After Online Dating with Unlimited Streaming BOSS

The young man’s thin, white arm reached out to Rong Yi, grinning in a cruel way: “Don’t hide, big sister, come to play with me ah ~”

Rong Yi tried to dodge, but her aching limbs could not withstand another push, her limbs trembled, and her hands could not help but relax, and she fell to the bottom of the bed with a “plop” sound.

Teenager see her to avoid, the anger in the eyes gradually rise, from the throat overflowed thick gas: “Either to hide from me, or play without two on the death. No energy, really no energy ……”

He slammed his fist on the bed board, hard steel bed smashed out a big pit!

“No energy!” He roared and overturned the steel bed that was firmly nailed to the floor!

Rong Yi, having lost his shelter, looked at where the steel bed had fallen and rolled to hide behind the deformed steel bed!

“Don’t hide!”

The boy’s eyes reddened, “Bang!” With a loud bang, Rong Yi watched as the arm-thick steel frame next to her head was snapped off with a punch, and the sharp cross-section grazed her cheek!

She couldn’t care less about the injury on her face, and tugged on the steel bed to block herself more tightly.

She could only survive!

The clock ticked away on the hover screen, thirty-two seconds to go and the break would be over!

“Come out, come out, come out, come out, come out!”

The teenager grumpily punched the steel bed. Fortunately, even though he is an NPC, he is still a human being, so he will always get hurt, and the broken steel frame cuts out a lot of blood on his hands.

Rong Yi dodged behind the steel bed, watching the steel frame almost break down, and there were still almost 20 seconds left in the break!

The bruises and cuts on her body from the indirect blows of the steel bed were no less than those on the teenager’s fists.

“BANG!” Another punch! This punch stretched right through the steel frame that the teenager had broken earlier, grazing her hair and hammering spiderweb-like indentations into the wall!

In Rong Yi’s eyes, the teenager’s pale palms reached towards her like sharp claws!

She couldn’t carry it any longer!

“…… Launch! Meet the parents!”

Every day, skills could be used for thirty minutes, and although she would have loved to save all of them to use against the boss, right now, it was still important to save her life!

The palm froze and stopped.

Rong Yi watched as the arm was carefully withdrawn into the hole, followed by a “plop” sound.

She looked out of the hole.

The violent and gloomy teenager, kneeling down to her.

Given that this is not the first time, Rong Yi did not particularly surprised, but only a little curious, she in the eyes of the teenager, in the end, what kind of parents?

The teenager’s voice, raspy with a hint of trembling: “…… big, sister-in-law ……”

Rong Yi: …… ah, again sister-in-law?

Teenager: “Sister-in-law I’m wrong sister-in-law, please be sure not to tell big brother, I, I just was the game flow on the head, not on purpose, really ……”

Rong Yi: I know your big brother is which mental illness ah I will go to confession?

This side is confessing, ringing the sound of the key into the lock hole.

Rong Yi does not want to waste a second: “Stop! See your parents!”

The pupils of the teenager’s eyes suddenly tightened, and at the same time, the door creaked open.

The steel nurse stood coldly at the door, and Rong Yi had never felt so close to her before! She dodged the teenager’s outstretched arm, and like a rabbit, she darted out of the doorway and hid behind the nurse.

The nurse was like a merciless door opener, not caring about what happened inside the door. She opened the door for five seconds, then closed it with a bang, blocking the red-eyed teenager from the door.

The nurse took Rong Yi with her and started to go around again in the mist. This time, Rong Yi has memorized the situation and immediately called out her human navigator:

Rong Yi: Little Ai, I’ve come to remember the way.

x: Ai! I’m not going to be able to do that!

Rong Yi: Go straight about 5 meters… Turn right… About 30 meters, turn right… About 10 meters, turn left…

She used this method of detailing the path to Aiyuan Sheng in her road-weary manner. Who knew what kind of test would come next, making them groping their way back to the room in the fog.

After about 10 minutes of walking, the nurse stopped. Several more figures gradually appeared in the mist.

Rong Yi immediately saw Zhang Haiyang among them.

For no other reason, he looked too disheveled.

The boy was drenched all over, water droplets dripping down his face, as if tears of grievance. His damp t-shirt clung to his already frail body, with a large rip near the neckline, revealing his slender collarbone.

In addition to several reddish marks on his arms and neck…

“You were…” Rong Yi wanted to ask something, but with other players around, he could only cast a sympathetic glance.

Zhang Haiyang hugged himself tightly, explaining anxiously, “No no no, it’s not what you think, it’s just my roommate, he…”

Before he could finish his words, he wiped away a tear, curled up in vulnerability, and squatted down.

Rong Yi: …This way, you look even more like you were…

Beside him, Luo Huayue held a short iron pen in her hand, with scars on her arms and face, but at least she seemed sturdy. She was much braver than in the first copy. Wiping the sweat off her face, she said:

“We all heard it in the adjacent room. Seems like we all have to fight our roommates, at least for these 15 minutes. He’s just too weak, initiating skills over such trivial matters.”

Zhang Haiyang immediately retorted, pointing at her iron pen: “You initiated too!”

Luo Huayue twirled the pen in her hand, “At least I can keep using this! And you! Your skill is like a toilet flushing, use it once, lose it once!”

Zhihuo, with bloodied hands, stood on the side, evidently exhausted, lacking the arrogance he had shown initially. The doctor rolled up his shirt sleeves and squatted down beside him in silence.

Rong Yi also had wounds on his face and body. Among the group, Raymond seemed the most refreshed and healthy, handling things with ease.

Behind him trailed vines snaking into the mist, probably used for tracking and remembering the way.

“Hey, my little rose, glad to see you’re still alive.” He flicked his golden bangs and winked at Rong Yi with one eye.

Suppressing the urge to roll her eyes, Rong Yi saw two unusually tall figures emerging from the mist.

As their faces emerged from the mist, it was Tasha and Anton!

Tasha still had bloodstains on her hair and cheeks, with some marks on her hands. Anton was unscathed.

Of course, thought Rong Yi, with Anton’s build, unless his roommate is a giant, it’s unlikely they could harm him.

A male voice on the broadcast sounded annoyed, “Ahem, it’s now free time in the special ward. I hope you’ve all met your roommates. Now, one patient hasn’t returned to his room during rest time. Please find out his whereabouts.”

“Note, before the end of free time, all patients should return to their rooms voluntarily, or else face strict punishment from the nurse.”

Everyone looked at each other.

Zhang Haiyang: “Is that all? Any clues? What does this patient look like, any features, what illness, male or female?”

The doctor frowned, “The broadcast said it’s free time in the special ward… they wouldn’t have released our roommates too, would they?”

The man with the tiger fingers shouted “cursive” and jumped up, “No way! I saw the nurse put that thing in the room!”

“Perhaps just for the convenience of gathering us here. Look, several nurses are missing,” Raymond signaled them to look around.

Upon turning her head, sure enough, the steel nurse who had been following her was nowhere to be seen. Only one nurse remained by their side, standing in front of Luo Huayue with a metal palm extended towards her.

Zhang Haiyang gestured towards the iron pen in her hand and softly said to her, “Weapons! You can’t carry weapons!”

The nurse was asking her to surrender the weapon.

Luo Huayue held the iron pen tightly, hesitating to hand it over. The nurse extended the metal palm threateningly once again.

“This is not a weapon,” Rong Yi suddenly spoke up. The steel nurse’s head swiveled towards her.

Swallowing nervously, she said with determination, “She’s an artist, it’s very normal and reasonable for her to carry a pen with her at all times.”

The steel nurse looked puzzled at the “pen” gleaming in Luo Huayue’s hand.

Luo Huayue quickly raised the iron pen, saying, “Yes! A pen for drawing!”

She then carved a smiley face on the ground with the sharp tip of the pen.

The steel nurse straightened her head and withdrew her hand.

Rong Yi breathed a sigh of relief. Luo Huayue was petite to begin with, and she didn’t know how she would survive if her weapon was taken away.

However, she looked at Zhang Haiyang, who was huddled up, trying to make himself smaller and less noticeable.

In a way, this cowardly person was even more fragile than Luo Huayue. She wondered if she would be able to spare a hand to take care of him when needed.

Luo Huayue seemed to notice this too and carved an iron bucket on the ground with the pen.

“Launch, Da Vinci draws an egg!”

The iron bucket appeared on the ground, sturdy and solid. Luo Huayue handed the bucket to Zhang Haiyang, saying, “If you really can’t escape, use this bucket to cover your head at least to save your life.”

Zhang Haiyang looked at her gratefully, “Thank you!”

When the steel nurse reached out to Zhang Haiyang again, Luo Huayue quickly intervened, “He studies marine biology, it’s very normal and reasonable for him to carry a bucket of water with him!”

The steel nurse fell into thought once again and eventually withdrew her hand.

She left, uncertain which room’s mental patient she needed to attend to.

Rong Yi touched her lips, “Let’s summarize the information we have and see if there are any clues about missing patients. I’ll start—my roommate is a violent juvenile with great destructive power.”

Luo Huayue followed, “My roommate has delusions of being persecuted, always thinking I want to kill him.”

“My roommate,” Zhang Haiyang stuttered, “is an arsonist.”

Before Fingerman could speak, Anton suddenly interjected, “Oh, so you all have roommates.”


Anton: “I thought it was just bad luck for Tasha to end up in a double room. I have a single room, no roommate.”

The game system’s twisted sense of humor, Rong Yi thought. It seems that despite being the strongest combatant, Anton managed to luck out!

“If we’re talking about clues, in my room on the other bed, there’s straw everywhere,” Anton gestured, “Just ordinary, yellow straw.”

A revelation flashed in Rong Yi’s mind—

“I know who the missing patient is!”

“Who?” the doctor asked.

It’s the former director! Has he now become the target of the players in this round?

Of course, Rong Yi couldn’t say this directly; they wouldn’t believe it. So she simply said, “The one you’re looking for is a straw man.”

Tigerman scoffed, “So many straw men on the steps, should we bring them all?”

“No,” Rong Yi touched her lips, forming a smiley face with her hand:

“The one with a smiley face stitched on its head.”

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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not work with dark mode