After Marrying the Lord of the Underworld

Leaving the Mountain

The 21st pavilion was not far away.


Ah Mei vomited a large mouthful of fresh blood on the way, along with more remnants of her internal organs.


Lu Yingjiu went to help her.


She showed a pale smile and said, “Every time I try to leave the village, this is the result. Before I can even get out, I start coughing up blood until I completely pass out.”


She coughed a few more times, covering her mouth with her hand, but couldn’t stop the blood from gushing out.


She wiped it with a tissue, which was instantly dyed red.


She said, “Maybe this is fate, I can never leave this village. If I really faint… if conditions permit, could you carry me out?” She laughed self-deprecatingly, “If I turn into a spider, you might just have to carry me out.”


Lu Yingjiu said, “If I forcibly take you out, you might just die directly.”


“It’s okay.” Ah Mei said, “It’s okay.”


So Lu Yingjiu nodded and agreed to her.


Facing the wind and rain, everyone’s face was covered with cold rainwater. When they were so tired that their legs were almost trembling, they saw it on the dark mountaintop.


It was badly damaged, one of the pillars had completely collapsed, and two corners of the pavilion had long rolled into some corner to sprout.


Looking at the map, from here down the mountain, one only needed to walk two to three kilometers to get to the main road. It’s the closest place to the main road on the entire mountain worship route, and the road down the mountain was relatively flat and easy to walk, making it their best choice.


Everyone had just breathed a sigh of relief when they suddenly heard Aaron exclaim.


They looked over and saw Aaron jumping up and down like he was in the wind, constantly slapping his body.


A few seconds later, a black thing fell from his trouser leg and was promptly stepped on and killed by him.


They took a closer look and it turned out to be a small spider!


It’s hard to tell what species the spider was, and it looked relatively harmless from the outside.


But on this mountain worship route, apart from the big mosquitoes and a few birds, they hadn’t seen any living things, let alone spiders – this was of course a good omen.


Now that the spider had made a comeback, although there’s only one, everyone was on high alert.


“Were you bitten?” Lu Yingjiu quickly stepped forward.


Aaron was also frantically pulling at his pants.


His pants were already tight, and they clung to his skin even more after getting wet. It took him a lot of effort to pull them up a bit. Everyone gathered around and carefully checked him over before confirming that he hadn’t been bitten, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


“Let’s hurry down the mountain.” Lu Yingjiu said.


He looked down the mountain road, shining his flashlight, only to see endless darkness.


As long as they could endure these two to three kilometers, they would be victorious.


Everyone didn’t dare to waste half a second and started moving.


They hadn’t walked for five minutes down the road when suddenly someone said, “Hey, I seem to hear a strange noise?”


As soon as he said this, everyone was terrified, shining their flashlights around in panic.


In fact, Lu Yingjiu also noticed something was wrong.


As soon as they left the mountain worship route, the yin energy slowly began to gather.


The range of this yin energy was very large, almost covering the entire mountain, like heavy clouds spinning above their heads.


If the Spider Mother had long since merged with Mt. Gassan, then what awaited them was definitely a storm-like attack.


Thanks to Zhang Nianyun’s notes, they knew about the method of “setting fire to the mountain”.


Lu Yingjiu looked towards the middle of the team.


Ye Feng was still persisting in moving forward, not making a sound all the way, and not falling behind.


It’s just that his eyes were very scattered, completely absent-minded.


Lu Yingjiu knew what Ye Feng was thinking about.


He was thinking that the entire village that turned into spiders, all the missing and dead personnel in the nursing home, were all the price paid for him alone.


They were analyzing before, how deep Ye Deyong’s feelings for Zhang Nianyun were, worth him betraying the rules of an exorcist, worth him betraying the morality a person should have, to do such a thing.


Ye Feng said at the time that if he were Zhang Nianyun, he wouldn’t want to be resurrected at all.


In the end, in a sense, he had prophesied.


Looking back, Lu Yingjiu had noticed the clues quite early.


First, Ye Feng’s memory of things before the age of six was very vague.


When they were in the nursing home, they found a group photo from the mountain worship in 1999. Ye Feng was clearly involved, but he had no memory of it.


Second, the ashes in the little crocodile toy.


He was a bit puzzled at the time. If it really was Zhang Nianyun’s ashes, why put them in Ye Feng’s toy?


Ye Deyong must have known that Ye Feng liked the little crocodile the most, and knew how upset Ye Feng would be if it disappeared.


Even if Ye Deyong was holding the intention of letting Ye Feng return to the village many years later and discover the truth, both emotionally and rationally, he shouldn’t have hidden the toy to hold the ashes.


But if those were Ye Feng’s ashes…


Ye Deyong probably wanted Ye Feng to hold his favorite toy one last time.


Ye Feng was right.


Ye Deyong was eccentric, but he really treated him like his own grandson.


The past, separated by nearly twenty years, slowly unfolded before them with a stale smell. The old man couldn’t express his deep love in words, but his emotions eventually reached Ye Feng in this twisted and crazy way.


It’s like an old wound.


They had been carefully probing before, and finally, at this moment, they tore off the entire scab.


Revealing the painful truth underneath.


If anyone else were in his shoes, they probably wouldn’t be able to stay calm.


The fact that Ye Feng didn’t collapse on the spot and could still persist in going forward with them was simply incredible.


And now the situation was urgent, time did not allow Ye Feng to collapse, nor did it allow Lu Yingjiu to comfort him.


Lu Yingjiu walked to the middle of the team, patted Ye Feng on the shoulder, and said, “Get the talisman paper ready, if anything happens, start burning the mountain directly.”


Ye Feng nodded lightly.


A drop of rain rolled down from his eyelashes and shattered on the stone steps.


In this way, they walked forward for another five minutes.


After going down a steep slope, Lu Yingjiu suddenly turned back, squinting his eyes slightly–


The night was too deep, the light from the flashlight and the talisman paper was almost swallowed by the rain, visibility was very low. But when the light shone on the slope, they could vaguely see that there were living things moving in the leaves and grass.


In this moment, he invited the gods, and his vision became incredibly clear in the darkness.


He saw clearly that those creatures were countless spiders!


After a whole day, they finally caught up. They surged forward, rushing towards the people like a terrifying tsunami.

Lu Yingjiu shouted, “Ye Feng!”


Ye Feng turned his head and also invited the gods!


A brilliant light burst out from the rain curtain, and a long snake with raging flames appeared out of thin air above the trees.


It was strong and powerful, more than ten meters long, yet it had amazing flexibility and lightness, and in an instant, it swam more than twenty meters among the trees!


Normally, even in the mountains on a rainy day, it would be very difficult to start a fire. But the power of the gods was not to be underestimated. Wherever it went, it ignited a fierce fire.


The wave of spiders was instantly blocked.


Lu Yingjiu saw countless spiders unable to dodge the flames, their bodies curled up into a ball, quickly turning into charcoal. But more were surging over.


He slapped a person who was stunned in place, “Run!”


The people finally reacted, they didn’t even have time to scream, they just ran down the mountain!


The mountain road was pitch black, and Lu Yingjiu threw out more than a dozen talisman papers. The light of the talisman papers was bright, burning into small fireballs, floating in front of the people to lead the way – it was all thanks to the talisman papers that they didn’t panic and choose the wrong path.


And the snake was still rampaging in the mountains.


To use the threat of the flames, the Ye family, even if they invite the gods, they rarely let it rampage so freely. This mountain forest was its best playground, not to mention, it was burning with anger at the spiders.


In the blink of an eye, the fire was soaring into the sky.


Lu Yingjiu followed the crowd, only feeling that his shadow was getting longer and longer by the light behind him, and the hot wind was rushing towards them.


The fire pierced the night and burned a big hole in the sky.


Half of the sky turned red, the rain fell, and it merged with the flames.


A few seconds later, they heard a strange humming sound.


The sound resonated with the ground, and the whole mountain was shaking, it was like an earthquake.


At first, the people didn’t know what the sound was, they just instinctively felt fear.


It wasn’t until the fire spread more and more, and the sound got louder and louder, that they heard clearly.


It was actually a deep roar.


It was like a human voice, and also like the roar of a beast, mixed with the rustling sound of spiders crawling.


This mountain, or perhaps the embodiment of the Spider Mother, was filled with rage.


Hearing this sound, the spiders sped up even more.


They rushed towards the fire without fear of death. One batch died, and another quickly took their place. The layers of corpses piled up higher and higher, and the yin energy thickened as they killed towards the snake.


At some point, Ye Feng let out a muffled groan.


Lu Yingjiu turned his head to look.


Two large spiders were actually hanging on the snake.


The flames sizzled them, and they died quickly. However, before they died, their poisonous fangs had pierced the snake’s body.


The power of the summoned gods was closely related to the summoner.


Ye Feng was already in a bad state, and even though he tried to suppress his emotions, it definitely affected the snake.


The situation was not good. If this continued, the spiders would eventually break through the line of fire.


Lu Yingjiu looked ahead and could already see the main road from afar.


A car had just driven past on that road, perhaps because it saw the mountain fire, it was driving very fast.


And further away was a small town. The vision after inviting the gods allowed him to see the people in the town clearly – they had all come out, many of them were still in their pajamas, either talking worriedly about the raging fire, or taking out their phones to take pictures and record videos, and some were constantly making emergency calls.


Some people had already gotten in their cars, ready to evacuate to a safe distance.


No matter what, hope was right in front of them.


The control range of the Spider Mother was only this mountain range. As long as they got out, if not absolutely safe, they would be almost there.


Just then, the mountain roared again!!


This time the whole mountain was shaking, and the people couldn’t stand steady, and several of them fell down all at once.


Lu Yingjiu helped them up, and Jing Xian also came over to help him. With a light lift, he lifted the people up and placed them back on the ground.


After this roar, the spiders went mad.


They stacked on top of each other, forming a wave five or six meters high!


This time they broke through the line of fire and rushed straight towards the people.


Someone let out a desperate whimper, their legs went soft, and they almost knelt on the ground.


Lu Yingjiu turned around.


The colors around him were rich, like the texture of an oil painting, each stroke was heavy and deep, outlining the panic of the people, the deep shadows, and the twisted tree trunks.


The soaring firelight made his skin even whiter, and the falling flames reflected in his brown pupils.


He took a deep breath.


Then he walked towards the sea of fire and the swarm of spiders against the crowd.


The scene before him was like a painting of hell, enough to make anyone retreat. But he felt no fear in his heart. In fact, this was not the first time he had faced such a situation alone.


He was always the one to take risks and cover the rear.


He had survived until today, not by the favor of luck, but by sufficient strength and experience.


Hairball let out a howl, running in circles around his feet, wagging its tail madly.


Lu Yingjiu drew his short knife, the blade shining brightly like moonlight—


Then he felt a weight on his waist and a chill on his face.


Lu Yingjiu: ?


Jing Xian, who had stayed with him, took advantage of his concentration and actually hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.


This action was so typical of Jing Xian, Lu Yingjiu was both angry and amused. Just as he was about to scold him, he heard the man say in his ear, “This is the entrance fee.”


“What entrance fee?” Lu Yingjiu looked at him.


“I don’t know what to call it.” Jing Xian laughed, “Maybe a fire show?”


He held Lu Yingjiu’s waist with one hand, facing the incoming spiders, and snapped his fingers lightly with the other hand.


The spiders stopped.


The rain poured down, falling into the fire and on the spiders.


A cold wind rose, blowing straight at them, and Lu Yingjiu subconsciously squinted his eyes.


Then, like a slow-motion scene, he saw every fine strand of rain in the wind, every leaf on the tree swaying, the snake rustling and spreading the scales on its body, the flames spraying out from under the scales, burning the spiders that were biting it…


The next second, the rain that fell to the ground turned into an ocean of flames!


The intense heat hit his face. This heat was much more terrifying than the snake’s, as if a small sun had exploded in front of him. Lu Yingjiu reached out to block it, but was directly pressed into Jing Xian’s arms – who also kindly scooped up hairball.


For a moment, Lu Yingjiu was buried in his arms, only hearing the sound of the fire exploding, and the red light reaching the sky.


Jing Xian had actually set the rain on fire.


He thought.


No wonder he said something about a fire show… He would believe it if he said it was a volcanic eruption. Each drop of rain fell, and the fire leapt higher, as if hell had really come, the eternal burning of karma, filled with a strange sense of beauty.


The spiders were wiped out in an instant.


Not even ashes were left.


The snake was hissing and spitting out its tongue in the pile of fire, and Lu Yingjiu could see confusion on its expressionless snake face.


More spiders were surging from a distance.


But no matter what, they had enough time to safely reach the main road.


Lu Yingjiu, holding hairball in one hand and Jing Xian in the other, rushed towards the main road with his family.


Sure enough, the man in red had already reached the main road first, followed by Aaron, Ye Feng, Xiao Li, and Ah Mei…


When Lu Yingjiu stepped onto the main road, the solid feeling under his feet was particularly comforting.


He looked back, and there were one or two spiders that had luckily broken through the fire and wanted to follow, but they stopped short when they approached the main road.


They dared not leave the range of Wanming Mountain.


They were finally safe.


The rain gradually lessened, and the people sat or lay on the road, their faces blank.


Who knew how long after, the honking of a convoy came, and the bright car lights pierced the darkness.


Then someone suddenly laughed, “We… we escaped!!”


He laughed loudly, his laughter echoing in the empty mountains and fields, until it was swallowed by the sea of fire.




Five days later.


Mt. Gassan Airport.


Lu Yingjiu sat at the table, eating the lunch box Jing Xian had made for him with love.


The lunch box was as rich as ever, the fried pork chop was especially crispy, and with the fragrant curry, anyone could eat three big bowls of rice in one go.


He was eating while looking at the messages on his phone.


It was a message from Ah Mei.


Since the day they escaped from Wanming Mountain, she had been arranged to enter a hospital cooperating with an aristocratic family for treatment.


After the Spider Mother was burned by the fire, her power greatly reduced. She didn’t know if it was because of this, but she managed to escape safely this time.


Ah Mei: [The doctor told me today that the situation is not bad, and I can consider being discharged from the hospital after another half month of observation. As for what happens after that, the Ye family will help me figure it out.]


Lu Yingjiu replied to her: [That’s quite good, you should pay attention to rest.]


[Okay, thank you. When I’m discharged from the hospital, I’ll definitely come to thank you in person.]


While Lu Yingjiu was replying to the message, Jing Xian took the opportunity to give him two large pieces of pork chop from his own rice.


Lu Yingjiu put down his phone and saw the two new pork chops. He couldn’t help but say, “Why did you serve me again? I can’t finish it.”


“You need to eat more,” Jing Xian said. “I always feel that you have lost weight recently, probably because climbing the mountain is too tiring. If you want to go to the mountain in the future, I will charter a private plane for you.”


Lu Yingjiu always lost to him. Even if he showed his weight record to Jing Xian for analysis, Jing Xian could probably lie with his eyes open, talking nonsense, and the core idea was to eat more of his cooking.


Lu Yingjiu perfunctorily said, “Okay, okay.” Then he returned one piece.


Jing Xian was very dissatisfied and said that he should be careful of malnutrition and hypoglycemia.


Lu Yingjiu thought to himself: I’m almost overnourished by you.


But thanks to Jing Xian, his problem of irregular meals was fundamentally eliminated.


When the meal was almost finished, a staff member in a white uniform came over, bent down and said to him, “Mr. Lu, the plane is almost ready.”


“I’ll be right there,” Lu Yingjiu said.


There were several more messages on the phone, sent by other exorcists.


This time they made such a big noise on Mt. Gassan Nursing Home, and even burned the mountain, basically everyone in the exorcist world knew.


So, his friends sent messages to greet him and inquire about the situation.


Lu Yingjiu briefly replied a few words, and when he looked up again, the iron lunch box in front of him was gone.


He looked at Jing Xian.


Jing Xian was still sitting there, with no bag in his hand to hold the lunch box.


Lu Yingjiu asked, “Where’s the lunch box?”


“Thrown away,” Jing Xian said without blinking.


“…Thrown away?” Lu Yingjiu said, “How can you waste it like this, and, I didn’t see you get up.”


Jing Xian stopped talking.


Lu Yingjiu felt uncomfortable, then looked down, and sure enough, he saw hairball licking its mouth contentedly under the table.


And burped.


Lu Yingjiu: “…”


He knew where the lunch box went.


Five minutes later, the two of them stood in front of the helicopter.


The two exorcists who were traveling with them, as well as the helicopter pilot, were all from the Ye family.


They plan to drive the helicopter to Wanming Mountain to check the situation again, and this time they invited Lu Yingjiu to join them.


Lu Yingjiu boarded the helicopter and put on the huge noise-canceling earmuffs.


The rotor turned, the humming sound came, and then the fuselage trembled slightly, throwing itself into the blue sky.


On the way, Jing Xian looked out the window.


Lu Yingjiu rarely saw him behave like this.


He thought about it and understood that Jing Xian had probably never seen the world from such a high altitude.


So Lu Yingjiu also looked out the window.


The city passed under his feet and gradually reached the suburbs.


When they got near Wanming Mountain, the land below was a mess after the fire.


The fire of the Li Snake stopped when the yin qi was completely dissipated. The bare part of this mountain forest was still very large, but this was inevitable.


They flew over the charred land, bypassed several peaks, and Lu Yingjiu finally saw Mt Gassan Village and Mt Gassan Nursing Home again.


The fire did not spread here.


But there was no one in the village, only more than a dozen exorcists walking in groups, investigating the situation, and by the way confirmed that all the spiders were dead.


When the Spider Mother was burned to ashes, all the villagers died in the form of spiders. Or to say, they were not really alive in the first place.


Fortunately, Ah Mei and Ye Feng were fine.


It’s a blessing in disguise.


The helicopter circled over the village a few times. The outer wall of the sanatorium was still white and shining in the sun, the buildings in the village were still crowded together harmoniously, Lu Yingjiu could still see the mountain lake, see the grass slope, and see the farmhouse restaurant where they ate.


However, all of this was built on a false illusion.


The rotor turned, lifted the fuselage, and flew towards other peaks against the sun.


The mountains in the distance were green, and the sea of trees sprouted new branches.


The tender leaves stretched out in the oncoming mountain wind.


By the next spring, they would guard the souls and secrets under the soil and flourish again.


The next day, Lu Yingjiu and Jing Xian returned to Lujiang City.


They had only been away for a little over a week, but there were too many thrills along the way. Seeing the familiar city again felt like a lifetime had passed.


Lu Yingjiu didn’t rush home to rest, but went to Ye Feng’s house first.


Neither Ye Feng nor Lu Yingjiu mentioned the resurrection to anyone.


In fact, if the two of them didn’t say anything, no one would ever know.


Ye Feng returned to Lujiang before them, saying he wanted to be alone.


The Ye family could see that he was not in a good state, but they didn’t know the real reason. They only let a cousin live in his house to take care of him first. This made Lu Yingjiu a little relieved.


However, he still needed to have a good talk with Ye Feng.


Jing Xian dropped him off at Ye Feng’s house.


When Lu Yingjiu got out of the car, he said, “You don’t have to go up.”


Jing Xian nodded.


Hairball: Awoo awoo!


Just as Lu Yingjiu was about to close the door, he turned around and warned, “Don’t feed it anything.”


Jing Xian: “Mmm.”


Lu Yingjiu was skeptical.


He entered the community and rang the doorbell.


After a while, the slightly sluggish footsteps came, and Ye Feng opened the door for him.


Just a few days apart, Ye Feng looked much haggard, his hair was messy, and there were heavy dark circles under his eyes. It was obvious that he hadn’t slept well.


Lu Yingjiu entered the room and sat on the sofa.


Ye Feng sat across from him, rubbing his cheeks hard, and took a long sigh.


He said, “My cousin went out to do something.”


“Mm,” Lu Yingjiu nodded.


The room fell silent for a moment.


After a while, Ye Feng slowly said, “These days, I start dreaming as soon as I fall asleep.”


He gave a bitter smile and continued, “Every time I dream, I dream of heavy rain and mudslides. I think I’m slowly starting to remember what happened.”


Although the details were still very unclear, the plot in the dream was extraordinarily clear.


He dreamed of lightning and thunder, dreamed of strong winds toppling trees, and dreamed of people’s screams.


In the dream, he held onto his second grandfather tightly with his young hands.


Ye Deyong’s hands were rough and strong.


Until the mudslide roared down from the top of the mountain.


Everything happened too suddenly, and no one could react.


Even the strongest hands couldn’t resist the great power of disaster. Even the most powerful exorcist was just an ordinary flesh and blood, they were not ghosts and gods, they would get sick, get injured, and slowly grow old.

At that moment, their clasped hands separated.


Little Ye Feng and the other three disappeared into the mud and stones in an instant.


After that, the picture was both real and false.


The heavy rain poured down, and Ye Feng saw Ye Deyong kneeling in front of the huge sand and stone at the foot of the mountain, his hands and feet were all bloody, holding him and crying loudly.


And his eyes were tightly closed, and he never woke up again.


Ye Feng said, “I was thinking, if the real me has been burned to ashes, then what am I now? Am I a human or a ghost, or neither?”


No one could answer his question.


Even Lu Yingjiu didn’t know what kind of existence the Ye Feng brought back by the Spider Mother was.


He could be very human-like, and could disguise himself without any flaws.


But perhaps under this skin, there were some deeper things that were still different.


Ye Feng just gave a bitter smile. “I just feel, me being an exorcist for so many years, it’s just a joke. I was created by a ghost, I am a monster.”


Lu Yingjiu remained silent.


Ye Feng continued, “I haven’t told anyone in the family yet… I know the rules of the family. If I tell them, they definitely won’t allow me to stay in the family, and I can’t continue to be an exorcist. They might even consider me as a ghost that replaced the real ‘Ye Feng’.”


At that time, he didn’t know what was waiting for him.


Simply being removed from the family tree might be the best outcome.


Lu Yingjiu asked, “Do you plan to tell them?”


“I… I haven’t thought about it,” Ye Feng gently clenched his fingers, “I’m not ready to face everything yet.” He smiled lightly, “If you report me now and tell the truth, I would thank you. After all, I don’t dare to do it.”


“No,” Lu Yingjiu shook his head, “I won’t do that.”


Ye Feng looked at him, “That’s the right choice, you don’t even know what I am.”


“I really don’t know,” Lu Yingjiu said, “But I don’t care.”


He continued, “I met you when I was 16. No matter what you are, the ‘you’ I knew from the beginning is ‘you’.” He admitted frankly, “If you really feel that you and the dead ‘Ye Feng’ are not the same person, I can’t deny it, but I don’t care at all. The dead are dead, and the one I’ve known for many years is you now.”


“If the real ‘Ye Feng’ and you stand in front of me at the same time, I’m afraid I would lean towards you.”


“And besides, it’s not your fault.”


“You are the beneficiary, but the decision is not in your hands, you don’t have to be responsible for the casualties.”


Ye Feng was stunned for a while.


Then he showed a very complicated smile, “Lu Yingjiu, I didn’t expect that you are also so indecisive. If this is said, your reputation will be ruined.”


Lu Yingjiu shrugged, “What reputation, rules are dead, people are alive, as long as I have a clear conscience.”


He took a sip of water and looked at Ye Feng again, “This matter, if we don’t tell, no one will know.”


“I won’t take the initiative to tell, so the choice is in your hands.”


“Either be open and honest, tell the truth, bear all the possible consequences, but at least you can be at ease; or hide the truth, forget about this and live a good life, which should also be what Ye Deyong wants to see after putting in so much effort.”


“So, Ye Feng, are you going to tell the Ye family?”



TN: for those that are confuse, Wanming Mountain is one of the peaks of Mt. Gassan



  1. Rira says:

    This is so painful but I was just lamenting…if one had the power, wouldn’t they do everything for their family?

  2. aliaro says:

    Yeah…. Resurrecting your loved ones sounds lovely and caring, but somehow nobody thinks what resurrected person would feel if they knew the price. Often times its not even about returning the live lost out of love, but out of guilt or inability to bear the loss, so in essence, selfish.

  3. Grazi says:

    Ye Feng por favor fique bem e seja feliz ❤️

  4. tama_ochi says:

    it’s not ye feng’s fault, indeed. if i were him, i would feel the same. what am i??? something like that.

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