After Marrying the Lord of the Underworld


Lu Yingjiu abruptly turned around.


Hairball: “Burp!” It stuck out its tongue, looked at Jing Xian for a while, then looked at Lu Yingjiu for a while, and wagged its tail wildly.


Lu Yingjiu: “…Jing Xian, what did you give it just now?”


Jing Xian quickly replied. “Beans and spicy strips.”


“Anything else?”


“And half a piece of ginger.”


“Anything else?”


Jing Xian didn’t blink his eyes. “Nothing.”


Lu Yingjiu: “……”


With Jing Xian’s sincere tone, if it weren’t for his clear vision, he would have started to wonder if he had misunderstood something.


He patted his side, and hairball immediately came over.


Then Lu Yingjiu held it by its hind legs, lifted it upside down, and shook it vigorously, trying to shake out the evidence of the crime.


“Awuu awuu awwuu!”


Hairball kept struggling in the air, shaking its short legs, except for the hair becoming a mess, nothing came out.


The dignity of a Taotie is that what is eaten will not be spit out!


Lu Yingjiu tried for a while without any results, so he had to put hairball back on the ground and said, “Don’t give it anything to eat.”


“It’s a Taotie, it will eat anything.” Jing Xian said.


“It can’t also be used as a kitchen waste bin, although it’s very convenient…”


Jing Xian assured, “All in all, eating won’t spoil its stomach.”


Lu Yingjiu was about to say something, but stopped again.


—Something seems to be moving outside the window.


He looked outside.


The entire glass seemed to be covered by a cloud of black, and he couldn’t see the scenery outside clearly.


The black was still moving, with a rustling sound mixed with the rain, and it was unknown what was exerting force, but the whole glass rattled, and there were faint signs of cracking. It was too late and it was too soon, Lu Yingjiu pushed open the window with one hand, and flung out the talisman paper with the other hand!


He used great strength and acted decisively. The black jumped towards the window, and the talisman met it head on, bursting out with dazzling light among thousands of raindrops!


The black was ignited, and then it dispersed and fell to the ground in fragments.


Only then did Lu Yingjiu see clearly that there were countless spiders in the sky!


Spiders of different varieties were ignited by the talisman paper, emitting the smell of burnt protein, and fell to the ground. Some were still alive and flew away on long legs, and some were burned and curled up in a ball, completely dead.


Not only this clump, but there was also a steady stream of spiders outside the window. Lu Yingjiu glanced at it casually, and saw that the entire outer wall was occupied, leaving no gaps, which made one’s scalp tingle.


If it wasn’t for their fear of the firelight of the talisman paper, they would have already swarmed into the room.


Lu Yingjiu’s expression froze slightly, and he threw out four more talisman papers. The talisman was automatically pasted on the four corners of the window, forming a kind of deterrent, forcibly suppressing the surrounding Yin energy——


The effect was very immediate.


The spiders ran away all at once, peeling off from the outer wall one by one, falling into the stagnant water, and running around.


At the same time, the rain outside the room unexpectedly became much lighter, and the wind became softer, no longer like crying ghosts and howling wolves.


Lu Yingjiu: “…….”


He stood up and said to Jing Xian. “I’ll go to Ye Feng’s room and have a look.”


Ye Feng and Xiao Li were next door to them, Lu Yingjiu opened the door and went to the corridor, walked all the way, and knocked on their door.


The corridor was clean, and the spiders seemed to only gather outside the window.


“Coming, coming.” Xiao Li’s voice came.


He opened the door for Lu Yingjiu, with a very normal expression on his face, as if he didn’t notice anything.


Lu Yingjiu asked, “Did you see any spiders just now?”


“Spider?” Xiao Li was stunned, “No…what happened?”


Lu Yingjiu entered their room. Ye Feng was still worried about the ashes of the little crocodile doll, and asked, “What happened?”


Lu Yingjiu told them about the spider, and said, “Have you felt any abnormalities?”


Both of them were surprised.


“There’s really nothing unusual.” Ye Feng said, “Xiao Li was sitting by the window just now, and he didn’t see anything.”


Xiao Li nodded again and again. “Yes, I was just watching the rain, and I didn’t take my eyes off for a second.”


Could it be that those spiders only came for him and Jing Xian?


Lu Yingjiu frowned, opened their window and looked, and indeed found nothing unusual. Ye Feng didn’t arrange talisman papers in the room either, so it should have nothing to do with talisman papers…


Wait, it’s still related.


Lu Yingjiu picked up a piece of torn paper by the window.


Ye Feng opened Ye Deyong’s belongings in the room. The cardboard box containing the relics was wrapped with talisman paper with snakes drawn on it. After Ye Feng opened it, he threw the shredded paper all over the floor without deliberately cleaning it up. There were still bits and pieces by the window and on the ground. 


The torn paper in his hand was part of the talisman paper.


The torn paper was heating up, it was nice and warm.


Lu Yingjiu suddenly realized: the talisman paper took effect just now, thus these two didn’t encounter the spiders.


Moreover, Li Snake on the talisman reacted greatly, almost angrily. Its body was wrapped in flames, and at this moment, the flames were slowly swaying, as if they were really burning.


He rubbed the talisman paper lightly, and suddenly thought: there are other people in this hotel. They are not afraid of spiders, but it’s hard to say about the others!


He didn’t have time to say anything, as soon as he opened the door and went out, he saw Jing Xian waiting for him, and the two of them directly took the elevator down to the hotel lobby.


Lu Yingjiu went directly to the front desk and asked, “Was there any guests’ reaction, like an incident of being bitten by a spider?”


“No.” The lady at the front desk smiled sweetly, “This guest, did you encounter a spider? Do you need to change the room?”


“Is there really no reaction like that from anyone?”




Lu Yingjiu was suspicious.


But seeing that the entire lobby was empty, and the phone at the front desk hadn’t rang, the others seemed to be fine.


He was about to go back to the room to have a look again when he suddenly heard a human voice.


It came from the square outside the hotel.


The sound of the rain was so loud but that sharp voice could still be heard. “How many times have I told you, the road is blocked!!”


Then there was another quarrel.


Lu Yingjiu squinted his eyes. Through the rain curtain, he saw two off-road vehicles parked crookedly in the village square in the distance. The wheels and body were covered with fresh mud.


In the back seat of the off-road vehicle lay a young man with his eyes closed, an abnormal flush on his face, and a high fever.


A man shouted at the top of his lungs. “I told you there was a mudslide, we can’t get out!”


The man in red across from him grabbed his collar. “If we can’t get to the hospital, he’ll die!!”


“Then go tell God about it! What do you want me to do? I’m just a driver!” The driver was so angry that he said, “You can find whoever you want for this job, anyway, no one can get out of this village now. Damn it, really stinky mouth.” After saying that, he shook off his hand, turned around and left. (TL: a crow mouth, and the bad things you said really happened)


The red clothed person cursed and waved their hands again, beckoning two or three people to come over.


The patient was so feverish that he staggered out of the car after being supported by someone. He entered the hotel lobby wet and sat on the sofa.


The red clothed man was cursing next to him, extremely anxious, and was constantly looking at his phone.


Lu Yingjiu stood beside him and asked, “Is the way out blocked?”


The red clothed man glanced at him, and said angrily, “Yes, there’s a mudslide. It really rained at a fucking ungodly hour.”


“What’s wrong with him?” Lu Yingjiu glanced at the patient.


“Was bitten by a spider at the foot of the mountain, and is having a fever.” The red clothed man explained, “It’s useless even after taking the medicine. Since this morning, the fever has gotten worse. If we can’t go, can’t go to the hospital…” He cursed again in a low voice. 


Spiders, spiders again.


And it just happens to be combined with this mudslide…..


Lu Yingjiu furrowed his pretty eyebrows slightly and asked, “Do you want me to help take a look at him?”


“You’re a doctor?”


“No, some talisman paper can alleviate the condition, and it should be enough until the road is unblocked. Let’s take him back to the room first.”


The red clothed man glanced at him quickly, half-believing.


But right now, he had no other choice.


Several people picked up the patient again and walked slowly towards the room. Lu Yingjiu touched his forehead, it was so hot that it could fry an egg.


In the room on the second floor, the patient laid down on the bed, frowned, as if haunted by nightmares.


The back of his left hand was bitten, and it was red and swollen like a burnt pig’s trotter. It almost spread to the wrist bone, and it hurt even just by looking at it.


Lu Yingjiu felt his breath, then stretched out his hand. “Give me a paper and pen.”


The man in the red clothes immediately rummaged through the box and found a pen and paper. Lu Yingjiu took it over, picked up the pen and sketched on the paper, and gradually drew a fish shape.


When Lu Yingjiu finished the last stroke, a palm-sized fish came to life on the paper.


Its shape was very strange, having a snake head and six legs.


Ranyi Fish.


(t/n: Ranyiyu or Ranyi Fish is a strange fish in ancient Chinese myths and legends. This kind of fish has a fish body, a snake head, and six legs. Its eyes are shaped like horse ears. Eating this kind of fish can prevent people from suffering from nightmares and prevent evil disasters.) 


Contained in “Shan Hai Jing”: “There is a mountain called Yingda, with lacquered wood on the top and gold and jade on the bottom, and the birds and animals are all white. Weishui flows out, while Beiliu pours into the lake of Lingyang. It is a fish left by Duoran. It has a snake body and six legs, and its eyes are like horse ears.”


According to myths and legends, those who eat Ranyi fish can ward off evil spirits and avoid nightmares.


Having it attached also has the same effect.


Others didn’t know how to exorcise ghosts or read talisman papers. They just felt that the moment the talisman papers were completed, the room suddenly became cold, and the water vapor seemed to be a lot heavier.


Lu Yingjiu gently pasted the paper talisman on the patient’s bedside.


The man’s breathing immediately calmed down, his brows were no longer furrowed, as if he had escaped from some nightmare.


The red clothed man was overjoyed. “This this, is the disease cured?!”


“Not yet.” Lu Yingjiu touched his forehead again, “The fever hasn’t subsided yet, this is just a temporary relief, we still need to go to the hospital.”


The red clothed man hesitated for a few seconds. “How about you take a look and directly cure him. I think he must have been poisoned by a spider.”


Lu Yingjiu said, “If talisman paper can cure poisoning, why else need a serum and anti-allergic drugs, I will win the Nobel Prize directly, and conquering cancer is not just a dream.”


The red clothed man turned pale with shock. “Weren’t you all able to cure diseases by dancing to a master! Why do you believe in science so much?!!”


“I’m an exorcist, not a god stick…” Lu Yingjiu raised his forehead, “You know Green Lantern? They also arrange physical examinations for exorcists every year, and there is no shortage of insurance. If one got sick because of ghosts, they can cure it, and you can just go to a doctor for the rest. The worst thing a person needs is feudal superstition.”


(t/n: god stick-refers to a liar who plays tricks .)


Red clothed man: “……I always feel like you shouldn’t have said this sentence.”


Lu Yingjiu stood up and said, “Anyway, I hope the road will be unblocked as soon as possible. You should also tell others to be more careful of spiders.”


Red clothed man was very grateful, and sent out Lu Yingjiu and Jing Xian.


Before leaving, Lu Yingjiu said again, “By the way, can I borrow your off-road vehicle? I want to go to the foot of the mountain to see how the spiders are doing.”


The red clothed man was taken aback for a moment, and then said bluntly, “Okay, I’ll give you the car keys.”


After leaving the room, Lu Yingjiu noticed that the rain had stopped.


Although the weather was still terribly gloomy, heavy dark clouds were surging, as if it was about to press towards the ground in the next second, but the violent storm finally disappeared completely. Standing at the window of the corridor, he took a deep breath, feeling that his lungs were filled with water vapor.


He looked out the window at the distant mountains.


The mountains were gloomy, and the dark woods were wrapped in clouds and mist.


He stared silently for a few seconds, and then said to Jing Xian, “Let’s go.”


After it rained, the roads in the village were all muddy. Fortunately, the borrowed off-road vehicle had powerful horsepower, a high chassis, so it drove across the muddy road with ease.


Passing by the square in the center of the village, they also saw many people.


Although many anchors here had left, there were still more than a dozen people who did not have time to leave. They all heard about the mudslide and gathered in the square to discuss it—some of them were discussing in low voices with worried faces, and some were emotional, swearing on the phone, with blue veins on their faces.


Lu Yingjiu said, “Stop the car.”


Jing Xian stopped the car.


Lu Yingjiu opened the car door and went down. Several people knew him and knew that he was a ghost exorcist, and they surrounded him as if being immediately saved.


“What the hell is going on! This mudslide was probably done by that ghost!”


“We are not in danger are we…”


“Master, hurry up and give us some talisman paper!”


“Master, can you figure out when the road will be cleared again!”


When Lu Yingjiu heard the last question, he said helplessly, “I’m really not a god stick, I can’t calculate such a thing.” 


“Oh—” The questioner was disappointed.


“I’m not sure about the mudslide,” Lu Yingjiu said, “I’m here to remind you to be careful of spiders.”


In order to avoid unnecessary panic, he concealed the incident of the spider riot outside the window, and only briefly talked about the patient’s situation, and warned. “Try to stay indoors and don’t go wandering in the village. The spiders here are all poisonous.”


When everyone heard that the consequences of being bitten were so serious, of course they repeatedly promised that they would never wander around.


Another said, “Oh, I feel the same way, since this morning, I’ve seen a lot of spiders!”


“That’s right, I saw two or three of them as soon as I went out, and they were of different species.”


“I got up early today, and I was going to pack my luggage and leave the village. I’m pretty sure it was normal early in the morning, but when it started to rain, it was terrible, bad. It was like stabbing a spider’s nest, and a family of three generations ran out. “


Lu Yingjiu was stunned for a moment, and grabbed the last person. “Are you sure, the spider came out after it rained?”


“Yes. I was at the foot of the mountain when it rained.” The man said, “As soon as the thunder sounded, a lot of spiders crawled out of the mountain. Damn, they were like bamboo shoots. I was afraid of bugs, so I hurried away. Damn it, just as I was about to leave the village, there was a mudslide.” When he mentioned this matter, he was still full of regret, “I should have gone with Zhou Liang and the others yesterday.”


Rain, spiders, mudslides.


These three words kept lingering in Lu Yingjiu’s mind.


Absolutely not a coincidence.


And this mudslide blocked the road, making it impossible for anyone to get out.


Although he had many doubts in his heart, he would not say it out directly.


He still gave everyone a talisman, but the group panicked and were not satisfied after taking the talisman, so they chased him and asked if there were any more talismans.


Lu Yingjiu faced a large group of people, and was about to politely refuse, when they all stopped talking and fell silent——


Then Lu Yingjiu felt a weight on his shoulder.


Jing Xian got out of the car at some point, put his arm around his shoulders, and smiled at the crowd. “Sorry, even if we gave you all the other talisman papers, you won’t know how to use them either.”


When he said this, the audience became dead silent, and everyone shut up resentfully.


Facts have proven that Jing Xian was still useful at this time, and easily suppressed them.


Lu Yingjiu got into the car with Jing Xian’s arm all the way, sat in the co-pilot, and asked doubtfully, “Do I look so easy to bully?”


“Not easy to bully,” Jing Xian said, “Maybe it’s just that you seem like a good person.”


This is true.


Lu Yingjiu had a handsome appearance, and his affinity was naturally high. Even if he was placed in the villain camp of the movie, he looked like one that would be white washed in the future.


Lu Yingjiu laughed when he heard this. “What you’re saying, it’s like you’re the villain.”


“Isn’t it?” Jing Xian raised his eyebrows.


Lu Yingjiu looked at Jing Xian again.


Maybe it’s because Jing Xian usually behaved too purely in front of him, and he often ignored it subconsciously. Like many fierce priests, Jing Xian’s demeanor was tinged with evil intentions. Looking at the past carefully now, from the eyebrows and eyes to the thin lips and sharp jawline, all reveal elegance and all reveal aggressiveness.


Although he didn’t know Jing Xian’s title, he would definitely be the kind of priest that led the slaughter.


The situation in the ghost world was very complicated, and none of the living could pry on.


There was no ethics or morality there, let alone ordinary little ghosts, there were not a few priests who killed each other.


With many years of experience in dealing with ghosts, Lu Yingjiu had an inexplicable intuition: the ghosts who died at the hands of Jing Xian are definitely not in the minority.


If it was said that it was a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, he would believe it.


“…Why aren’t you talking anymore?” Jing Xian looked at him and asked, “Where are you going next?”


It was only then that Lu Yingjiu came back to his senses. “Let’s go to the foot of the mountain by the lake first, where we will precisely take a walk.”


Jing Xian nodded, then took out a small box of milk from his backpack, and handed it to Lu Yingjiu.


With the matter of hairball, Lu Yingjiu’s attitude towards this magical little backpack was very complicated. He took the milk and asked, “How many things are there in your bag?”


“Not much really.” Jing Xian stepped on the accelerator.


The car circled the lake all the way and drove towards the foot of the mountain.


Lu Yingjiu drank the milk while looking at the scenery outside the window.


He thought it was a pity that the living could not go to the ghost world, otherwise it would be nice to see where Jing Xian came from.


Perhaps he can also see another side of Jing Xian that he never shows in front of him.


But Jing Xian said before that his home was next to the abyss…


What Lu Yingjiu had always imagined was a dilapidated thatched house, with nothing but bare walls, cold in winter and warm in summer, and the roof would be blown over when the wind blows, exposing the bare framework. And stepping on the backyard, the environment in the backyard was poor, and snakes were growing on the trees. There must also be other ferocious beasts running rampant.


The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Jing Xian’s life must have been terrible.


Moreover, if Jing Xian really kills a lot, it is estimated that the ghost fate is not very good, and there are not many friends.


Wait a minute!


Lu Yingjiu’s eyes widened, and felt like he had figured something out.


It turned out that this was the case, Jing Xian was willing to be fooled by that master and married into a ghost marriage!


——Or maybe, Jing Xian didn’t realize that he was being fooled at all!


Lu Yingjiu’s heart was suddenly enlightened, but he didn’t know what to say.


Looking at Jing Xian again, no matter how he looked at it, he felt like he’s silly and cute, and despite being tricked into marrying him, was still in high spirits.


When the milk was finished, he lightly bit the milk straw and said, “Jing Xian…”


“Hm?” Jing Xian glanced at him.


Lu Yingjiu tentatively asked, “The place where you live in the ghost world…”


Unexpectedly, Jing Xian was more nervous than him, and immediately sat up straight.


He understands this!


This is Lu Yingjiu asking about his financial situation!


Black and White Impermanence told him that human beings attach great importance to this issue, and he must show his financial resources so that Lu Yingjiu can marry into his family with peace of mind. Real estate, vehicles, income… In short, it is important to demonstrate decency, competitiveness, and attractiveness.


Of course, in addition to financial resources, personal quality is also very important.


He also prepared various plans to deal with the problem of Lu Yingjiu.


——For example, the most classic question: “If I fell into the water with your mother at the same time, who would you save first?”


He was ready, if Lu Yingjiu asked him this question, he would answer truthfully: I don’t have a mother.


Before Lu Yingjiu could figure out what to say for the second half of the sentence, Jing Xian spoke first, “I have hundreds of houses. Wherever you want to live, I have them in all directions. From the Huangquan Road to the back of the Yinshan Mountains to the City of Unjust Death, all in prime locations! If you want to live in the Hanging Garden, there is the Hanging Garden, and if you want to live near the River of Forgetfulness, I also have a Linchuan Villa. If it’s not possible, I have a sleeping chamber on the 18th floor of Hell. It’s very beautiful, and the outside is full of dead people and skeletons.”


Lu Yingjiu: “…Ah?”


Jing Xian kept talking non-stop. “You don’t have to worry about the car, except for the Maybach Aston Martin Pagani you have ridden before, you can buy whatever you want, let’s drive around and travel everywhere. If it doesn’t work, I can take Ying Long for you to ride. I also raise a lot of Qilins, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, all colors available. We can change rides every day, and change to different mounts. If you like exotic mounts, I can even smuggle a hell three-headed dog from a foreign country..”


Lu Yingjiu: “…Ah??”


His train of thought was completely disrupted by Jing Xian.


Jing Xian blustered, “I have a stable job and a stable income, and I will definitely go home before ten o’clock in the evening. I can do housework, especially cooking. I can do it very well. I was taught by the new oriental teacher ghost, and my level is definitely good enough. “


“I don’t smoke or drink, and I absolutely don’t engage in pornography, gambling and drugs. I am healthy and free from illness, I don’t hide private money, I don’t have any top-notch relatives and friends, and I don’t have a mother either.”


Lu Yingjiu: “…Ah???”



  1. FireFoxWinterWolf says:

    Thank you for the chapter~

  2. Applesauce says:

    In all fairness, Jing Xian is basically Mr. Perfect. Lu Yingjiu doesn’t even have to deal with in-laws. The heck.

    No wonder he had such terrible luck early on. He spent all his good fortune just to catch Jing Xian. XD

    1. qiaoqiaodi says:

      And it’s worth it❤️‍🔥.

  3. Rira says:

    “and I don’t have a mother either’ 😂😂😂

  4. aliaro says:

    Hey, asking for a friend, where can I get ghost married real quick? 👀

  5. Grazi says:

    Onde encontro o meu?

  6. tama_ochi says:

    asian parents would be like, “approved!” 👌

    jing xian has doraemon’s backpack, is very rich. and hell! he even can smuggle a cerberus for you straight from hades’ courtyard 🤣🤣🤣

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