly said.

The sound of sheets rustling against the bed softly arose.

Fan Xingze’s lips murmured slightly, as if saying something, but very quietly.

Rong Yi leaned in close to listen at his lips.

He called out a name.

“…Rong Rong…”

Rong Yi was startled and quickly moved back two steps.

Realizing her blunder, she awkwardly smiled and said to the AI butler, “He, he seems to be awake… This is a medical matter, I’m not a professional in this. Is there anything else you need my help with? If not, I’ll just…”

The butler chuckled softly. Though mechanical, the laughter was so human-like that it gave Rong Yi chills.

“Don’t worry, if you’re busy, you can go. Oh, and one more thing,” the AI butler stopped Rong Yi before she left, “He said you seem to dislike him, is that true?”

Rong Yi replied, “It’s not about dislike. We’re just colleagues, see each other every day. I just hope he knows his boundaries. He is a reliable colleague. I trust him.”

Continuing, she added, “He asked me to convey a message to Fan Xingze, but before he could finish, the game rules forcibly shut it down. So, I don’t know what he wanted to say…

“If he wakes up, please ask him to contact me as soon as possible – or come to the unit to find me.”

“That’s it. Goodbye.”

She hurried to the door, changing her shoes nervously, and left the room.

This high school friend of hers sporadically sent her a few messages within half a month after she entered the copy. It didn’t seem like anything urgent, but he must have been very concerned, which is why he sent so many messages in a row.

Mo Yuning: Have you seen the classmate booklet you took back?

Mo Yuning: Rongrong, have you seen it? Can you take a look at the photos of the next class?

Mo Yuning: Rongrong, I know you’re busy with work, but really, take a look at the photos of the next class, and then give me a call, okay? I have something to tell you.

Mo Yuning: Rongrong, I heard you took sick leave. Is it serious? Do you want me to come and see you?

This sentence she had just sent, Rong Yi quickly replied, saying she was fine now and thanked her for her concern.

But why did Mo Yuning always ask her to look at the classmates’ booklet? She couldn’t even find her boyfriend now, and her seemingly confrontational colleague still seemed to have unclear thoughts about her. How could she still have the leisure to care about classmates’ booklet?

Rong Yi clumsily drove on the road, relying solely on her skilled driving to avoid being stopped by traffic police for obvious absentmindedness.

Back home, she casually threw her bag onto the couch.

With a snap, it wasn’t the sound of the soft couch fabric being touched. She turned around and saw the commemorative bag she had brought back from the alumni gathering day, left on the couch and knocked over by her bag, with the class booklet slipping out, revealing a flashy corner.

“Rongrong, take a look at the alumni gathering’s class booklet,” Mo Yuning’s voice echoed in her ear like a spell. She couldn’t help but pull out the booklet and open it.

After searching among a group of young faces for a while, she finally found her former self, with a sunny smile and a hint of teenage arrogance.

Mo Yuning said, “Take a look at the next class.”

Rong Yi’s classroom during high school was located at the end of the corridor, so when their class mentioned the next class, it implicitly referred to the left class.

The left-hand class. Rong Yi still had some impressions of some students in that class, as school activities were frequent and they often interacted. She did indeed see some familiar yet naive faces in the photos of the next class.

But what did Mo Yuning mean by asking her to look at this?

She messaged Mo Yuning, “I’ve seen it, what’s up?”

Mo Yuning immediately replied, “Look for Fan Xingze in there.”

Oh, Rong Yi remembered then that Fan Xingze was from the next class, but she had no impression of him back then.

She searched through dozens of faces one by one, thankfully each had a corresponding list of classmates below the photos. Otherwise, after so many years had passed, everyone had changed so much that no one recognized each other.

Rong Yi followed the name Fan Xingze with her finger, and at the corresponding position, she saw a plain-looking, thin boy with heavy glasses.

Compared to the surrounding boys, he was not tall, lacked a sunny temperament, and didn’t seem like someone who participated in group activities often. No wonder Rong Yi had a faint impression of him.

She couldn’t believe this was how Fan Xingze looked during high school. She thought someone like him, a young master type, would be arrogant from a young age.

Rong Yi: “I see it, hahaha, so different from now.”

Mo Yuning: “Yeah.”

Mo Yuning: “He’s the guy who secretly admired you throughout high school.”

Author’s note: Rong Yi: …shocked my whole family.

The real-time is still short and concise. But with more information, can you bear with it?

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


  1. Nera says:

    I don’t know why but I get the feeling that he’s actually the male lead sometimesss!? I dunno why though

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