After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Is the Senior Brother Here? (part 1)

Feng Xuan’s eyes couldn’t help but show confusion.

“You didn’t know, but you didn’t ask me either, isn’t that normal?”

Moreover, looking at the big devil’s appearance of wanting to settle accounts.

He was fierce, and his attitude in speaking was not good.

It was as if Feng Xuan had called him something like “husband”, “master”, or “handsome young man”.

He had just formally called him senior brother, and even used his full name.

Thinking about how he had performed all day in front of many gods in order to prevent people from discovering that Qi Zhuoyu was hiding in Qifeng Palace, he was almost exhausted.

Finally able to relax and take a breath, Qi Zhuoyu was ungrateful, and suddenly there was a bit of anger in his heart.

“Senior Brother Jing Yu is my senior brother, what should I call him if not senior brother?”

Qi Zhuoyu, however, didn’t know why he was being petty, “But when you call this Venerable, you always call him big devil.”

Big brother.

Wasn’t this what you asked for?

Feng Xuan only regretted that he didn’t use any magical tool to record Qi Zhuoyu’s previous nonsense.

Otherwise, he would now slap these words on his forehead.

“What else should I call you then?” Feng Xuan found that he might have been pretending to be sick all day, and his brain was really sickened. He raised his voice at this moment, not knowing why he thought of the vocal fry trash man Yue’er had told him about in the afternoon, calling people a sweetheart in every sentence, and he also unabashedly said, “Call you sweetheart? Or darling?!”

As soon as he said it, Feng Xuan was stunned.

At the same time, Qi Zhuoyu’s expression also paused subtly.

The grand hall of Qifeng Palace suddenly quieted down.

Only then did Feng Xuan react.

Deadly. The one in front of him was the big devil who had fought countless battles in the Chaotic Sea.

If he was unhappy and took over White Jade Capital in a fit of anger, what would he do?

As his rationality gradually returned, Feng Xuan’s will to survive also came back a little.

Just thinking about casually skipping over this matter.

But unexpectedly, Qi Zhuoyu suddenly said, “As you wish.”

Feng Xuan: “?”

Qi Zhuoyu seemed quite satisfied with these two titles, and said leisurely, “Sweetheart. Darling.”

He didn’t know if it was intentional, but he pronounced those four words very slowly, his gaze still falling on Feng Xuan’s face.

It was as if he was staring at him, calling him sweetheart.

Feng Xuan inexplicably felt his face getting a bit hot.

Qi Zhuoyu’s mood suddenly improved. “Either of these two titles is fine.”

Feng Xuan: “…”

What a man whose mood changes faster than flipping a book.


After a day of tossing and turning, Feng Xuan was truly tired.

By rights, at his age of over a thousand years, most of the gods were just coming of age, bouncing around in White Jade Capital.

Not to mention far away, nearby there was Yue’er.

She was incredibly energetic, not to mention tossing and turning for a day, even if it was for more than a month, she wouldn’t feel tired.

The ancient gods of White Jade Capital, although they were born as divine spirits.

But they also grew naturally, like Feng Xuan belonged to the ancient phoenix clan.

So when they were hungry, they needed to eat, and when they were tired, they needed to sleep. The basic instincts of all things were still engraved in their bodies.

They wouldn’t deliberately go on a diet like the immortals who practiced up from mortals, letting themselves be ruthless and desireless in order to achieve the great way and glimpse immortality.

The ancient gods have lived for a long time, and in fact, living itself had no meaning to them.

Therefore, it was more like returning to simplicity, although sleeping and eating were not of much use to them, they still followed the laws of nature.

Feng Xuan used to like to sleep because he felt that lying down and not moving was very energy-saving and effortless, and he didn’t feel sleepy.

Now he wanted to sleep, he really felt sleepy, his eyes were a bit unable to open, as if he had descended to the mortal world and flown thousands of kilometers.

When he lay back under the Wutong Divine Tree, he was still a little uneasy.

Looking at Qi Zhuoyu, he hesitated a bit. “You shouldn’t take advantage of my sleep and go to White Jade Capital to make trouble, right?”

Qi Zhuoyu gave him a look that said, “If this Venerable wants to make trouble, he doesn’t need to pick a time.”

Although he was arrogant and domineering, Feng Xuan thought about it and felt it made sense, so he closed his eyes in peace.

On normal days, with a Demon Venerable from the Chaotic Sea standing by his side, Feng Xuan, as the Crown Prince of White Jade Capital, would never dare to fall asleep no matter how tired he was.

But this time, in just a few breaths, he fell asleep.

Perhaps because it was too unusual, even Qi Zhuoyu noticed it.

He took down the Divine Soul Lamp from the Wutong Divine Tree and looked at it for a while with his eyes drooping.

Inside the lamp was Feng Xuan’s primordial spirit, which he had struggled to piece together. It was so weak that it was no wonder he felt powerless.

When he hadn’t recognized Feng Xuan before, he didn’t know why his primordial spirit had shattered to this extent.

Now thinking about it, it was probably caused by the apocalyptic thunder tribulation he had blocked for him a hundred years ago.

The hand holding the lamp suddenly tensed.

The clearly defined five fingers appeared somewhat pale.

The flame of the Divine Soul Lamp was slowly burning, but it was visibly pulsating, as if it would go out the next second.

Qi Zhuoyu watched for a while, then divided a part of his own primordial spirit into it to continue burning as a wick.

Feng Xuan on the white jade couch seemed to resonate with his natal Divine Soul Lamp.

His eyebrows wrinkled slightly, then quickly parted, sleeping more comfortably than before.

After doing all this, Qi Zhuoyu sat on the white jade couch.

From his angle, he could just see Feng Xuan’s entire face. Qi Zhuoyu looked for a while, then reached out and pinched it.

Two hundred years had passed.

Feng Xuan had changed, yet it seemed like he hadn’t.

The youth was still sleeping under the towering Wutong Divine Tree.

In a daze, the past hundred years seemed to be nothing more than a nightmare for him.

When he opened his eyes, the sunlight in the Zhujian Xiaozhu was just right, it might be a bit dazzling.

The little ancestor he had raised was lying on the bed, perhaps he would open his eyes the next second.

Qi Zhuoyu remembered the conversation he had heard in Qifeng Palace today between Feng Lu and Jing Yu.

He lay down in turn, domineeringly squeezing in the not too large white jade couch, and without saying a word, he held Feng Xuan in his arms.

Like a drowning man grabbing a piece of driftwood, but he had to restrain himself from holding too tight.

Afraid that his primordial spirit would scatter again, it would be another dream.


Feng Xuan had a dream all night, it couldn’t be considered a nightmare.

It was just a dream that he was sleeping well under a wutong tree, and then a wild cat jumped out from somewhere and fell to the ground to scam him.

After the scam was over, it wasn’t over yet. Feng Xuan touched him a couple of times, and even took a mile. (TL: ‘give an inch, take a mile’=progressively demanding more and more)

Suddenly, he jumped onto his thigh and became incredibly large, burying Feng Xuan entirely in his arms.

Petting a cat is joyful, but it needs to be moderated.

This kind of forced petting made him feel a bit suffocated, which directly woke Feng Xuan from his dream.

The first thing he did after waking up was to stare at the Wutong tree.

He suspected that there might be something wrong with this divine tree, as he never dreamed when he slept under the tree usually.

When he sat up, it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

Looking around, he found that Qi Zhuoyu was no longer in Qifeng Palace.

Feng Xuan was a bit surprised.

Did he go back?

Then he looked up.

The Divine Soul Lamp was also gone.


The big devil probably ran off to do something again.

Strangely, Feng Xuan felt a weird sense of familiarity with this feeling.

It was as if he had experienced all this a long time ago. And there was a mysterious confidence that Qi Zhuoyu probably wouldn’t do anything too excessive to him.

So, Feng Xuan’s days in Qifeng Palace became more like before.

Every day he was either sleeping or sunbathing, before he was so lazy, his father would come over and say a few words about his laziness and unwillingness to practice.

Recently, for some reason, it seemed like he had figured it out, and he didn’t force Feng Xuan to practice anymore, he would just often go to check on the condition of the Divine Soul Lamp.

Strangely, the Divine Soul Lamp, which Feng Li originally thought would deteriorate day by day, actually persisted until now.

Not only that, the flame in the Divine Soul Lamp was even more vigorous than before, which was strange.

But Feng Li didn’t think much about it, he just thought it was the effect of the Wutong Divine Tree, so he put the lamp back.

Seeing this, Feng Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

He was worried to death just now, fearing that his father would find something wrong with the Divine Soul Lamp.

Yes, before Feng Xuan thought Qi Zhuoyu might have returned to the Chaotic Sea, he didn’t see him for a long time.

As a result, he disappeared in the morning, and then mysteriously appeared in the evening, and also put the Divine Soul Lamp back in its original place.

Then without saying a word, he directly stuffed him on top of the Wutong bed. (TL: bed made from the wood of the Chinese parasol tree (Wutong tree).


He didn’t know where he got the problem, thinking that the white jade couch Feng Xuan was sleeping on now was not comfortable enough.

He forcibly changed it to a bed made of Wutong divine wood for him, and the divine age of the wood used was not lower than the one his father god planted in Qifeng Palace for him.

Back then, in order to find this Wutong Divine Tree for him, his father god had run through the Three Realms to find one of them.

So he transplanted it back and placed it in Qifeng Palace. According to his father god, this Wutong Divine Tree had opened its divine wisdom, and there were only two in the Three Realms, and there was one that was still small. Feng Xuan thought that should be his child or something.

As a result, the night before last, Qi Zhuoyu suddenly appeared in Qifeng Palace without a sound.

And then he woke Feng Xuan up in the middle of the night.

Qi Zhuoyu had no guilt about waking him up in the middle of the night.



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