After Online Dating with Unlimited Streaming BOSS

Raymond was delighted when he first received a rose from a mysterious person.

Indeed, true charm does not discount with a change in gender!

He even vainly displayed the rose on the table.

Now, the person involved deeply regrets. Very regretful.

“Why are you so distressed?” Zhang Haiyang chuckled, “It’s as if only you play Love Destiny in every instance. What’s the difference between you and Teacher Zhang?”

“Can they be the same?” Raymond retorted angrily, “The emotional lines in every instance for me are unique and complete, with mutual respect, parting amicably, not just for a girl’s every move, nor to take advantage of someone’s physical and mental intimacy!”

“Just providing tender care like spring rain, scattering brilliant fragments of perfect love!”

“Teacher Zhang eyes what’s on others’ plates, deceiving girls to prove his charm.”

“Do I need to prove my charm? Isn’t it shining brightly all the time?”

“I am doing this to earn points for live streaming, just for— ” he seemed to realize his emotions were getting out of control, forcefully swallowed the rest of his sentence, calming himself down, muttering:

“…I will even buy gifts for the streamed couple as profit-sharing… Would Teacher Zhang do that?”

“He just finds excuses, squeezing others’ hard-earned income!”

Red-clothed woman Anna tentatively interjected, looking left and right:

“…Are you talking about Teacher Zhang?”

Rong Yi said, “Although I don’t know why, but your crush seems to have given flowers to your colleague—” she gestured to the absent-minded Raymond, “—as well.”

Anna fell silent for a moment. “He also gave me flowers,” she said.

“When?” Rong Yi inquired.

“…A long time ago, when we first met… it was a rose. He said it symbolized my uniqueness!”

Everyone paused.

Zhang Haiyang smirked at Raymond, “It seems Teacher Zhang’s way of charming girls is just routine. According to the process, next, he should be brushing aside the stray hair on your forehead—”

“Shut up!” Raymond despaired, covering his ears. The mere thought made him nauseous.

Anna still couldn’t believe that Teacher Zhang would give flowers to others. “Could I have been mistaken? You said you only saw a back view… with so many people at this school, and you being so beautiful, there must be many secret admirers!”

Raymond was comforted by Anna’s remark about his beauty, looking at her tenderly. “You don’t believe pictures, nor personal experience. Why are you so naive?”

Pouting, Anna said, “He treats me well, I believe in him.”

Rong Yi failed to see how Teacher Zhang was being kind to her. But when a person’s values are suppressed and distorted by a pickup artist, reasoning with her wouldn’t be easy.

Patience is key.

Seeing that today’s skill time was almost up, she comforted Anna a bit and everyone went back to their dorms to rest.

The subject of the third day’s exam, unsurprisingly, was English.

Luo Huayue counted on her fingers, “After language, math, and foreign languages, we don’t know whether the next three days will be science or humanities. But is our class a liberal arts class or a science class? There’s no clue.”

Zhang Haiyang was much more relaxed than the previous days, holding a pen in his mouth, lips pouting, legs propped on the table legs, almost knocking over the chair. “Even if we fail the astrophysics exam, we still have two ghosts to help us complete the task!”

Rong Yi playfully patted the back of his head, “Raymond even thinks of giving gift shares to the streamed couple, how can you make Anna work for you for free?”

Luo Huayue also showed concern for the clueless female ghost, “Yi Assistant, why not just confront Teacher Zhang in front of Anna to make him admit his mistake?”

Rong Yi, the friend of women as always, shook her head, “Young lady, you are too young. She seems to be the straightforward type, and at a young age, perhaps it’s still her first love. The more opposition she faces, the more deeply engraved it becomes. It might backfire.”

“Regarding this matter, I already have a plan. Take a look at the team communication.”

Rong Yi yawned and took out a small cake from the big package of breakfast a senior brother had sent her early in the morning. Although being in this camp was indeed a trap, the benefits set up by this person were still good.

It was a big break time now, and the people left in the classroom were all busy studying English, nobody noticed them. Luo Huayue quietly opened the floating screen under the cover of others.

“Wow, it’s two in the morning! There’s a reason why Sister Rong makes a million a year.” Luo Huayue carefully looked at the long plan and as soon as she read the beginning, she suddenly burst into laughter.

As the floating screens of different players couldn’t spy on each other, Zhang Haiyang curiously asked, “What’s so funny?”

“Regarding Sister Rong’s division of labor…” Luo Huayue chuckled, “It’s just too perfect!”

Rong Yi: Step 1: Enter Teacher Zhang’s fish pond and become his “new fish.” Grasp his trajectory, manipulate most of his energy, be elusive, and make him feel the thrill of conquest.

Rong Yi: New fish, Raymond. Professional matters should be handled by professionals. This is your first task upon entering the team, good luck.

… What a joke!

Raymond closed the floating screen in the sound of knocking on the door.

“Come in,” the soft and knowledgeable voice of the school nurse sounded.

Teacher Zhang held his stomach, his face pale, and walked into the infirmary.

His acting skills were very good; if it weren’t for Raymond’s background in acting, one would almost believe he was really sick. All right, act it out. He’s a professional!

The school nurse quickly got up and said, “Teacher Zhang, what’s wrong?”

“You caught a cold at night… my stomach hurts terribly…” Teacher Zhang inadvertently leaned on her soft body.

Raymond shuddered fiercely at this show of weakness. Professional. He told himself to be professional.

A real ‘Sea King,’ no matter who the object is, must maintain the desire to ‘conquer’!

He acted like a real school nurse, took Zhang’s temperature, did some palpation, and prescribed some gentle pain-relieving Chinese medicine.

“Nurse Ray.” Teacher Zhang lay weakly on the sickbed, “Can you cover me with the blanket?”

Raymond pulled the blanket stacked at the foot of the bed over him. When Teacher Zhang reached out, a bright rose petal fell from his sleeve.

“Ah!” His face immediately blushed, as if a high school student experiencing first love, shyly hiding the petal in his hand, “You… you found it.”

“If you feel disturbed, please pretend you didn’t see it, can you?”

“Let’s just say it’s an anonymous admirer who quietly offered you that rose.”


He smiled with a hint of surprise on his face. She covered her mouth and softly exclaimed in disbelief, “Ho…how…actually, you could have just told me directly!”

“If it’s with Teacher Zhang, how could I…feel disturbed?”

Professional! Raymond screamed in his mind at his skyrocketing self:

From today on, Raymond, you are the most professional ‘Sea King’ in the world!

Rong Yi: Step 2: Become the catfish that activates the group, spread rumors about Teacher Zhang’s ex-girlfriend in school, lure out the other fishes in his pond.

Rong Yi: Catfish: Luo Huayue, Ice, Zhang Haiyang. Start by evading the female students excessively obsessed with Teacher Zhang, work from male students and neutral female students, gradually forming a public opinion field.

In just two class breaks and a free-flowing physical education class, a mix of true and false rumors started circulating among the sophomore students.”

Mr. Zhang has a girlfriend!”

“Ah! It’s true that all good men have a girlfriend!”

“Isn’t he a man with long hair and a skinny body-”

“No, no, I saw him with a girl with medium-length hair last time!”

“What? Mr. Zhang’s girlfriend is a student at our school?”

“No, no, no, I heard that his girlfriend is a school teacher.”

“Oh my god, I heard Mr. Zhang is in two different relationships!”

“No, what I heard is that Mr. Zhang’s first and last relationships were seamlessly connected, and there was never a window of opportunity.”

“No way, he looks so elegant, I had a crush on him for a while ……”

“The adult world is a complicated place, it’s not what you make it out to be.”

“It’s scary, adults are scary!”


Mr. Zhang has always enjoyed the feeling of being worshipped by his students as a male god, which is a kind of superiority where intelligence, age, and experience are all crushing the other side.

That’s why he was always looking for “love” among the students. Those ignorant, simple flowers, will always stir up his full of passion!

But after Anna became a ghost, without the soft body odor, the eyes looking up in class, and the excitement of underground love in front of everyone’s eyes, he gradually felt bored.

Fortunately, the lovely flowers in his flower garden, not only Anna one.

Perhaps it was Anna’s obsession that made him a little rebellious towards young girls recently. He began to try new flavors.

For example, the school nurse who just came to the school.

The flavor of an adult shu-woman is really not comparable to that of a young high school student.

And, once again, he proved himself to be a charmer, not only for the students he held in his grasp, but also for the mature women of his age.

Perhaps it was the initial success he had achieved with Dr. Lei that made him so pleased with himself. When he came to the sophomore (third) class for his math class in full swing, and felt the small murmurs of the class stop abruptly, and the gazes on his face weren’t filled with admiration and longing as they had been in the past, he smiled a little instead of letting him think too much about it:

“Why are you all looking at me like that, and want to take a math test this afternoon?”

Some of the students whispered, but they were quickly stopped by the others.

They couldn’t possibly question a teacher’s personal life in front of him, but only looked at him with eyes full of gossip and suspicion.

Mr. Zhang was immersed in the joy of having another mermaid in the pond, and didn’t care what the kids below were thinking as he went about his lesson.

Rong Yi leisurely sat in the back row of the classroom, learning from Zhang Haiyang, hooking the legs of the table as a rocking chair, swaying back and forth with abandon, gauging the reaction of a ponytailed girl three rows in front of him.

That day, she was the one who was hiding at the end of the corridor with Mr. Zhang, making ambiguous gestures.

She clutched her pen and stared at Mr. Zhang, who was lecturing softly, while her other hand was clenched into a fist under the desk, desperately trying to suppress her emotions.

Throughout, she did not participate in the heated gossip among her classmates, jumping rope alone in gym and memorizing vocabulary after class.

But when everyone around her was talking, she couldn’t pretend that she couldn’t hear and that her boyfriend was fine.

It was not easy to get to the end of the class, the ponytail stood up!

Rong Yi looked at her expectantly: will she go directly to Mr. Zhang to ask questions? Or will she continue to believe in it and keep it to herself?

According to her observation, the ponytail and Anna is completely two different personalities, it is also possible that she has just been included in the fish pond by Mr. Zhang, has not yet begun to pua suppression, still has a stubborn and bright personality.

Mr. Zhang finished the class, then walked out of the classroom, not even look at the ponytail. He’s got the bright side down, or else he wouldn’t be sitting in a fishbowl in every classroom without being noticed.

His strategy is simple: in each class, he picks at most one girl, maximizing the information barrier between classes so that the girls don’t know each other’s existence.

Like Anna, even if she turns into a ghost, she still considers her to be her only one.

The girl with a ponytail didn’t follow Teacher Zhang out of the classroom but went straight to Luo Huayue’s table.

She tapped on Luo Huayue’s desk calmly, saying, “I know those words were spread by you guys.”

Oh! Rong Yi looked interestedly at her. This NPC, as she had not seen her in the past two nights of the horror game, surprisingly remained calm and quickly found the origin of the rumor in such a short time. Leaving aside everything else, Teacher Zhang has a good eye.

“Why do you want to slander Teacher Zhang? What grudge do you have against him?” Ponytail protested indignantly.

“He is a good teacher and has never treated any of you differently based on your grades. If it’s true, please provide evidence; if it’s just for fun, please clarify the facts quickly, or I will tell Teacher Wang and the Head of Education!”

Although infatuated with Teacher Zhang, this girl with the ponytail was clear-headed, organized, and rational. Rong Yi deduced that someone like her would have a better acceptance of the truth.

Luo Huayue looked at Rong Yi and Rong Yi nodded at her.

So, Luo Huayue smiled. She was cute and petite, with a very affable smile, leaving even the determined ponytail at a loss on how to face her.

Luo Huayue made her desk mate Zhang Haiyang stand up and pulled the ponytailed girl to sit beside her, saying, “You’re really smart!”

Shouldn’t she have retorted or accused her of being infatuated? Why was she praising her? Ponytail was extremely puzzled.

“What we said is all true, but as for evidence… if you are so eager for the truth, you can find the evidence yourself!” Luo Huayue mysteriously whispered in her ear:

“You can go to the neighboring classes and say that you know the source of the rumor is Rong Yi and her group from the seniors, and if anyone disagrees, they can go argue with her.”

“You can also say that you have already scolded Rong Yi’s gang but she seems unrepentant and needs more righteous people to come forward to speak up for Teacher Zhang!”

“Why not meet after the first class this afternoon, as strength lies in numbers, to jointly condemn the evil forces!”

Ponytail left with a frown, wondering, “Are you here just to pick a fight?”

After speaking, she quickly left her seat, trying to get away from this group of lunatics.

Zhang Haiyang watched her leave and lamented self-pityingly, “We… were just used as bait by the big sister…”

Rong Yi: Step 3: Create a battlefield.

Rong Yi: Create characters [Rong Yi] [Senior A].

After the first class in the afternoon, Rong Yi took out a strawberry-flavored Pocky from a big bag of breakfast goodies, unwrapped it, and placed it in her mouth, waiting quietly in the classroom.

Ice stood by her side, scavenged a chocolate bar from the breakfast goodies, and while eating, teased, “Why is there chocolate in breakfast? Why are there lollipops in breakfast? Is this breakfast or a snack pack from your fake boyfriend?”

Rong Yi smiled and didn’t answer, calling out from the classroom, “They’re here.”

About seven girls gathered at the door, peeking into the classroom.

Ponytail came back, scowling, and knocked on Luo Huayue’s desk, “Alright, people are here. Where is your so-called evidence?”

Luo Huayue, Zhang Haiyang, and Ice welcomed a few students from other classes, displaying a warm welcome that left the newcomers as bemused as Ponytail was.

They had never seen the “spreaders of rumors” so warmly welcoming the “debunkers.”

“Actually, we really didn’t deceive anyone.” Luo Huayue smiled and explained, “We’re here to set things straight. Teacher Zhang is actually in a romantic relationship with one of the female students in the school. We have eyewitnesses and physical evidence to prove it.”

Rong Yi was paying attention to the expressions of those girls. Two of them showed obvious surprise, while the other five appeared shocked but instinctively controlled their expressions to keep them in check.

Rong Yi pointed at the two girls towards Luo Huayue, who immediately warmly linked arms with them and led them outside the classroom, saying, “Girls, come with me, let’s chat alone…”

The other five girls also wanted to follow but were blocked by Zhang Haiyang and Ice.

Very few students would genuinely be interested in spreading rumors about a teacher’s private life, as it could upset the balance of power in the school campus, apart from overenthusiastic fans and those with vested interests.

It was clear that some girls were unaware of the situation beforehand, while others, despite their surprise, instinctively controlled their expressions, indicating they knew the secret but chose not to reveal it.

With Zhang’s control over her “fishpond,” she would not allow these girls to casually leak such romantic affairs to anyone. So, there was a high probability that these girls were the “fish” in Zhang’s fishpond.

Some of the girls were just temporary players who would leave after a week, while others were like NPCs in a game, forever bound to this school.

Remembering what her ex-boyfriend once told her, that even though they were AI, they were not just randomly coded entities but a result of data incubation, almost like a different form of life.

As long as they were living beings, their emotions and dignity deserved respect.

As she looked at the six girls gathered around her, Ponytail asked in confusion, “Rong Yi, what are you planning? What does it mean to not let us leave?”

Rong Yi, asserting her dominance as the big sister, sat alone at the desk, confidently leaning her arm on the back of the empty chair beside her, and with a lollipop in her mouth, she said, “Evidence is here. Do you want to go and ask yourselves?”

The six girls followed Rong Yi’s gaze towards the door, where Senior A walked in with a smiling Zhang, leading to an unexpected turn of events.

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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