After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

The Bird’s Doubt (part 2)

When Feng Xuan saw them, he brought out a set of excuses he had prepared earlier.

It was roughly that there was a small accident in the secret realm, and the water mirrors were a bit unstable. Now the White Jade Capital had already sent him down to completely resolve the issue, so everyone could rest assured.

His original intention was just to casually reassure the masses.

Unexpectedly, the effect turned out to be surprisingly good.

Those second-generation gods who were originally panicked and dispirited suddenly filled with courage when they saw that even the Crown Prince had come.

“The Crown Prince said it’s alright, so it must be fine. Let’s continue exploring the secret realm!”

Feng Xuan: Ah, that’s not necessary. Why don’t you all return to the White Jade Capital first to report your safety?

“Yes! With the Crown Prince here, what do we have to fear! After all, if something happens, the Crown Prince will take care of it for us!”

Feng Xuan: That’s troublesome. I’m not me; don’t talk nonsense!

Moreover, more and more people started to have blind confidence in him, looking at him with fervent admiration.

Feng Xuan knew that many descendants of the divine clans had some complaints about him as the Crown Prince of the White Jade Capital.

After all, with his father god’s great achievements before him, all gods had high expectations for his father god’s only offspring. Yet he hadn’t done any notable deeds in his nineteen hundred years of life.

Unlike his senior brother Jing Yu, who at five hundred years old had single-handedly subdued an ancient demon beast.

Therefore, many second-generation gods who came to compete in the Primordial Secret Realm secretly felt that Feng Xuan was all bark and no bite.

But at this moment, those second-generation gods who secretly disapproved of Feng Xuan suddenly looked at him with admiration in their eyes.

He went alone to the Primordial Secret Realm and rescued everyone from peril.

The Crown Prince is so brave!

Feng Xuan: Wait a minute; suddenly feeling so much pressure.

And so, he unwittingly captured the respect and admiration of a group of divine second-generations, looking as if they would follow any command from their Crown Prince from now on.

Feng Xuan didn’t know what to order them to do; he thought that as long as Qi Zhuoyu was here, there wouldn’t be any major problems in the Primordial Secret Realm no matter how dangerous it was.

So he let these second-generations do whatever they wanted.

As for those part of divine clans who insisted on following Feng Xuan, they were scared off by Qi Zhuoyu’s cold gaze.

Only then did everyone notice that there was a handsome stranger standing next to their Crown Prince.

“Who is this person? Why is he following His Highness?”

“Could it be Jing Yu, the God of War? He is His Highness’s senior brother.”

“He doesn’t quite look like it. Isn’t it said that the God of War Jing Yu’s personality is famously gentle?”

“That’s right. Why do I feel that this man’s attire looks like someone from the demon clan?”


Feng Xuan had already walked far away at that time.

Therefore, he didn’t hear the whispers of those gods behind him.

His original intention was to return directly to the Qifeng Palace, but after being praised by these second-generation gods, he inexplicably felt the burden of being the Crown Prince of the heavenly realm.

Thinking that it wouldn’t matter if he stayed in the secret realm for one night, he decided to return tomorrow. Otherwise, it wouldn’t make sense to save the gods one second and then go back to Qifeng Palace to sleep soundly the next.

That’s what he thought, and that’s what he did.

Feng Xuan walked around in the secret realm for a while and found a comfortable place to sleep.

As soon as he sat down, Qi Zhuoyu spoke up. “Why not return to Qifeng Palace?”

Feng Xuan thought to himself that the big devil, of course, wouldn’t understand.

After all, as a little god, he still had a bit of the spirit of a divine way.

“Go back tomorrow,” Feng Xuan said. “I’ll rest in the secret realm tonight.”

Fortunately, after he finished speaking, Qi Zhuoyu did not ask why.

He implemented the principle that as long as Feng Xuan wanted something, he would agree to it.

However, the Primordial Secret Realm is located at the edge of Chaotic Sea, a place where the sun was rarely seen and it snowed all year round.

The secret realm was no exception; it was pitch black at night with large snowflakes drifting around, only their resting cave was dry without snow accumulation.

But the stone walls were cold and still bitterly cold.

Feng Xuan had only slept for less than a quarter of an hour when he was awakened by the cold.

After waking up, he found that suddenly there was only himself left in the cave.

Qi Zhuoyu, who should have been sitting opposite him, had disappeared without a trace.

He was stunned for a while before accepting this fact.

Qi Zhuoyu probably went back to the demon realm’s Chaotic Sea. After all, his demon palace was so close; why would he sleep in a cave instead of his comfortable palace bed?

However, even though he knew this fact,

He still felt unprecedentedly bewildered and lost for the first time.

Perhaps it was because Qi Zhuoyu had always been with him, giving him the illusion that Qi Zhuoyu would never leave him?

Then this illusion lasted only a few seconds.

Almost instantly, Qi Zhuoyu returned from outside the cave.

Seeing his expression, he frowned. “Why are you crying?”

Feng Xuan: ? Who’s crying? Don’t start rumors as soon as you come back.

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly felt a bit better and hummed meaninglessly. “This Venerable just went out to fetch something.”

Feng Xuan felt tired in his heart and didn’t want to know what this person had imagined again.

He chose to change the subject.

“What did you go out to fetch?”

Qi Zhuoyu conjured a ball of demonic flame in his palm and threw it to the ground.

In an instant, the entire cave became as warm as spring, and even Feng Xuan felt his primordial spirit heating up.

“This is the Taiyin Fire, burning in the crevices at the bottom of Chaotic Sea, and it will never extinguish.”

Feng Xuan had read about this in books and exclaimed in surprise. “Is this the flame that can even burn the primordial spirit?”

Qi Zhuoyu nodded. “This Venerable saw a volcanic vent in the Primordial Secret Realm and took a bit of it.”

Feng Xuan paused, feeling that his ‘a bit’ must be a billionth of a billion.

“How much is ‘a bit’?”

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t speak.

But looking at the speed at which the cave entrance was heating up, and the abundant flow of spiritual power in his body, Feng Xuan felt that all the Taiyin Fire of the Primordial Secret Realm must have been brought over by Qi Zhuoyu.

It was rumored that Yin Fire could burn the primordial spirit, and if fused into the body as a magical tool, it could even wreak havoc.

Now, this havoc-wreaking flame had become a pitiful little flame, burning pathetically.

It seemed like it had been beaten up by the big devil before.jpg

However, what he didn’t expect was,

Even he hadn’t noticed that his primordial spirit was getting cold, but Qi Zhuoyu did.

Not only that, but in the next second.

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly tossed something to him.

Feng Xuan hurriedly caught it and took a closer look.

What Qi Zhuoyu threw to him was a brocade pouch embroidered with white peaches, a style of small purse that was very common among mortals.

It also looked somewhat familiar.

He realized, wasn’t this an heirloom of the big devil’s deceased wife?

Ah, this.

Could such an important item be casually lent to him for use?

“Inside there is a bed and bedding, you can take them out to use,” said Qi Zhuoyu.

He really did lend it for his use.

Feng Xuan suddenly felt a bit subtle.

He pinched the small purse and glanced at Qi Zhuoyu.

In the silent cave, only the flames gently leaped.

Qi Zhuoyu’s gaze also fell on his face, and as their eyes met,

Feng Xuan felt a bit bald-headed, what kind of heart-to-heart talk in a cave was this? The big devil looking at him like this seemed like he was about to share some personal matters in the next second.

It wouldn’t be about his mortal wife, would it?

That would be fatal. The bird had never been in love and found it hard to deal with such consultations.

Moreover, Feng Xuan felt that there were some things.

Indeed, he should clarify with Qi Zhuoyu.

“Qi Zhuoyu.”

Thus, in the cave, Feng Xuan’s voice rang out unexpectedly.

The youth sat obediently without opening the small purse.

Just looking at him with a pair of extremely beautiful fox eyes,

Feng Xuan pondered over his words and then spoke. “I’ve always wanted to ask you, why have you been so good to me even though we’ve known each other for such a short time?”

He thought for a moment, counting on his fingers as he recounted to Qi Zhuoyu. “Apart from the first time you choked me. After that, you invited me to dine at Yingxu Palace, and even let me rest in the Demon Venerable’s room for several days. After returning to Qifeng Palace, you always sent things here and there for me, helped me nurture my primordial spirit, and today you even wanted to capture so many divine spirits to continue my soul.”

Feng Xuan said, probing. “You are the kindest person to me after Emperor Father. This shouldn’t be just my wishful thinking, right?”

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t speak, just looked at him steadily.

“I just feel that you also said before that you’re not doing good deeds. And you don’t seem like the type who is casually nice to people.”

“Look, now you even lend me your deceased wife’s small purse; before, you would get so angry that you wanted to choke me if I even touched it.”

He paused again. “I thought about it, and it seems like your attitude towards me started to change after you accidentally knocked over the Divine Soul Lamp and saw my primordial spirit.”

Feng Xuan voiced out his last sentence.

It was also his biggest doubt all along.

His voice was very soft, with a bit of the purity unique to youth:

“Did we know each other before?”

His tone was very cautiously apologetic:

“Did I, by any chance, accidentally forget about you?”



  1. Nana says:


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