After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Big Wedding (part 2.2)

Feng Xuan probed. “Then after we’re married, what should I call you?”

He pondered on his own quite enthusiastically. “You know, like. I call you senior brother, and you call me nephew?”

Qi Zhuoyu was amused and annoyed by him.

He pinched Feng Xuan’s cheeks mercilessly. “Say that again, what did you call me?”

“Senior brother! It hurts!”

Damn, the big devil really dared to use force. Feng Xuan felt like his cheeks were about to be pinched off.

Qi Zhuoyu, expressionless, pinched hard two more times.

Feng Xuan’s eyes watered from the pain, and he quickly recognized the situation. “Husband, it hurts! Husband, it’s so painful!”

Satisfied, Qi Zhuoyu released his hand. “Husband not hurt.”

He was now smiling mischievously, and kissed Feng Xuan’s reddened cheek. “It’s the wife who hurts.”

Then he commented with a laugh. “Delicate little thing.”


Fine, he could be a delicate little thing.

The delicate little thing was still for you to take care of.

Feng Xuan grumbled and cursed internally.

After returning from the Divine Wood Forest, Qi Zhuoyu stayed at Qifeng Palace for a few more days.

Until Feng Xuan felt that his role as a demon consort was really becoming true, he sent him to the Chaotic Sea to quickly make an appearance, letting the people of the demon realm know their boss wasn’t dead.

He himself stayed in Qifeng Palace to sleep.

When he woke up, he would go to Lingxiao Palace to accompany his father for a while, and then accompany her to Biluo River to check on the progress of Father God’s primordial spirit reconstruction.

Feng Xuan felt he was already very experienced.

Yingzhu’s primordial spirit reconstruction was going very smoothly, which seemed related to what Siming had said. After all, Father God was originally a deity born from the Primordial River, and Biluo River was a branch of the Primordial River. Being in Biluo River should feel somewhat similar to a child returning to its mother’s womb, a natural place for nurturing primordial spirits.

On the day of Father God’s return, not only the supreme gods of White Jade Capital.

Almost all of the divine race gathered around Biluo River. The vast and misty Biluo River didn’t look as frightening as usual, as if it had been intimidated by some impending divine power.

Feng Xuan felt that he should be very happy.

But when Biluo River suddenly descended a world-ending lightning tribulation, and then Father God walked out from it.

He was left with only the urge to cry.

Fortunately, his mother cried even more embarrassingly than him.

Feng Xuan silently swallowed his tears back.

Feeling that he still wanted to keep some face. jpg

However, when Father God really walked up to him and patted his head.

Saying with some emotion. “Ling’er has grown so big.”

He felt like crying again!

Although he had grown very big.

He could still turn into a baby bird and ride on Father God’s head!!

All in all, Father God’s return made White Jade Capital truly lively for a long time.

As the nominal Crown Prince, although Jingyu helped handle most of the affairs of various ancient gods coming to visit, he couldn’t completely be a hands-off boss. He still had to stand in Lingxiao Palace every day as a mascot.

When bored, he would also look at the Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains painting.

To send messages to Qi Zhuoyu.

That’s right, the Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains painting originally couldn’t transmit messages.

But earlier when all the communication talismans in Feng Xuan’s little pouch were used up, after Qi Zhuoyu found out, he took the painting away to study for a few days. When he returned it, this magical treasure had gained the function of transmitting messages.

Sometimes he really felt that Qi Zhuoyu’s cheating was a bit outrageous.

Speaking of which, he should have demon race bloodline, how could he have this skill of refining magical treasures?!

Better not to ask.

Ask and he’d be looked down upon by his boyfriend’s genius brain. jpg

Not only could it transmit messages, but also images.

The messages Feng Xuan sent every day were quite casual, almost sending whatever came to mind.

But amazingly, Qi Zhuoyu actually replied to every single one.

[So bored.] 


[Saw that ungrateful tattletale from the divine race last time!] 


Ah, this.

That’s not good, the big devil was still as simple and brutal as ever.

It felt better to skip this dangerous topic.

Further down:

[Standing is so tiring, my legs are sore.]

Accompanied by an image of the current bustling scene in Lingxiao Palace.

Qi Zhuoyu commented: [Cultivation is too poor, should practice diligently.]

Feng Xuan: .

Was there a possibility that he only needed two dads, not three dads.

Scum senior brother, being a straight man again when he shouldn’t be.

Couldn’t he see that this supreme god was trying to act coquettish?

Qi Zhuoyu added: [Suggest dual cultivation.]

So that’s what he was waiting for.

Looking very sincere, Feng Xuan almost wanted to agree when he saw it, haha.

Feng Xuan wisely didn’t answer this question anymore.

He was about to put away the Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains painting.

But suddenly the painting flashed with a faint spiritual light, and Qi Zhuoyu sent another message from his side.

Feng Xuan opened it to look, it wasn’t any important message.

It was just the image of Lingxiao Palace that he had sent to Qi Zhuoyu earlier, sent back unchanged.

Not only that, but the originally unmarked image.

Now had a red circle drawn on it, and the person in the circle was Senior Brother Jingyu who was busy in the image.

Feng Xuan: “…”

Qi Zhuoyu’s message came: [I see.]

What do you see that you just see.

Qi Zhuoyu: [You’re thinking about Senior brother.]

Thanks, but he wasn’t, he didn’t.

Qi Zhuoyu: [Senior brother will come to White Jade Capital tonight.]

What are you coming for, can’t it be during the day, why must it be at night.

Qi Zhuoyu’s last words carried a hint of amusement: [To save the wife from pining over objects.]

Did you just turn Senior Brother Jingyu into an object, does Jingyu know?


They weren’t married yet, but Qi Zhuoyu had been calling him ‘wife’ with increasing proficiency lately, teasing him so casually.

Feng Xuan said irritably: [Don’t you have to handle government affairs?]

Thinking of the red mark circling Senior Brother Jingyu earlier, the more he looked at it, the more it resembled the ink used to review official documents. No way, was the big devil slacking off during work hours? This didn’t seem like his workaholic character at all?

Qi Zhuoyu: [What’s there to handle.]

Qi Zhuoyu said dismissively: [Isn’t there a dog?]

Feng Xuan made a guess.

Dog, should equal Li Chaofeng.

Very good.

The guy has been helping you manage the demon realm for so many years, you as his cousin should at least remember Li Chaofeng’s name!

How could you simply and brutally replace him with ‘dog’? By the way, it seemed that since the sixth prince started following the big devil, he worked when the big devil lost his wife, worked when the big devil chased his wife, worked when the big devil’s divine soul was extinguished, and even worked two jobs after the big devil reincarnated.

… What a chosen work dog.

While Feng Xuan was lost in thought.

The Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains painting emitted flickering light once again.

Qi Zhuoyu’s message came again: [Besides. Before handling the demon realm’s affairs.]

He said it as if it was perfectly natural. Feng Xuan could even imagine his casual and arrogant tone in his mind: [Husband thinks it’s more important to first deal with Xiao Qi’s lovesickness.]



  1. Nana says:

    Aaaaah eu amo tanto eles, só não entendi muito bem a questão do Deus pai, no sentido que não houve tanta atenção para o reencontro

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