After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

The Bird’s Doubt (part 1)

Feng Xuan usually wore his heart on his sleeve.

Thus, his mood was very easy to guess. One could tell at a glance that he was not very happy.

Qi Zhuoyu stood by his side, flicked his hair, and stated, “You are not happy.”

It was a declarative sentence.

Big brother, listen to yourself.

What kind of question is that?

How could he possibly be happy with so many descendants of the divine race locked up in the Primordial Secret Realm?

Moreover, they were taken to continue the soul of his primordial spirit. It was deadly; this was some world-destroying villain setup.

Was there a possibility that he was also of the divine race?

Perhaps he was that kind of divine prince who cared for the people and did good deeds every day, not killing or setting fires?

Feng Xuan could only express his feelings with six dots.

After a long silence, he finally spoke. “Do you think I should be happy?”

Qi Zhuoyu replied, “It doesn’t matter. I know you are of the divine race and would not casually slaughter your kin.”

He paused for a moment and revealed a standard villainous smile, which felt very psychotic. “I can do it myself.”



Thank you so much.

You’ve even thought about my way out.

So you think I’m not happy because I don’t like to kill?

Feng Xuan was utterly floored; it was indeed difficult to communicate with a madman.

And after Qi Zhuoyu finished speaking, he immediately prepared to do just that.

Feng Xuan knew he was an absolute man of action and quickly grabbed his arm. “Qi Zhuoyu! I’m not unhappy because of killing. Actually, I’m unhappy because you locked them up!”

Qi Zhuoyu paused. “Why?”

Feng Xuan thought he really couldn’t reason with a villain. He hugged Qi Zhuoyu’s arm, looking up at him slightly, “It’s just, I feel this is not right. Although I know you are doing this for me, I cannot sacrifice their lives for my own.”

A monkey’s life is still a life.

Please be aware, please be aware.

Qi Zhuoyu seemed not to understand him, his brows slightly furrowed. “What do their lives have to do with me? I only want you to live. Not to mention killing a thousand divine races, even ten thousand, a hundred thousand, I would not hesitate.”

Feng Xuan was silent…

Listening to this, why did he feel somewhat moved?

Why would someone make such an indispensable and tearful vow sound so terrifying?!

Feng Xuan hugged his arm, hanging on him and was silent for a while. “If you slaughter the divine race, you will be scattered by the annihilation thunder tribulation.”

Qi Zhuoyu appeared indifferent. “I don’t care.”

Feng Xuan silently thought. “I will also be scattered by the tribulation.”

Qi Zhuoyu paused…

Qi Zhuoyu’s brow twitched, and he finally stopped, not planning to throw a thunderbolt and blow up the Primordial Secret Realm directly.

He turned his head, stared at Feng Xuan for a long time, then reluctantly said, “Fine. Since you are unwilling, I will spare their lives.”


Why is this domineering Demon Venerable’s little demon consort persona still on him?!

However, Qi Zhuoyu was willing to listen to him and give up on this major event; Feng Xuan was quite surprised.

After all, based on his understanding of him, Qi Zhuoyu seemed to be that kind of paranoid who wouldn’t listen to anyone once he made up his mind.

“I said it before; whatever you want, I can do it for you,” Qi Zhuoyu shamelessly read his mind again and then spoke as if nothing had happened.

“…Oh.” What else could Feng Xuan say? He could only solidify his own little demon consort persona.

He glanced at Qi Zhuoyu, not giving up. “Then can I ask you to return to the Chaotic Sea?”

Qi Zhuoyu’s expression was indifferent: “Except for that.”


Then what are you talking about.


Feng Xuan felt he should be grateful that Qi Zhuoyu had a principle of killing on the spot.

When he was brought from the Qifeng Palace to the Chaotic Sea, the big devil seemed not to have started a massacre yet; he had just destroyed the water mirrors in the Primordial Secret Realm and locked them up.

It was good that this person still knew to inform him before doing something bad.

Feng Xuan looked at the completely closed Secret Realm and had an eerie illusion.

It felt like wanting to run out and clean up the mess for his own cat. He asked, “Can you open the Primordial Secret Realm again?”

Upon hearing this, Qi Zhuoyu obediently opened the Primordial Secret Realm.

But when Feng Xuan was about to enter, he was suddenly pulled by the arm. “You want to enter the Primordial Secret Realm?”

Feng Xuan nodded; Qi Zhuoyu puzzled. “Why?”

Feng Xuan honestly answered. “I’m going in to repair those water mirrors.”

After all, it was only after Qi Zhuoyu had shattered tens of thousands of water mirrors in one breath that the ancient gods of White Jade Capital realized something was wrong. Feng Xuan decided to restore the scene before the incident and pretend as if nothing had happened.

Qi Zhuoyu seemed even more puzzled and continued. “Why repair the water mirrors?”

Feng Xuan really sighed, he was convinced by him. “If I don’t go in and fix the water mirrors, as soon as the Primordial Secret Realm is opened, Emperor Father will immediately know something happened inside, and then you will be the first one he captures and locks up in Biluo River.”

After Qi Zhuoyu heard this, he paused subtly.

“You’re afraid I’ll be captured by the divine race,” he confirmed.

“Yes,” Feng Xuan thought, what’s there to ask?

Qi Zhuoyu’s expression was inscrutable. “I thought you would be very unhappy and then directly escort me to White Jade Capital.”


In the big devil’s mind, was he really such a clear-cut little immortal?

The kind that goes ‘you big bad guy, you hurt my kin, from now on we are irreconcilable’?

Forget it.

Feng Xuan couldn’t say he was completely clear-cut about gratitude and grudges, but he knew clearly who was good to him and who was not.

To be honest, he didn’t recognize any of these descendants of the divine race; he wouldn’t really hurt someone who was good to him for some strangers.

Anyway, for as long as he had known Qi Zhuoyu.

He was very bad to others but quite good to himself.

Moreover, let’s not talk about whether he was happy or not.

Even if he really was that kind of vengeful little immortal who wanted to escort Qi Zhuoyu to White Jade Capital.

Thinking about their absurd difference in cultivation levels.

He guessed that before he even made a move, he would have already been scattered by the big devil. The kind where even his ashes were scattered.

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly said, “If you make a move, I will not resist.”

Feng Xuan…didn’t want to either.

So why exactly was he struggling with whether or not to escort him to White Jade Capital?

If he wanted to sit in jail so much, he could actually go squat in the Biluo River himself.jpg

Qi Zhuoyu just stared at him like that, as if trying to see through him.

Feng Xuan felt all his inner thoughts were exposed under his gaze, but the more Qi Zhuoyu looked, the more confused his expression became.

He had checked Feng Xuan’s primordial spirit and knew his memory had definitely not recovered.

But why did he still protect him so much even though his memory hadn’t recovered? He couldn’t even bear to escort him to White Jade Capital?

Feng Xuan’s character as a little salted fish definitely wasn’t the saintly type who would save anyone they saw.

The only possibility was that although he had lost his memory, his instincts still liked him.

Thinking of this, Qi Zhuoyu’s eyes became complicated.

Especially when he saw Feng Xuan repairing the water mirrors, almost depleting his already scarce spiritual power.

The feeling of irritation inside him grew stronger.

Thus, Feng Xuan felt an overwhelming spiritual power that directly permeated the entire Primordial Secret Realm.

The next second, all the water mirrors that Qi Zhuoyu had damaged were instantly restored to their original state.

The magnitude of the event startled Feng Xuan.

He turned his head and saw that Qi Zhuoyu had not yet withdrawn his spiritual power; it was evident that he had repaired those water mirrors.

But what was going on with this person?

He damaged the water mirrors himself, then repaired them? Did he have some hobby of increasing his workload?

Moreover, Qi Zhuoyu’s mood for some reason became very irritable.

After repairing the water mirrors, he strode forward a few meters, his dark robes fluttering up and down, giving him an imposing presence of 2.8 meters.

Feng Xuan was baffled and could only conclude that the big devil’s neurosis had acted up again.

Indeed, Qi Zhuoyu then performed an act of a neurotic outbreak on the spot.

After walking not too far, he returned with an irritated expression.

Then, unexpectedly, he embraced Feng Xuan.

To be honest, Feng Xuan actually felt that there was a bit of a height difference between him and Qi Zhuoyu usually, but he thought it was manageable. It was only now when he was embraced by him that he truly felt the disparity between them.

He was almost entirely held in Qi Zhuoyu’s arms, making Feng Xuan wonder if he intended to crush him.

Because of the other’s excessive force, Feng Xuan had to stand on tiptoes slightly and tilt his chin up to rest it on his broad shoulders.

Before he could figure out what madness Qi Zhuoyu was up to,

He heard Qi Zhuoyu’s voice, a bit muffled. “If you’re unhappy, I won’t do it anymore.”

Huh? Big brother.

Don’t always fast-forward through some plot that he completely didn’t understand!

What kind of inexplicable line was this?!

Birds dare not speak, birds dare not ask.

Just like that, he was forcibly embraced by Qi Zhuoyu for a long time.

Feng Xuan hesitantly patted his back.

As if to soothe him.


Not knowing what other madness the big devil would come up with next, it was best to just go along with it.jpg


Perhaps due to the effectiveness of going along with it, Qi Zhuoyu really did as he said.

The things Feng Xuan disliked or was unhappy about, he truly stopped doing them.

During his time in the secret realm, he surprisingly didn’t cause any trouble, which was completely unlike his villainous style.

Although Qi Zhuoyu repaired the tens of thousands of shattered water mirrors in an instant.

Nevertheless, Feng Xuan insisted on checking to make sure nothing was overlooked.

Thus, along the way, he encountered many descendants of ancient gods who were clueless.

These second-generation ancient gods, to put it nicely, were pampered and spoiled; to put it bluntly, they had not seen much of the world.

Most of the second-generation gods were participating in the Primordial Secret Realm for the first time, aiming to bring glory to their clans. However, less than seven days into the event, all the water mirrors in the secret realm shattered. Those who attempted to leave found that there was no way out.

Not to mention contacting some of the older ancient gods they knew.

Unable to send even a message, everyone naturally panicked.



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