After My Dead Ending

AMDE | Chapter 80



Wow! Once again, I screamed silently inside.

I couldn’t collect my thoughts under the barrage of his kisses covering my lips, cheeks, chin, eyelids, forehead, and even the corners of my eyes.

As he loomed over me from above, he seemed enormous. It felt like a giant bird had perched on top of me, twice my size. There was no escape. My whole body stiffened like prey caught in the predator’s grasp.

Finally, after what felt like an endless stream of kisses, Norma stopped. Breathless and disoriented, I looked at him. Our eyes met, his gaze having never left me.

As if he couldn’t bear for his lips to be away from my skin for even a moment, Norma lowered them once more.


I didn’t even have time to catch my breath. This time, his tongue slipped into my mouth, parting my lips. Gasping for air, Norma grabbed my stiff arms and placed them around his neck.

By the time the long kiss ended, my chest, pressed against his, was rising and falling rapidly. He buried his face in the nape of my neck, which was also pulsing with my heartbeat.

“Don’t worry. Not yet.”

His whisper against my neck sent shivers down my spine. I flinched, and so did he. Because our bodies were pressed so closely together, I could feel every twitch of his muscles.

However, I didn’t have the luxury to react to each little thing.

Norma seemed to have mastered the art of kissing now. The person who once hesitated to even touch his lips to mine was gone, replaced by someone remarkably skilled.

Although I had no basis for comparison, the way my heart pounded whenever we kissed made it clear—Norma was certainly talented in this.

As my breathing gradually steadied, my mind started to clear. I realized that despite just a few long kisses, my entire body was drenched in sweat.

At that moment, Norma slowly moved his hand, gently combing through my tangled hair with his fingers. Then, with a swift motion, he lifted his upper body. I felt strangely drowsy and only moved my eyes to watch him.

The man, half-naked with the moonlight at his back, was beautiful. Like me, his pale skin was now damp with sweat, making it glisten even more than before.

I noticed the veins standing out against his smooth skin, his labored breathing, and his flushed face. Although he wore a faint smile, his golden eyes, which were fixed on me, held a certain wildness they usually didn’t.

It was clear excitement.

‘Wow, what am I going to do?’

As soon as I completed that thought, my heart pounded harder. The sight of this breathtakingly handsome man, whose face was flushed with heat, was intensely sensual and erotic.

An aroused Norma Diazi was something extraordinary. How could someone like him make such a face, especially over someone as ordinary as me? All I could do was try my best to breathe regularly while looking at him.

Though I had committed countless blasphemies throughout my life, today might be the greatest one yet.

“I’m going to touch you now.”

Norma, his gaze lowering slowly, kindly announced his next move. Knowing the theory behind this, I immediately understood the sentence, even though it lacked a direct object.

I covered my burning eyes with the back of my hand. By then, Norma had settled between my legs and draped one of them over his shoulder. He then began to kiss down my calf, slowly working his way toward my thigh.

My grip on the sheet tightened as much as it could. I repeated to myself a hundred times.

‘This is insane.’

I almost kicked him a few times. But his hand, gently holding my ankle, kept a firm grip on me. Part of me wanted to run away, but there was no escaping him, no matter how much I wished for it.

When had I been so worried, treating myself like fragile glass? The more I struggled, the more persistently Norma clung to me.

After my vision flashed white several times, he finally let me go. I collapsed, exhausted, like someone who had just finished a race.

Before I knew it, Norma, now completely naked, swiftly climbed on top of me. Our sweaty bare chests pressed against each other, and surprisingly, I didn’t find it unpleasant. Clearly, I had lost my mind as well.

I thought that maybe this was far enough for tonight, but Norma didn’t stop. He was relentless, and it seemed he had no intention of halting. As he stroked my hair and caressed my side, he whispered softly.

“I can’t prevent the pain, but I’ll do my best to make sure you’re not hurt.”

Was it really going to hurt that much? I felt something like an elbow pressing into my thigh, so I instinctively tried to look down.

But before I could, Norma kissed me again, as if to keep me from looking.

“If it gets too hard to bear, you can bite my shoulder.”

Norma intertwined our fingers as he continued to speak. Soon, our gazes locked.

Where had the bashful, shy boy who blushed just from eye contact gone?

It seemed I was allowing him to do anything too easily. Knowing this full well, and still unable to find my voice, I simply nodded, giving him permission once again. Taking that as a signal, he began to move slowly.

‘Damn it. Could that elbow-like thing be…?’


Sensing danger, I called out to him urgently, and the next moment, my breath caught in my chest as my head tilted back. That devastatingly seductive man above me let out a groan of pleasure.


Just before I was about to lose consciousness, he shamelessly called my name. Of course, he wasn’t expecting a response, and I wouldn’t have been able to answer even if he did.

“I’ll stay by your side forever.”

Norma lowered his head and once again whispered the vow he’d made during the day into my ear.

Ah… That stupid promise again.

My heart pounded painfully in my chest as it picked up speed. Releasing our intertwined fingers, he placed my arms around his shoulders.

“So hold me tightly.”

Trembling all over, I tightened my grip around him. Taking that as another signal, Norma found my lips again. He lightly nibbled my chin and upper lip, kissing me as if he was going to steal the last bit of breath from me.

Surprisingly, the almost devouring nature of the kiss helped distract me from the overwhelming sensations I was enduring. Perhaps that was his intention, as it wasn’t long before he began to move again, subtly at first.

Although his mouth spoke all kinds of sweet and tender words, his actions below were anything but. Feeling a bit betrayed, I impulsively bit his shoulder in retaliation.

My teacher’s words had never been more accurate. No amount of theoretical study could compare to a single experience in practice, and my husband was extraordinary in many ways.

The night was long, and what I learned that night was that the new lady of the McFoy family was married to a man who was tender above but ruthless below, like a half-human, half-beast.

* * *

“I want to return this! It’s a complete scam! I thought I was getting a gentle puppy, but it turned out to be a wild beast! A lion cub!”

I shouted with a voice full of injustice.

“He’s only sweet with his words, but his lower half is worse than a savage beast! No wonder he didn’t want me to look down there—how could a person shove something so monstrous at someone? Look at my body! There’s not a single spot that isn’t hurting!”

Listing my reasons for returning him like someone who had been thoroughly scammed, I laid out my argument point by point. I could have gone into even more detail, but the response I got was incredibly irresponsible.

“But you kissed.”

“Argh! That kiss! What’s a kiss worth?!”

“Since you’ve kissed, returns are not allowed.”

The faceless voice firmly declared once again that returns were impossible.

“Moreover, the fortress has been built.”

The face behind the solemn voice became clearer until it suddenly transformed into the solemn visage of Milan Diazi.

Milan looked directly at me. Was he now my father-in-law? Father-in-law opened his mouth to speak again, addressing me.

“The lifelong principle is to uphold the contract.”


In the middle of this absurd dream, I suddenly woke up with a start. At the same time, my entire body screamed in pain, and I gasped, swallowing air.

The combination of numbness in my lower half and the all-over aching pain was something I’d never experienced before. As the unfamiliar sensation washed over me, memories of the previous night—or rather, just a few hours ago—came flooding back into my mind.

I only needed to roll my eyes to see the culprit responsible for my current state. In fact, I didn’t need to look far at all. Right in front of me was the expanse of skin that was Norma Diazi’s chest.

Even when I lifted my gaze, all I saw was more skin, as the man had his chin resting on the top of my head, sound asleep. Here I was, feeling like I was on the brink of death, while he peacefully snored away, which immediately filled me with rage.

And didn’t he say he couldn’t sleep?

“This… this bastard.”

Feeling like I had been tormented all night, I muttered to myself in frustration. My voice came out hoarse and cracked from all the screaming I’d done during the night.

It wasn’t just the pain that made it impossible to move a finger. Norma had wrapped himself around me like I was a doll, and his grip was so strong that I couldn’t free myself from his arms no matter how hard I tried.

I struggled and grunted, trying to escape his embrace, but suddenly, I stopped moving. I couldn’t believe it, but I could feel something pressing against my lower abdomen.

Of course, I knew that this was a normal occurrence for a healthy man in the morning. But after being tortured by it all night, the thought of it filled me with chills.

If you asked whether I didn’t enjoy it at all, well, I’d have to admit that at some point, I did get caught up in the mood.

After I got a little more used to it, I even considered flipping him over, like I had done at the Tibey estate, and getting on top—

Every memory that came to mind was so embarrassing that I had to squeeze my eyes shut.

‘Still, if he’s human, he should at least know when to stop.’

Embarrassment aside, I glared at the chest of the beast who was now waking me up with kisses on my head. Looking closely, it seemed like he had been awake for some time, probably when I had been wriggling to get away. Then, in an instant, my view flipped upside down.


I shut my eyes tightly at the sudden sharp pain, and when I opened them again, there he was, on top of me once more.

“Did you sleep well?”

Did I sleep well? I glared up at Norma Diazi, whose face couldn’t be more shameless. Amazingly, despite everything, he looked as beautiful as always, with not a hint of swelling.

When our eyes met, his face flushed a deep red. He wore an expression of embarrassment, as if he didn’t know what to do with himself, and then, with his large body, he leaned down and buried his blushing face into the crook of my neck.

It was a cute gesture, but coming from a man who had acted like the embodiment of desire just hours ago, I could only feel disbelief.


  1. Keila lima says:


  2. Keila lima says:

    Thanks for the chapter

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