After Online Dating with Unlimited Streaming BOSS

Players couldn’t hear what NPC Rong Yi was saying. All they knew was that she was their undercover agent within the NPC faction, so they let the Steel Nurses envelop them.

Zhong Zhiming looked at the array of Steel Nurses above his head, feeling more baffled than he had in all his years of studying medicine:

“This is… a Faraday cage?”

Luo Huayue was puzzled: “Faraday cage?”

Zhang Haiyang, even more confused: “Faraday, where’s the Ferrari?”

Raymond sighed, “Faraday cage, a grounding cage made of good conductors, with no potential difference inside, all at the same electrical potential, so people inside the cage won’t get electrocuted.”

“We’ve been dragged into a carnival of luck. Wouldn’t it be good to learn some life-saving knowledge?”

Luo Huayue nodded, “Hmm! I didn’t understand! But does it mean we can stay inside without getting electrocuted?”

Raymond: “…Yes.”

Zhang Haiyang clapped his hands excitedly, “Miss Rong is amazing, I’ll hold onto Miss Rong’s thigh from now on!”

Zhong Zhiming, frowning at Dicklan and Luna confronting outside the cage, muttered, “This way, we indeed won’t get hurt by electrical currents, but we also can’t attack the boss!”

Raymond paced, thinking, “We might not be able to attack the boss. But we can also make it so that he can’t attack Luna.”

He saw the situation clearly, “As long as we help Luna defeat Dicklan, this instance will be completely open to us.”

“We’ll clear this level in a way we’ve never done before!”

Zhang Haiyang, holding a bucket, asked bewildered, “How do we do that?”

Raymond looked at the bucket in his hand, “We make a lightning rod.”

Dicklan looked at the players guarded tightly by the Steel Nurses. Even if Luna came with full force, he still had so many players as hostages. But now, all his “instruments” were locked away in a safe!

Dicklan looked at Luna standing resolutely in front of him, a hint of crack appearing in his kind face, “You haven’t changed at all, still standing firmly on the players’ side, the NPC opposition.”

“NPCs and players have never been in opposition.” Luna tucked her loose hair behind her ear, “We work together, offering a fantastic game. Whether it’s against or cooperatively, it should bring joy, not harm.”

“The game has deviated from its original purpose in recent years. And you, aiding the tyrant, are a demon.” She pointed at Dicklan, bluntly adding, “A scumbag who enjoys tormenting mental patients in reality can also be a director. This game is truly sick.”

Mentioning real-life crimes, Dicklan’s features twisted further, crackling electricity sounding in his hands, “Even the court couldn’t convict me. Who are you to judge me here!”

The thick current of electricity shimmered brightly, piercing the air, aiming at Luna!

Luna leaped aside, narrowly avoiding it!

“Hahaha!” Dicklan laughed wildly, “You speak so righteously, yet you can’t withstand a single blow from me!”

Luna’s ability was illusions, mostly used to hypnotize the Steel Nurses, making them think they were acrobats. Otherwise, how could a Faraday cage made of people be set up in an instant by a group of nurses?

Now, to maintain the Faraday cage, she could only allocate a small part of her abilities to deal with Dicklan, making her look somewhat disheveled.

However, her close combat skills were strong. As long as Dicklan gave her an opening, she could easily strike—

“Crack!” Another thick electric current burst from Dicklan’s hand, narrowly avoided by Luna. With a loud “bang,” a huge black scorch mark appeared on the ground next to her.

As part of the Faraday Cage, Rong Yi watched anxiously. Luna was being pushed back by the electric currents and Dicklan, the boss in the copy, not only had seemingly unlimited electricity but could sustain it for a long time.

Luna flipped over and saw nurses everywhere dodging the electric currents, screaming in alarm.

These were just ordinary nurses who couldn’t form a Faraday Cage and could only transform into rampaging nurses.

However, these rampaging nurses couldn’t withstand even a second before Dicklan.

“… Will you follow me?” Luna suddenly spoke, “Are you willing to do your part to overthrow Dicklan?”

The head nurse gasped, “Of course, Director Luna!”

The nurses looked at each other. What did Luna mean by “do your part”?

But with the head nurse taking the lead, they nodded in succession.

“I’m in!”

“As long as there are no damn KPIs!”

“We want to return to the life under Director Luna’s rule!”

Luna nodded slightly, subconsciously glancing at Rong Yi.

Rong Yi realized she wasn’t seeking her approval this time.

She was simply informing her:

Yes, I won’t hesitate. Nor will I go easy.

Luna smiled faintly at the nurses, “Thank you. I promise that each of you will only experience death once.”

The head nurse: “Wh-”


As Dicklan’s next electric surge approached, Luna locked eyes with the nearest head nurse, causing her to involuntarily step in front of the electric current!


The head nurse was instantly evaporated into a cloud of black ash!

Rong Yi was shocked!

She had taught Luna to become a god, a master, to be resolute, not to show mercy.

However, she also knew Luna’s nature—overly kind or simply naive.

Even the only NPC she had killed so far had shown a clear attack tendency towards Rong Yi.

These nurses had bullied her, oppressed her, humiliated her, yet she had always viewed them with a nurturing gaze.

Rong Yi couldn’t believe that Luna was now using them as human shields!

Even though they were NPCs that could be reborn, the pain of death still existed. Didn’t Luna understand this better than anyone else?

Perhaps Luna naturally possessed the cold cruelty of a superior, only provoked by her own words.

This kind of Luna wouldn’t lose, nor would she be trapped by her own kindness again.

Rong Yi found solace in this. However, watching Luna hypnotize nurses one by one to shield herself from the electric attacks while she cautiously approached Dicklan, Rong Yi couldn’t help but feel uneasy: Could she have unleashed some terrifying creature by accident…

“It’s done!” Suddenly, in the calm Faraday Cage, Zhang Haiyang’s cheer resounded. Rong Yi turned around to see that the players had dismantled Zhang Haiyang’s iron bucket and turned it into something strange.

Anton was making final adjustments to the object. His strong hands dismantled the handle from the iron bucket, straightened it out, tore the iron skin of the bucket into a long strip, and tied one end to the now transformed iron rod.

Luo Huayue looked through the gaps in Faraday’s cage, tracing each steel pipe outside the cage repeatedly, and pointing to one not far from the cage, saying, “Count the third one from here; it runs through the room and won’t pass by us.”

Raymond nodded, using vines to coil around the iron sheet and wrapping it around that steel pipe.

Dicklan and Luna attacked and defended each other, constantly moving around in the room. Raymond waited for the right moment when Dicklan’s back was turned to them and, not far away, carefully used the thin vine to slip the iron rod into Dicklan’s lab coat pocket.

Rong Yi understood! They were going to connect this to the power source and attach a lightning rod!

The conductivity of the iron rod was much better than air. Dicklan discharged electricity towards Luna again, and the current flowed directly into the steel pipe through the needle!

Dicklan tried to send an electric current to Luna, but nothing happened, so he looked at his hand in confusion.

There should still be plenty of power left, right?

Within a moment of distraction, Luna had already pounced in front of him, grabbed his neck, and before he could react –

“A crisp snap.”

Efficiently, she broke his neck!

Luna gasped, released the hypnotism on the steel nurses, and Rong Yi watched as they tumbled down.

Ignoring the pain, she shouted at Luna, “He will respawn!”

He’s an NPC; he will respawn!

Luna, wearing a confident smile, said, “I want him to respawn.”

She pulled out the lightning rod from Dicklan’s lab coat and threw it on the ground with a clang. Then she reached out to Rong Yi, saying, “There should be a first aid kit in your backpack.”

In her search for the escaped card earlier, Rong Yi did remember seeing it and handed it to Luna, asking, “Are you injured?”

Luna shook her head, took out the medicine from the plastic box, and said, “Go bandage the injured players.”

She reverted to her kind and caring self, full of compassion in her words, as though she hadn’t just had a dozen nurses sacrifice themselves moments ago.

Luna extinguished the fire and used her tattered white coat to collect all of Dickran’s ashes, putting them into a small plastic medical box, securely fastening it.

“You, come here,” she said to a logistics NPC hiding in the waiting area. It wasn’t a command but a direct hypnotic suggestion.

The NPC dazedly approached her and took the medicine box.

“Immediately bind it tightly with wire, cement it shut, then throw it into the sea.”

This was a hypnotic command directly imprinted in the brain. The NPC dazedly agreed and immediately carried out the task without hesitation.

Luna dusted her hands, looking at the NPC and players with a mix of reverence and fear, smiled kindly again:

“Players, please wait a moment while I handle some matters, then I will send you on your way.”

She opened her arms, closed her eyes, and her gentle voice echoed in the spacious lobby:

“As long as players pass the levels, they can escape. The number of escape spots depends on the number of players reaching the summit.”

“Players who do not pass the levels within the specified time will lose 100 points and be sent out of the dungeon. They are welcome to challenge it again.”

“All players above danger level D in the hospital will be strictly controlled. Those with criminal records will receive treatment in the hospital and must reduce their harm level to below level f before becoming dungeon NPCs or returning to reality.”

The god returns, and the word is followed by law.

Luna’s words instantly became reality. Rong Yi saw a light at the end of the stairs leading to the seventh floor, probably indicating more escape spots had been generated.

The players witnessed a scene they had never seen before: the main boss of the dungeon personally spoke to them gently, “Congratulations on clearing the level. Please go upstairs and leave.”

“If you are lucky enough to come again, I guarantee you will have a completely different and enjoyable experience next time.”

“Welcome back to play at Gikas Castle Dungeon next time. Welcome.”

Author’s note: Wishing all the cuties a happy Qixi Festival!

He pulled out his NPC floating screen, turned towards himself, and activated the recording function.

His finger vigorously rubbed the lips of the plastic head in his arms, twisting the straight lips into a peculiar smile.

Male Nurse: … I guess that counts as a smile.

Amid the increasingly terrified stares of the NPCs, he gestured a “yeah” towards the floating screen camera.


Later, exhausted from coming out of the Gikas Castle instance, Rong Yi received a Qixi Festival greeting from his boyfriend.

X: [The male nurse holding the twisted smiley head gestures “yeah,” with “Cutely headless” written above in a jpg image]

X: I took this secretly! How is it? Doesn’t this instance seem less scary now?

X: Don’t have nightmares tonight~ I’ll be with Rong Rong all the time~ Even the scariest NPCs, I’ll make them cute and headless, okay?

X: Belated happy Qixi Festival! Kisses! What gift does Rong Rong want this year?

Rong Yi picked up the phone, which seemed ready to throw away at the sight of the expression pack, and typed expressionlessly:

Rong: Happy Qixi Festival.

Rong: I want you not to make expression packs by yourself in the future. Absolutely!

Rong: Love you, kisses.

Rong Yi closed the terrifying expression pack, looked at his boyfriend’s confused messages, asked if the expression pack wasn’t cute, then sent a version with blushing cheeks and a bow on his face.

Rong Yi: …

Rong: Cute, but not as cute as you.

So don’t send them.

His finger hovered over “delete” for a long time, but in the end, he opened an album named “Cutest Moments Compilation” on his phone and saved the “cute version” of the headless male nurse in it.

Qixi Festival was already yesterday.

But in Rong Yi’s dreams tonight, there was still a pink blush and a bow tie.

And the male nurse cutely headless.

Fortunately, not scary.

Indeed, a little cute.

The instance has come to an end!

There will be some communication exchanges with Luna in the follow-up~

Everyone, rest assured, Luna has just awakened some of the superior’s ruthlessness (necessary to control the instance), but she is essentially a very gentle person~ She has fully understood what Rong Yi said, “Thunderous means, Bodhisattva’s heart.”

It’s just that Sister Rong taught someone to be bad for the first time; others learned faster than her, and she is a bit uncomfortable, hahaha.

Next, there will probably be 1-3 chapters of real-life plot. Similar to before, each real-life plot chapter will be around 2000 words, playful and exaggerated a bit (let a big-mouthed person out for a walk), and then we’ll enter the next instance~

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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