After Online Dating with Unlimited Streaming BOSS

At night, with dim light, the peaceful gaze only saw the vague ship railings in the darkness and the moon faintly visible behind the clouds.

She suddenly found herself sitting on a soft, slippery, elastic cushion emitting a faint fishy smell, catching her off guard.

Reaching out, she touched something on the cushion as big as a cushion—suction cups?

The suction cups reacted to her touch, involuntarily contracting and startling her to quickly retract her hand.

It was a living creature.

A huge living creature.

“Mom, I dare not move.”

She remained motionless, while her communication interface broadcasted her terror:

Her: “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!”

Her: “Can anyone respond! I’ve been caught by a strange creature!”

Her: “Soft, with suction cups, huge, fishy, feels like a carnivore.”

Her: “Octopus?”

Her: “Did you see this monster when you came? How do I escape?”

Her: “Is playing dead an option?”

X: [Awkward but polite smile.jpg]

X: [I endure, I endure, I can’t restrain myself, burst into tears.jpg]

X: “You promised not to dislike me!”

X: “You started disliking me the moment you saw me, said I smell, I even took a bath on the way here, cleaned off all the seaweed!”

X: [Crafty woman, deceitful ghost.jpg]

She was stunned.

She repeated her boyfriend’s words in her mind, finally coming to a difficult conclusion:

Her: “… You, are an octopus?”

She had considered he might be an NPC, might not look good, might be in an opposing faction, but never had she thought her boyfriend would be an octopus.

Her mind went blank, only the words “reproductive isolation” kept looping.

Not knowing what to say, her consciousness automatically organized her chaotic thoughts into a sentence:

Her: “You… mimic… humans quite well…”

She looked down and saw a faint orange light in the sea, the color of the NPC floating screen.

Blue, along with a bubble emerging from the water, a message arrived:

X: “Thank you?”

X: “Rong Yi, don’t be afraid, even though currently I haven’t encountered human species in any instance, I just learned camouflage!”

Suddenly, a shout rang out on deck: “Fight with them!”

Followed by the sounds of several mermaids dragging along the deck, and the NPC captain’s formal “Passengers, please return to the cabin to rest.”

Has Luo Huayue not escaped?

Hastily patting the octopus console, she said, “Get up there!”

The octopus obediently lifted her over the ship’s railing.

On the deck, in a red-eyed fight with three mermaids and the captain, stood Luo Huayue. Her arm was bleeding from the mermaids’ sharp nails, as she desperately raised a nail gun.

That must have been something she just materialized; the nail gun was sturdy, probably the most common “long-range weapon” seen in everyday use.

A nail shot through the air and pierced the eye of a beautiful mermaid, who immediately let out a harrowing scream.

The captain’s brows furrowed in anger, his once handsome and elegant face gradually contorting into a hideous expression. In the moonlight, his face revealed a ghastly white skeletal appearance, with his eyeballs replaced by two clusters of eerie blue flames.

He had turned into a wraith!

Rong Yi slid down the slick tentacle onto the deck, picked up the steel rod she had just thrown, and charged into the battle!

Before entering the fray, she had already assessed the situation: two of the three mermaids were severely injured—one had a steel nail in her eye, and another had one in her throat, leaking transparent mucus and moving sluggishly.

Rong Yi dashed into the fight, first thrusting the steel rod into the captain’s hollow eye socket, pushing him a meter away. Then she kicked the healthy mermaid in the chest, causing her to slide back along her own mucus trail.

Although Rong Yi’s several weeks of Muay Thai training hadn’t brought her to ICE’s combat level, she was skilled enough to pull someone out of a brawl and make an escape!

After knocking out the two capable enemies, she grabbed Luo Huayue and ran!

Rong Yi dragged Luo Huayue across the broad deck, kiting the four monsters behind them. Luo Huayue occasionally turned to shoot a few nails.

Mermaids, being mortal, could be significantly slowed down by a single nail; however, the captain, now a wraith, had turned completely skeletal, unaffected by any blows. Even with a steel rod lodged in his eye socket, his speed didn’t diminish—he probably didn’t need eyes to see.

He yanked out the steel rod and hurled it at the two of them…

The rod spun rapidly in the air, striking Rong Yi’s arm hard!

“Ah!” She couldn’t help but cry out in pain.

But despite the pain, she caught the rod with her other hand.

Having a weapon was better than being unarmed!

“Sister Rong!” Luo Huayue saw that Rong Yi’s arm under her athletic clothes was bent at an unnatural angle and anxiously turned to shoot the captain.

Rong Yi raised the iron rod to block her, grimacing in pain as she whispered, “Don’t waste the nails.”

Such physical attacks were useless against a skeleton.

They avoided the dark entrance to the engine room—entering it now would lead the monsters straight to their safe house!

They could only “pass by their door without entering,” continuing to run towards the stern with the four monsters in tow.

“Listen!” Luo Huayue suddenly shouted. “Something is boarding the ship!”

Rong Yi listened closely and indeed heard thumping sounds climbing up the side of the ship, finally leaping over the railing—

It was more mermaids!

These mermaids seemed identical, with the same stunning looks, colorful tails, and seaweed-like hair…

It was impossible to tell them apart!

They left a trail of mucus as they surrounded the two of them, and Luo Huayue had used up all the nails in her nail gun, unable to halt their advance!

Rong Yi watched as more and more mermaids gathered, coming from the front, back, and sides—

Only one direction had no mermaids climbing aboard.

Her little boyfriend occupied that side.

They were afraid of him.

At that moment, she thought of the first boss feared by the ogres, and the male nurse feared by other nurses in the second boss —

So that’s how it is, so that’s how it is.

Her inhuman boyfriend had actually been by her side for a long time.

“Little Ai!” she shouted, took off her coat, threw it at the merman blocking the way in front of her, blocking the line of sight, kicked her away, and firmly pressed the iron rod against the slender neck of the other merman.

The A-level boss of the instance was indeed as difficult to deal with as Raymond had said. The seemingly delicate and beautiful mermaids were all strong and powerful. The iron rod only made her tilt her head slightly and pause her movements.

But that little time was enough! Rong Yi dragged Luo huayue out of the gap that appeared in that instant, rushing towards the side of the ship in Luo huayue’s puzzled eyes!

“Little Ai!” she shouted to the sea, “Assist!”


A huge tentacle surged out of the sea, gently lifting the two of them in Luo huayue’s screams, rising to over ten meters in the air before slowly descending outside the ship’s side.

On the deck, the evil spirit captain and the mermaids all stopped in their tracks. They dared not approach. Some mermaids even timidly retreated, jumping off from the other side of the ship, escaping the cruise ship occupied by a “more terrifying presence.”


“Let me go! Let me go!”

“Rong Yi, use the stick to knock him!”

Luo huayue struggled desperately on the soft and smooth tentacles, trying to free herself from captivity.

“Don’t be afraid,” Rong Yi patted the large tentacle, “This is someone I know – an NPC.”

Luo huayue stopped struggling, “Ah,” she exclaimed, “Right, Rong Yi, you can have the NPC acknowledge you as the elder sister-in-law!”

Rong Yi thought to herself: …that’s not it, if acknowledged as elder sister-in-law, the relationship might get a bit messy.

She pointed in a direction, “Little Ai, move in that direction…yes, downwards, can you see a porthole?”

She barely squeezed through the small porthole, luckily her petite figure allowed her to barely find a place in the crowded space filled with four big men.

Rong Yi took one look at the tense living quarters and said, “I’m not going in.”

Zhang Haiyang asked gently, “Rong Yi, that, those tentacles—won’t you help?”

She was about to use the same excuse as before when she suddenly heard the floating screen’s “beep beep beep” notification.

x: I’m not the NPC you know!

x: You’re rejecting me!

x: [crying loudly.jpg]

Rong Yi: …

The tentacles around her waist tightened slightly.

Her little boyfriend was angry.

It was their first time meeting her friends, and she was introduced as “an NPC acquaintance,” a somewhat distant identity for a—well, an octopus who would get upset.

“Haiyang, don’t worry, this, this is my… um… boyfriend.”

Zhang Haiyang rubbed his ear, thinking he was not only hallucinating but also mishearing: “Your what?”

“This!” Once the first words were out, the rest of the confession came much easier. She patted the tentacle loudly and said, “It’s me, boy! Friend!”

Everyone: …

Luo Huayue: “So, should I call you sister-in-law?”

Elderly person: “Young people these days have so many ideas.”

Ice: “…Sister, I get it, but one shouldn’t… at least shouldn’t…”

Rong Yi: … didn’t really want to know what he understood.

She awkwardly smiled, patted the octopus, and said, “Let’s go.”

Ice leaned out: “Hey, be safe!”

Luo Huayue: “Goodbye, Rong Yi! Goodbye, brother-in-law!”

Rong Yi was climbing carefully with the octopus’s tentacles closer to the sea surface when she heard a comment, stumbled, missed a sucker, and almost slipped into the sea all the way.

The big tentacle immediately reached up, lifting her above the water, its soft end swaying outside the porthole.

“Beep beep beep—”

Rong Yi opened the floating screen and saw a message from x. She cleared her throat: “Um!”

A few people at the porthole looked over at her.

“He said he’s glad to meet you all, and we’ll chat again next time!”

The tentacle’s end waved happily and carried Rong Yi away along the long side of the cruise ship.

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


  1. Skylar says:

    Aww. Rong’s boyfriend is soo cute 🥺. Thanks for translating this lovely piece of work.🥰

    1. GibeHug says:

      Thank u for reading 😊

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