After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Senior Brother's Confession (part 1)

Qi Zhuoyu stared at him for a long time.

Feng Xuan knew that this big devil had a habit of staring at people, as if he could see through a person’s entire soul with his eyes. He suspected it was some kind of prelude to his mind-reading ability.

However, this time, Qi Zhuoyu’s gaze carried a certain aggressive intent that was hard to ignore.

After a while, Qi Zhuoyu said, “Do you want to know?”

Wasn’t that a stupid question?

If he didn’t want to know, why would he ask?!

Feng Xuan grumbled internally.

Qi Zhuoyu leaned back a bit, resting against the edge of the barrier. “No.”

So, there was nothing.

Feng Xuan subtly breathed a sigh of relief.

“Why are you sighing?” Qi Zhuoyu suddenly turned his gaze back to him.

Feng Xuan: ? Who sighed? Can you even speak properly?

“Do you feel it’s a pity?” Qi Zhuoyu asked, then thought for a moment and continued, “Actually, if you start cultivating now, it’s still not too late.”

“…Who said it was a pity!” Feng Xuan retorted through gritted teeth. “And that wasn’t a sigh earlier, it was a breath of relief.”

Qi Zhuoyu seemed completely unfazed by his explanation.

Feng Xuan: “…”

Feng Xuan found himself speechless in front of this arrogant, narcissistic man who loved to speak his mind.

And indeed, he managed to say nothing.

The barrier became silent and extremely quiet.

In reality, Qi Zhuoyu was a person of few words, who didn’t like to talk much.

Feng Xuan had known him for so long, and apart from the time when he had amnesia, it was mostly Feng Xuan who did the talking when they were together.

He thought this time he would be the one to break the silence again.

Unexpectedly, Qi Zhuoyu, in a seemingly good mood, said a few more words, “But you did kiss me.”


There was no need to bring up such a thing.

Also, why didn’t this big devil feel any embarrassment when he mentioned it? How thick-skinned could he be?

Feng Xuan felt his ears heat up slightly. With an unchanged expression, he said, “Really? But I had amnesia, so I kind of forgot.”

Anyway, he would just refuse to admit it. Besides, it was the mortal Xiao Qi who kissed Qi Zhuoyu, what did that have to do with him, the crown prince Feng Xuan.jpg

“I also kind of forgot,” Qi Zhuoyu said. “Why don’t you try now, maybe you’ll remember.”

Feng Xuan: “…”

Feng Xuan was left speechless. “Can you be more serious? You’re already imprisoned in Biluo River. You should think about how to get out of here.”

Qi Zhuoyu looked indifferent. “I already said, this barrier is useless against me. As long as I want to, I can get out.”

Feng Xuan thought, of course, he knew that.

But Qi Zhuoyu’s idea of getting out would definitely involve destroying the entire barrier of Biluo River.

It wouldn’t affect him much.

But Qi Zhuoyu leaving White Jade Capital so brazenly would definitely confirm his guilt.

The elders of the ancient gods who participated in the secret realm competition would surely demand his father to investigate this matter thoroughly and severely punish Qi Zhuoyu.

Qi Zhuoyu hadn’t done those things.

But at this point, no one would be willing to believe the truth anymore.

He knew that the big devil had always been set up as the unbeatable villain.

Adding or removing one more crime pinned on him probably didn’t matter to him at all.

But Feng Xuan felt strangely uneasy about it.

So, he remained silent.

“Don’t worry. I won’t destroy the barrier and make things difficult for you,” Qi Zhuoyu glanced at him and said calmly.

Feng Xuan felt resigned about his random mind-reading. He said, “I’m not feeling troubled. I just think you’ve been wronged.”

After saying this gloomily, he fell silent.

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him for a while, seemingly finding his words amusing.

He couldn’t help but curl his lips and repeat, “I’ve been wronged?”

Having killed and caused mayhem for two hundred years, it was the first time someone thought this demon had been wronged.

Feng Xuan nodded, firmly believing he was right.

Qi Zhuoyu sat casually, one arm resting on his bent knee. “At first, when I trapped them in the Primordial Secret Realm, I indeed wanted to kill them and take their primordial spirits. Your father wasn’t wrong in accusing me.”

Feng Xuan glanced at him and said, “I don’t think so.”

“Although you initially wanted to kill them, it just means your starting point was bad,” Feng Xuan analyzed. “But they didn’t die in the end, so the outcome was good.”

His logic, however convoluted, somehow made sense.

Qi Zhuoyu listened and chuckled silently.

The laugh was so light that Feng Xuan missed it when he looked up.

“And you wanted to take their primordial spirits to repair mine. By that logic, I’m your accomplice and should also be confined in the barrier of Biluo River.”

After saying this, Feng Xuan noticed that Qi Zhuoyu had been silent for a while.

He looked over to see Qi Zhuoyu, who seemed to have been listening for a while, with a slight, malicious smile on his lips.

“So, you couldn’t bear to be apart from me and wanted to join me in prison?”

Feng Xuan: ?

Why did it seem like he understood every word Qi Zhuoyu said, but couldn’t grasp the meaning when they were put together?

“Who wants to join you in prison?” Feng Xuan realized Qi Zhuoyu’s shamelessness had reached a new level.

“You don’t need to join me,” Qi Zhuoyu said, pinching his cheek. “You’re so delicate and pampered, and there’s not even a bed in the barrier. I won’t let you suffer.”

Feng Xuan: “.”

No need to join him in prison.

Why don’t you think of a way to clear your name and get out of here soon!

Qi Zhuoyu laughed, his tone arrogant, “Don’t worry. They won’t be able to keep me here for long. They’ll let me out willingly.”

Even though Qi Zhuoyu was boasting in the barrier of Biluo River, arrogantly claiming that the ancient gods of White Jade Capital would release him, Feng Xuan still felt uneasy.

However, there wasn’t much he could do to help.

The only thing he could do was act spoiled and unreasonable with his emperor father, transforming into his original form for his father to pet and groom. During the first few times, he got so comfortable being groomed that he forgot he was supposed to plead for Qi Zhuoyu and almost fell asleep in Lingxiao Palace.

Later, he managed to bring it up a few times.

It seemed that his father’s high animosity toward Qi Zhuoyu was the reason that every time Feng Xuan brought up the topic, Feng Li would dismiss it with a casual remark. After several attempts, Feng Xuan realized that pleading with his father was futile.

However, although Feng Li hadn’t released Qi Zhuoyu from Biluo River, he turned a blind eye to Feng Xuan’s frequent visits there.

Thus, Feng Xuan maintained his routine of visiting the imprisoned Qi Zhuoyu.

Every time he visited, he didn’t come empty-handed. Initially, he brought medicine and immortal herbs to check Qi Zhuoyu’s wounds. Later, finding the ground uncomfortable to sit on, he brought chairs and soft cushions. When he found the barrier too cold, he added a heater and small blankets.

Qi Zhuoyu’s gaze grew increasingly peculiar.

Finally, he couldn’t help but ask, “Are you planning to move the entire Qifeng Palace here?”

Wrapped in a small blanket, lying on a soft cushion, and munching on sugar steamed custard, Feng Xuan hesitated upon hearing this.

Seeing his indecisive expression, it seemed like he was genuinely considering the possibility.

After all, as a lazy person, he usually spent his time sleeping and sunbathing in Qifeng Palace.

Otherwise, how could he have lived for seventeen hundred years without ever leaving White Jade Capital to see the world?

Honestly, with his limited spiritual power, he had used up all his opportunities to transform when he was pleading on Qi Zhuoyu’s behalf and trying to please his father.

He had to rely on his own legs to walk back and forth.

It was really tiring!

Qi Zhuoyu couldn’t help but pinch the bridge of his nose.

Fortunately, father emperor did not really give Feng Xuan the opportunity to move the Qifeng Palace to the Biluo River; otherwise, he might have been angered into losing a thousand years of his lifespan.

One day, the ancient gods of White Jade Capital and his father seemed to have a sudden change of heart and decided to release Qi Zhuoyu from Biluo River.

When Feng Xuan learned of this, Qi Zhuoyu had already returned to the Chaotic Sea.

It was the divine general guarding the barrier at Biluo River who saw him approaching and asked, “Your Highness, are you here to see Qi Zhuoyu?”


He had come so many times recently that he had stopped finding excuses. Eventually, he just showed up without pretense.

Seeing that the Emperor had not reprimanded the Crown Prince, the divine generals also pretended not to know anything.

Feng Xuan initially thought he could make one last effort.

Hearing this, he resignedly nodded, “Yes.”

The divine general said, “Didn’t you know, Your Highness? The Emperor has already opened the barrier of Biluo River today, and the demon has long returned to the Chaotic Sea.”

Feng Xuan was stunned for a moment.

After a while, he nodded.

He thought to himself.

So, when Qi Zhuoyu said that his father and the others would release him voluntarily, it wasn’t just boasting?

If he had known earlier, he wouldn’t have sacrificed so many days of dignity to be petted by his father.

But that demon wasn’t very considerate.

After all, he had visited him so many times, and Qi Zhuoyu left without even saying goodbye.

As he walked, he thought.

Actually, Qi Zhuoyu had no reason to bid him farewell.

After all, whether coming to or leaving White Jade Capital, Qi Zhuoyu always made those decisions alone without consulting him.

Plastic couple’s affection, indeed.

Maybe it was because he was so tired from his recent trips.

On his way back from Biluo River to Qifeng Palace, he absentmindedly bumped into two cranes.

The cranes, realizing they had bumped into the Crown Prince, quickly flapped their wings to apologize, but Feng Xuan just waved his hand and continued walking.

The two cranes looked at each other in confusion.

One of the cranes hesitated and asked, “Why is the Crown Prince so quiet today?”

The other crane agreed, “He seems a bit absent-minded! Is something bothering him?”

The cranes chirped and discussed for a while but couldn’t come to any conclusion.

So, they left.

Feng Xuan’s sadness lasted only for a moment.

It was probably the kind of feeling you get when you suddenly lose a good friend. Considering that the big devil had been quite nice to him, it was natural for him to feel a bit melancholic.

Returning to Qifeng Palace to eat, drink, and sleep for a few days would likely make him forget about this matter.

However, Feng Xuan underestimated how much this “friend” meant to him.

Over the next few days, he found himself unconsciously squeezing the small pouch hanging from his waist, as if waiting for it to vibrate.

After several days, the small pouch remained completely still, as if it had died.



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