After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Dao Companion (part 1)

Feng Xuan felt a bit unnatural after making eye contact with him for a few seconds.

He could only feel his cheeks burning terribly, not knowing if his unusual blush would be visible in the night.

“Didn’t you say before that it was okay if I couldn’t remember that part of my memory?” Feng Xuan hesitated, then tried to persuade him. “I think you shouldn’t give up so easily either. Why don’t you try harder? Maybe some soft-hearted god will see your wish and help you fulfill it.”

As if feeling a bit embarrassed, Feng Xuan quickly added after coming to his senses, “I’m just saying random things.”

He stared at his own lantern again.

“Want,” Qi Zhuoyu suddenly spoke, his voice a bit hoarse.

Feng Xuan felt his hand gripping the lantern a little tighter.

Qi Zhuoyu continued. “But Senior brother wasn’t just saying random things.”

Feng Xuan: “.”

What an elementary school chicken straight man.

Does he have to compete with me on this too?!

Qi Zhuoyu indeed brought a lantern and wrote something unknown on the paper slip.

Feng Xuan didn’t look, because he was thinking about whether what he just said was too obvious.

After all, he had read so many novels.

This kind of love-struck behavior of throwing oneself at someone first seemed to make men not treasure it once they got it.

Wasn’t there a saying among common people that the harder something is to get, the better it is?

So after Qi Zhuoyu finished writing on the lantern.

Feng Xuan felt a little regretful in his heart, and before Qi Zhuoyu put the lantern down, he added, “But I should say, wishes made on lanterns may not necessarily be seen by gods. And even if gods see them, they won’t fulfill your wish that quickly.”

Qi Zhuoyu smiled ambiguously. “Why?”

A certain god. “…No reason.”

Qi Zhuoyu deliberately showed a hint of disappointment. “Then I made a wish for nothing.”

Feng Xuan: “.”

Qi Zhuoyu threw the lantern into the Caiyu River. “Didn’t you say there would be soft-hearted gods who would see my wish? Senior brother can  ask now, this.”

He paused. “Soft-hearted god, when do you plan to fulfill Senior brother and Xiao Qi’s wish to remarry?”

Feng Xuan: “.”

Feng Xuan was speechless.

Who would fulfill someone’s wish right after they made it?

And is this even making a wish? This is threatening your only god!

“Heavenly secrets cannot be revealed,” Feng Xuan replied stiffly.

Qi Zhuoyu laughed, saying nothing.

The lantern floated farther and farther with the current, gradually merging into the procession of most lanterns.

Feng Xuan looked and, as if finding a very good reason, slowly said, “Moreover, there are so many people making wishes. Even to see your wish would take some time.”

“Isn’t that right.” Qi Zhuoyu suddenly injected a trace of spiritual power into the lantern he had just put down.

This familiar operation looked familiar to Feng Xuan.

The next second, the lantern infused with spiritual power suddenly turned ferocious.

It directly struck down all the floating lanterns around it with lightning, and in an instant, the entire river surface was covered with charred paper, leaving only Qi Zhuoyu’s lantern.

Qi Zhuoyu, like a childish brat, sank everyone else’s lanterns, yet wore an expression of having done nothing wrong, raising an eyebrow and saying, “Now Senior brother’s wish can be fulfilled first.”

Feng Xuan: “…”

Good heavens.

He really had to continue this romance with such an emotionally straight man?!

Feng Xuan truly hadn’t expected this.

Was his inner attraction really aimed at this type of volatile demon king?

And true to form, this new lantern he procured seemed even more destructive than the previous lantern king.

“It’s still not possible,” Feng Xuan said conflictedly. “Can’t you be less impatient?”

His voice was a bit irritated. “In our heavenly realm, if someone likes another person as a Dao companion, they have to give gifts and court them for a long time before getting together.”

He wanted to say, how could you just casually get back together like this?

See, this is what happens when you’re harmed by arranged marriages in the mortal realm before. Now you don’t even know how to pursue someone properly.jpg

“Anyway,” Feng Xuan poked his shoulder, “You’ve made your wish, and the kind god has heard it.”

He paused, then continued slowly, “But the god still needs to consider it, understand?”


That day, Feng Xuan played in the mortal realm until very late.

When he returned, he was so tired he could barely keep his eyes open.

For some reason, his fatigue before was genuine exhaustion, accompanied by the soul-deep weariness of his primordial spirit being consumed.

But today he was simply tired from playing, without his primordial spirit being affected much. In fact, it seemed even more vibrant.

It made Feng Xuan suspect that the Divine Soul Lamp had been secretly cultivating behind his back.

Could it have transformed into some ancient primordial artifact?

It had never been able to repair his primordial spirit so quickly before.

But when he checked early in the morning, the Divine Soul Lamp was still just the Divine Soul Lamp.

He checked again to confirm that Qi Zhuoyu wasn’t continuing to burn his primordial spirit before finally relaxing.

Although they had released lanterns on the night of the Lantern Festival, and the big devil had said he wanted to rekindle their relationship,

After returning that day, he went off to do who knows what in the Chaotic Sea, without any news.

How to put it, Feng Xuan wasn’t surprised at all.

For this kind of emotionally straight man who only thought about fighting, it would be abnormal if he suddenly knew how to romantically pursue someone one day.

In his opinion, it was fortunate that Qi Zhuoyu had benefited from an arranged marriage in the mortal realm, otherwise he might never have gotten a wife in this lifetime.

Of course, Feng Xuan wasn’t the type to cry and make a fuss about going to the Chaotic Sea to scold him for being a scumbag just because Qi Zhuoyu wasn’t taking action.

After all, his personality was a bit dramatic, but he was always dramatic within reason, never truly offending others.

Just like he knew Qi Zhuoyu liked to cause trouble everywhere, but he never suggested going along with him.

Firstly, he felt he couldn’t stop Qi Zhuoyu, so going would be useless.

Secondly, he knew his own limitations. Rather than adding to the chaos, it was better to just stay put as the big devil arranged and wait for him to return from his exploits.

Moreover, whether god or demon, their lifespans were so long.

He wasn’t in a rush to force himself and the big devil to make any choices in this short time.

As for the White Jade Capital,

The political situation had been tense lately.

Vague rumors had even reached the ears of Feng Xuan, the Crown Prince in name only who didn’t actually handle affairs.

It wasn’t anything new, seemingly still the matter that had been troubling the Emperor Father before, regarding the Biluo River.

In the beginning of this world, the heavens and earth were not separated as they are now. The Three Realms were submerged in a chaotic dark sea of water called the Primordial River.

Later, the Father God awoke from the Primordial River and exerted himself to separate heaven and earth, making the sky higher and the earth deeper.

He divided the Primordial River in two.

The river of heaven became the Biluo River, and the netherworld became the Chaotic Sea.

This gave birth to all living beings in the Three Realms, flourishing with vitality.

When Father God perished years ago, besides resisting the monsters from beyond the sky, there was another more important reason.

After the monsters from beyond were destroyed, Father God was severely injured in body and mind from this battle. At this time, the Primordial River that had been separated for millions of years showed signs of merging again.

Ying Zhu calculated that within a thousand years, there would be a great flood disaster in the Three Realms. At that time, the waters of the Biluo River would pour into the mortal realm. Not only would humanity be destroyed, even the Sanqing Realm and the divine race could not escape the fate of annihilation.

So to suppress the Biluo River, Father God used his primordial spirit as a formation catalyst, leading to his death.

Recently, it seemed some disturbances had occurred in the Biluo River again.

Feng Li was deeply worried, but didn’t reveal this matter to Feng Xuan.

Feng Xuan roughly knew that Father always saw him as a child, so he never discussed these matters with him. He was also sensible enough not to ask.

Moreover, even if something major happened with the Biluo River, Father God’s primordial spirit was still guarding it, so there was no need to worry too much.

However, another piece of news he accidentally overheard from the political hall of Lingxiao Palace made Feng Xuan a bit uneasy.

It was brought by a heavenly realm high priest who came to White Jade Capital this morning to discuss important matters.

It said there was some trouble in the demon realm of the Chaotic Sea, seemingly related to internal strife among the demons. Some demons of Xirong were dissatisfied with the current Demon Venerable and rebelled, causing a palace coup at the demon palace.

Hearing this, Feng Xuan’s heart suddenly skipped a beat involuntarily.

No wonder Qi Zhuoyu hadn’t come to White Jade Capital to see him lately.

It turned out there were demons rebelling against him again. Feng Xuan remembered Qi Zhuoyu mentioning dealing with some rebels when they were in the Primordial Secret Realm before. Were these remnants from last time that weren’t fully eliminated? How did it escalate to such a degree that the term “palace coup” was being used?

Feng Xuan had only read about the meaning of this term in some novels from the mortal realm.

No matter where it happened, a palace coup always sounded very serious to him.

Feng Xuan originally intended to just listen and let it go.

After all, even if he knew, he couldn’t really help much.

But then he thought of Qi Zhuoyu’s primordial spirit that had been burned who knew how much.

He recalled the dark circles under Qi Zhuoyu’s eyes when he came to Qifeng Palace last time, and how the demon rebels before had said his primordial spirit was damaged.

After mulling it over, he couldn’t sit still in Qifeng Palace anymore.

Secretly glancing around to make sure no one was watching, Feng Xuan cut out a paper doll and used a spell he learned from Qi Zhuoyu last time to create an illusion of himself lying under the Wutong Divine Tree.

Then he disappeared from the spot.

And Feng Xuan realized he had greatly overestimated himself.

He had only been to the demon realm of the Chaotic Sea twice, both times carried by Qi Zhuoyu.

As a bird who couldn’t really tell directions well,

He searched for a long time but couldn’t find the location of the Xirong demon clan.


Why didn’t they sell any maps in these demon realm cities? With a map he could at least ask for directions.

Feng Xuan was currently in a demon city called Wuyin City.



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