After Birth, I Discovered that My Mother is an Emperor

Chapter 1 : Her Bedroom

Today, I died.

The cause of death was a car accident.

The moment I threw myself to save a student who was almost hit by a 25-ton truck, a strong light poured down on me enough so that my eyes exploded with light, and then darkness fell

It wasn’t a dog’s death since I managed to save one person but it was a meaningless ending.

But when I opened my eyes again with the knowledge of death.


I was crying. That’s also very sad.

Myfear was doubled by the chandeliers that filled the ceiling and the frighteningly luxurious room.

At that moment, someone picked me up.

“Baby, don’t cry.”


Aside from the strange title, why is this woman wearing a dress?

‘Wait, wait!’

Medieval scenery, an unfamiliar language, and me understanding it.

This is probably––.

As I cried in the woman’s arms, I soon found the answer.

‘A typical opening for possessing/transmigrating into a RofanPossessed!’

I’m not sure whether to call this reincarnation or possession, but does naming matter anyways?

‘Oh my god. It was worth recharging KakaoPage Cash every month.’

This was how you get rewarded for sacrificing your life to save someone!

I was so happy on the inside that my eyes sparkled as if I had never cried before.

“Oh my, you’ve already opened your eyes and even smiled. How can you be so lovely?”

According to the intuition of Rofan readers, there is a high probability that this woman is not my mother.

‘Given the circumstances, it appears to be a nanny, but there are so many maids with brown eyes and brown hair that it is difficult to identify which work I’m currently in.’

First of all, I had to find out which of the many Rofans I’ve read I was in now.

Wasn’t it common to possess a work I enjoyed or was impressed by?

Or maybe it was just me who read it.

It doesn’t matter what happens!

Dear male and female leads, please wait!

After drinking about 2 liters of kimchi soup, I forgot that I was hiccuping and carefully sorted out a list of works that I had read with great interest.

Exactly when I thought of the title of the twenty-three works that I’ve read, another woman wearing the same dress as the woman holding me hurriedly ran into the room.

“Mrs. Klein!”

Her face turned blue as if something big had happened.

“Their Royal Majesty said that they are on their way to check on their daughter!”

Note: Actually Koreans don’t have masculine and feminine in words so I made everything masculine so that the Empress would appear

“How about taking the baby to a safe place first?”

Royal Majesty? Daughter?

I accurately caught the strong words in the conversation between the two women, who continued to sound worried.

‘Are you crazy? Am I the princess?’

I couldn’t clap my hands because of the swaddle, so instead I struggled with my weak feet.

Since I was called ‘Baby’, I guessed that I wasn’t of royal status.

I thought I was at most a daughter from a good family!

‘If I’m really a princess. I was born beyond a gold spoon, with a diamond spoon, no, a pink diamond spoon,!’

I was just born and XX was my uncle. Or she was born as a daughter of XX or something like that.

‘Judging from these people’s reactions, it seems like the Emperor is quite a scary person. I, the princess, am a baby. A combination of a tyrant emperor and a pretty princess. That means….’

Candidate 1: Parenting Material.

Oh my, I want to live quietly, but everyone says they like me, so I can’t help it! Give me everything I want and spoil me to the heavens!

Candidate 2: Family Regrets.

They abused me in a past life and my family will now spoil me along with the male leads!

Actually, anything was good as long as it’s Rofan!

Regardless of keywords, all the good results were coming to fruition here.

“T-Their Majesty the Emperor is entering!”

As a loud cry rang out, Klein’s arms that were holding me began to tremble slightly.

The young woman, called Senya, even cried, saying, “What should I do?”

In this serious and urgent situation, I was excited in a different way.

‘Is the emperor handsome? Of course he’s handsome, right?’

A new, insincere smile leaked from the empty, toothless lips.

I can definitely say that this it was the moment I smiled the brightest in my entire past and present life.

‘Welcome, Dad! No, would Papa be better? For the first babble, it seems okay.’

In my previous life, I grew up without proper parents, but I didn’t feel much resistance to calling a man whose name and face I didn’t know my father.

It’s definitely not because I’m excited that my dad is the emperor.


“Is it that thing?”

But the moment the person presumed to be the emperor opened their mouth, I froze up and forgot how happy I was.

Not because of the cruelty of the Emperor calling their child “that thing.”

Whether it was a parenting drama or a regret drama, the indifferent fathers usually act cold on the outside until they become warm towards their children.

The problem was the emperor’s voice.


Even if the voice was a little hoarse, it was still a female voice.

“Your Majesty!”

It wasn’t until I met Klein’s shocked expression that I realized that my small body was floating in the air.

Even in moments when my focus was off and my vision seemed blurry, I was confident.

The person holding my back with one hand was the emperor!

“Oh, the baby can’t hold her head yet, so it’s dangerous…”

Klein, who was pale, stretched out her hand, but the emperor lifted me higher as if showing off.

Only then could I properly see the emperor’s face.

Unlike the fathers I have seen in other childcare novels, the emperor was a woman.

But what really surprised me wasn’t the emperor’s gender.


The first thing that caught my eye was the hair curving around her waist. The unusually black color seemed as if the night sky had been taken out and dyed.

The next thing that caught my attention were the intense eyes. The purple, almost red eyes shone delicately like rare jewels.

Lastly, she has strong, assertive facial features that would steal your attention even without any makeup.

The Emperor, or so to speak (the Empress) my mom was beautiful.

‘Incredibly beautiful.’

I gave up on the long-held dream I had since I was a reader, of wanting to become the female lead’s friend1 and watch the main characters’ love lives up close.

I also quietly suppressed the delusion of wanting to become extremely entangled with one of the handsome men in love with the female lead and hovered around her as an extra.

‘I will live for my family!’

Just looking at my mother’s beautiful face will make my life worthwhile and meaningful.

‘All fathers, get out of the way. My mom is the best.’

I almost smiled unintentionally, but the cold voice that followed immediately silenced me.

“I gave birth to this?”

In the eyes of the emperor who mumbled like that, not even a trace of humanity could be found, let alone affection for her child.

The atmosphere was 10,000 times more sinister than expected.

‘Uh…. I don’t think other fathers were that scary.’

Half a beat later, anxiety started to creep in.

“Well, isn’t she pretty? She has Her Majesty’s face and also Margrave Dilohim’s hair…”

“Senya. Whose name are you saying in front of me right now?”

The two women fell to the floor much faster than the emperor continued her words.

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty. I’ve committed a mistake.”

The emperor’s eyes, looking down at the trembling figures begging for forgiveness, were frighteningly callous.

“I’ll make you pay for your mistake after dealing with this thing first.”

The Emperor, who spoke in a voice as cold as her gaze, threw me onto the cradle.

Because the cradle was so soft, it didn’t hurt at all, but the emperor immediately pulled out a sword, causing me to panic in a different way.

‘What, what is it? Are you trying to kill the baby, your own child?’

The long, blood-red blacksword in her hand was no toy.

The emperor simply swept away the crying and clinging women, holding her sword back without taking her eyes off me.

Empress, dark red sword body, purple eyes, tyrant.

….No way!

The moment the emperor raised the corner of her mouth slyly, I finally realized which novel I had went into.

Titled 『The Mad Emperor’s Red Bedroom』… 19+ romantic version novel!

The story begins when the stepbrother of the heroine ‘Sinope’ is kidnapped by ‘Zeusia Kishtvan’, a tyrant who collects all kinds of beautiful men.

A truly moralistic piece of work that tells the story of a female protagonist who disguises herself as a man and infiltrates the emperor’s harem to save her brother, and goes through all sorts of hardships.

In 『The Mad Emperor’s Red Bedroom』, as the title suggests, events that occur in the bedroom account for more than 70% of the content.

Among them, the episodes in which Zeusia appeared were usually filled with three pages of cautionary statements.

Still, it was definitely fun(?). Thanks to its guarantee, 『The Mad Emperor’s Red Bedroom』 was selected as a ‘hidden masterpiece’.

I was one of the readers who secretly read the controversial work, and honestly, I re-hashed it several times.

I can assure you that the ‘emperor’ in front of me must be the tyrant Zeusia, the main villain of the work.

The problem is that Zeusia had no children.

Which means–

“I will end your lives all at once.”

It means that I was reincarnated as a princess who was destined to die as soon as I was born.

My dear life.


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