After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Feng Xuan felt as if he had been possessed, actually shedding tears on the shoulder of the big devil because of a few nonsensical words.

At first, he just planned to be cool, leaning his forehead against the other’s heart, shedding tears like a man.

However, somehow, he was embraced by Qi Zhuoyu.

The sourness in his heart suddenly became unbearable, and in short, he cried very ungracefully.

By the time he reacted, he had wet a piece of Qi Zhuoyu’s clothes.

Feng Xuan: “…”

Feng Xuan was silent for a while, then spoke awkwardly. “I will compensate you for the clothes.”

But when he looked up, Qi Zhuoyu didn’t seem to hear him at all.

After all, he, a Demon Venerable of the Chaotic Sea, could certainly afford a piece of clothing.

“Are you feeling better now?” Qi Zhuoyu asked him.

Feng Xuan nodded, he had to admit that his mood did improve a bit after crying.

“That’s good.”

These familiar two words.

Feng Xuan had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, Qi Zhuoyu wanted to take the initiative to hold him again.

What was wrong with this man, or rather, what kind of weak image had he left in his heart? Did he look so lazy that he didn’t even want to walk?!


Actually, thinking about it, he really was too lazy to walk.

In the past in the White Jade Capital, Feng Xuan would mostly fly in his original form.

But after waking up this time, he didn’t know if it was because his primordial spirit was damaged, but recently even transforming into his original form was a bit strenuous, let alone flying around.

Today was just a busy day for the god sacrifice day of his father god, and now he was a bit tired.

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t give him time to react.

As if he had done it a thousand times before, Qi Zhuoyu easily picked up Feng Xuan.

Well, he was already sitting in the arms of the big devil, and there was a free human transportation tool, so why not use it? Moreover, Qi Zhuoyu’s cultivation was higher than his, and it only took a few moments to get to Qifeng Palace.

In just these few moments, Feng Xuan couldn’t help but start to doze off.

By the time they arrived under the Wutong Divine Tree, he had already fallen asleep in Qi Zhuoyu’s arms.

Seeing this, Qi Zhuoyu’s eyebrows furrowed slightly.

He took down the Divine Soul Lamp from the divine tree, and sure enough, the primordial spirit he had put in was gradually burning out. If this continued, the Divine Soul Lamp would eventually go out.

By then, Feng Xuan’s primordial spirit would probably no longer be able to condense in the lamp.

Qi Zhuoyu looked at it for a while, then clicked his tongue.

Without blinking an eye, he tore off a part of his own primordial spirit and put it into the Divine Soul Lamp as a wick.

“Cousin, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to burn your own primordial spirit like this,” Li Chaofeng suddenly appeared silently in Qifeng Palace. He seemed to be delivering something to Qi Zhuoyu, still maintaining his dog form, holding a very delicate white jade hairpin in his mouth, and placed it in Qi Zhuoyu’s hand.

He had just spat out the white jade hairpin when he started to speak.

His intention was to persuade Qi Zhuoyu, after all, if he continued to burn his primordial spirit to extend Feng Xuan’s soul, even if he was exceptionally talented, his primordial spirit wouldn’t be able to withstand such torment.

And it wasn’t that he thought Qi Zhuoyu was crazy, but when he went crazy, no one could persuade him. Li Chaofeng had never seen anyone like him, who burned his own primordial spirit as if it was as painless as burning paper.

As if he was born accustomed to these pains.

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him, and immediately put on a performance of a mental breakdown, irritably saying, “If you think it’s not a good idea, then burn yours.”

Li Chaofeng: …Why does he love to shout with his broken mouth!

Looking at Qi Zhuoyu’s expression, it seemed as if he had seriously considered it and came up with a feasible conclusion.

And with a gloomy face, he was about to take action against his innocent dog life.

Li Chaofeng: Sorry for the interruption! I’ll take my leave!

This world of two people didn’t need the participation of him, the third dog!

So when Feng Xuan woke up again, there was an extra hairpin on his head.

He took a mirror and looked at it. The way this hairpin was worn could be described as simple and crude, just inserted from top to bottom, without any aesthetic appeal, it was simply a combat method of a straight man.

Looking at it, Feng Xuan seriously doubted that he was probably awakened by this hairpin.

Feng Xuan reached out and took the hairpin out of his hair.

Suddenly, he heard a voice coming from inside the hall, “This is a Soul Stabilizing Hairpin. Your divine soul is unstable, and you need to wear this hairpin day and night.”

Feng Xuan looked up, it was Qi Zhuoyu.

He didn’t know how long he had been standing there, his gaze had been on the window outside, and only after Feng Xuan woke up did he retract his gaze.

“I just want to change the way I wear it,” Feng Xuan explained honestly.

To prove himself, the next second, he reinserted the Soul Stabilizing Hairpin into his hair.

His long hair almost reached his waist, like ink, like a waterfall, and the soul hairpin made of white jade was particularly noticeable.

Feng Xuan noticed that the head of the Soul Stabilizing Hairpin was also carved with the shape of a bunny, which was very lively and cute.

Ordinary magical instruments wouldn’t deliberately carve these.

Feng Xuan looked at it for a while, then raised his head, “Big devil, is this a gift from you?”

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t nod, nor did he shake his head. He ignored the question and noticed Feng Xuan’s expression, he frowned, “You don’t like it?”

…It’s not that he didn’t like it.

Suddenly sending him a hairpin to stabilize his soul, what was the reason?

Feng Xuan looked at him, but Qi Zhuoyu didn’t seem to intend to explain.

Alright, it seemed he was determined to play the enigmatic person to the end.

Looking outside, it was still early, and Feng Xuan was genuinely surprised.

Perhaps Qi Zhuoyu gave him the impression of being the kind of person from the demon race who would only appear mysteriously in the middle of the night.

It was rare that it was still daytime in the White Jade Capital.

And he was still in Qifeng Palace.

Feng Xuan waited for a while, and found that Qi Zhuoyu was not the same as before.

After coming, he would fiddle with the Divine Soul Lamp for a while, and then mysteriously disappear.

Thinking back to the scene where Qi Zhuoyu comforted him on the day of the Father God’s sacrifice yesterday.

He paused for a moment, then tentatively suggested, “Qi Zhuoyu, you’ve been in the White Jade Capital for so many days, but you haven’t visited other places, have you? If you’re not in a hurry to leave, how about I take you for a tour?”

Feng Xuan didn’t know why he suddenly had such a strange request.

After thinking about it, it could only be that he knew how to repay kindness, and felt that Qi Zhuoyu was not bad at heart, and he could make such a friend.

What surprised him even more was.

Qi Zhuoyu stared at him for a while, and actually agreed to him.

Feng Xuan suddenly felt like he had lifted a rock only to drop it on his own foot.

Taking the boss of the Chaotic Sea Demon Realm to tour the White Jade Capital, he was probably the first one in history to do so.

However, he had lived in the White Jade Capital for over a thousand years and was very familiar with every place here.

As for Qi Zhuoyu, he had seen the mortal world of Chang’an, the Demon Realm, the cultivation immortal mansion, and the palaces of the Sanqing Realm.

But accompanying Feng Xuan to the White Jade Capital was his first time.

Unlike the palaces of the Sanqing Realm, the White Jade Capital was also located in the Ninth Heaven.

But there were mostly immortal mountain caves, and in the misty clouds, there were Kunpengs with wings spanning eighty-eight thousand miles faintly rolling, emitting long cries, adding a bit of ancient and ethereal divinity.

Feng Xuan originally intended to take Qi Zhuoyu to tour the White Jade Capital, but as they walked, he himself became fascinated.

The years in the heavenly realm were long, and two hundred years were actually just a moment. It was just that Feng Xuan felt that he seemed to have not returned home for a long time.

The two of them walked and stopped, occasionally encountering gods who were traveling on clouds.

These gods would only greet Feng Xuan when they passed by the two of them, as if they couldn’t see Qi Zhuoyu at all.

Feng Xuan was originally worried that this Demon Venerable swaggering around the White Jade Capital.

If it was discovered by the Emperor Father, he would probably immediately grab the two of them and throw them into the Biluo River.

But seeing this scene, he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

Qi Zhuoyu’s cultivation was really terrifyingly high. If one day he really had the idea of attacking the White Jade Capital, I’m afraid the gods of the White Jade Capital might not be able to retreat in one piece.

Thinking of this, Feng Xuan suddenly felt a bit bald.

Qi Zhuoyu saw that his expression was wrong and stopped to ask him, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Feng Xuan picked at his hand, “I just feel a bit tired from walking, why don’t we sit down and rest for a while?”

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t find it strange, after all, in his heart, Feng Xuan was such a delicate person who needed to rest for half an hour after walking for a minute.

The place where the two of them rested happened to be the Divine Tree Forest, where various divine trees grew lushly, and in the forest, countless spirits in their initial primordial spirit forms were frolicking.

Outside the Divine Tree Forest was the misty cloud layer, which could take in most of the style of the White Jade Capital. When Feng Xuan was a child and threw a tantrum to leave the palace, he loved to hide here.

Feng Xuan found a Fusang tree to sit down, and with a wave of his hand, he conjured up some immortal brew and immortal fruits on the stone table.

He paused for a moment, then poured a cup of immortal brew for Qi Zhuoyu, “You try this, this is brewed by my father with Li Spring, it’s sweet and very good.”

After saying that, Feng Xuan also eagerly pushed the immortal fruit to him, “This is also delicious, you eat this too.”

Looking at his expression, it was estimated that the best things on him were all taken out as treasures at this moment.

Qi Zhuoyu stared at him, with a smile that was not a smile, and didn’t touch the things on the table, as if waiting for Feng Xuan to speak.

Feng Xuan did indeed have something to say to him.

He deliberated over and over again, as if he was negotiating with Qi Zhuoyu, “Demon Venerable.”

Even the honorific was used.

“That is, I think.” Feng Xuan began, “You look at you. You said you wanted to come to the White Jade Capital, and I didn’t stop you, right? But you’ve been in the White Jade Capital for so many days now, you’ve seen what you should see today, and you’ve eaten what you should eat. If you don’t have anything else to do, why don’t you go back to the Chaotic Sea first?”

After Feng Xuan finished speaking, he quickly added, “I don’t mean to drive you away. I’m afraid that the affairs of the Chaotic Sea are very busy and will delay your important matters. If you’re always here, then who’s going to manage the Demon Realm?”

Damn it.

How come he hasn’t shaken off this script of the Demon Realm concubine who has been bewitching the king from holding court since he came to the White Jade Capital??

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him for a while, then said, “This Venerable never interferes with the affairs of the Demon Realm.”

Hey, you tyrant.

You say it so righteously that you don’t seek progress, don’t think about advancement, and don’t care about national affairs!

If I were a citizen of the demon race, I would cry for you, okay!!



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