After My Dead Ending

AMDE | Chapter 69


Milan Diazi appeared as calm as ever. He rarely showed his emotions, so outwardly, nothing seemed different.

Even so, I could sense the deep turmoil within him, making it hard for me to meet his gaze confidently.

At the same time, I felt a bit wronged. It wasn’t as if Norma Diazi and I had crossed an irreparable line; we had only kissed a few times.

In today’s world, even nobles who aren’t adults often sneak kisses at balls. I couldn’t believe that at my age, a few kisses would lead to such a rushed marriage. It seemed absurd.

But I couldn’t utter a word of protest. After all, by Diazi standards, I had taken his well-bred son overnight.

So, I was prepared to humbly accept whatever Milan had to say.

“I don’t know how to repay the head of the McFoy family for this sin. Please, forgive my son’s lack of virtue.”

Milan bowed his head as he said this. I was at a loss for words, and he asked to speak with Norma first.

‘Of course, a deep conversation between father and son is needed.’

I quickly pushed Norma, who was standing beside me, toward Milan. Just as Norma had said, it seemed Milan had indeed come to punish him. Imagining the same situation with Archie, I would have certainly scolded my child too.

Imagine it.

If suddenly my child had not only gone to a wild ball without my knowledge but also taken a lady’s hand and left the ball to stay at her house.

And if that child had stayed at that house for over a week.

‘Punishment? If Norma were Archie, the world would have ended.’

So go on and get a good scolding, Norma Diazi!

That day, I couldn’t see Norma Diazi anymore.

One change that occurred with Norma staying at the mansion was that I, who usually skipped breakfast, began to have it regularly just to accompany him. It was just like when he stayed at the McFoy estate last time.

After Milan’s visit, I couldn’t see Norma until the next morning during breakfast. Although it had only been a few days, it felt like ages since I last saw him.

And while he was always radiant, he looked the most haggard I had ever seen. He gave me his usual sunny smile, but the weariness was still evident.

‘The face that shone even in Tartaros… Truly, Milan Diazi is impressive.’

Milan looked as he always did. His expression and feelings were inscrutable.

Thus began a meal with the three of us, which was unusually tense. I had forgotten, thanks to Norma’s constant chatter during meals, that Diazi nobles never spoke while eating.

Enduring the silence, I repeatedly drank fruit juice.

“When do you plan to hold the ceremony?”


Milan Diazi had spoken during the meal, and caught off guard, I spat out the juice I was drinking. Of all days, I had chosen a light-colored dress, and now it had a reddish map splattered across the chest.

Milan showed no reaction to this sight. He was just like Nicholas Diazi in that he cut straight to the point without any preamble.

…Where did Norma come from?

“How about after spring, around the time of the Carnival?”

Milan waited patiently for me to regain my composure before suggesting his preferred date.

‘Isn’t that too soon? It’s not like we committed a serious offense.’

Noble marriages typically involve scouting potential candidates at sixteen or seventeen, getting engaged at eighteen, and usually marrying at twenty, assuming no significant issues arise.

Engagements weren’t just for show; they served two primary purposes. Firstly, they projected an image of not being in a rush. Secondly, they allowed two years for wedding preparations, including the education of both the bride and groom.

“As you mentioned, it should be after spring. It would be better to take our time.”

Morfolk’s trial was still ongoing. Both individuals had been immediately imprisoned in the temple’s jail due to their flight risk, and Petra needed to give birth before any verdict was issued.

In other words, even if we wanted to marry right away, we would have to wait until spring.

“The two of you should marry immediately.”

While I wasn’t opposed to marrying Norma Diazi, this seemed overly extreme and hasty to my ears.

Until a few days ago, I had only considered potential suitors on paper. I had never seriously thought about marriage in my life. Planning a real marriage now felt embarrassingly serious.

“We also need the emperor’s permission…”

As I awkwardly mentioned the emperor’s approval as an excuse, I trailed off. Milan’s face, usually emotionless, had hardened sharply.

“Has His Majesty refused?”

Milan’s voice was chilling. It was the most ominous voice I had ever heard.

“He likely will.”

“The two of you should rightfully be husband and wife…”

Milan muttered in an even lower voice. I was taken aback and stared at him. I felt more threatened than when facing an angry Lady Seymour.

“I will personally seek an audience with the emperor.”

“Lord Diazi, there’s no need for that.”

Milan moved as if he were about to storm out, and I urgently called out.

“His Majesty will have no choice but to approve.”

I had anticipated the emperor’s refusal and had already taken measures.

The problem was how this strict adherent to etiquette before me would react to the illegal actions related to the temple. How could I frame ‘oracle manipulation’ in a more palatable way?


While I hesitated, Norma spoke up.

“There will be an oracle.”

Norma’s explanation was brief and to the point. It felt too abbreviated. I anxiously watched Milan’s reaction.

Milan’s face slowly contorted in response to his son’s calm voice. Seeing Milan Diazi’s anger and contorted face made me hold my breath.

Milan closed his eyes quietly. The incident where the headstrong crown princess manipulated an oracle to covet Norma Diazi had been a great humiliation for the Diazi family. Milan had once thought that might have been the start of all their misfortunes.

The Diazi family did not teach revenge. Instead, they educated on forgiveness and tolerance. Retaliating in the same manner was not considered noble.

“You reap what you sow.”

After a brief silence, Milan left those words and stood up.

For Milan Diazi to overlook oracle manipulation… His anger was deeper and more long-standing than I had realized.

Three days later, a divine oracle was issued in the holy land of Baghdad for the first time in fourteen years. The subject was once again Norma Diazi. High priests and senior priests gathered to interpret the oracle, and its contents were first sent to the emperor.

Exactly two days later, the emperor’s chamberlain visited the McFoy mansion. He conveyed the emperor’s command.

“The head of the McFoy family, the representative of the Diazi family, and Sir Norma Diazi are to enter the palace immediately.”

* * *

Before the doors to the audience chamber opened, I glanced at Norma. As our eyes met, he smiled as usual.

‘What’s there to smile about? We’re about to face a serious battle.’

Maybe it was just my imagination, but he seemed to shine even more today. The thought of presenting this starlike man in front of the greedy emperor was disheartening.

Worried, I whispered rapidly to him.

“I’ll do most of the talking, so just stay close to me and don’t worry about anything.”

“Yes, Aisa.”

He whispered back. It wasn’t enough, so I added one more request.

“And whatever you do, don’t smile at His Majesty.”

Lately, Norma smiled too often, and his smile captivated everyone, regardless of age or gender. I couldn’t bear the thought of the greedy emperor eyeing him with lust.

“Yes, I won’t smile in front of anyone.”

Norma whispered, trying to suppress a laugh.

I thought he sometimes spoke in extremes, and I frowned slightly.

‘Alright, but don’t smile.’

I knew Norma Diazi wasn’t just a naive person. Yet, he was indeed pure and bright for his age. His round, smiling eyes didn’t sit well with me, so I was about to caution him again.

But the conversation was interrupted as Milan cautioned us outside the emperor’s audience chamber.

Soon, permission to enter was granted, and the massive doors began to open. The emperor, sitting at the highest position, came into view.

Reclining lazily on the throne, the emperor looked at the man who had once been his son-in-law.

‘So, you’re truly alive.’

Norma Diazi looked the same as he did years ago. Memories of that time rushed back, starting from Calliphe’s desire to marry Norma to her tragic death. The emperor felt his mood sink profoundly.

‘In the end, wasn’t all of this because of him? My daughter got entangled in such evil because of him.’

When he learned that everything had happened due to Calliphe’s curse, the emperor was desperate to bury the incident. He had rebuffed and ignored Milan Diazi when he came seeking the truth. Those were hellish days for the emperor too.

But with Norma Diazi alive, it seemed that only his most cherished child had died. He felt anger and disgust at seeing Norma alive.

Yet, paradoxically, he had always coveted Norma Diazi.

In the past, Norma had been perfect for Calliphe. Now, with her gone, he would be an excellent support for the new heir, Billinent.

The second princess had never pleased the emperor.

She was quite intelligent but not as much as Calliphe. She had dull brown hair and murky green eyes, reminiscent of her deceased mother, which didn’t sit well with the emperor. She had been a hindrance to Billinent, the new heir, and had been sent away years ago.

For a moment, the emperor had been pleased that he finally had a use for her.

“An oracle has been issued.”

The emperor gritted his teeth, forcing a relaxed smile.

“According to the temple’s interpretation, Sir Norma Diazi is to marry the head of the McFoy family. What do you think, McFoy?”

What a formal question, as if he didn’t know the oracle wasn’t truly from Mehra.

I bared my teeth in a rare smile in front of the emperor. I saw the muscles under his eyes twitch.

“As a daughter who serves Mehra, if it is the will of the god.”

The answer he sought was clear.

“I will gladly comply.”


🌸 Hello, lovely! Let’s enjoy this magical journey together~ 💖 If you’d like to support me, feel free to check out my Ko-fi! 🌷💕


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