After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Big Wedding (part 3.2)

Qi Zhuoyu said in a low voice. “Just stepping into the White Jade Capital with my left foot first got me beaten by your Father God. If I step into your bed, won’t Senior brother’s soul be scattered?”

Feng Xuan’s face reddened a bit. “Can you be serious? What are you thinking? I’m just purely checking your wounds!”

“Mm.” Qi Zhuoyu said, “Senior brother is also purely hinting at something to someone.”

Hinting at what.

Feng Xuan wasn’t an inexperienced little bird anymore.

He silently grumbled in his heart, “Old pervert!”

After opening Qi Zhuoyu’s clothes, he checked.

Father God seemed to have struck several fierce spiritual power blows, but there were actually no wounds left on Qi Zhuoyu’s body.

There were only a few shallow red marks.

For the big devil, it was probably just like being tickled.

Feng Xuan felt like he had turned into one of those cheesy male protagonists from novels.

He felt a bit out of control as he touched Qi Zhuoyu’s wounds, actually feeling heartache. “Does it hurt?”

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him, with a half-smile. “It’s okay.”

After saying that, he spoke again. “You can press harder. It will hurt more.”

Feng Xuan: “…”

My goodness. What a pervert.

Feng Xuan withdrew his hand, not wanting to deal with him.

But before he could pull his hand back, Qi Zhuoyu grabbed his wrist. “Senior brother has a place that hurts even more, don’t you want to see?”

Feng Xuan really thought there was somewhere he hadn’t checked.

He hurriedly asked. “Where?”

Then Qi Zhuoyu guided his hand to a certain place.

Feng Xuan couldn’t tell if it hurt, but it was truly hot, and he really couldn’t grasp it.

The scorching heat seemed to travel from his palm all the way to his cheeks.

Feng Xuan really didn’t know what to say to him. “Are you trying to get us killed? Father God’s divine consciousness can cover the entire White Jade Capital. What if he suddenly decides to scan the surroundings?”


Qifeng Palace is still very close to Lingxiao Palace!

“What are you afraid of?” Qi Zhuoyu had a fearless look, his tone arrogant. “You said it yourself, it’s only a possibility.”

“Besides,” the man’s voice suddenly lowered quite a bit, with a hint of naughtiness: “Doesn’t little Seven think this is more exciting?”

Feng Xuan: “…”

It was truly exciting.

Almost to the point of being life-threatening.

So, as a proper couple-to-be with parental consent,

Why on earth were they doing this strange having an affair setup?!


The wedding date was set for the 321st day of the 40,000,000th year of divine power.

Due to the longevity of the divine race, most ancient gods could no longer remember how long they had lived, but the news of His Highness the Crown Prince’s sudden marriage spread through the White Jade Capital like a stone dropped into boiling water, instantly becoming a hot topic of discussion among the divine race again.

Not to mention,

The first thing Father God did upon returning was to choose a good match for His Highness the Crown Prince, and it turned out to be the Demon Venerable from the Chaotic Sea.

Many ancient gods knew Qi Zhuoyu’s true identity.

Speaking of which, the Demon Venerable’s previous life was a demon god, doesn’t that make him of the same generation as Father God? What generation would His Highness the Crown Prince be in the future?

In any case, all sorts of news started from a month before the wedding date.

It never stopped in the White Jade Capital, and even spread to the demon realm.

Feng Xuan was almost dizzy with busyness during this period.

He had thought that for the wedding, he just needed to show up.

But he never imagined there would be so many trivial matters.

For example, whether to choose the three-legged golden crow or the azure phoenix as the wedding carriage, whether to use golden wattle or trumpet creeper for the flower baskets of the flower bearers.

Even the color of the rosy clouds in the sky above White Jade Capital on the divine wedding day had to be chosen in advance and prepared for the Cloud Maiden, so she could arrange different clouds in the sky at the time.

Not to mention the wedding attire for the divine wedding.

The divine weddings in White Jade Capital were different from those in the mortal realm and demon realm.

Mortals often wore bright red and green wedding clothes, the demon realm favored complex red and black, while White Jade Capital used pure white cloud mist satin. This was a special cloud mist for making wedding attire, with only one cloud forming every ten thousand years. Even the Cloud Maiden only had a few, long reserved for His Highness the Crown Prince’s grand wedding.

From cutting to completion, the wedding attire required nearly twenty Cloud Maidens to work tirelessly for seven days and seven nights.

Moreover, because the cloud mist satin kept changing during the process, Feng Xuan needed to be ready for fittings at all times.

In short,

It was exhausting.

He hadn’t had a good night’s sleep for seven days and seven nights.

When the 321st day finally arrived,

As Feng Xuan put on the cloud mist satin wedding attire, his mind hadn’t even processed that he was really marrying Qi Zhuoyu.

It felt like a dream.

In a daze, the scenes of descending to the mortal realm to undergo calamities yesterday were still vivid.

The great hall for the divine wedding was in Lingxiao Palace.

The sky above the palace had long been prepared for the grand wedding, with the roof hidden. Looking up now, there was a dazzling expanse of ten thousand-fathom rosy light. Hundreds of azure phoenix divine birds held divine wutong branches in their beaks, celestial music floated in the hall, countless celestial flowers and colorful clouds surged, like a dream.

Apart from the wedding attire and magic arts.

Most of the wedding ceremonies in White Jade Capital were the same as those in the mortal realm. To be precise, it wasn’t that they were the same as the mortal realm, but that mortals had vaguely imitated the divine race’s weddings tens of thousands of years ago, leading to the various ceremonies that evolved to the present.

After the worship ceremony.

The one who was the most drunk and cried the hardest was neither Qi Zhuoyu nor Feng Xuan.

It was the Sixth Prince Yellow Dog.

Li Chaofeng hugged whoever he could grab, completely forgetting who was sitting beside him, and wailed loudly. “I really fucking never thought that I, a mere fucking mortal, would one day fucking attend a divine wedding?!”

This string of “fucking” had the air of when he was the Sixth Prince.

“If my mother knew in the underworld, seeing how successful I am now, she would definitely lift her coffin lid and laugh herself awake!” Li Chaofeng drank and complained. “You really don’t know how fierce the palace struggles of mortals are! When I was still human, my mother told me every day to study, to excel, to become the crown prince, to become the emperor in the future. Eh? Guess what, I didn’t become emperor, I became a dog!”

Thinking of this, Li Chaofeng seemed to be truly sad, crying even more miserably. “Later I realized, not listening to elders leads to immediate regret.”

“Now, I fucking, being a dog is worse than being an emperor!!” Sixth Prince Yellow Dog: “Can you imagine?! I, a dog, have multiple roles, I not only fucking manage the demon realm, I’m now even fucking managing mortal countries!”

He muttered. “How is this different from being an emperor… what’s the difference… I don’t even have a fucking vacation…”

Yue’e couldn’t bear to watch and tugged on Jingyu’s sleeve. “Senior Brother Jingyu, why don’t you just throw him away?”

In the Three Realms, only Senior Brother Jingyu had such a good temper. If it were anyone else being hugged and wailed at by a drunk, they would probably have been thrown down Biluo River long ago.

“It’s fine,” Jingyu smiled. “He’s Ling’er’s friend, we can’t be so rude.”

Just as he finished speaking, Jingyu felt himself being violently shaken.

The wine cup in his hand almost spilled.

Li Chaofeng stared at him with unfocused eyes, too drunk to know up from down. “Brother, you’re a god, right?”

Jingyu replied with good humor. “This lord is the master of Qingqiu, the god Jingyu.”

“Qingqiu?” Li Chaofeng pondered for a moment. “Aren’t those all fucking fox spirits?”

Jingyu felt the perfect, jade-like smile on his face crack open a tiny bit.

“I really fucking never thought,” Li Chaofeng started again, “that I’d be fucking drinking with a fucking male fox spirit at a fucking divine wedding?!”

Jingyu decided to use the wine cup to stop the mouth of this noisy dog friend.

After the divine wedding, Feng Xuan was exhausted.

Seeing that most of the ancient gods had left the banquet, even the dog-drunk – no, originally a dog – Li Chaofeng had been dragged away by Jingyu.

With no one around, Feng Xuan’s pampered side acted up again.

He really didn’t want to walk the path back to Qifeng Palace.

So he stood still, not moving.

Qi Zhuoyu looked back, suddenly feeling this scene was very familiar.

He vaguely remembered that time during the New Year’s Eve festival.

After they had released lanterns in Chang’an city, on the way back, Feng Xuan had stood just like this.

Across a small bridge, gazing at him from afar.

He still remembered what he had said then.

Calling him senior brother, saying coquettishly that he couldn’t walk anymore.

After the long passage of time, this sealed memory overlapped with the scene before him.

Feng Xuan, just like back then, spoke hesitantly, only no longer calling him senior brother.

His voice clean and sweet, as if trying to be cute. “Husband. I feel like I can’t walk anymore.”

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him with his arms crossed, his peach blossom eyes filled with laughter, and replied just as he had back then. “If you can’t walk, then rest where you are.”

Feng Xuan was annoyed. “How can you be like this!”

He blinked, suddenly inspired. “When I couldn’t walk before, Senior brother would always carry me.”

Qi Zhuoyu finally couldn’t hold back, scooping him up by the waist.

But instead of holding him in his arms, he turned his wrist and directly put Feng Xuan on his back, giving a little bounce.

Feng Xuan was startled, hit him once, both angry and amused. “What are you doing!”

Qi Zhuoyu deliberately made his back unstable, swaying Feng Xuan so that he thought he would fall several times, and asked pettily. “Let me ask you. Do you think your senior brother is better, or your husband?”

“You’re so petty, Qi Zhuoyu!” Feng Xuan pulled his hair.

“Will you say it or not? If you don’t say your husband is better, I’ll drop you on the ground.” Qi Zhuoyu threatened him, his voice filled with laughter.

“Husband is better, husband is better, you’re the best, okay! So petty, you petty big devil!”

Feng Xuan messed up Qi Zhuoyu’s hair.

Qi Zhuoyu turned his head and asked, “Then who do you like?”

Feng Xuan: “.”

Feng Xuan was speechless, leaning to his ear. “I like you!”

So annoying.

“Who likes me?”

“Feng Xuan!”

“Who am I?” Qi Zhuoyu raised an eyebrow.

“…Qi Zhuoyu.” You’re so boring.

Feng Xuan seemed to realize his intention, speaking softly in his ear. “I like Qi Zhuoyu.”

After saying this, it was as if he had opened some mysterious switch. His eyes suddenly felt a bit sour, and he buried his face in Qi Zhuoyu’s neck, saying in a muffled voice. “I really, really like Qi Zhuoyu.”

It seemed that long, long ago.

Even before he might have been aware of his own feelings, he had already liked him.

Qi Zhuoyu made an “mm” sound.

In the night, his voice was low and pleasant. “I love you too.”

Earlier than you.

Deeper than you.

Before your life had even begun.

He must have, must have told him “I love you”.



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