After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Is the Senior Brother Here? (part 2)

While Feng Xuan was not fully awake, he directly picked him up from the white jade couch.

At this point, Feng Xuan was truly startled awake.

“What are you doing?” Feng Xuan almost couldn’t sit still.

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t speak, he just took away his white jade couch.

Then he put down another wooden bed that looked very expensive at first glance.

“Sleep on this bed from now on.” Qi Zhuoyu naturally decided for him.

Feng Xuan was like: ?

You say sleep on the bed and sleep on the bed, don’t you know he’s the kind of rebel in heaven?

“This bed is made of Wutong divine wood, you sleep on it, you can better nourish your primordial spirit.”

Feng Xuan: Sometimes you have to listen to other people’s opinions, like he thinks sleeping on a bed is pretty good!

Feng Xuan was surprised and asked, “Why did you change a bed for me?”

Qi Zhuoyu said, “That white jade couch, you’re not comfortable sleeping on it.”

Feng Xuan had a bad feeling at that time. “The divine wood of this Wutong bed, it wouldn’t be cut near the Never Falling Spring, would it?”

Qi Zhuoyu nodded as a matter of course. “Among the Three Realms, only near the Never Falling Spring is there this last one left.”

…It really is the Wutong divine wood from the Never Falling Spring!

Feng Xuan was shocked. “Then do you know that the Wutong Divine Tree near the Never Falling Spring has opened its divine wisdom, and it might be the offspring of this divine tree in Qifeng Palace?”

Qi Zhuoyu: “So what?” He answered simply and rudely. “Now that this Venerable is sending them father and son to reunite, isn’t it a happy event?”

Just, hell is empty, the Demon Venerable is in the world.jpg

The memory stopped here.

Feng Li sat on the Wutong bed, seeming to have noticed this too, and said, “Eh, when did you change that white jade couch? This Wutong divine wood is a rare treasure.”

Feng Xuan spoke with a guilty conscience, “Is that so? It might have been a gift I received at the celebration banquet when I came out of seclusion. I don’t know who gave it. I saw it in the storeroom of Qifeng Palace, so I just took it out to use.”

Feng Li suddenly stared at him suspiciously for a long time.

It was exactly like the look of a parent catching their child in a puppy love affair, but the key was that Feng Xuan didn’t know what he was guilty about, he wasn’t in puppy love at all!

Fortunately, Feng Li didn’t continue to dwell on this matter.

Otherwise, with his acting skills, he would probably have to confess if he was looked at for a while longer.

After the daily routine check to see if Feng Xuan’s primordial spirit was stable, Feng Li finally stated his purpose, “The day after tomorrow is your father god’s divine sacrifice day.”

Feng Xuan blinked, then was stunned for a moment, before slowly nodding, “I know.”

Feng Li rubbed his head, “If you’re tired, you don’t have to go, it’s just a formality anyway.”

When God Ying Zhu fell, his divine soul dissipated between heaven and earth, leaving nothing behind.

The ancient gods of White Jade Capital only erected a tomb for him, and they would worship it every year to show their respect for Ying Zhu.

After all, Ying Zhu’s status was different.

His divine sacrifice day was very complicated, and when Feng Xuan was young, he didn’t even know that it was the day his father god fell. He just felt that time passed so slowly, and he didn’t understand why the ancient gods were so sad and heavy. He was so tired that he just wanted to go back to Lingxiao Palace to sleep.

He thought, he was still waiting for his father god to come home and bring him gifts from the mortal world.

But from that year on, he never waited for his father god again.

The divine sacrifice day was the day after tomorrow, and indeed almost all the ancient gods of White Jade Capital had come.

Even besides White Jade Capital, there were descendants of various ancient god clans who had come from far and wide to worship for this day.

As the only son of Ying Zhu, on the day of the divine sacrifice, many ancient gods still paid their respects to him one by one.

Most of his appearance followed Feng Li, smooth and fair, and a stunningly cold beauty. But when he didn’t speak, his temperament was somewhat like Ying Zhu’s, dignified and calm, stern and inviolable, and he really looked a bit like the Crown Prince and the heir to the heavenly realm.

The ancient gods of White Jade Capital knew about this Crown Prince’s lazy personality, but those descendants of the gods who came from afar didn’t know.

Looking at Feng Xuan, it was as if they were looking at Ying Zhu back then.

They were both respectful and worshipful, both grateful and full of praise, praising Feng Xuan to the heavens and the earth, saying that he truly had the style of his father god back then, and that he would surely inherit Ying Zhu’s will in the future and shoulder the responsibility of protecting the Three Realms.

But they didn’t know that, let alone shouldering this responsibility.

The Crown Prince would even cry out in pain if he had to carry a bag of rice for two steps, wanting to be carried and held.

But in order not to smear Ying Zhu, Feng Xuan still brought out 100% of his acting skills and performed for all the gods.

Seeing this, Feng Li felt both sour and astringent in his heart.

Unconsciously, the little bird who was learning to speak back then had also grown so big that he could stand on his own.

If it weren’t for the disaster destined in Feng Xuan’s life, given time, if he practiced diligently, he might not be unable to inherit Ying Zhu’s divine will in the future.

Thinking of his own cub’s unlucky disaster in his life, Feng Li couldn’t help but feel a few points of hatred for that mortal who he had never met.

Somehow, he remembered some strange little details he had seen in Qifeng Palace a few days ago.

Feeling a little uneasy inside, he summoned Yue’er to come forward, “Yue’er, this god has something to ask you. After taking the Heartless Pearl, can you really cut off love and affection?”

Yue’er hurriedly replied, “Replying to the Emperor, the Heartless Pearl is the treasure of the Moon Palace. After taking this item, any destined immortal fate can be cut off. Why does the Emperor suddenly ask?”

Feng Li laughed, “It’s nothing. I just want to confirm again.”

In that case.

He was relieved.

His Ling’er can get married, have someone to accompany.

But he absolutely can’t suffer from love again!


The divine sacrifice day was busy until the evening.

Feng Xuan was so tired that he yawned, and seeing that there was nothing to do with him, he planned to go back to Qifeng Palace first.

As soon as he came out of the divine mausoleum, he saw a familiar figure standing not far away.

He seemed to have been waiting for a long time, his movements hadn’t changed at all, it was only when he saw Feng Xuan that he lifted his eyelids.

Feng Xuan was stunned for a few seconds, then came back to his senses. “Why are you here?”

As soon as he said it, he regretted it.

After all, with Qi Zhuoyu’s cultivation, it wouldn’t be strange for him to appear anywhere in White Jade Capital.

“You’re not in Qifeng Palace.” Qi Zhuoyu explained.

No wonder.

Feng Xuan thought he must not have found him, and he might be very angry now.

He thought for a moment, and honestly confessed. “Today is the divine sacrifice day. It’s the anniversary of my father god’s death, so I’m not in Qifeng Palace.”

After saying that, Feng Xuan waited for a moment, preparing to face the wrath of Qi Zhuoyu, a neurotic man who was prone to mood swings.

But it didn’t come.

Qi Zhuoyu just looked at him and asked, “Can you walk?”

A question mark popped up in Feng Xuan’s head.

Qi Zhuoyu’s expression was indifferent. “I can carry you.”

And then he realized that what Qi Zhuoyu meant was that if he didn’t want to walk, he could carry him.

Feng Xuan glanced at the steep mountain road in front of him, and had to say, sometimes this Demon Venerable really understood him.

Such a steep road, at a glance, was not something he could walk on his own.

But the fact that Qi Zhuoyu said he could carry him so proficiently really made people think he was some kind of masochistic pervert.

However, Feng Xuan was silent for a while, and then nodded. “Yes.”

He thought for a moment, feeling that Qi Zhuoyu might not agree to his request, but still proposed it. “But can you carry me in a different way?”

Qi Zhuoyu raised an eyebrow.

The next second, Feng Xuan suddenly took a step towards him.

There was still a fist’s distance between their bodies, but Feng Xuan gently lowered his eyelashes, his forehead resting on his heart. His hair slid down his shoulder, gently brushing his fingertips.

Feng Xuan knew that his father was very busy, and his senior brother Jing Yu was also very busy.

He knew that after his father god died, the ancient god uncles of White Jade Capital, those descendants left by the ancient god clans, all hoped that he would grow up and become a towering hero like his father god, taking on the responsibility of protecting all living beings.

So he knew.

He couldn’t cry like the babbling child he used to be on his father god’s sacrifice day.

But Feng Xuan was still very sad.

His father god had been gone for thousands of years, and the gods were proud of his death. Only his father and himself were in pain for his father god’s death.

Ying Zhu was the war god of the gods, the first god to protect all living beings.

But he was also Feng Li’s Dao companion, and his own father. After he died, he didn’t even have the right to shed tears for him.

“Do you want to cry?” Qi Zhuoyu suddenly asked.

This stinky straight man really had a particularly delicate mind in some ways.

“No.” Feng Xuan’s voice was muffled. “I’m already a 1,900-year-old bird, I won’t cry, it’s so embarrassing.”

“Is it embarrassing?” Qi Zhuoyu asked back, then suddenly, holding Feng Xuan’s waist, he almost stumbled into his arms, he pinched Feng Xuan’s neck, his posture affectionate. “This Venerable has cried before.”

“A stupid bird told me.” Qi Zhuoyu changed his action of pinching his neck to comforting his back, “Missing parents is not shameful.”

His voice softened for a moment. “If you’re really sad, it’s okay to cry.”

Qi Zhuoyu’s last sentence was almost a murmur, dissipating with the wind, “Senior brother is here.”



  1. Nana says:

    Tão lindo como agora ele consolar FX 😭🥹

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