After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Give You My Life (part 2)

Feng Xuan silently swept a glance at the young gods in snow-white robes below the stage, who were graceful and handsome, with a clear and bright demeanor.

Wherever his gaze fell, the gods below became noticeably more excited.

After watching for a while, Feng Xuan spoke expressionlessly. “This is what Father God asked Ling’er.”

He closed his eyes and rambled on, deliberately speaking in the opposite direction of those below. “Ling’er likes those with green faces and fangs, three heads and six arms, eight zhang tall, fierce and vicious, with the strength to uproot mountains–big fellows.”

Feng Li: “…”

Feng Li’s expression was somewhat indescribable.

He didn’t understand.

His own taste was quite normal, so why was his son’s taste so outrageous?!

However, listening to Feng Xuan’s description, he also felt that how could there be people in the world who looked like this?

By appearance, it seemed that only the clans of the demon race would fit.

He took it as Feng Xuan’s nonsense.

Feng Li didn’t take it to heart.


The oath-taking assembly was held for three consecutive days, and Feng Xuan had to endure it for three days on the divine throne.

It was only after they had fully entered the Primordial Secret Realm that Feng Xuan felt alive again.

Returning to Qifeng Palace, he rolled onto his Wutong bed without a word.

In this world, was there any place more comfortable than one’s own nest? No!

After rolling around a few times and sleeping for a while,

Feng Xuan finally fully recovered his spirits.

When he woke up, it was deep into the night.

On the Wutong Divine Tree, where it should have been empty, now hung a quietly burning Divine Soul Lamp.

Seeing that the Divine Soul Lamp was still there, Feng Xuan realized.

Qi Zhuoyu seemed to have not come to Qifeng Palace for a long time.

When he first woke up just now, he felt a bit unaccustomed.

After all, usually at this time, he would have been woken up by him.

Could it be that he took his advice and really went back to the Chaotic Sea?

Feng Xuan silently lay back on the bed, thinking that this was also good.

He stared at the Divine Soul Lamp on the tree for quite a long time,

Before suddenly having a strange thought in his mind.

He had never noticed before,

How quiet Qifeng Palace was at night? And how vast?


The Primordial Secret Realm had been open for a full seven days.

These past few days in the White Jade Capital, wherever Feng Xuan went, he could hear the gods discussing matters of the secret realm.

Some god’s descendant shone brightly.

Some god’s offspring had quite the demeanor of their ancestor from ten thousand years ago.

Even Yue’er, who had no interest in fighting and killing at all, occasionally mentioned a few words.

Feng Xuan’s ears were almost calloused from listening and simply hid in Qifeng Palace without going out.

But even though he didn’t go out, news of the Primordial Secret Realm still reached his ears.

This time it wasn’t any good news nor could it be considered bad news.

Inside the Primordial Secret Realm were tens of thousands of water mirrors that could simultaneously reflect images to the gods outside of the secret realm.

Yet yesterday, for some unknown reason, all these tens of thousands of water mirrors shattered at the same time.

And that wasn’t all; ancient gods guarding it tried to enter the secret realm to check on things,

But unexpectedly found that they couldn’t enter the Primordial Secret Realm anymore.

It should be noted that the Primordial Secret Realm was considered to be an illusion created by Ying Zhu himself,

Unless it closed automatically when its time came, no one could seal it prematurely.

Thus when news reached White Jade Capital, even ancient gods were baffled beyond comprehension.

When Yue’er came to Qifeng Palace, she relayed what she heard from other gods in Ling Xiao Palace to Feng Xuan. “Now the Emperor and others suspect that maybe the demon race is causing trouble.”

Upon hearing this, Feng Xuan instinctively retorted. “Impossible.”

Yue’er was somewhat surprised; perhaps she did not expect Feng Xuan to speak up for the demon race. “I was just saying it casually, Ling’er, don’t take it seriously. The Primordial Secret Realm is right next to the Chaotic Sea, so it’s only natural for His Majesty and the others to be extra cautious. Besides, the Primordial Secret Realm was created by Father God Ying Zhu; could it be that someone from the mere demon race actually possesses such cultivation to forcibly close the realm?”

This was also the ultimate reason why the ancient gods of White Jade Capital ultimately dismissed the possibility of the demon race causing trouble.

Little did they know, upon hearing this, Feng Xuan hesitated. “…Actually, it’s not necessarily so.”

Yue’er: ? What’s with you? You are the Crown Prince of White Jade Capital, why do you always speak for the demon race!

Noticing Yue’er’s astonished expression, Feng Xuan quickly added, “What I mean is, as gods, we should be humble and not speak too absolutely. Of course, I believe that the mere demon race definitely does not have the power to contend with White Jade Capital.”


In any case, after hearing about this matter, Feng Xuan became somewhat restless.

If one had to describe it, it was like suspecting that a stray cat he had secretly been feeding had caused some big trouble outside.

But then he thought.

Impossible, even if Qi Zhuoyu was up to something, he could do it in White Jade Capital.

Why would he cause trouble in the Chaotic Sea? Could he really be some kind of cat? Feeling that his territory had been invaded by the gods??

Lost in wild thoughts, he couldn’t sleep at night.

As Feng Xuan tossed and turned on his Wutong Divine Tree bed, a ghostly black shadow suddenly appeared at the foot of his bed.

Then he felt his arm being pulled up.

This damn familiar push-and-pull sensation; as he turned his head…

Qi Zhuoyu said enigmatically. “Come with me to a place.”

After speaking, he skillfully picked up Feng Xuan and swept out of White Jade Capital.

Feng Xuan: ?

Where did this sudden enthusiasm come from for a spur-of-the-moment trip in the middle of the night?

Feng Xuan felt himself being carried through mid-air, and every time he opened his mouth to speak, he got a mouthful of ice shards.

But he felt it was necessary to ask him. “Big devil. I have something to ask you; you must answer me truthfully!”

Qi Zhuoyu did not respond; from his angle, all he could see was the man’s sharply defined profile.

The jawline was indeed clearer than any bird’s life plan he had ever seen.

Seeing that he wasn’t speaking, Feng Xuan tried to open his mouth to ask again.

But after getting a mouthful of cold wind several times in succession, he gave up and decided to wait until they reached their destination to ask.

However, Feng Xuan did not expect that Qi Zhuoyu’s destination would actually be the Chaotic Sea.

As an increasingly familiar scene appeared before him, a bad premonition suddenly strengthened in Feng Xuan’s heart.

Sure enough, in the next second…

The Primordial Secret Realm appeared before his eyes.

Qi Zhuoyu landed on top of the Primordial Secret Realm, standing on a cliff edge overlooking the entire realm.

Feng Xuan’s heart skipped a beat.

Qi Zhuoyu began, “This is the Primordial Secret Realm.”

Feng Xuan thought: I know that; so what are you trying to say.jpg

Qi Zhuoyu seemed somewhat pleased, “I recently discovered that for some reason, a bunch of divine trash has come here. Although their cultivation is trashy, their primordial spirits are quite abundant.”

As he spoke, he produced a Divine Soul Lamp from his hand. “Your primordial spirit is weak and has always relied on this Divine Soul Lamp for nourishment. Now that the lamp’s fuel has run out, it needs new primordial spirits as wicks. I was just worrying about how to continue your soul when I stumbled upon this opportunity. So I locked them up and killed them all to repair your primordial spirit.”

After finishing speaking, Qi Zhuoyu looked at Feng Xuan.

He seemed to remember something and frowned. “What did you want to ask me just now?”

Feng Xuan: “…”

Feng Xuan stood there with a stunned expression as if struck by something.

Then he slowly began, “No need to ask anymore; I’ve already seen it.”

Absolutely, never expected.

The great villain of the divine race is actually myself.




  1. Nana says:


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