After Birth, I Discovered that My Mother is an Emperor

Because I was the only one here who knew the cause of the nosebleed.

The more the doctor panicked, and the more grim Zeusia’s expression became.

Instead of the nosebleed subsiding, my face even turned bright red like a ripe apple, perhaps as a sign from God to ask and double-take.

The moment I suddenly realized that I was bleeding from the nose, I desperately wanted to die.

Of course, the god did not grant my poor wish this time.

* * *

Same time.

The atmosphere in the Lipchik family, the only ducal family in the Eastern Empire, was very chaotic.

It was none other than a rumor heard a week ago.

‘The emperor has brought into her bedroom the illegitimate child she abandoned with her own hands!’

The Emperor’s sudden whim was enough to make the Duke shake his head.

That’s right…..

“The first in line to the throne is our Saffron. Why didn’t the Lipchik family stop that vulgar woman from ascending the throne? If we continue like this, all our plans will go to waste.”

The fact that her only son, Lipchik Saffron, was first in line of succession was a story of a time when Zeusia had no children.

What does bringing back an illegitimate child, whom she had abandoned at one point, to her main castle, mean that he is considering her as a candidate for the next emperor?

“Her Majesty hasn’t come out of her bedroom for a week already, right? It looks like she’s thinking of becoming a mother now, but this is really absurd.”

Duchess Lipczyk, who sat with her back straight, let out an annoyed sigh but did not forget the dignity of silently putting down her teacup.

She truly had the elegance of the hostess of a family called the noblest of nobles.

Duke Lipchik, who had been looking at her with an uncomfortable smile, carefully took her luck.

“No matter how harsh her Majesty’s temperament may be, I think she has absolutely no motherly love. The fact that you haven’t come out of the bedroom means that the baby hasn’t regained consciousness in over a week.”

I felt like I wanted to tell him that it was okay if she never regained consciousness, like that illegitimate child, but the moment I made eye contact with the friendly husband, I couldn’t bear to say harsh words out loud.

“How worried were we that Safi caught a fever and cold at exactly that age? her Majesty will also be distressed.”

Her lip twitched at the words of her husband, who seemed genuinely concerned about her.

‘Why are you worried about an illegitimate girl who is only an obstacle to Saffron’s path? Really, there’s just a lot of unnecessary pettiness.’

The Duchess raised her teacup to cover her distorted mouth and answered in a cold voice.

“Then she should has kept it by her side and looked after her a long time ago. It’s ridiculous that she was abandoned as soon as she was born, and now, 6 years later, she is pretending to be her mother.”

“To say she threw ger away is an overstatement, ma’am.”

“Then, if it wasn’t just a lump of blood thrown away for two maids and confinement in a separate building, what was it?”


“If I were her Majesty’s daughter, even if she were lucky enough to regain consciousness, she would not consider her Majesty her mother. At six years old, you’re old enough to know that your mother abandoned you!”

“Maybe so. However, resentment is also something that needs to be brought to consciousness. How did that little child end up wandering alone in the lake at night….? It breaks my heart to think that our Safi did that.”

She glanced at the duke, who was visibly sullen, and snorted with a hum.

Her husband was very soft.

How will we overcome this crisis and how will we safely place our son on the throne?

In a situation where it’s not enough to discuss such things, you’re worried about the safety of a child who might become your political enemy.

‘It would be best if she couldn’t find consciousness like this… What if she openes her eyes? Do i dispose of it without my husband knowing? No, there is no reason to do that to a child just yet. Would it be better to recruit her to our side? ‘It’s impossible for him to have any good feelings towards her mother who abandoned her.’

As they were contemplating on how to dispose of the troublesome nuisance they had forgotten about, the head butler approached the duke and duchess with urgent steps.

She had a bad feeling.

“The princess…..No, you say the baby has just regained her consciousness!”

“Is that really true!”

Unlike the Duke, whose face turned bright red, the Duchess’s face immediately wrinkled.

“I have to go see her Majesty right away, so get ready. I need to say hello to the baby formally too.”

‘That person is a good idiot……’

With her husband so distracted, she needed to be more thorough.

Her purpose is only one.

She wants to get rid of Emperor as soon as possible and place her own son, who is the most qualified, on the shining throne.

‘First of all, I can’t help it because now she is awake. While my husband returns, i will have to think about what to do with the illegitimate child.’

Because meeting the child of a lowly emperor and ‘that man’ in person will only make me feel better.

“I’m not feeling well, so it’s up to me…..”

“Her Majesty had a baby?”

It was the moment when she was about to get up from her seat.

The most lovely voice in the world, but one that should never be heard now, rang out from behind.


Why are sad premonitions, let alone bad premonitions, never wrong?

When I turned around, there was a boy with blond hair who looked just like a duke, and whose eyes were as clear as a lake.

“How old are the baby? in my age? is it a boy or a girl? What is the baby’s name? Why didn’t I know until now that her Majesty had a baby?”

The excited eyes sparkled with curiosity about the emperor’s child.

“Are we going to see the baby now?”

It was obvious what he was going to say. she wants to say ‘no’ but her son hits first.

Because the moment her son makes a request, it’s obvious that he won’t be able to refuse.

The only weakness of the resolute duchess was her son, Saffron Lipchik.


But unfortunately, the lovely Duke’s request was a little quicker than the Duchess’ refusal.

“I want to go too!”

* * *


Who talks about me?

But there was no time to dwell on such carefree thoughts.

As soon as the nosebleed stopped, I coughed, and the doctor’s face, which had barely regained its original color, turned pale.

The fact that Zeusia’s face was distorted one step before that was, to say the least, nagging.


“P, please kill me, Your Majesty!”

“No! I’m not sick, I’m just coughing. it doesn’t hurt at all, anymore!”

I even waved my arms to show off my health, but Zeusia seemed in disbelief.

“Really. Right now, the baby is so healthy that it’s hard to believe she was been unconscious for a week.”

“How are you going to explain the nosebleed just now?”

Hey, mother. If you can skip that….

“It wasn’t just a nosebleed, it was a double nosebleed, wasn’t it?”

Do you really feel relieved when you confirm the kill like that?

While I was secretly shivering, the doctor did his best to explain.

“Well, that is! “It’s not because of illness!”


“There are many causes of nosebleeds in young children. Since the organs are weaker than those of adults, even a little dryness can cause nosebleeds…..”

“That’s strange. I’ve never had a nosebleed even once.”

In response to that invincible line, the doctor said, “Because Your Majesty is so healthy.” And  gave a vague answer.

Zeusia, who had been pestering the doctor about that topic for a long time, only gave me an angry look after confirming that I was no longer coughing.

The doctor, who was noticeably more gaunt than when he first appeared, perhaps because he had walked the path of life and death countless times for a few minutes, gave the diagnosis in a trembling voice.

“I’m sorry, but i was in a situation where I couldn’t do anything about it anymore. But now, as I mentioned earlier, I don’t see any special symptoms other than a mild cough.”

“Thanks to the doctor for taking good care of me. Thank you!”

I answered with a wide smile and his eyes widened. The gaze was clearly like, ‘What is this cute creature?’

He immediately lowered his eyes at Zeusia’s cold gaze, but anyway.

“It’s a shame, but I didn’t do anything. The reason the baby recovered so well is probably because….”

The doctor swallowed her dry saliva and glanced sideways at Zeusia, who was half lying on her back with me on her lap.

“It may be thanks to Her Majesty for sharing her magical powers.”

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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