After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Meeting the Mother-in-law! (part 1)

For a long time, there was no sound in the cave.

Although Qi Zhuoyu did not speak, Feng Xuan felt that he did not need to confirm with him anymore.

Generally speaking, for someone like the big devil who speaks in riddles.

If his attitude is silence, it basically equates to acquiescence.

After a while, Qi Zhuoyu finally spoke. “Why do you suddenly think so?”

Is there a need to think about it?

Feng Xuan was not someone who had never read those mundane love stories.

From the moment he inexplicably shattered the Divine Soul Lamp, he felt that everyone’s attitude towards him was strange.

The Divine Soul Lamp was his natal divine lamp, and although shattering it would affect his primordial spirit, it definitely would not cause him to sleep for two hundred years.

Even upon awakening, his already scant cultivation was completely cleared, and even his primordial spirit was tattered to pieces. It didn’t seem like it was caused by shattering the Divine Soul Lamp.

Moreover, after he woke up, Emperor Father concocted a tale of Sleeping Beauty that even children wouldn’t believe.

Feng Xuan felt that everyone was hiding a big event from him.jpg

But he never expected that this kind of dog-blood script that obviously had amnesia would actually fall on his head.

It’s fatal; the bird starts to go bald again.

Qi Zhuoyu did not wait for Feng Xuan to answer him and continued on his own. “We did indeed know each other before.”

Feng Xuan hurriedly followed up. “Then were we close before?”

Qi Zhuoyu looked up at him, fiddling with the Taiyin Fire in his hand, and suddenly a few traces of ferocity appeared in his peach blossom eyes, which was a disgust for his own helplessness.

Qi Zhuoyu said, “You once blocked an apocalyptic tribulation for me.”

Feng Xuan: “…”

Pupil earthquake.jpg

Ah this. Ah this.

Isn’t this relationship too close?!

Feng Xuan had only guessed that he might have known Qi Zhuoyu before, but he never imagined that their relationship was the kind that would block a thunder tribulation for each other.

If it were someone else sitting in front of Feng Xuan, telling him that they had blocked a thunder tribulation for him, Feng Xuan would definitely think he was insane.

But his nearly shattered primordial spirit wouldn’t lie.

Apart from the apocalyptic thunder tribulation, he couldn’t think of anything else that could shatter a god’s primordial spirit to such an extent.

This was serious.

Feng Xuan hadn’t realized yet, was his heart still that of a righteous little immortal who would willingly die for a friend?

After Qi Zhuoyu said this, he did not speak again.

His gaze fell outside the cave, as if pondering something.

This allowed Feng Xuan to quietly breathe a sigh of relief.

If the big devil suddenly wanted to reminisce and recall memories with him, he really wouldn’t know how to respond.

Feng Xuan’s gaze involuntarily fell on the small purse in his hand.

Looking at the white peach embroidered on the small purse, it was almost old and faded.

Even such a long-preserved relic of his deceased wife could be given to him for use, it seemed that his relationship with Qi Zhuoyu was indeed very strong in the past.

Especially after opening the small purse and seeing various soft cushions and bedding inside the space.

Not only that, but there were also dazzling robes and a plethora of jewelry and accessories, like a small treasure trove.

What’s magical is that the styles of clothes and bedding here, even furniture, are all to his liking.

These clothes were not women’s styles but styles for young men; it was obvious they were prepared for him.

Feng Xuan sneakily looked around inside and gained a new understanding of his relationship with Qi Zhuoyu.

It seemed it was not only a friendship where they could help each other block thunder tribulations but even his sister-in-law’s small purse contained so many things he liked. The image of ‘sister-in-law is like a mother’ mortal Xiao Qi appeared before his eyes.

As Feng Xuan looked on, he instantly concocted an extremely melodramatic story in his mind.

Probably when Qi Zhuoyu was still in the Misty Immortal Mansion, he was a highly cultivated favored son of heaven. But the only blemish in his life was falling in love with an ordinary mortal and becoming Dao companions with them.

Then those old-fashioned folks from Misty Immortal Mansion jumped out like evil mothers-in-law trying to separate this husband and wife, starting some actions to break up the couple. In anger for his beloved, Qi Zhuoyu eloped with the sister-in-law out of the Misty Immortal Mansion and instantly turned demonic.

At this point, as a good brother, he made a shining entrance. The plot fast-forwards because he couldn’t stand the Misty Immortal Mansion’s actions. So he joined forces with Qi Zhuoyu to fight against the cultivation world. In the end, they defied heaven and brought about an apocalyptic thunder tribulation.

Pseudonyms froze on both of them fighting side by side. Then Feng Xuan pushed Qi Zhuoyu away with determination on his face. Following that, Qi Zhuoyu looked shocked and said ‘Brother no, why would you go this far for me,’ then he smiled slowly with dignity saying: “Because we are friends…”

He was so engrossed in his imagination that he didn’t notice when Qi Zhuoyu started looking at him.

And the gaze landing on his face became increasingly strange as if there were some indescribable words. “You think we have a brotherly relationship?”

Feng Xuan snapped back to reality: Hm? Otherwise?

Qi Zhuoyu laughed lightly, then coolly and somewhat maliciously, flicked Feng Xuan’s bird brain. “What nonsense are you thinking about? It’s not like that.”


He didn’t believe it.

Qi Zhuoyu’s expression suggested that he was embarrassed by his own correct guess.

It’s no wonder he went to such lengths to repair my primordial spirit; it wasn’t out of goodwill but to repay a debt.

The topic should end here.

After all, the Demon Venerable didn’t seem to want to pull him up for a catch-up.

Feng Xuan had also made the bed and laid down on it.

He stared at the ceiling for a while, as if remembering something important, finally having the chance to speak his mind. “Big devil, although I know you burned your own primordial spirit to extend my soul, which was kind, I feel…”

He didn’t look at Qi Zhuoyu, but Qi Zhuoyu suddenly stood up and sat by his bed.

Feng Xuan had long known that he was using his own primordial spirit to extend his soul.

But he also knew that even if he tried to stop him, Qi Zhuoyu would most likely not heed his advice.

Yet he still wanted to try.

Feng Xuan looked at him. “Two hundred years ago, I used my primordial spirit to bear the lightning tribulation for you, that should mean I wanted you to live well.”

The youth paused, his voice extra gentle in the night. “I think, if the current me regained my memory, I wouldn’t want to see you exhaust your primordial spirit and die for me.”

Qi Zhuoyu lowered his eyelashes, his expression unreadable.

One could only hear Feng Xuan’s voice, slowly continuing, as always gentle and pure.

“If you died because of me, the me from two hundred years ago would probably be very sad.”

Not sure if his words had an effect, Feng Xuan felt that Qi Zhuoyu seemed to have stopped burning his primordial spirit in the Divine Soul Lamp.

But when asked about it, Qi Zhuoyu acted as if he had nothing to say, as though he was secretly up to something behind his back.

These past few days, both Feng Xuan and Qi Zhuoyu stayed inside the Primordial Secret Realm without going out.

To be precise, he hadn’t gone out.

Qi Zhuoyu had left a few times in between, it was unclear what he was doing.

When he reappeared, sometimes there was blood on his clothes, sometimes on his hair strands.

But this blood was very faint.

If Feng Xuan didn’t get too close to him, he couldn’t even smell it.

Moreover, since Qi Zhuoyu loved wearing dark clothes, Feng Xuan couldn’t tell where he was injured.

He saw that in the small pouch Qi Zhuoyu used for him, there seemed to be clothes he wore. The next day, Feng Xuan silently took out a white garment and handed it to Qi Zhuoyu.

“Wear this.”

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly stared at him for a while, his voice hoarse. “Okay.”

After changing into it, Qi Zhuoyu said out of the blue. “Xiao Qi used to prepare clothes for me too.”

Huh? This sudden display of affection left Feng Xuan feeling unable to respond. He hesitated. “Was sister-in-law so affectionate with you? But you still mourn her passing?”

Qi Zhuoyu: “…”

He didn’t know why Qi Zhuoyu suddenly stopped interacting with him.

Only after changing into white clothes did he realize that he had completely underestimated Qi Zhuoyu’s ability to cause trouble. Now wearing white clothes could also achieve bloodless murder!

Once when he was extremely tired, he came back and took over Feng Xuan’s bed, lying on it motionless, much like how Feng Xuan usually slumped down.

These past few days, Feng Xuan lived in the Primordial Secret Realm as if on vacation.

The demon lord seemed to be up to something, living as if he was in a bloody war movie.

Feng Xuan lifted his sleeve, and sure enough, his arm was covered in wounds.

They were the kind that were deep enough to see bone. Qi Zhuoyu seemed indifferent, lowering his sleeve. “Just some minor injuries.”

Minor injuries.

Feng Xuan truly felt that Qi Zhuoyu had some sort of masochistic tendency.

Without much hope, he asked, “What have you been doing these past few days?”

He didn’t expect Qi Zhuoyu to answer, but the big devil actually responded in a good mood. “Some rumors emerged in the demon realm, claiming that my primordial spirit was weak. As a result, some rebellious demon armies appeared, hoping to take advantage of this opportunity to overthrow me. I went and dealt with them.”

According to the big devil’s way of thinking.

Dealing with them meant he turned them all into ashes.

However, although Qi Zhuoyu spoke lightly,

In just a few words, Feng Xuan could still sense the danger within. Seeing the wounds on his body, he knew these fights were not easy.

Actually, thinking about it, no matter how high Qi Zhuoyu’s cultivation was or how strong his talents were.

It had only been two hundred years since he unified the demon realm. Demons live for thousands of years, and since Qi Zhuoyu neither managed governmental affairs nor led the demon realm to attack the Three Realms, there must be many under him who did not submit to his rule.

No wonder he always smiled like a lunatic, saying many wanted him dead.

Feng Xuan sat beside him for a while, unsure of what he could do.

He glanced at Qi Zhuoyu’s wounds and said, “Shouldn’t you bandage your wounds?”

“No need for bandages for such minor injuries. My physique is special, it heals automatically.” Qi Zhuoyu spoke with an air of nonchalance even as he bled.

Feng Xuan was at a loss with this kind of stubborn man.

He didn’t have any hemostatic medicine on hand.

Subconsciously reaching for the small pouch at his waist, he opened it and rummaged inside. Even he was startled by this action, it felt like muscle memory, as if he expected to find hemostatic medicine inside.

Later on, he could only attribute it to the fact that the owner of the small pouch was Qi Zhuoyu’s wife.

It made sense for the wife of a man who was an unfeeling fighter king to carry hemostatic medicine in her pouch.

After opening the small pouch, Feng Xuan indeed found some.

Neatly arranged inside, anyone would say that the other loved him dearly.

It’s just that he didn’t know whether these pills from hundreds of years ago had expired or not.

Holding them in his hand, Feng Xuan looked like he wanted to apply the medicine to Qi Zhuoyu but hesitated.

“Why don’t you start?” asked Qi Zhuoyu.

Feng Xuan was conflicted. “I’m afraid these pills might have expired after two hundred years. What if they worsen your injuries?”

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Qi Zhuoyu burst into laughter without warning.

He laughed so hard that his shoulders shook as if what Feng Xuan said was hilarious.

Feng Xuan couldn’t find any humor in what he had just said.

After laughing enough, Qi Zhuoyu suddenly grabbed his hand and without saying anything else sprinkled all the hemostatic powder on his wounds—recklessly as if it were a lethal dose.

After finishing, he suddenly hugged Feng Xuan’s waist and rested his forehead against him.

He spoke like a madman. “As long as it’s you who applies it, even poison wouldn’t matter.”

Feng Xuan was speechless…

What he applied was medicine, not some cheesy love line.




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