After Online Dating with Unlimited Streaming BOSS

Twelve players climbed the stairs and arrived at the sixth floor.

Here, like the previous floors, was spacious, permeated with the unpleasant smell of disinfectant.

“What’s this?” Zhang Haiyang, holding a bucket – yes, the large iron bucket given to him by Luo Huayue as a life-saving device – looked at the varying heights and complex steel structures before him, with a puzzled expression.

A player stroked his chin and said, “It’s somewhat like a capture game arena.”

“A capture game?”

“I don’t remember the official name. It’s a derivative gameplay of parkour, with both two-player and multiplayer modes. Teams chase each other, with each round lasting 20 seconds. The side that catches or isn’t caught determines the win or loss.”

Raymond cautiously wrapped the vine around the nearest steel pole and shook it. “Pretty sturdy. Maybe it really is this gameplay.”

“I can’t help but feel…” Luo Huayue frowned, “it’s too safe. At least someone should die from being caught to fit the tone of this dungeon.”

“Ah-ah-ah-ah!” Zhang Haiyang put the bucket over her head. “Shut up, you chatterbox!”

Luo Huayue: …


Unusual faint sounds in the air prompted Raymond to quickly retract the vine.

Too late.

The vine wrapped around the steel pole seemed to be burned by something, instantly turning to ash!

Raymond managed to retrieve half of the vine that was not affected, vigilantly looking around.

A man’s hand, wearing pristine white gloves, released from the steel pole.

He stood far from them, almost at the other corner of the room.

But the steel pole he just touched, winding in intricate patterns, was the same one the vine had wrapped around.

The man adjusted his lab coat, revealing a gentle Western middle-aged face.

“Welcome, twelve guests who have traveled from afar, welcome,” he said with a smile, spreading his arms, his tone and welcome similar to the previous floors’ nurse greetings.

Raymond held up the burnt vine, silently asking him with his eyes, is this the welcome?

Clapping his hands, the man chuckled, “Apologies, apologies. According to the game rules, for levels with high danger, we must make players understand the consequences of failure. We can’t have our dear players die in vain, can we?”

“There used to be an NPC specifically for this job, but—” The man glanced at the dark waiting area on one side of the floor where players wouldn’t reach:

“She’s on strike.”

The exit of the waiting area was blocked by a dense electric mesh. The NPCs who should have been on stage watched anxiously.

“What’s going on? Isn’t it our turn to go on stage?”

“No idea, the director stopped her!”

“Well, this means our KPI won’t be met.”

“I don’t care, I’m sticking with Nurse Luna. Forget about the KPI. If we don’t go on, I’m fine with that!”

Rong Yi frowned, standing beside Luna, attempting to touch the faint electric mesh.

The electric current passed through her metallic shell, but the imagined stinging did not come. Instead, there was a refreshing sensation, as if a gentle breeze had passed by!

She looked at her palm, suddenly realizing: the steel armor covering the Steel Nurses was a good conductor, essentially creating a Faraday cage for her.

In other words, she, along with all the steel nurses, can pass through the grid!

She tried to open a hole in the grid and then gestured to Luna to reach her arm through and test it.

Luna carefully extended her arm, which had already lost most of its straw covering and now resembled a human hand, through the gap in the electric grid.

Safe and sound.

Luna anxiously watched Director Dicklan on the field, sniping players with high-voltage electricity, and said, “This level wasn’t like this before! He’s punishing me for not obeying! What should we do? His thunder ability is strong; players will be wiped out!”

“Oh my, it seems Director Dicklan is a thunder mage.” Rong Yi called over a few steel nurses who had first surrendered to Luna and used their steel bodies to prop open a safe door for NPCs to enter and exit.

“It’s also a classic skill of a psychotherapist,” she scoffed, then seeing everyone on the field still holding on for the moment under Raymond’s protection, she loudly addressed the NPCs huddled in the waiting area:

“This door was opened for you by Director Luna! You can choose to come out or stay in.”

“But passing through this door means abiding by Director Luna’s game rules!”

“Your mission is to save players from Dicklan’s hands, not eliminate them!”

“If any NPC deceives Director Luna, the most brutal death awaits them. And not just once.”

“Am I clear?”

The NPCs looked at each other.

Even though they had all previously knelt and surrendered, some NPCs did so out of conformity to the situation at the time and deep down still feared Director Dicklan’s oppressive methods of control, so they didn’t dare directly oppose him.

Many of the nurses from the second and first nursing department had personally experienced Luna’s display of power in previous levels and had clashed with Director Dicklan’s logistics team. Without hesitation, they came out in succession.

With their large numbers, soon the waiting area was nearly empty.

Then a few patients came out as well. Rong Yi glanced at the NPCs standing quietly in the waiting area, then waved to signal the electric grid to be closed.

“It’s showtime.” She patted Luna’s shoulder. “Remember, it’s your beliefs. Only from a higher place can you protect with power. Don’t hold back.”

Mabu Brain watched as lightning sparked from Dicklan’s hands in the field and nodded solemnly.

“Sh*t!” Zhang Haiyang spun and leaped in the sea of steel pipes, hugging a metal bucket and avoiding touching any of them.

Director Dicklan was familiar with the tangled steel pipes on the ground as if they were his own, and in less than five steps, he could accurately trace which pipe led to which player and deliver the high-voltage electrical current beneath the player by simply pressing his palm against the pipe after removing his gloves!

Although the players had better physical fitness than average, they were not parkour athletes, so subconsciously, they sought support to navigate the obstacles.

Already, two players had their hands burnt to a crisp from brief contact with the steel pipes, had it not been for Raymond pulling them away with vines, they would have been stuck to the pipes and killed instantly!

Zhong Zhiming tore off some patient gowns to quickly bandage them up and loudly reminded the players, “Wrap your hands with your clothes! Don’t touch the steel pipes directly!”

So now the players all have a sleeveless patient gown, with their hands wrapped in sleeves like dumplings.

Dicklanchuckled, “Very clever, very clever.”

He suddenly stepped quickly across several steel pipes and rushed straight to Raymond, who was being tripped and caught by vines in front of Zhang Haiyang!

“But not clever enough!”

Dazzling high-voltage electricity sparked from his hands, directly piercing the air and striking Raymond!

Raymond subconsciously reached out with his other hand, remembering that his vines were also conductors. Wasn’t this a dead end?

What to do?!

Suddenly, a silver figure flashed in front of him, blocking the high-voltage electricity with her body, and at the same time pointing her finger –

“Crack – bang!”

The high-voltage electricity was directed to the ground by her hand, burning a black scorch mark about a meter in diameter!

Raymond broke out in a cold sweat, imagining if it had hit him from behind…

He looked at the steel nurse standing in front of him and tentatively asked, “…Rong Yi?”

The silver metallic shell of the steel nurse was still emitting smoke. She turned around, making an “ok” gesture towards him.

Rong Yi felt a slight tingling in her body.

Indeed, if the voltage was too high, her non-standard Faraday cage shell couldn’t completely block the power of the electric current.

Suddenly, a figure caught her eye – a patient NPC!

With red eyes, the patient lunged straight at Rong Yi, raising a long knife and shouting, “Director! She’s turning the nurses against us! She’s Luna’s spy!”

Before the blade could touch her, Luna grabbed the patient by the throat.


Luna looked at Rong Yi, who nodded.

This was a silent conversation:

No mercy?

No mercy.

So Luna, “snap,” directly twisted the NPC’s neck.

This time, it was not an illusion.

All the NPCs who witnessed the scene fell silent.

Dixie Land’s hands sparkled with electricity, burning his purely decorative white gloves to ash.

He still wore a friendly smile, “Luna, my old friend, what do you mean by this?”

Luna’s body was almost entirely human in appearance, wearing a white coat, standing upright, almost like a mirror image of the person in front.

No, it should be said that Dicklanwas her mirror image from the past. It’s just that his kindness was only skin deep.

And Luna, she was a mirror image of the current Dixie Land, just armed with his malice, and she extended her hand, pulling off the burlap on her head to reveal a calm and serious middle-aged female face.

“Long time no see.” Her voice was smooth and cold, no longer as strained as the first time she spoke in the level, “I’m back.”

Dicklansmiled, “What are you saying? Weren’t you always here?”

“Oh, I’m not talking to you.” Luna, with blood-stained fingers, pointed to the “Director” title on his white coat:

“I’m speaking to it.”

Two university presidents, two deputy bosses in the dungeon, confronted a group of confused players.

Dicklan paused for a moment, then smiled, “The level isn’t over yet. Let’s deal with our internal matters internally after we send off this wave of players, okay?”

“Sure,” Luna said, “I’ll use the teleportation spot to send them away right now.”

Dicklan’s face contorted, “Don’t you understand the dungeon rules? There are only five teleportation spots upstairs. Even if I don’t kill them, they’ll have to fight among themselves to go up!”

“You set these rules,” Luna stood firmly in front of Raymond, “I will change them.”

Dicklan sneered, “Change it? Only the master of the dungeon has the right to modify the rules. I am the god of this dungeon, who do you think you are?!”

“…The one who will dethrone you,” Luna slowly unfolded her arms.

At that moment, Dicklan finally noticed that the steel nurses had gathered behind Luna, shining silver and blocking the players behind her.

She had saved these twelve living beings!

“You trying to deceive me with illusions?” Dicklan chuckled, “Even if they quietly form a wall, so what?” He placed his hand on a nearby steel pipe, “My electricity can still pass through!”


The powerful high voltage was redirected to the ground by three nurses working together!

“It’s not just a wall,” Rong Yi said among the group of steel nurses, “According to what was just said! Begin!”

The steel nurses quickly changed their formation!

“I’ll form the left side!”

“I’ll form the right side!”

“I’ll form the bottom!”

“I’ll form the top!”

The nurses, who were good conductors themselves, stacked up layer by layer, using their bodies to construct a huge metal box that covered all the players!

Sparks flew from Dicklan’s hand, his eyes widening, “…This is!!”

Rong Yi was carried on the shoulder of another steel nurse, just steadying himself, gasping for breath as he replied, “Faraday Cage. The nemesis of the Lightning King!”

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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not work with dark mode