After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Pure Sugar (part 1)

It was an extremely forceful kiss.

The moment Feng Xuan’s lips were sealed, his mind went completely blank.

So much so that he was easily conquered by Qi Zhuoyu, who advanced deep into his territory.

Feng Xuan’s reaction was naive. He just stayed still there dumbfounded as Qi Zhuoyu kissed him for a long time. All he could hear was their intertwined breathing and some faint wet sounds.

All the heat in his body seemed to concentrate on his face, burning so intensely that Feng Xuan found it terrifying, as if it could dry up the surrounding air.

Whether it was his imagination or not, Feng Xuan truly felt he was having trouble breathing.

His slender neck, which was being kissed, unconsciously lifted up, only to be caressed and gripped by Qi Zhuoyu again.

Still using that extremely intimate gesture, massaging the back of his neck, he heard Qi Zhuoyu’s slightly amused voice, speaking against his lips, “Not breathing? Are you trying to suffocate yourself?”

Feng Xuan: “.”

He had never kissed before, how was he supposed to know about breathing?

Qi Zhuoyu quickly helped him solve the problem. “Senior brother will teach you.”

After saying these words, Qi Zhuoyu quickly pressed against his lips again.

As if he couldn’t get enough of kissing, he changed from the forceful deep kiss earlier to a lingering tenderness, as if playing. Pinching Feng Xuan’s chin, forcing him to open his mouth, lightly biting or teasing that sweet softness in his mouth.

It made Feng Xuan blush even more than before.

Although he could breathe now, it was too embarrassing to open his eyes, ah ah ah ah.

But with his eyes closed, the perception of certain senses became even clearer.

Feng Xuan’s eyelashes trembled like butterfly wings fluttering. In the end, he was panting so much that even this gentle kissing became a bit unbearable.

“Why are you closing your eyes?” Qi Zhuoyu pulled back a little, but his lips were still touching, while he pinched Feng Xuan’s face.

“Of course you close your eyes when kissing,” Feng Xuan’s voice was still intermittent, not quite recovered. “I’m not like you, so shameless!”

He did open his eyes then. Those fox-like eyes, already beautiful enough to be hard to ignore on normal days, now had a hint of moisture in them.

Even his eyelashes had tiny teardrops from keeping his eyes tightly shut, and his eye sockets had turned red. The natural allure of those fox eyes, usually well-hidden in daily life, was now displayed vividly.

Looking up at him from below like this.

The upward gaze was incredibly obvious, innocent yet naive.

It really made one want to bully him.

Feng Xuan’s animal instincts sensed that he might have been targeted by some beast.

He unconsciously pushed Qi Zhuoyu away a little, as if to give himself a moment to recover.

If they kept kissing like this, his lips would be bitten through.

Qi Zhuoyu, whether he had turned into a dog or what, not only kissed but also bit while kissing.

After being pushed away, Qi Zhuoyu’s expression was a bit unhappy. “Didn’t you say we should take it step by step? Is this all?”

Feng Xuan: “.”

Dating him would surely lead to death by anger from this straight man’s mouth sooner or later.

“Is this what you call step by step? Who starts off so fiercely?” Feng Xuan muttered.

“You call this fierce? Senior brother can be even fiercer. Want to try?” Qi Zhuoyu deliberately scared him.

“No.” Feng Xuan quickly refused.

Qi Zhuoyu laughed. “How come you lack such perseverance?”

This is salted fish, even lying down to kiss felt a bit tiring.

If he had perseverance, how could he be called a salted fish.jpg

But then he remembered, the big devil was just a widower who had lost his wife and guarded an empty house for two hundred years.

Feng Xuan hesitated again, and his hand on Qi Zhuoyu’s shoulder, which was originally meant to push him away, secretly changed to clutching his clothes.

“Besides, pushing you away wasn’t a rejection. I just wanted to rest for a bit.”

He really did need to rest, otherwise he feared he might become the first upper god to suffocate from kissing!

Qi Zhuoyu’s gaze darkened slightly. “Have you rested enough then?”

When he spoke, there was a hint of coaxing. “Try a few more times and you’ll learn to breathe.”

Seeing his composed and practiced demeanor, could it be that he had a lot of experience?

But the big devil only had one Dao companion before, could it be that all his experience came from practicing on him?

Then why were his own learning results so poor, was it because of the memory loss?

While Feng Xuan was lost in thought, Qi Zhuoyu had already pressed down again.

He tilted his head back and was kissed for a while, feeling a bit unwilling in his heart, so he secretly tried to resist and seize control.

Qi Zhuoyu seemed to sense something, and just let him lick around like a little cat.

After kissing for a while, Feng Xuan found that Qi Zhuoyu hadn’t succumbed to his technique, and didn’t even blush or pant like he had earlier. He remained composed, looking at him with an ambiguous smile, wondering what he planned to do next.

Gritting his teeth, Feng Xuan’s gaze fell on Qi Zhuoyu’s Adam’s apple.

After a second’s pause, Feng Xuan leaned in and pecked his Adam’s apple.

Qi Zhuoyu indeed froze.

The next second, Feng Xuan gently bit down with his teeth.

Then, as he had hoped, he heard Qi Zhuoyu’s somewhat uncontrolled muffled groan.


The big devil was nothing special after all!

Just as Feng Xuan was feeling a bit smug, he realized that after being pressed down by the man for so long, when he moved, he felt something pressing against his thigh.

At first, Feng Xuan thought it was the dagger at Qi Zhuoyu’s waist, but then he remembered that apart from the lotus jade pendant, the big devil didn’t seem to wear anything at his waist.

Feng Xuan carelessly tried to push it away, but the moment he touched it, his brain short-circuited.

Not only that, but he also made eye contact with Qi Zhuoyu at that moment, seeing his indescribable, obscure gaze.

At this moment.

Feng Xuan felt like he had been repeatedly knocked over by ten thousand galloping horses.

Until Qi Zhuoyu said hoarsely, “How long do you plan to keep grabbing?”

Feng Xuan: “!!!”

He withdrew his hand as if burned.

Though this temperature did indeed feel like it was scorching his entire palm.

Feng Xuan took a long time to find his voice again, humming like a mosquito. “…I didn’t mean to.”

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him. “Senior brother doesn’t blame you.”

Feng Xuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Qi Zhuoyu raised an eyebrow. “After all, there will be plenty of opportunities to meet in the future, it’s fine to say hello now.”

Feng Xuan: “…”

Stinky hooligan dog man big pig’s trotter, drop dead!

He suddenly pushed Qi Zhuoyu away, his face burning hot, then quickly scrambled off the bed and walked straight towards the main door.

Feng Xuan reached the door and slammed it shut with a bang. He could still hear Qi Zhuoyu’s wild laughter.

He really had nothing to discuss with this kind of neurotic old pervert.

He just stood in the corridor, letting the wind blow for a long time.

Feng Xuan didn’t feel the temperature on his face go down at all.

Not just his face, even the scorching feeling in his palm was still vivid.

Thinking back, he could even remember some details.

Feng Xuan recalled what the demon doctor said about Shenjiao, and somehow felt relieved.

It was good that it was just Shenjiao.

If he really had to dual cultivate with the big devil.

He unconsciously clenched his fist.

Then cold sweat poured down.

This time he would really lose his life.

He couldn’t even wrap his hand around it, ah ah ah ah.


Feng Xuan ended up staying at Yingxu Palace temporarily like this.

Most of the time, there were only him and Qi Zhuoyu in the entire palace, so no one could object.

Feng Xuan discovered that Qi Zhuoyu actually disliked having people wandering around in front of him.

Whether it was the previous Zhujian Xiaozhu or the current Yingxu Palace, both were large and empty.

During the day, Feng Xuan would wander idly around Yingxu Palace.

This palace that the Xirong demon clan offered to Qi Zhuoyu was incredibly large. Even if he transformed into his original form, it would take a full day of flying to cover the entire area.

At night when Qi Zhuoyu was present, Feng Xuan would change his bandages as instructed by the demon doctor.

Since that intimate encounter, Feng Xuan had developed a bit of a psychological shadow regarding Qi Zhuoyu’s body. For some reason, he couldn’t look directly at him while changing the bandages.

However, seeing that no new wounds had appeared on his body, Feng Xuan still breathed a sigh of relief.

His gaze suddenly fell on his shoulder.

There was a very obvious bite mark there, which he had made when he first arrived at Yingxu Palace.

He hadn’t noticed when he bit down, but the wound turned out to be quite deep.

It had scabbed over now, leaving only a ring of teeth marks.

Feng Xuan touched the bite mark with his fingertip. Logically, since Qi Zhuoyu’s body could heal automatically.

How come such a small bite mark hadn’t healed after so long? Even those deep-to-the-bone wounds had healed. It couldn’t be that he was deliberately keeping it, could it?

In the past, Feng Xuan would have thought that given the big devil’s personality, he would likely keep the wound to hold a grudge, motivating himself to never forget his hatred.

But after knowing his feelings, he couldn’t ignore this bite mark anymore.

After touching it a couple times, Qi Zhuoyu looked over, giving him a “are you bored?” expression.

Stupid straight man.

Even when dating, he didn’t know how to show a good face to his Dao companion. Why act so aloof?

Feng Xuan muttered. “When I bit you back then, why didn’t you dodge?”

Qi Zhuoyu snorted. “How much could it hurt?”

Feng Xuan: “.”

Can you not act tough at this time? Do you have to be so strong-willed all your life? You elementary school chicken.

“It left a scar and you say it doesn’t hurt.” Feng Xuan started to regret his impulsive bite.

“What? Feel like you shouldn’t have bitten here?” Qi Zhuoyu laughed again, then said mischievously. “If Xiao Qi wants to bite elsewhere, that’s not impossible.”

After saying this, Qi Zhuoyu’s gaze fell on Feng Xuan’s lips, hinting.



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