After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Little Bird's Identity is Exposed Again! (part 2)

Were they really married before? The Demon Clan had always rumored that the Demon Venerable was deeply in love with his mortal wife, never forgetting.

Was this the kind of undying love that only replies with a “mm” to his wife on a communication talisman?!

Logically speaking.

When a young couple is opposed by their parents, they should eagerly share their feelings once they get in touch, writing at least an eight-thousand-word essay of affection.

Feng Xuan doubted he had a fake marriage in the mortal world.

He thought, might as well let this face-saving man suffer a few days in Biluo River.

But soon, Qi Zhuoyu’s communication talisman came again.

[I’m not well.]

Feng Xuan: “.”

Feng Xuan thought, of course you’re not well, Biluo River is where those ancient demons are imprisoned.

Father dislikes you so much, what kind of treatment do you expect?

He held the communication talisman, staring blankly.

Irritated and unwilling to reply.

Unexpectedly, after a quarter of an hour.

Qi Zhuoyu, probably noticing he hadn’t replied, sent another message.

[I’m quite unwell.]

Feng Xuan looked expressionless, still not responding.

Another quarter of an hour passed, and Qi Zhuoyu’s message came again.

[My hand seems to hurt a bit, probably because the wound from the Demon Realm hasn’t fully healed.]

Feng Xuan: “.”

Didn’t want to respond to him.

Qi Zhuoyu sent another message: [The wound you treated before has also reopened, and it keeps bleeding.]

This time, he even went as far as using the communication talisman as a drawing talisman, sending over an image of his bleeding wound.

At this point, Feng Xuan couldn’t ignore it anymore.

He finally replied: [Didn’t you say your physique is special and you can heal automatically?]

Qi Zhuoyu: “…”

Maybe he didn’t expect there would be a day when he shot himself in the foot.

He sent a message: [I thought you didn’t check the talisman.]

Feng Xuan replied: [Checked it.]

He continued writing with his spiritual power: [But I didn’t want to reply.]

Feng Xuan, expressionless, continued: [Because I suspect you’re faking it.]

Qi Zhuoyu’s talisman finally went quiet for a long time.

Just when Feng Xuan thought this man, having his ploy exposed, was now sulking and not replying.

The talisman buzzed again.

[I am faking it.]

[So, will you come?]

Feng Xuan felt a bit disgusted with his own soft-hearted nature at critical moments.

He hesitated for a while in Qifeng Palace, looked at the talisman a few more times, and Qi Zhuoyu wasn’t really faking it.

At least, as he said.

In the image, those wounds that had initially started to heal had almost all reopened because of his father’s thunder tribulation. Some wounds, just from the image, showed the stark white bones within.

Thinking that Qi Zhuoyu endured such a severe thunderbolt from his father because he wanted to help restore his primordial spirit.

Although from his perspective, they should currently be in a state of separation, Feng Xuan felt he should fulfill the minimal duties of a plastic couple.

In less than half a stick of incense, Feng Xuan left Qifeng Palace again and went to Biluo River.

Perhaps it was because he learned that he had once been stripped of his divine bones and went down to the mortal world to experience tribulations.

Standing before Biluo River, Feng Xuan’s mind seemed to vaguely recall some scenes, where he and Siming discussed his tribulation at Biluo River.

The place where Qi Zhuoyu was imprisoned was in an ancient barrier right next to Biluo River.

There were various heavily armed guards coming and going outside the barrier. Judging by the number, it seemed Father was quite wary of Qi Zhuoyu.

Half of the divine generals of White Jade Capital were here.

Feng Xuan stepped forward to explain his purpose, not mentioning that he was there to see Qi Zhuoyu, but simply stating he was there for an inspection.

His identity as the Crown Prince of the Divine Clan was very useful; the divine generals barely questioned him before letting him pass.

The place where Qi Zhuoyu was imprisoned was easy to find.

While others were imprisoned in groups of demons or fallen gods, he had an entire large barrier to himself.

The space inside the barrier was vast.

Upon entering, it felt like a completely different world. Feng Xuan stood inside the barrier and looked up, only to see dense and infinitely upward-extending ancient runes, each one likely imbued with terrifying divine power.

“Are you scared? No need to worry, this kind of barrier can’t hold me,” Qi Zhuoyu’s voice echoed inside the barrier, cold and arrogant.

Although Feng Xuan knew that Qi Zhuoyu never boasted about things he couldn’t do.

But seeing his handsome face that looked like he didn’t care about anyone made him feel irritated.

“Who’s worried about you?” Feng Xuan walked over, hesitantly glancing at Qi Zhuoyu.

Qi Zhuoyu had been struck by such a massive thunderbolt from Feng Li that his clothes were not even burned.

Clearly, everything he wore and carried were the most powerful treasures in the Three Realms.

Moreover, his black robe almost completely covered his entire body.

Feng Xuan couldn’t see any of those terrifying wounds Qi Zhuoyu had mentioned in the communication talisman.

Feng Xuan suspected he had been tricked by this dog man.jpg

He turned to leave, but Qi Zhuoyu suddenly grabbed his arm. His voice suddenly became helpless and weak, sticky and low, somewhat like the legendary voice of a scumbag. “I wasn’t lying. The wounds really reopened.”

Afraid Feng Xuan wouldn’t believe him, Qi Zhuoyu pulled up his sleeve to show him. Indeed, his hand was covered in blood, dripping continuously.

He was wearing black clothes.

Feng Xuan hadn’t noticed earlier.

Seeing this, Feng Xuan didn’t say anything, just handed over the spirit pills and immortal herbs he had brought.

Then he sat cross-legged beside him, placing his arm on his lap, applying the medicine bit by bit.

For a moment, the vast barrier was eerily silent.

Qi Zhuoyu stared at him for a while, then looked away, slowly asking, “You know everything now?”

Although he didn’t specify what he meant, Feng Xuan understood instantly.

After all, Qi Zhuoyu could be quite perceptive at times, and Feng Xuan hadn’t planned to hide anything from him before coming.

“Mm.” Feng Xuan nodded.

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t say anything. Feng Xuan, thinking of something, asked while applying the medicine, “When did you find out? Was it the moment you knocked over the Divine Soul Lamp at Zhujian Xiaozhu?”

Qi Zhuoyu also nodded. “Mm.”

So it was true.

Then hadn’t he been deceived by this dog man for so long? He must have found it hilarious seeing him fooled. Feng Xuan thought and felt a bit annoyed, so he applied the medicine a bit more forcefully.

“It hurts,” Qi Zhuoyu said expressionlessly.

“Oh. If it hurts, endure it.” Feng Xuan didn’t want to expose him. Was he addicted to playing the victim? When you were struck by that huge thunderbolt from Father, why didn’t you shout in pain? How hard could I have pressed just now?

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him, seemingly puzzled, and said, “So you do know.”

Feng Xuan: “?”

Qi Zhuoyu seemed to be lost in a memory, “After we reunited, you never acted like before, throwing little tantrums at me.”

Huh? Was this big devil a pervert?

Was there really someone in the world who willingly enjoyed being tormented? It seemed he truly was a masochist.

However, hearing him mention the word “before,” Feng Xuan became cautious, “But I need to emphasize something.”

Qi Zhuoyu sat quietly.

Feng Xuan applied the last bit of medicine to the wound, choosing his words carefully, “Even though I know about our relationship in the mortal realm, I still haven’t regained my memories. I can’t remember how we were as a couple. If you have any special requests of me, I can’t fulfill them.”

For Qi Zhuoyu, he was his lost love of a hundred years.

But for Feng Xuan, Qi Zhuoyu was just someone who treated him very well.

That didn’t mean he had to reciprocate those feelings.

After all, he was just a newly adult bird of 1,900 years old, and discussions of marriage were too early for him.

After saying this, Feng Xuan gave Qi Zhuoyu some time to process.

He had read enough storybooks to know that such domineering demon lords, upon discovering their beloved had amnesia, would often roar and shake them, shouting, “Why, why, why did you forget someone who loves you so much!”

But after waiting for a long time, Qi Zhuoyu didn’t go mad or shake him.

Instead, he placed a hand on Feng Xuan’s head, then slid it to the back of his neck, massaging it gently.

This was a very intimate gesture, and the neck was universally recognized as the most vulnerable spot. It was not something anyone but the closest of people would touch. Yet, Feng Xuan didn’t notice how over-familiar the action was; he simply felt that Qi Zhuoyu meant no harm.

“Not regaining your memory is fine.” When Qi Zhuoyu spoke again, his voice was a bit hoarse, his eyes deep, “You were in a lot of pain back then. Senior brother hopes you never remember it.”

Feng Xuan instinctively lowered his eyelashes, remaining silent.

It wasn’t that he was deliberately not speaking, but rather that the big devil’s sudden wave of affection left him at a loss for words!

Moreover, Qi Zhuoyu presumptuously changed his self-address to “senior brother,” which, although normal and devoid of any familiarity, made Feng Xuan inexplicably blush.

Feng Xuan quickly looked for any other wounds, seemingly caught in a strange emotion.

This feeling had been there since he first came in. After all, he had always considered Qi Zhuoyu a friend, and now suddenly he was his ex-husband.

The bird felt he needed some time to adjust to his new identity.

After finishing treating the wounds, Feng Xuan remembered something important to ask.

He looked up at Qi Zhuoyu, taking even longer to ponder his words before speaking, “Big devil, I have a question.”

For some reason, the air in the barrier seemed to thin, and the slight heat on his cheeks suddenly spread to his ears.

Feng Xuan looked up at him, his eyes incredibly beautiful, carrying a bit of innocent purity, “When we were a couple in the mortal realm.”

The youth hesitated for a moment, then asked tentatively, “Did we ever practice dual cultivation?”



  1. Nana says:

    Obrigada pelo capitulo <3

    Agora que tudo esta claro, só falta o casal feliz juntos novamente \(^-^)/

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