After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Pure Sugar (part 2)

Feng Xuan quickly covered his mouth, saying in a muffled voice. “No, no. The wound on my mouth hasn’t healed yet.”

Qi Zhuoyu frowned, a bit unhappy. “How come it still hasn’t healed after so long?”

It had actually already healed.

But Qi Zhuoyu’s kisses were always endless, and Feng Xuan was a bit afraid of this heart-pounding intense feeling.

Feng Xuan originally thought he could escape after saying this.

But he underestimated Qi Zhuoyu’s persistence on this matter. Before he could react, he was pulled into Qi Zhuoyu’s arms.

Feng Xuan felt his hand being removed, his lips being rubbed and examined by Qi Zhuoyu’s thumb, who coldly commented. “Liar.”

Feng Xuan: “.”

Feng Xuan leaned in his embrace, unable to escape, and quickly explained. “I really didn’t lie to you. My lips are still numb even now.”

He said the last part as if embarrassed, his voice very soft, sincerely negotiating. “It’s just that you kiss too forcefully, can you not always suck?”

Qi Zhuoyu’s gaze darkened slightly, and he said in a low voice. “Senior brother will be gentler this time, okay?”

Feng Xuan: “.”

You’re already holding me in your arms, if I say no, would you let go?!

When Qi Zhuoyu lowered his voice, it became even deeper than his normal speaking voice.

Very much like that legendary sticky-throated scumbag male voice.jpg

His voice was like this now, somewhat coaxing. “Didn’t Xiao Qi say he wanted to take it step by step, and practice breathing at the same time?”

Qi Zhuoyu said slowly, “How come you only practice once, then stop?”

As if disappointed that his efforts were wasted.

This rolling king wouldn’t try to excel in this aspect too, right?


Fine, fine.

Anyway, it was preparation for the future Shenjiao.

Moreover, Feng Xuan’s inner self did have a bit of a competitive streak.

They were both men, how could the big devil’s technique be so much better than his own?

The salted fish’s competitive spirit was provoked.

Of course, most importantly.

He had to admit deep down that he actually quite enjoyed kissing the big devil.

So when he was kissed again, Feng Xuan obediently opened his mouth, accepting Qi Zhuoyu.

Because this time he was sitting in Qi Zhuoyu’s lap, his position was a bit higher than Qi Zhuoyu’s, which gave him the illusion that he was in control. Feng Xuan couldn’t help feeling a bit elated.

Plus, Qi Zhuoyu’s arm was around his waist, his large hand kneading and caressing the small of his back, in a very intimate gesture that also seemed somewhat encouraging.

Feng Xuan thus became more confident, slowly learning to exchange with him, then swallowing some of what was passed over. What he couldn’t swallow in time, the excess, spilled from the corners of his mouth.

But he only lasted less than two minutes.

Feng Xuan’s breathing began to gradually quicken, his body also starting to feel soft and powerless, almost sliding down if not for Qi Zhuoyu holding him.

In contrast, after Qi Zhuoyu took control, this soft and gentle kiss suddenly turned into a storm.

Feng Xuan had trusted him wrongly. He said he wouldn’t bite his mouth again, but now it already felt hot and numb!

And perhaps because of Feng Xuan’s initiative.

Qi Zhuoyu’s mood seemed especially high today, even their exchanged breaths were scorching hot, kissing until Feng Xuan’s mind was dizzy, his whole body soft like a sugar cake being played with at will.

Not only that, Qi Zhuoyu’s kisses left his lips, kissed the corner of his mouth, then his chin, all the way down.

Feng Xuan was forced to tilt his head back, his eyes filled with confused moisture, a misty haze. His long, fair neck was exposed before Qi Zhuoyu, sweet enough to make his teeth itch. Dense kisses fell all the way to his collarbone. At some point, Feng Xuan’s collar had loosened considerably in the chaos, revealing scenery never seen before.

The snow-white neck extended downwards, hiding deeper in the shadows, as if waiting for someone to explore.

Just as Qi Zhuoyu was about to undo his outer robe, there was suddenly a knock at the door.

The demon doctor’s voice came through. “Your Excellency. This subordinate has come for a consultation.”

Only then did Feng Xuan snap out of his dazed state, and seeing their current position, he was so frightened that he felt completely out of sorts.

He hurriedly closed his collar, his face burning terribly, and pushed Qi Zhuoyu away directly. Realizing something, he became furious. “Didn’t you say we were just practicing breathing?!”

Qi Zhuoyu’s expression was somewhat regretful as he licked his lips.

With an attitude of “Yes, what else?”

Feng Xuan was angry. “Who practices breathing like this!”

Where had he kissed to, was this still just kissing?!

The bite on his collarbone still hurt a little.

“How is this not breathing practice.” Qi Zhuoyu had his own bandit logic. “Wasn’t your breathing quite smooth just now?”


After all, his mouth wasn’t blocked.

Feng Xuan: “…”

Fine. Okay. For a moment he actually couldn’t find a reason to refute.jpg

He couldn’t be bothered to argue with this patient.

Feng Xuan jumped out of his arms, quickly tidied up his clothes, and only then invited the demon doctor in.

When the demon doctor entered, he sensed that the atmosphere was a bit strange.

But he dared not say anything, nor ask anything. He could only examine the Demon Venerable at five times the normal speed and then flee at ten times light speed.

Actually, he had wanted to say a few days ago that apart from his primordial spirit, the Demon Venerable’s body was already as good as it could be.

But for some reason, he insisted on lying in bed claiming illness, and even demanded that the demon doctors prescribe medicine.

The demon doctors didn’t know what medicine to prescribe, so they just gave the Demon Venerable some sweet water to drink every day.

It had no therapeutic effect, its only selling point was that it tasted good.

And the Demon Consort personally fed him the medicine each time?

After the medicine was prescribed, Feng Xuan felt his mood settle a bit.

He came in and sat by the bed, lifting the bowl of medicine to feed Qi Zhuoyu.

Ever since the first day he fed him medicine.

The big devil seemed to have caught his laziness, lying down when he could sit, and never moving a finger if someone could feed him medicine.

But Feng Xuan also found it a bit strange.

Even if injured or sick, the gods of the divine race would recover after eating some spirit pills and immortal medicines for a few days.

How come Qi Zhuoyu had taken medicine for so many days without showing any improvement?

Could it be that the big devil’s body was really in such poor condition?

As Feng Xuan thought about this, he became worried and absent-minded while feeding the medicine.

Qi Zhuoyu quickly noticed his expression. “What’s wrong?”

As if thinking of something, he said carelessly. “Still angry?”


Angry about what?

Feng Xuan was a bit confused.

Was the big devil referring to tricking him into kissing to practice breathing earlier?

It wasn’t enough to stay angry for so long.

“No,” Feng Xuan answered honestly.

But thinking about it, afraid that Qi Zhuoyu would take a mile if given an inch, he quickly added. “It’s not completely gone, just a little. If you want to kiss me next time, can you ask me first?”

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him.

Feng Xuan said: “This way I can be mentally prepared, and not be powerless every time.”

Qi Zhuoyu’s voice was subtle. “You don’t need to use too much force either.”

After saying this, he hinted. “After all, there will be plenty of times to use force in the future.”

Due to his lack of worldly experience, Feng Xuan didn’t even understand this very obscure dirty joke hint.

His fox eyes looked at him naturally and confusedly, actually making Qi Zhuoyu’s non-existent conscience twinge a little.

Although Feng Xuan didn’t understand, it didn’t stop him from moving on to the next topic. “I was just worried about your body earlier, why don’t you show any improvement despite taking medicine every day?”

Of course there’s no improvement from drinking sugar water every day.

Moreover, Qi Zhuoyu wasn’t sick at all, it was just a little trick to get his wife to feed him medicine.

“I don’t know,” Qi Zhuoyu said indifferently. “Probably because these demon realm doctors are useless trash.”

He looked at Feng Xuan, obviously hinting. “It’s just going to trouble Xiao Qi to feed Senior brother medicine every day from now on, will you find it bothersome?”

Feng Xuan shook his head. “I won’t find it bothersome. I just feel…”

He looked up at Qi Zhuoyu, his eyes showing some worry. “The demon doctor told me earlier that we can only have Shenjiao after you stop taking medicine. I originally thought we could help repair your primordial spirit through Shenjiao today.”

As he spoke, Feng Xuan sighed. “Now it looks like…we’ll have to wait another ten days or half a month.”

After all, the big devil was still seriously ill and couldn’t be without his medicine.

Qi Zhuoyu: “…”

Qi Zhuoyu’s silence was exceptionally long. Feng Xuan had never seen him stay silent for so long since he met him.

Then he heard the man’s almost gritting teeth in an irritated voice, with a hint of embarrassed anger at lifting a rock only to drop it on his own feet, very gloomy. “These incompetent doctors. How dare they never mention such an important matter to this Venerable one!”



  1. Nana says:

    LOL parece que dessa vez QZ acabou jogando contra o próprio time 🤣

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