After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Senior Brother's Social Death! (part 2)

This bullet screen comment caught many people’s attention.

Feng Xuan also saw this comment. Honestly, if not reminded, he hardly noticed that Qi Zhuoyu had been continuously rubbing his waist. Perhaps even Qi Zhuoyu himself didn’t notice, because when he saw the bullet screen comment, there was a noticeable pause in his eyes.

It seemed that taking care of Feng Xuan had already become instinctive for him.

“Damn, this time I’m really shipping it.”

“All the sugar from before wasn’t as real as this!!”

“The show might be scripted, but these life details can’t be acted out SOS”

“You really do love your wife… bro, I believe it now…”

The bullet screen comments scrolled by too fast.

Feng Xuan couldn’t read many of the words clearly.

He only saw one comment marveling at how much Qi Zhuoyu loved him.

He felt secretly pleased.

After feeling smug, he seemed to realize something.

It wouldn’t do to always have the great demon appearing to like him so much, while he showed no response, right?

Thinking of this, Feng Xuan sat up straight. “I’m not in pain anymore, Senior brother.”

The implication was that he didn’t need to rub anymore.

By the way, not only was he not in pain,

He even enthusiastically gave Qi Zhuoyu’s shoulders a squeeze.

“What are you doing?” Qi Zhuoyu found it a bit amusing. “Offering unsolicited favors, did you cause trouble again?”

Feng Xuan: “?”

How did he cause trouble again?

Couldn’t this be a way of showing love for Senior brother?

Feng Xuan squeezed softly for a while. “No. I just feel like I’ve been troubling Senior brother too much, so I decided to be nicer to Senior brother from now on.”

Qi Zhuoyu said, “So you know.”

Feng Xuan: “.”

Couldn’t he refute that a little at this moment!

Well, okay.

He did indeed cause a lot of trouble for Qi Zhuoyu before.

After symbolically squeezing a couple of times, Qi Zhuoyu perfunctorily said. “I’m not tired anymore.”

Feng Xuan: “Really? How about I squeeze a bit longer?”

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly looked at him. “You have a lot of strength?”

Feng Xuan: Had a not-so-good premonition.

Qi Zhuoyu took off his microphone. “If you have so much strength, why not save some for tonight?”

Feng Xuan: …Pervert, old lecher!

His face instantly turned red.

It was especially noticeable under the high-definition live streaming camera.

The bullet screen directly went: “???”

“So what exactly can’t you tell us?”

“If you’re not going to clarify, I’m going to spread rumors that you’re doing naughty things!”

“Someone from the production team, can someone weld their microphones to their mouths!”

The main program reached the part where the Sixth Prince appeared.

Unsurprisingly, it indeed triggered the first hot search of the night.

Especially seeing how the Sixth Prince was like its master,

Always wanting to be first in any game, and dragging others down.

The bullet screen comments were laughing hysterically:

“What kind of dog is this, damn!”

“He sat in front of me during my college entrance exam, really.”

“The pets in the entertainment industry better watch out… they’re going to continue being bullied by Qi Zhuoyu’s dog…”

“My smile froze when I saw the wife patting the dog’s head, even the dog is doing better than me (lighting cigarette.jpg)”

“The dog even lives in a big villa, damn it!”

When Qi Zhuoyu said that line “Losers who fail don’t deserve to be my dog”, the production team even added a very cocky expression pack.

Right after was Feng Xuan discussing with him about who exactly taught the Sixth Prince bad habits.

Feng Xuan had almost forgotten what he said at the time.

But when he saw it, that scene floated back into his mind.

The screen synchronized perfectly with the memory in his head.

In the footage, Feng Xuan retorted: “I can’t give birth!”

Qi Zhuoyu replied leisurely: “Senior brother will try his best.”

At the time, he was just casually arguing with the big devil.

But he didn’t expect it to be a bit embarrassing when broadcast.

Especially in the bullet screen comments, which were already shipping them beyond reason.

“Is this something I can ship??”

“Ahhh… Qi Zhuoyu, how can you say things about having a daughter so matter-of-factly…”

“Are you assuming your wife can give birth…”

“If I don’t get to hold a grandchild in ten months, I’m going to report you for telecom fraud to the Broadcasting and Television Bureau…”

“Good. The unfilial son is leading the way in roleplaying, let’s see who can’t ship pregnancy play?!”

“It’s okay, we’ll all work hard together!!”

Feng Xuan was speechless reading this.

It was one thing for the big devil to say he’d try his best, but what were the bullet screen comments trying hard for!

Probably because he was so dumbfounded,

He didn’t notice he accidentally said it out loud.

Bullet screen:

“Trying hard to reincarnate.”

“Committing ritual suicide now.”

“Is there a possibility that daddy and mommy could adopt me now? I can painlessly join this family and be your daughter (sleeping under the bed is fine)”

“I’ll bring a school district house to join this family, no need to worry about the child’s marriage home!”

“I’ll join this family with my 985 university degree, no need to worry about the child’s education…”

“Don’t compete too hard everyone… don’t end up all benefiting Qi Zhuoyu…”

Feng Xuan had been in the mortal realm for quite a while.

He knew that in fan circles, sometimes they called celebrities “dad”, “mom”, “son”, “daughter”, etc.

But he really didn’t expect.

That he would suddenly have several million children in one go.

Wonder if the Father Emperor knew about this, would he be shocked.jpg

Later was the part where they recorded their thoughts on the show.

Unsurprisingly, Qi Zhuoyu’s style was particularly unique. When asked about his thoughts on the show, he said he could get first place in any number of games.

Oddly enough, Feng Xuan strongly agreed.

The post-production even added a line for them: Two nuts from the same bed.jpg

The bullet screen comments also deeply agreed.

After that was the part where Director Wang talked about the Pocky game.

This segment was recorded separately, Feng Xuan hadn’t seen it, so he watched very attentively.

He saw Director Wang say: “No matter what game it is, Mr. Qi should win, right?”

Answering Director Wang was Qi Zhuoyu’s silence that lasted three to four seconds.

The bullet screen went crazy:

“Help… What could make the most competitive elementary school chicken in the entertainment industry willing to lose a game? It’s kissing his wife’s lips!!”

“You’ve changed, unfilial son. You’re no longer that elementary school chicken who only pursued power.jpg”

“LOL, Qi Zhuoyu actually hesitated this long between the game and his wife, if this isn’t true love I don’t believe it (dog head”

“Win the game and lose the wife’s sweet kiss, get the wife’s sweet kiss and lose first place, production team you’re really making it difficult for the great devil (dog head”

However, just as the bullet screen comments finished laughing wildly,

The progress bar moved forward, and the scene suddenly became gentle.

Following was Qi Zhuoyu’s uncharacteristically,

Very serious answer: “It wasn’t until I met Xiao Qi that I truly began to revere life and death.”

And Feng Xuan’s line: “Senior Brother is the meaning of life that I found for myself.”

He didn’t feel anything when he said it.

But after post-production added the visuals and music, it somehow became emotionally moving.

Feng Xuan swore he was just stating facts when he said it!!

The bullet screen comments also toned down their wild laughter from before:

“Damn, why am I getting a bit teary-eyed from what they said.”

“I can relate to Qi Zhuoyu’s sentence… it’s because of loving someone that you truly feel terrified and afraid of death…”

“Feels like we really shipped something real, family. Qi Zhuoyu’s line strangely fits him, because in my heart he’s the type who’s so cocky he’s not afraid of anything…”

“The wife’s line is also so shippable, wuwuwu…”

“What a heavenly couple… You must do it hard tonight, okay!!”

“Wuwuwu I’m about to cry!! Unfilial son, quickly share your thoughts!!”

In the earpiece, Director Wang’s voice happened to come through. “Mr. Qi, you can interact with the bullet screen comments now!”

Qi Zhuoyu lifted his eyelids slightly. “That’s it?”

Director Wang: ? Mr. Qi, it’s interacting with the bullet screen, not challenging them!!!

Bullet screen:

“You’re very cocky?”

“Your wife said something so touching, and you don’t cry?!”

“Honestly, you’re very moved too, right?!”

Qi Zhuoyu just said very coolly. “Mm.”


Tough guy, I give up, you’re so concerned about your image.

Feng Xuan secretly glanced at Qi Zhuoyu and sighed in relief.

Actually, Little Bird Baby really wasn’t good at saying such mushy things!!

If the big devil had really been moved to tears,

He felt he wouldn’t know how to comfort him.

The main program of the first episode of “The One At My Home” ended here.

Compared to being moved to tears by the confession earlier, seeing that the main program was over and the live stream was about to close, the bullet screen comments seemed to shed more painful tears.

After ending the live stream, Feng Xuan was a bit tired, so he went back to the bedroom to sleep first.

The production team was also preparing to pack up and go home.

Director Wang’s phone vibrated, and a WeChat message from Qi Zhuoyu came through.

He: ?

Pleasantly surprised!

After all, if nothing was wrong, Qi Zhuoyu almost never actively contacted anyone from the production team.

The next second, Qi Zhuoyu’s message came again, concise and to the point: [Send me the main program of the first episode.]

Director Wang: [Ah, okay okay, no problem, Mr. Qi.]

Qi Zhuoyu: [Just my wife’s part.]

Qi Zhuoyu: [The last part.]

Director Wang: …?

The last part?

Wasn’t that the part where Feng Xuan said that Senior brother was the meaning of his life?

Qi Zhuoyu seemed quite calm during the live stream just now.

So he was pretending to be cool!

For convenience, Director Wang directly edited this segment and then sent Qi Zhuoyu a cloud storage link.

Although Qi Zhuoyu had been in the mortal realm for quite a while, he didn’t go online much, mainly leaving that to Li Chaofeng.

Seeing that downloading a cloud storage video file required logging into Weibo,

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t think twice and logged in with his main account, clicked to watch the video, which was indeed only three minutes long.

It was exactly the segment of Feng Xuan’s confession.

After watching it over a dozen times sitting in the living room, Qi Zhuoyu finally saved it in the cloud storage.

For easy access, he even created a new folder called [Frequently Watched] and put it in there.

After doing all this, Qi Zhuoyu watched it several more times.

He lounged casually on the sofa, Feng Xuan’s voice echoing in the living room over and over again.

Until his WeChat started vibrating frantically.

Qi Zhuoyu clicked his tongue, paused the video, and switched to the WeChat page.

He found Director Wang sending him messages:

[Mr. Qi!!!]

[Mr. Qi, check WeChat!!!]

[Mr. Qi, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!!! (frantically kowtowing) (frantically kowtowing) (frantically kowtowing)]

[Mr. Qi, we forgot to close your live stream room just now!!! (crying hard) (frantically kowtowing) (frantically kowtowing)]

Qi Zhuoyu’s expression froze.

He looked up, his gaze meeting with a camera on the ceiling.

And the eight million netizens who were still lingering in the live stream room, unwilling to leave, slowly typed out a few lines:

“[That’s it?]”


“Who’s pretending to be cool in public, but desperately rewatching his wife’s confession video in private?”

“He even knew to pause first, I’m touched, would he die if he missed watching one second?”

“He really, he loves him so much.”

“Mm. You’re welcome, we eight million people just counted for you, you watched it thirty-one times in total.”



  1. Yorfa says:


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