After Marrying the Lord of the Underworld

Buying Furniture!

Lu Yingjiu promised that he would go see a new house with Jing Xian when he had time.


But Jing Xian couldn’t wait, saying that if they didn’t look at houses recently, they should at least change a set of furniture. After all, there were many ghosts under his command, and it would be convenient to move these furniture to the new house when the house really changed.


Lu Yingjiu thought about it carefully. Chen Xiaoling was still investigating the Zhang family’s affairs, and the friends he asked for help had no results. There was nothing to do while waiting.


So, when he was lying in bed at night, he was persuaded while in a daze by the demon concubine Jing Xian, and agreed to go to see furniture tomorrow.


—He didn’t realize the seriousness of the matter at this time.


The next morning, he walked out of the room dragging his feet.


There were hot fried dough sticks and soy milk on the table, but Jing Xian was nowhere to be seen.


One should know, it’s a rare thing to not see Jing Xian early in the morning.


Before, as soon as Lu Yingjiu came out of the room, Jing Xian would definitely come up happily, saying what breakfast was today, where they were going today, and then play hooligan a few times.


These two days were different.


Because they slept together.


To be precise, Jing Xxian moved his pillow and quilt, entered the room, and occupied Lu Yingjiu’s bed.


Jing Xian was overjoyed.


Ghosts didn’t need to sleep, he was never active in bed before, often reading a book all night, and then hating that the night was too long, as he had to wait so long to wait for Lu Yingjiu to get up.


Now it’s okay, as soon as it’s time to sleep, Jing Xian immediately went to bed early, not wasting half a second, staring at Lu Yingjiu walking around outside the room.


Every time Lu Yingjiu walked by, he would hear Jing Xian say, “Come sleep.”


“Hurry up and get to bed.”


“What are you still busy with, can’t you do it tomorrow?”


“I’ve put the milk by your bed. If you don’t drink it soon, it’ll get cold.”


When Lu Yingjiu walked past the door for the fifth time, he finally couldn’t bear it and said, “Why don’t you say, ‘Uncle, come and play?’”


Jing Xian readily agreed, “Uncle, come and play! I won’t charge you! I can even pay you!”


Uncle Lu rolled his eyes at him, slowly tidied up his documents, and then entered the room.


As soon as he approached the bed, he was attacked by Jing Xian.


The bed was big enough for two people to roll around in the blanket with room to spare. Jing Xian was satisfied, hugging and kissing, doing a lot of what he wanted to do, and in the blink of an eye, it was late at night.


Lu Yingjiu was worn out by him and fell into a deep sleep, his sleep quality greatly improved.


After sharing the bed, the next day Jing Xian would sneak out of the room, prepare his loving breakfast, then sneak back into bed, waking up Lu Yingjiu with some unnatural and somewhat discordant means.


…In short, to get back to the point, the number of times Lu Yingjiu woke up in the morning and couldn’t see Jing Xian could be counted on one hand.


After Lu Yingjiu finished washing up, he began to leisurely eat his fried dough sticks and drink soy milk, hearing the sound of trucks coming from downstairs.


The sound was quite loud, and there was more than one truck, rumbling into the community.


Lu Yingjiu thought to himself, maybe someone is moving.


Before he had time to think more, he heard heavy footsteps in the corridor. The lock on his door rang, and it was pushed open forcefully. Jing Xian was the first to come in, pointing into the room. “Move everything in.”


Lu Yingjiu: ?


Several little ghosts appeared in his field of vision, carrying sofas, their originally pale faces even more terrifying. The surrounding area was filled with a gloomy atmosphere, and one by one, the sofas were squeezed into Lu Yingjiu’s home, neatly arranged around him in circles, filling the living room to the brim.


Lu Yingjiu was still holding half a fried dough stick in his hand, surrounded by sofas, his face blank.


“Let’s pick a sofa first.” Jing Xian stood next to him, his face excited, “I called a Lala Ghost, and brought all the existing styles over, all handmade, I’ll introduce them to you one by one, you can pick whichever one you want.”


He walked over to the first sofa.


The sofa was made of stark white bones, with green ghost fire still burning on the armrests.


He said, “These bones were collected from the chaotic burial ground in the ghost realm, each one from different parts of different dead people, deliberately stained with yellow spring water during cleaning. Very auspicious, placing it at home can ward off disasters and evil spirits.”


Lu Yingjiu: “…It’s more like inviting evil spirits.”


Jing Xian came to the second sofa.


That sofa was entirely blood-red, the texture seemed like some kind of leather.


Jing Xian said, “This one is also made from ghosts, very precious, it’s their skin…”


“Next.” Lu Yingjiu said, calmly taking a bite of his fried dough stick.


Jing Xian walked over to the third sofa.


That sofa was deep blue, also a leather texture.


He said, “In the seventeenth layer of the ghost realm, there is a dog-shaped creature that parasitizes on ghosts. When their eggs hatch inside the victim, they will burst out – you’ve seen the movie ‘Alien’, right? The principle is similar.” He reached out and touched the sofa, “And these are their hairs, the feel is especially good.”


“No,” Lu Yingjiu said, “I think, whether dead or alive, having one dog at home is enough.”


Hairball: “Awoo!” It was hopping around at his feet.


The fourth sofa looked like an ordinary deep blue.


Jing Xian directed a little ghost, “You sit on it.”


The little ghost tremblingly sat down.


Sofa: “Ah——————!! Ah ah ah! Wow!”


Lu Yingjiu: ???


The sofa screamed miserably, as loud as an air raid siren. The lights in the corridor all lit up, and Lu Yingjiu had no doubt that if it screamed a few more times, the neighbors would definitely call the police.


He quickly called a halt.


The little ghost gratefully got off the sofa, and it immediately stopped screaming.


Jing Xian said, “This is…”


“Next.” Lu Yingjiu’s eyebrows twitched.


Jing Xian could only introduce the next one. “This thing looks like a sofa, but it’s actually a torture device. If you sit on it, handcuffs will pop out of the armrests, and you absolutely can’t break free.”


Lu Yingjiu: “…I want to ask, why would I want to put a torture device in my own home?”


“It can be a mascot.” Jing Xian said, “I quite like it.”


Lu Yingjiu: “No.” He always felt that Jing Xian’s “like” was problematic, he must want to use this sofa for something else.


Jing Xian still wanted to struggle. “Isn’t it pretty good looking?”


“No,” Lu Yingjiu said, “I have a veto.”


Only then did Jing Xian reluctantly give up.


Lu Yingjiu was so messed up by him, his soul was simply subjected to a terror attack, and he was completely unable to eat breakfast.


Looking at those sofas that hadn’t been introduced yet, they were all strange and bizarre, just looking at them, they were full of ominous aura.


He looked out the window, a ghost truck had pulled all the furniture, each one was gloomy.


If he really changed to this whole set of underworld products, this home would definitely be more haunted than a haunted house, more tomb-like than a tomb, it was really too scary, any normal person living here would lose ten years of life, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say it was the boundary of the ghost realm.


Lu Yingjiu took a deep breath, took a sip of hot soy milk, and calmed down his desire to throw Jing Xian out and lock the door.


He said:,“Jing Xian…or else, let’s go to the furniture market and have a look.”


“That’s so uncreative, where can it compare to the furniture here?” Jing Xian said.


Lu Yingjiu pointed out the window and gave a death order. “Let those ghosts all go back, take all the furniture back, don’t leave a single hair here, or else you won’t be able to sleep in my room today.”


Jing Xian’s body shook, and he immediately drove all the little ghosts away.


The ghost trucks sped away from view.


Finally, only the two of them were left in the room.


Jing Xian cautiously opened his mouth. “They’re all gone, can I go sleep in your bed tonight, I didn’t finish what I wanted to do yesterday.”


Lu Yingjiu held his forehead. “Jing Xian, stop messing with these underworld things, go outside and buy furniture honestly.”


Two hours later, they were already at the furniture market.


There weren’t many customers during non-rest days, they were scattered around, all focusing on looking at furniture.


Hairball followed behind them, occasionally sniffing curiously at various pieces of furniture.


After all, it’s a little glutton, a heart that loves food would never stop. It sniffed and sniffed, and found the leather sofa more and more delicious. With an “awoo”, it opened its mouth wide to bite down–


And bit into thin air.


It was scooped up by Lu Yingjiu.


Lu Yingjiu had a headache and didn’t want to hold it all the time, so he turned his head and handed it to Jing Xian. “You watch it closely, don’t let it eat anything.”


Jing Xian assured. “Of course.”


Lu Yingjiu hadn’t walked a few steps when he heard a crunching sound behind him.


Turning his head, Jing Xian was feeding hairball skull heads again.


Lu Yingjiu couldn’t bear it any longer, scolded both the ghost and the ball, and snatched hairball back from Jing Xian.


It’s safer to take care of it himself.


In this way, they leisurely wandered around the market, their efficiency was very low.


It wasn’t until late in the evening that they settled on a few pieces of large furniture.


They changed the entire set of kitchen utensils, which were clean and refreshing. They planned to replace the refrigerator and the range hood. Jing Xian was rich, so he bought the most expensive ones.


As for the cooking knives, both of them had used good knives, especially Lu Yingjiu, who carried a bunch of controlled knives every time he went out on a commission, and didn’t think much of their sharpness.


So, Jing Xian sent Black Impermanence to customize the knives – of course, they had a little disagreement on the design, and Lu Yingjiu persuaded Jing Xian to believe that a normal kitchen knife did not need a blood groove.


The things in the living room were also changed, the coffee table was changed from the original glass texture to solid wood, and the bookcase was also changed to match the rosewood, and the sofa was planned to be custom-made from the manufacturer.


In terms of material, Jing Xian didn’t choose much, he nodded to whatever Lu Yingjiu said was good.


They bought a few decorative paintings, all beautiful landscapes, from the tulips in Switzerland to the islands in the Atlantic, from the red maple leaves in Canada to the hot air balloons in Turkey. Jing Xian also bought a world map, also planning to hang it on the wall, saying that they could draw their travel plans on it in the future, and if they couldn’t decide, they would throw darts at the map, and go wherever the dart landed.


Lu Yingjiu hesitated for a moment, then asked, “Can you…go abroad? Aren’t you the Ghost King?”


He had never considered this question before.


It always felt strange to go abroad as Jing Xian, but he couldn’t pinpoint what was wrong.


“Of course I can,” Jing Xian said.


Just as Lu Yingjiu breathed a sigh of relief, he heard Jing Xian continue, “I can smuggle out, then watch vampires and werewolves. If they’re good, I’ll introduce some new species to the ghost world. In the future, we can raise Cerberus to guard our home.”


Lu Yingjiu: “…”


He decided to go home and re-educate Jing Xian on the horrors of invasive species.


Jing Xian was also dissatisfied with the beds and lamps, saying he wanted to find someone to customize them.


Lu Yingjiu suspiciously asked, “You’re not going to make some weird underworld furniture again, are you?”


“Absolutely not,” Jing Xian assured, “The bed is my favorite piece of furniture, not one of them.”


Lu Yingjiu: “…I have no doubt about that.”


They bought other odds and ends, such as vases, cups, storage boxes, and so on.


Although they usually get along well, like an old married couple, they still have different opinions when it comes to aesthetics.


Just buying new cups, the two of them discussed for a long time, head to head, before making a choice between indigo blue and porcelain white. Then they disagreed on the size of the storage box.


Lu Yingjiu wanted to buy a smaller one.


But Jing Xian said the bigger one was more convenient, he could stuff anything into it. After saying that, he picked up the hairball and stuffed it into the box, closing the box as a demonstration, leaving hairball inside scratching at the box.


Then he was poked hard by Lu Yingjiu.


Fortunately, they had plenty of time to slowly pick and choose, persuade or be persuaded.


When opinions diverged, one side would always be forced to compromise. But the compromiser would not be dissatisfied at all, perhaps because he was not succumbing to disagreement, but bowing to love——


And while bowing, he would rub his face against the other’s cheek.


This specifically referred to Jing Xian.


Upon reflection, all the things they argued about were trivial.


In fact, many things were insignificant, yet people spent a lot of time on them. Now it seemed that even the talented exorcist and the Ghost King were no exception.


For example, this morning they argued about whether or not to put sugar in the soy milk, where to place the sofa in the house, whether to cook chicken or beef for lunch, and whether hairball had secretly eaten cat food…On their way here, they also discussed whether a cloud looked more like a horse or a cow. As for the color of the cups and the size of the storage boxes, these were obviously included in the discussion.


After choosing the storage box, Lu Yingjiu suddenly realized that he hadn’t done such “meaningless” things for a long time.


He spent an entire day discussing shopping with Jing Xian. Looking at the shopping cart, it was full of odds and ends, colorful, and they had picked each one out.


In the past, he might have thought it was a waste of time.


But now it’s different.


When you’re with someone you like, even the shape of the clouds in the sky is meaningful. They changed constantly, they were half bright and half dark, they were softer than lamb’s wool, and if you rolled on them, you could sleep until the sky was full of red clouds, talked a few words, and stars were already dazzling.


Lu Yingjiu thought that real life should be made up of these little things.


Although trivial, although insignificant, they were vibrant and beautiful, and even the memories were colorful. The lack of meaning was their greatest meaning.


He couldn’t help but smile.


When they reached a deserted corner, he took Jing Xian’s hand and asked in a low voice, “What shall we eat later?”


Jing Xian said, “Of course it’s up to you!”


After saying that, he stuffed some snacks into Lu Yingjiu’s hand.


By the time they finished shopping in the market, it was already dusk.


They paid the bill and moved the things to the car.


Lu Yingjiu opened the car door and looked around.


This place was quite remote, only a few lights in the parking lot were on, attracting a few small moths to flutter their wings. The brilliance of the city center in the distance was flowing, showing off the splendor of neon lights, and the edge of the entire city was like a spread out rainbow.


Jing Xian drove all the way to the tea restaurant that Lu Yingjiu wanted to eat at. Lu Yingjiu rolled down the car window, letting the cool evening breeze blow up his clothes, feeling extremely comfortable.


Hairball’s fur was blown like a mop, swinging wildly, and it was licking its paw fur intently.


The street lights came head-on, casting a glow on their hair, turning into little sparks that slid past. In such an environment, people’s thoughts tend to slow down. This day was peaceful and beautiful, everything was moving forward at a leisurely pace, heading towards a bright tomorrow.


Tomorrow, their new furniture should be delivered.


——How nice it would be if this moment was the end.


Lu Yingjiu, stroking hairball, suddenly thought so.


If he were in a play, if this moment were the end, then the story would have a perfect ending, without any regrets.


Unfortunately, Lu Yingjiu thought silently, it’s not time for the curtain call yet.


A few seconds later, the car entered a tunnel, the space suddenly became narrow, and the clear night sky was no longer visible.


The screen of the mobile phone suddenly lit up, buzzing.


Lu Yingjiu gathered his thoughts and answered the phone.


Chen Xiaoling’s voice came through. “Xiao Lu, I’ve found a clue about the Zhang family.”



  1. Applesauce says:

    This was such a sweet chapter. TT_TT
    I hope they can have a perfect, happy ending…

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