After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Don't Cry (part 1)

Feng Xuan felt he didn’t need to wait for the Nightmare Beast’s answer anymore.

He had once heard in the historical records of the Three Realms about how terrifying it was when the Biluo River flooded into the mortal realm. The sky and earth seemed to be connected. The once glorious and magnificent White Jade Capital was submerged overnight by the floods of the Biluo River.

These floods were not ordinary water.

It was like an impenetrable water wall from all directions, carrying rolling thunders, attempting to submerge the White Jade Capital within it.

Feng Xuan was still young at that time.

Feng Li placed him within the barrier of Lingxiao Palace. He heard the thunders outside, one after another.

After an unknown amount of time, he heard the cheers of the ancient god uncles.

Everyone was saying “Great!” and “We’re saved!”. Amidst this jubilant atmosphere of survival, only his father held him, silently shedding tears.

He knew.

He would never see his Father God again.

Reading about the apocalyptic scene on paper was too shallow.

When Feng Xuan transformed into his true form, his body was instantly enveloped by giant lotus karma fire. The majestic phoenix, like an arrow released from a bow, flew towards the Chaotic Sea.

Upon leaving Zhujian Xiaozhu, Feng Xuan realized how terrifying the outside was.

The scene before him could only be described as heaven collapsing and earth shattering, with the sun and moon crumbling.

The waters of the Chaotic Sea kept extending upwards, submerging the lands of the demon realm in an instant.

Along the way, those beasts that had been trapped at the bottom of the sea for millions of years once again got a chance to breathe.

They surged up from the bottom of the Chaotic Sea, killing gods if they encountered gods, and killing demons if they encountered demons.

The divine power flowing through Feng Xuan attracted the monsters that had been dormant for nearly millions of years.

They saw him at the same time, then swarmed towards Feng Xuan in droves.

Feng Xuan had lived for over a thousand years, but it was the first time he found his cultivation so formidable.

Those monsters pouncing on him were, without exception, all troublesome great beasts from ancient times.

But before him.

Feng Xuan felt it was as easy as cutting melons and vegetables, resolving them effortlessly.

He certainly knew it wasn’t because this salted fish had suddenly become enlightened overnight.

It was definitely because Qi Zhuoyu had transferred all his cultivation to him.

Thinking of this, Feng Xuan felt a wave of irritation.

Perhaps it was because he was forced to bear most of the big devil’s cultivation.

He felt his personality had also become a bit like him now, with an impulse to punch Qi Zhuoyu without a word as soon as he saw him.

Qi Zhuoyu, this person, who knew where his confidence came from, just an arrogant jerk.

Thinking he could come out unscathed from this apocalyptic catastrophe after transferring all his cultivation to him.

As Feng Xuan flew, he thought in his mind.

When he sees Qi Zhuoyu later, he wants to bite him, kick him, give that punch-worthy face of his a good hit.

But he flew in the sky above the Chaotic Sea for a long time.

Like a footless bird unable to find a place to rest, continuously flying, with rolling waters beneath his feet.

He couldn’t find Qi Zhuoyu.

The uneasiness in Feng Xuan’s heart grew much larger.

He adjusted his plan in his mind again.

Feeling that finding the big devil seemed a bit difficult, such a hard-to-come-by man. When he sees him later, he’d better not hit him after all. After all, his senior brother had given him all his cultivation. If he punched him now, the damage would be quite severe.

Qi Zhuoyu would definitely get hurt.

Feng Xuan felt it wasn’t good to let him get hurt.

More and more monsters noticed him. Feng Xuan raised his hand and crushed their divine souls, shattering them in these turbulent waters.

Along the way, he had killed countless ancient great beasts, until it became like repeating a mechanical action.

Just like this, unknowingly he arrived at Yingxu Palace.

The once luxurious and ancient demon royal palace was now mostly submerged by the Chaotic Sea, with many palaces already collapsed and shattered.

Sealed monsters in the sea were climbing up the palaces. Some demons of the demon realm who couldn’t swim clung tightly to life-saving driftwood, desperately fleeing forward, only to be swallowed by ancient beasts in the next moment.

This was truly a world more terrifying than hell.

Feng Xuan, his eyes red from killing, saw this scene and without thinking, directly crushed the divine souls of those beasts.

Someone saw him, and the surviving demons below shouted. “It’s the Demon Queen! The Demon Queen has come to save us!”

When Feng Xuan landed at Yingxu Palace, the demons saw him and suddenly fell silent, one by one not daring to speak.

Feng Xuan hadn’t realized his patience could be this poor, asking very coldly and fiercely. “Where is Qi Zhuoyu.”

This was the question he had asked the most since waking up today.

A familiar demon doctor, mustering up courage, replied, “Your Excellency, His Excellency seems to have gone to suppress the beasts in the Chaotic Sea. We haven’t seen His Excellency for a long time!”

Probably because Feng Xuan’s expression was too unpleasant, the demon doctor hurriedly said, “This subject estimates that after His Excellency suppresses the Chaotic Sea, he will return to Yingxu Palace. Otherwise, why don’t you wait for His Excellency here?”

This sentence seemed to awaken Feng Xuan’s consciousness.


This was Yingxu Palace, Qi Zhuoyu’s royal palace in the demon realm.

After suppressing the Chaotic Sea, he would definitely return here.

Feng Xuan really couldn’t find him now.

He decided to wait for Qi Zhuoyu to return at Yingxu Palace.

Just like he had waited countless times for Qi Zhuoyu to come find him.

He disappeared inexplicably, and would definitely appear inexplicably in the middle of the night, then shake him awake from nightmares. This time would be the same, Feng Xuan thought silently to himself. No matter what gifts he brought that he didn’t like, he would definitely act happy.

The longer Feng Xuan stood at Yingxu Palace, the more beasts craving divine power increased. They greedily came from all directions, even if it meant certain death, just to bite a piece of Feng Xuan’s flesh and blood.

The karma fire on Feng Xuan’s body bloomed like a red lotus. Large, terrifying balls of karma fire fell from mid-air to the ground, creating one huge crater after another. Those beasts would quickly turn to ashes just by touching a bit of it.

At some point, a sword appeared in his hand.

The eternal night of the Chaotic Sea had no moment of dawn. Feng Xuan didn’t know how many ancient great beasts he had killed, killing until he could no longer distinguish whether the blood on his body was his own or others’. More and more demons fled from various places to Yingxu Palace, hiding behind Feng Xuan. Unknowingly, without Qi Zhuoyu, he seemed to have also become a supreme god capable of handling things alone.

Another great beast opened its bloody mouth towards him. Feng Xuan cut it in half without even blinking.

The demon doctor saw this scene and hesitated to speak. “Demon Queen… You’re injured. Do you want to check the wound?”

Feng Xuan looked down and only then saw a large hole in his chest.

He had been killing continuously day and night for these few days, not noticing these things.

Feng Xuan looked at his current state through the sea surface. The seawater was chaotic, but it still reflected his appearance.

He had never seen himself like this, as if pulled out from a sea of blood. His face was as pale as a dead person’s, with blood flowing from his hair, arms, clothes, everywhere, forming pool after pool of blood at his feet.

No wonder the demon doctor and others looked at him with such terrified expressions earlier.

He looked like this now.

Quite like the big devil.

But Feng Xuan strangely felt it didn’t matter.

Was it because after obtaining Qi Zhuoyu’s cultivation, he had also learned the arrogant personality? He didn’t even notice he was in pain, although he was usually a delicate person who would make a big fuss over a small pain, alarming the entire White Jade Capital.

The demon doctor cautiously advised him. “If you continue like this, you’ll perish before His Excellency returns. And if His Excellency comes back and sees so many wounds on you, he will definitely take our lives!”

At the mention of Qi Zhuoyu, Feng Xuan’s eyes finally moved a bit.

He seemed to be persuaded by the demon doctor, and indeed felt he should treat his wounds.

So Feng Xuan put down his sword, allowing the demon doctor to treat him.

It was at this moment that the previously kind and gentle demon doctor’s face instantly changed from concern to a successful sneer. The next second, the demon doctor suddenly went berserk and grew larger, transforming into an ancient beast skilled in human transformation, roaring as it attacked Feng Xuan. “You stinking god race, killing so many of my brothers, now I’ll make you pay blood for blood! The flesh and blood of the ancient phoenix clan, this king will enjoy first!”

Feng Xuan had indeed heard that there was a type of ancient beast very skilled at transforming into human form to deceive others.

In the past, he would have sensed something was wrong the moment the demon doctor spoke. But he was too tired. After killing beasts for so many days, wielding the sword for so long, waiting for someone for so long, Feng Xuan felt completely exhausted.

Perhaps he had a vague premonition.

Just as his father had not waited for his father god, he and Qi Zhuoyu were repeating the tragedy of the previous generation in this life.

He closed his eyes, waiting for death to come.

But death did not descend upon him. The next second, he suddenly felt a familiar spiritual power. By his ear was the sound of a beast’s head shattering. With a “splat”, right in front of him, the beast’s soul shattered.

Feng Xuan opened his eyes and saw a man slowly walking towards him amidst the raging storm of the Chaotic Sea and the collapsing end of the world.

Feng Xuan widened his eyes, wanting to see him more clearly.

His eyes stung intensely, then unexpectedly large tears rolled down.

Qi Zhuoyu was soaked all over, as if he had walked out of the deep sea.

Emanating a cold chill, his face was pale without a trace of color. He laughed softly, wiping away Feng Xuan’s tears. “Why are you crying? Scared?”

His tears seemed impossible to wipe dry, falling in strings.

At first, it was a barely audible whimper, but finally, held in Qi Zhuoyu’s arms, it turned into uncontrollable sobbing.

“You scared me to death, you really scared me to death… you really scared me to death, wuwuwu.” Feng Xuan cried so hard he could barely breathe, as if he was going to cry out all the tears from these past few days. He clutched Qi Zhuoyu’s clothes. Though the embrace was very cold, he drew from it the only scorching warmth.

He had been well-mannered for over a thousand years, but now he cursed with every swear word he could think of. “You’re just a big idiot, Qi Zhuoyu, you’re an idiot, a stinking idiot! Who asked you to create a paper person to accompany me, I don’t care for it at all. How could you run away after dual cultivation, you stinking scumbag, stinking idiot! You even created an illusion to deceive me, you even made me wait for you for so many days, where did you go…”

“You even said you would never let me get hurt in the future, now I’m wounded all over. You never keep your word. If you can’t do it, don’t say it, okay? You’re really really hateful like this. You even let me kill so many beasts alone, I really feel very tired and in pain. You, what kind of senior brother are you… Is this what you call looking after me…”

Towards the end of his scolding, Feng Xuan felt he was rambling a bit.

His mind was in a mess, saying whatever came to mind, crying until his brain hurt.

But as he cried, Feng Xuan gradually fell silent.

He suddenly looked up at Qi Zhuoyu, staring at his face for a long time, his crying abruptly stopping.

Feng Xuan withdrew his gaze, lost in thought, then suddenly buried himself in Qi Zhuoyu’s embrace again.

This time, he didn’t cry. He just hugged him very tightly, his gaze falling on empty space, as if wanting to melt into his body.

“What are you afraid of? Hugging so tightly, you don’t think a mere flood could extinguish Senior brother’s primordial spirit, do you?” Qi Zhuoyu pinched the back of his neck.

Feng Xuan didn’t speak for a long time, then replied in a muffled voice. “Stop bragging.”

“Don’t be afraid.” Qi Zhuoyu’s voice was cold and deep, with a comforting quality. “I told you. Even if the sky falls, Senior brother will protect you.”

As if to prove Qi Zhuoyu’s words, the Chaotic Sea, which had already shown signs of weakening, suddenly surged back with renewed force.

Feng Xuan saw the Chaotic Sea before him suddenly build up a water screen tens of thousands of feet high, blocking out the sky and sun, almost covering the light of the sun and moon within it.

Only then did he realize that the Chaotic Sea he had faced in the past few days was merely child’s play.

Until Qi Zhuoyu’s appearance, this fierce sea that had existed since the beginning of the world finally revealed its terrifying world-ending force.

The overwhelming water force seemed about to submerge the entire Three Realms.

Although it was so much more terrifying than the past few days, Feng Xuan’s mood was now surprisingly calm.

It seemed that with Qi Zhuoyu’s presence, he had gained infinite courage to face everything.

So at this moment, whether demons or gods.

All those who were struggling against this world-ending catastrophe saw, at the same time, this scene as tumultuous as the creation of the world.

In the sky-obscuring water screen, countless water pillars as thick as mountains transformed into terrifying water dragons, attacking the entire Three Realms. Then, even more terrifying purple thunderbolts brewed in the sky, like the apocalyptic thunder tribulation that would only appear when a god fell, trembling together with the water dragons, preventing these terrifying water dragons from continuing to wreak havoc.

Thunder and water screen fought and turned, interweaving terrifying divine power that made the Three Realms tremble.

Some ancient respected gods saw this scene and widened their eyes. “…How is this possible. Such terrifying divine power, it’s probably on par with the fallen Ying Zhu!”

But who in the Three Realms dared to compare with Ying Zhu? That was the only primordial god born from the Primordial River.

Unless… The gods looked at each other in disbelief. No one had expected that the demon god who had disappeared long ago when the world was created had not completely perished!

Not only that, this commotion.

Perhaps only the primordial spirit perishing of the demon god could contain the power of the Primordial River.

Feng Xuan hugged Qi Zhuoyu tightly, like an obedient and harmless accessory.

Although this accessory had just killed countless ancient beasts that crawled out of the Chaotic Sea not long ago.

He felt the flow of time slowing down, becoming impossible for him to perceive specifically.

The water screen created by this unprecedented flood battled with Qi Zhuoyu’s spiritual power, perhaps for seven days and seven nights, perhaps for seventy days and nights.

Until the waters of the Chaotic Sea were slowly receding, the water screen gradually retreating from the upper realm.

The demon realm gradually revealed its devastated land, and the surviving demons no longer clung to their remaining driftwood.

The last water dragon of the Chaotic Sea seemed still unwilling to give up, making a final struggle in mid-air, emitting waves of reluctant water chants.

Qi Zhuoyu just waved his hand, completely dispersing this water dragon.

The demons of Yingxu Palace seemed to have not yet reacted.

Gradually, the demonic energy that had filled the sky of the demon realm for thousands of years slowly dissipated because of this world-ending catastrophe.

The demon realm, which had not seen sunlight for millions of years, finally welcomed its first clear sky after the storm.

Someone touched the sunlight scattered on the ground in disbelief, “This is the sun, our demon realm has a sun too! This is sunlight! It’s so warm!”

After one person spoke, more and more demons realized that the disaster had passed, and all beings had survived the catastrophe.

People began to celebrate, passing the word from mouth to mouth.

“Great” and “We’re saved”, just like when Father God fell.



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