After My Dead Ending

AMDE | Chapter 64


Though drunk and cornered, Philip knew who “Norma Diazi” was. He was a famous knight.

For someone like him to suddenly challenge him to a duel felt more cataclysmic than the sky falling or the ground giving way.

Philip had neither holy power nor the ability to wield a sword. He could barely ride a horse. Above all, the knight before him had a significantly larger build. Tears welled up, and his breath caught in his throat.

‘But if I refuse the duel….’

Noble honor often sank to the ground amid scandalous rumors. Yet, regardless of how tarnished a noble’s honor became, some could subtly reintegrate into society depending on the nature of the rumor.

However, avoiding a duel was different. It was the ultimate disgrace and dishonor, preventing one from ever setting foot in central society again.

In other words, fleeing from a duel meant total ruin. Dying in the duel was far more honorable.

Hence, it was understandable why Philip Morfolk, who had lived off his family’s name, wet himself. Facing Norma Diazi, even he would want to flee.

‘Things are certainly taking an unexpected turn.’

I narrowed my eyes, watching the situation unfold. I had planned for Philip to be excommunicated from his family and sentenced to a life of hard labor. But now, Norma Diazi had appeared, essentially sentencing Philip to death.

‘…This isn’t bad either. The more sensational, the longer it will last. It aligns with my goals.’

There was no reason to stop the duel. Considering Norma had declared me his benefactor and given the odds, he wouldn’t lose to Philip.

“Ah… Ahhh… Ah…”

Philip’s already fragile mental state couldn’t withstand the pressure any longer. Gasping for breath, he eventually collapsed backward.

Though Philip hadn’t responded directly, the spectators watching the unexpected event cheered as if the villain had been defeated. Some even jeered and threw grapes at the fainted Philip.

The continuous string of shocking events had sent the audience’s excitement through the roof.

The masquerade guests had gathered so densely in front of the makeshift stage that it was impossible to see a way out. The thought of pushing through them made me feel dizzy.

“What a mess.”

I muttered quietly as I watched the chaos from a step back. Though I had intended for chaos, the prospect of pushing through the crowd was disheartening.

“Lord McFoy.”

Lady Tibey called out to me from the stairs. Behind her stood two attendants.

“The guests are overly excited, making it difficult for you to leave immediately. Perhaps you could wait in the lounge until things settle down?”

Approaching me, she bowed apologetically and whispered swiftly in my ear. Glancing back at the pandemonium, it seemed wise to heed her suggestion.

“…Unless I knock them all out, it would be hard to pass through. I am tired, so I will rest for a while.”

“Yes, Lord McFoy. This attendant will guide you.”

Before leaving, I glanced once more at the unconscious Philip. Through the heads of the crowd, I saw the profile of Norma Diazi still holding his sword aloft.

I looked at him with a displeased expression for a few seconds before turning to follow Lady Tibey’s young attendant.

Climbing a few stairs led us to a relatively quiet corridor. The attendant informed me that the lounges were all empty, so I could choose any I liked.

Feeling drained from the masquerade, I promptly chose the nearest door. My perceptive knights quickly checked the lounge and then stood guard outside.

“Well, isn’t this something.”

A chuckle escaped me as I entered the lounge.

Lady Tibey, indeed. I couldn’t tell if this was a lounge or a luxury inn. Opening the balcony doors, I let in fresh air to counter the stifling atmosphere.

I sat on the couch, poured myself a drink from the decanter on the side table, and downed three glasses in quick succession. With no one watching, I sprawled out on the spacious couch, large enough for three men.

Finally, I felt some relief. The bustling masquerade was clearly not something I was built for.


Despite the audience’s fervent reaction and the sight of Philip Morfolk wetting himself, I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Hmph, Landry has quite a useful head on her shoulders.”

As I lay sprawled on the couch, laughing, I suddenly stopped.

“How did he end up here, anyway?”

I slowly rolled the glass in my hand, thinking about Norma Diazi. It was still hard to believe he had shown up at the masquerade ball tonight.

For someone from the Diazi family to appear at a masquerade ball… The rigid elders of that family would have a fit if they knew.

“And what impeccable timing.”

Truthfully, if Norma hadn’t stepped in, I might have lost my temper and attacked Philip myself.

That wouldn’t have been a very noble approach, and if the gossips had seen it, they would have laughed at the head of the McFoy family for being provoked by Morfolk’s son.

‘Could it be a coincidence that I met him at the masquerade tonight?’

No, it couldn’t be. The world doesn’t operate on such convenient coincidences. My gaze turned cold as I stared at the ceiling, and my hand stopped rolling the glass.

Someone knocked on the door. Lady Tibey must have managed to settle the drunks faster than expected.

“Lord, Sir Diazi is here.”

The knight announced an unexpected visitor, causing my eyes to snap open. It felt like someone had poured cold water over me, instantly sobering me up. I shot upright and glared at the door.

‘This guy—’

It couldn’t be a coincidence that Norma Diazi was at Lady Tibey’s masquerade ball tonight. And what about his sudden appearance at McFoy?

The last time he saw me, I was in an embarrassing state, but that hardly mattered now. He had come to see me of his own volition, so I might as well bring him in and get to the bottom of his intentions.

Despite this, I hesitated for one reason. Where were we? This was Lady Tibey’s masquerade ball.

Moreover, what was this lounge? It often served as a clandestine meeting place for couples.

Innocent Norma Diazi probably didn’t even realize the implications of being alone with me here; he likely followed me up here simply to speak his mind.

Even though the unspoken rule of masquerades was to act as if you saw and heard nothing, Norma and I were a combination bound to attract attention.

I decided to send him away and call him to the McFoy estate in the capital tomorrow. I opened the door myself, intending to scold him for coming up here without realizing the implications.

But then.

His eyes were moist, as if he had been crying. The corners of his eyes were red.

“…What is this?”

What’s with him? Did he cry? Seeing my reflection in his golden eyes, I lost the words I had planned to say and muttered to myself.

‘Damn. Did something else happen while I wasn’t looking?’

My heart sank. Seeing Norma Diazi looking at me with such a sorrowful expression made me feel like the guilty party.

The knights guarding the door glanced at each other, unsure why I wasn’t dismissing him immediately.

Without sparing a thought for their stares, I was overwhelmed by a sense of urgency that I couldn’t simply turn Norma Diazi away.

The decision was swift. I craned my neck to look both ways down the corridor. Norma, looking down at me with those tear-filled eyes, blinked slowly.

Fortunately, most of the guests were still gathered in the main hall due to the commotion, and not a soul was in sight near the lounge.

“Do not let anyone into this corridor.”

I ordered the knight as I urgently pulled Norma inside. The knight, his expression now composed, bowed deeply and acknowledged the command.

The door closed, leaving us in an awkward silence.

I was flustered by his near-tearful face and let him in, but immediately regretted the decision.

But what use was regret now? I might as well find out why he was here. I broke the silence.

“You seem quite rational, but—”

“Lady Aisa.”

Norma’s voice trembled as he called my name, looking at me like a puppy abandoned in the rain. It was the same gentle voice I knew, despite his earlier cold demeanor towards Philip. This softened my wariness a bit.

But those pleading eyes would not sway me. I had to find out what he was thinking with that pretty head of his.

“Was it a coincidence that you came to Lady Tibey’s estate today?”

“…No, it was not.”

His hesitation was brief before he answered. My mood quickly soured at his response.

‘Damn. Do I look like I was hoping it was a coincidence?’

Usually, those who sought me out under the guise of coincidence had transparent motives.

They were either looking to benefit from my position or were empty-headed fools looking to challenge the infamous young female head of the McFoy family.

‘I know I’ve been particularly lenient towards him, but could he be thinking along those lines too?’

I knew it was a rash and rude assumption, but the young men who approached me usually fell into one of those two categories. Since I had been ruthless with those seeking to challenge me, such approaches had dried up long ago.

Given what I knew of Norma Diazi, he didn’t seem like someone who would approach me with selfish or ulterior motives.

Yet, people could be unpredictable. If he really thought so little of me, if that night was just a pretense…

I was furious.

“Did you deliberately linger in my garden that night?”

I took a step closer, my brows furrowed in a threatening manner, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

“That night was a coincidence. Please believe me.”

“What reason do I have to believe you? What business do you have with the head of the McFoy family?”

I made it clear that we had no further business seeing each other. It was the truth. Harsh as it sounded, there was no emotional attachment between us to consider.

His golden eyes seemed to glisten even more at my sharp tone, which made me momentarily falter. But I wasn’t one to stop talking when suspicion gnawed at me.

“What, did you want to see me because of Antoinette? If so, you should have come straight to my estate, not to a party like this, Sir Diazi.”

He wouldn’t come all the way here unless he had a private request.

“Am I not allowed to attend such parties?”

“Are you seriously asking me that? According to the Diazi family’s principles—”

Norma’s hurt voice interrupted me. His defiant tone made me scoff and retort.


A sudden, indecent moan pierced my ear.

At such a crucial moment, what the—


The sounds continued, more varied and increasingly loud, making my face turn pale.

The moans were loud enough for even Norma Diazi to hear. No matter how ascetic he was, he must know what those sounds meant.

We locked eyes, both of us startled. His pupils shook violently.


🌸 Hello, lovely! Let’s enjoy this magical journey together~ 💖 If you’d like to support me, feel free to check out my Ko-fi! 🌷💕


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