After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Meeting the Mother-in-law! (part 2)

Qi Zhuoyu would occasionally go out and then return abruptly as if he had gone to the demon realm to deal with several rebellious armies.

Slowly, time came to the end of the Great Competition in the Primordial Secret Realm. Over these few days, Qi Zhuoyu suddenly stopped causing trouble.

He stayed by Feng Xuan’s side all day long.

One should know, for such a big villain.

It was normal for him to cause trouble continuously. If there was a day he didn’t cause trouble, that was when the real problem arose.

Thus, from the morning, Feng Xuan felt his eyelids twitching non-stop.

He thought that since the Primordial Secret Realm competition was almost over, even if there were issues in the Chaotic Sea Demon Realm, it wouldn’t be such a big deal.

Looking at Qi Zhuoyu sprawled on the bed like a salted fish, Feng Xuan still felt uneasy and shook him awake. “Why aren’t you going to the Demon Realm to cause trouble today?”

Qi Zhuoyu raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong?”

Feng Xuan couldn’t quite put his finger on it. “I feel something strange. Your behavior is not normal, I have a bad premonition.”

Qi Zhuoyu scoffed. “There is indeed something not good happening. But rest assured, I will resolve it very soon.”

You say very soon?

How soon exactly?

The next second, Feng Xuan witnessed just how soon it was.

Just as Qi Zhuoyu finished speaking, an extremely strong divine power pressure suddenly came from above the Primordial Secret Realm. Feng Xuan only needed to feel it slightly to be alarmed; such a level of divine descent probably meant that half of the ancient gods from White Jade Capital had arrived.

Sure enough, almost instantly, that divine power blanketed and fell upon the Primordial Secret Realm.

Suddenly, Qi Zhuoyu reached out to embrace Feng Xuan. Just a second before the cave crumbled into dust, they both leaped out of the Primordial Secret Realm.

Feng Xuan had just steadied his grip around the waist of the big devil and hadn’t had time to react to what happened.

He heard an old man’s voice scolding. “Audacious demon! How dare you hide within our divine clan’s Primordial Secret Realm during the Great Competition!”

Feng Xuan thought: Is there a possibility that he didn’t hide but entered openly?

He looked up and saw about a dozen figures in the sky that looked like ancient gods.

And at the place where the oath-taking ceremony was held before, thousands of divine clan disciples were looking up at the battle in the sky.

Feng Xuan watched in confusion, hadn’t he restored all of the Primordial Secret Realm’s water mirrors?

Why could those divine clan elders still detect that Qi Zhuoyu was behind everything?

Immediately after, one of those divine clan disciples shouted. “Supreme God Sui Yang, this person is from the Chaotic Sea’s demon race! I personally witnessed him extracting Taiyin Fire from the seabed. You should know, only the Demon Venerable of the demon race can extract Taiyin Fire!”

Ah, you treacherous ingrate.

Unexpectedly, it was you who told the secret!

Feng Xuan finally understood how the divine clan elders found out.

But he realized too late. Since ancient times, gods and demons have never coexisted peacefully. Upon meeting, they would inevitably fight to death. Not to mention now with divine clan juniors watching, as soon as the ancient gods met Qi Zhuoyu, they started fighting without exchanging more than two words.

Feng Xuan once again witnessed just how powerful Qi Zhuoyu’s cultivation was.

He fought against more than a dozen divine clan elders without fear and even seemed to have the upper hand. The divine clan elders showed signs of defeat under his attack. For a moment, spiritual and demonic powers clashed wildly in the sky, it was almost as if heaven and earth were collapsing and there was no light from sun or moon.

Feng Xuan didn’t know how long they fought.

All he knew was that Qi Zhuoyu became stronger as he got more injured, his fighting spirit was almost fully ignited. By the end, he was in a frenzy. The divine clan stood no chance against him at all.

Seeing Qi Zhuoyu about to unleash another highly destructive thunder spiritual power critical strike…

Feng Xuan finally tugged at his hair, “Big devil, slaying a god will attract the Apocalyptic Thunder Tribulation!”

Qi Zhuoyu glanced down at him, then withdrew the spiritual power in his hands.

It was at this moment that the many divine beings noticed the youth in white clothes in Qi Zhuoyu’s arms.

The divine beings who came to the Primordial Secret Realm to trouble Qi Zhuoyu were not the supreme gods of White Jade Capital but ancient divine beings from other divine dwellings within the Three Realms, who did not recognize Feng Xuan’s face.

Moreover, Feng Xuan looked very much like he was nestled in Qi Zhuoyu’s arms, in the typical posture of a domineering demon lord’s little demon consort.

Although he was dressed like a divine being, the elder deities still hesitated for a moment, unsure whether Feng Xuan was friend or foe.

The younger generation of divine beings watching the battle below had only seen Feng Xuan in part within the secret realm, and unfortunately, the one who revealed Qi Zhuoyu’s identity had not seen Feng Xuan.

He spoke up again, loudly chastising, “This person’s background is unknown, always following by the side of the demon lord. I heard that recently, the demons of Chaotic Sea Demon Realm have been favoring a certain Divine Soul Lamp attendant from our divine race. Could it be this person?!”


Feng Xuan was utterly floored.

How did those rumors from before in the demon realm spread to the divine race?!

And why, even after arriving at White Jade Capital, was he still stuck with this little demon consort persona?!

The elder divine beings were skeptical and immediately said, “You are of our divine race, why have you become that demon lord’s lackey!”

Pretend lackey demon consort, true Crown Prince Feng Xuan: Honestly, it’s quite difficult for me to explain clearly in this situation.

However, one of the elder divine beings who had once seen Feng Xuan from afar became increasingly alarmed and whispered to his kin, “Supreme God Sui Yang, doesn’t this person look a bit like His Highness the Crown Prince?”

His Highness the Crown Prince?

Impossible. How could the Crown Prince of our divine race be entangled with Demon Venerable?

While the elder deities were filled with doubt and astonishment, an incredible divine pressure descended from Ninth Heaven once again.

And this divine power felt all too familiar to Feng Xuan, so familiar that it made him feel uneasy.

In just a few breaths’ time, Emperor Feng Li appeared above the Chaotic Sea.

Feng Li’s expression was very grim, resembling that of catching his son being led astray by a bad student from school.

He spoke with a heavy voice, “I wonder what brings Demon Venerable to the Primordial Secret Realm today.”

Feng Xuan hurriedly jumped down from Qi Zhuoyu’s embrace and cautiously said, “Father…”

Feng Li glared at him. “You’ve become bolder by the day, daring even to venture in the Primordial Secret Realm!”

The divine beings were shocked: It really was His Highness the Crown Prince!!

The Supreme God Sui Yang who had just spoken immediately changed his tune and tried to slander Qi Zhuoyu. “Emperor, it must be that this demon lord has kidnapped His Highness the Crown Prince!”

Feng Xuan was puzzled: What kind of disrespectful old trash is this? Weren’t you just claiming him to be the demon lord’s consort?

Feng Li did not expect Feng Xuan to be involved in this matter and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Ling’er, come here.”

Feng Xuan looked at Emperor Father, then at Qi Zhuoyu.

Help me.

Was this ultimate dilemma of “who would you save first if your mother and I fell into the water” finally before him?

He didn’t expect that at such a young age, he would have to face a choice that did not match his years.jpg

It wasn’t until Qi Zhuoyu said, “You go over there,” that Feng Xuan stared at him.

Qi Zhuoyu spoke. “I will be fine.”

Feng Xuan thought: Really? But there are so many divine beings here. Now is not the time to brag, big devil!

But he really couldn’t change Qi Zhuoyu’s mind.

After thinking it over, Feng Xuan had no choice but to say. “Don’t worry. My father emperor is a very reasonable supreme god, he wouldn’t attack the demon race without cause.”

Qi Zhuoyu said, “I know. I have no hostility towards him.”

Feng Xuan’s words were true.

Feng Li indeed was a very reasonable supreme god and did not assume that Qi Zhuoyu’s visit necessarily had any ill intent just because he was from the demon race.

“Since Demon Venerable has no hostility, please return to the Chaotic Sea Demon Realm first,” Feng Li indeed did not start a fight with Qi Zhuoyu. Since the younger generation of divine beings were all unharmed, Feng Li naturally did not want to waste his cultivation on a conflict with the demon race and chose to minimize the issue.

Feng Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he could still whisper a few words in his ear and say some good things about Qi Zhuoyu.

He thought for a moment and decided to confess truthfully. “Father Emperor, Qi Zhuoyu came to the Primordial Secret Realm actually to retrieve the Taiyin Fire for me, to help nourish my primordial spirit.”

Who knew that as soon as these words were spoken.

Feng Li’s expression suddenly changed, and he stared fiercely at Feng Xuan. “What did you say his name was?”

Feng Xuan: ?

Feng Xuan thought that Emperor Father had never cared about the affairs of the demon race, and Qi Zhuoyu had only become Demon Venerable in the last two hundred years.

It wasn’t strange that he didn’t know Qi Zhuoyu’s real name, was it? But why did Father Emperor have such a big reaction upon hearing this name?

“It’s just Qi Zhuoyu.” Feng Xuan was confused. “What’s wrong?”

This time, Feng Li’s expression was truly dark and terrifying.

After a long while, he finally revealed a sinister smile that was neither friendly nor genuine. “Very well. It seems I have underestimated him, he has even ascended to the position of Demon Venerable.”

Feng Xuan felt the atmosphere was a bit delicate.

The bird dared not speak, nor dared to ask.

Thus, in the crimson sky, purple thunder rolled ominously, the largest thunder tribulation from Biluo River.

Then, before anyone could react, it struck down directly from the Ninth Heaven.

Violently heading straight for Qi Zhuoyu!




  1. Nana says:

    Lol, nosso pequeno pwssaro falou demais

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