After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Kiss! (part 1)

After a long while, Qi Zhuoyu tilted his head and asked, “Have you been drinking?”

Feng Xuan: ? Why would he drink?

Looking at his expression, it didn’t seem like it.

Qi Zhuoyu patiently asked again, “Or did you make a bet with someone?”

Feng Xuan didn’t quite understand. “Why are you saying these things?”

Qi Zhuoyu: “Nothing. I just remembered, didn’t you say some soft-hearted gods need to think it over for a while longer?”

Feng Xuan thought to himself, with your terrible flirting skills.

If he were to think it over for a while longer, by the time Qi Zhuoyu next came to the White Jade Capital, his daughter would be running around on the ground, and might even call him uncle.jpg

However, Feng Xuan understood the meaning behind Qi Zhuoyu’s words.

Did he think he was such a casual person in his heart, that he would impulsively come all the way to the demon realm to offer himself as a Dao companion just because he got drunk or made a bet with someone?!

He was about to pretend to be angry.

Qi Zhuoyu’s expression changed slightly. “You’re right.”

He seemed to have convinced himself. “It’s just a bet, you wouldn’t be willing to come such a long way for that.”

Feng Xuan: He wanted to argue, but felt that the big devil understood him a bit too well.

Seeing Qi Zhuoyu’s reaction, Feng Xuan began to doubt his image in his heart.

He used to think being lazy and carefree was fine, but how come, did he also think he was a scumbag?

Like the kind of person who would come to play with his feelings just because he was messing around with friends?

He wasn’t that kind of fish farmer.

Feng Xuan spoke up. “But don’t get too excited yet, my current identity is your future Dao companion, not your current one.”

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him, frowning. “Why not current?”

He couldn’t say it was because he felt that the easier someone was to get, the less they would be cherished, could he?

Feng Xuan awkwardly changed the subject. “There’s no reason. Anyway, you’re only on probation now, if you don’t perform well, then—”

He wanted to say, if you don’t perform well, he could still reject him.

But remembering that he had already rejected him once two hundred years ago.

Feng Xuan suddenly felt it was very difficult to say those words.

“That’s just how it is. You need to perform better, understand?”

Qi Zhuoyu laughed, not knowing if he had taken it in.

The next second, he was about to reach out, skillfully intending to pick up Feng Xuan.

Feng Xuan remembered the smell of blood on him, and who knew how many wounds were hidden under his clothes.

Even if he was light, he wasn’t completely weightless, and pressing on his wounds would only make them worse.

Feng Xuan didn’t let him carry him. “I can walk by myself.”

Looking at Qi Zhuoyu, he slowly explained. “After all, I came here to take care of you, I can’t always let you carry me around.”

Feng Xuan’s arrival directly ended this dark and endless slaughter of the Xirong demon clan.

Everyone struggled out of the tense and suffocating atmosphere, and carefully glanced at the beauty who had caught the Demon Venerable’s eye.

Qi Zhuoyu’s attitude towards him couldn’t even be described as special treatment.

The demon generals had almost never seen the Demon Venerable be so patient and gentle with anyone, it could even be called indulgent.

Even when that beauty glared and acted fiercely towards Qi Zhuoyu, he didn’t kill him.

It was evident what kind of overwhelming love this was, most of the people present almost all determined that this beauty was probably their future Demon Consort.

At this moment, they couldn’t help but envy the demon general who had brought Feng Xuan back.

They really didn’t know what kind of luck he had, bringing back the future Demon Consort, who knew if the Demon Venerable would be happy and give him a promotion and raise.

When would they have such luck?

Thinking again of Feng Xuan’s stunningly beautiful face, they felt they probably had no chance in this lifetime.

Such a face.

Even in the Three Realms, one couldn’t find another that could match its beauty.

Feng Xuan, being discussed behind his back by the demon generals, was unaware.

Anyway, his role as the domineering Demon Venerable’s little demon consort was now thoroughly established.

Just accept it.jpg

There were many people in the main hall of the demon palace.

Feng Xuan naturally assumed that the demon palace should also be full of servants.

However, unexpectedly, when pulled by Qi Zhuoyu to the inner hall of Yingxu Palace, it was not much different from when he came last time.

It was empty, with no one in the corridors except for the big devil and him. A perfectly good Yingxu Palace was made to feel like a haunted house.


Feng Xuan’s gaze fell on Qi Zhuoyu’s hand gripping his wrist.

After looking for a while, Feng Xuan suddenly broke free from Qi Zhuoyu’s hand. The other noticed and glanced back at him.

Then Feng Xuan calmly changed to holding his hand instead.

Qi Zhuoyu’s palm was a bit larger than his. When Feng Xuan went to hold it, he ended up being enveloped by Qi Zhuoyu’s palm instead.

Feng Xuan glanced at him, pretending to speak naturally. “Before, you could pull me along. But since I’m your future Dao companion now, you should hold my hand when we walk. Because if you pull me, my wrist will hurt a bit.”

Feng Xuan: “.”

Anyway, that’s how it is.

Qi Zhuoyu silently curved his lips, changing from holding his hand to interlocking their fingers. “Does this hurt?”

Feng Xuan: “.”

Damn it.

He got played.

Feng Xuan remembered when he first came to Yingxu Palace, he also walked through this corridor.

But he had somewhat forgotten what the scene was like then, only remembering that the corridor was particularly long.

But this time, walking through with his fingers interlocked with Qi Zhuoyu’s.

He felt like it wasn’t as long as he had imagined?

At the end of the corridor was that familiar large door.

Qi Zhuoyu still used that familiar way of opening the door, simply and brutally kicking it open.

Seeing his demeanor, he seemed completely unaware that he might be injured.

Until they entered the room, when he still wanted to do something.

His arm was suddenly grabbed by Feng Xuan, and somehow this little bird had such great strength, actually pulling him to the bedside and pressing him onto the bed.

Qi Zhuoyu looked a bit confused.

Feng Xuan directly pulled open his collar, so he managed to look confused but very obedient, letting Feng Xuan undress him at will.

Even when Feng Xuan couldn’t manage it, mainly because the demon clan’s clothes were really complicated and hard to undo, he voluntarily spoke up. “Do you need me to help you undress?”

Feng Xuan looked up to see Qi Zhuoyu’s somewhat teasing gaze, and he was speechless, but explained. “I just want to check your wounds.”

Qi Zhuoyu’s gaze instantly became disinterested, listlessly losing interest.

Feng Xuan: “…”

You brat, don’t be a master of changing faces on me.

Qi Zhuoyu was indeed badly injured.

And it was the kind where old wounds hadn’t healed before new ones were added.

He suspected that apart from the last time he forcibly applied medicine for him.

Usually if he was injured, he probably didn’t care for his wounds at all.

Sure enough, as soon as Feng Xuan gave him a suspicious look.

Qi Zhuoyu spoke very casually. “What’s the point of treating these kinds of ordinary wounds?”

You’re calling wounds where you can see bone ordinary, huh?

Does the big devil understand what it means to take care of his own body at all?

Sometimes he even suspected that Qi Zhuoyu had no sense of pain.

Feng Xuan couldn’t be bothered to argue with him on this point.

No matter how many times he said it, he was still that stubborn masochistic dead man.

“Do you demons have demon doctors? Can they prescribe medicine to treat you?” Feng Xuan asked.

The demon clan’s demon doctors came quickly, and their efficiency was much faster than Feng Xuan’s speed at applying medicine.

In no time, they had treated most of the severe wounds on Qi Zhuoyu’s body.

However, some old wounds were difficult to cure completely.

But these were all external injuries.

They wrote a prescription and prepared medicine.

The demon doctors quickly retreated from the room, but before leaving, they glanced at Feng Xuan hesitantly.


It was such an obvious hint, Feng Xuan just wanted to pretend he didn’t see it.

He looked at Qi Zhuoyu lying on the bed, with an unpleasant expression as he messed with the bandages on his wounds, just like how Feng Xuan sometimes liked to pick at scabs on his own wounds.

Qi Zhuoyu really seemed to dislike strangers applying things to his body, but for some reason, he could miraculously accept it from Feng Xuan.

It was hard to explain.

The explanation could only be that it was because of love.jpg

Feng Xuan quietly slipped out the door, and sure enough, saw the demon doctors waiting for him outside.

To prevent Qi Zhuoyu from hearing, the demon doctors had even used a small barrier to block divine consciousness. Even if Qi Zhuoyu wanted to eavesdrop on their conversation, it would take him a quarter of an hour.

As soon as Feng Xuan came out, the demon doctor got straight to the point. “Demon Consort.”

Ah, this.

Wait, was it really okay to address him with this title right away? He didn’t remember when he had officially become the big devil’s wife?!

The demon doctor didn’t notice his expression and continued. “The Demon Venerable’s external injuries can still be treated with medicine, but his primordial spirit has been greatly damaged. If it’s not repaired soon, I’m afraid his divine soul will dissipate.”

Feng Xuan was stunned for a moment. “Huh?”

This was a bit too much information.

What happened to the big devil’s primordial spirit? Wasn’t it fine? How did it suddenly become what seemed like a terminal illness?

Moreover, he had been checking the Divine Soul Lamp during this time, and hadn’t found any signs that Qi Zhuoyu was still using his primordial spirit to sustain his soul.

The demon doctor sighed. “The Demon Consort doesn’t know. Since that great battle between immortals and demons two hundred years ago, the Venerable was pierced by ten thousand swords by those hypocrites who claim to be righteous but are actually bastards, damaging his primordial spirit. This injury hasn’t healed in a hundred years, and the Venerable never lets us treat him. In recent years, his constant battles have accelerated the consumption of his body.”

“Originally, that primordial spirit could have lasted a few hundred more years, but recently, for some unknown reason, it seems like a large part of it has been torn away. Forget a hundred years, I’m afraid it won’t last even ten years.”



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