After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Senior Brother’s Jealous Rage (part 2)

After Feng Li finished speaking, he still felt a bit uneasy.

After thinking about it, he emphasized again. “There’s nothing good about the men in the mortal world.”

Feng Xuan: ? Father, no, he didn’t say he was going to the mortal world to see men!

How did he come to this conclusion, damn it!

Feng Li touched his head and warned. “Father is telling you, in this world, apart from your father god, there is not a single good man.”

After hearing this, Feng Xuan quietly asked, “Father, who told you this conclusion?”

Feng Li paused for a moment, hesitated and said, “Your father god.”

Feng Xuan: “..…”

The news of Feng Xuan’s awakening was soon spread by Bi Xiao, the big mouth.

For a time, everyone in White Jade Capital, from top to bottom, knew that the Crown Prince had really come out of seclusion today.

Yue’er and Jing Yu were the second and third to know.

The former happened to be in White Jade Capital and came directly from the Moon Palace. The latter came from Qingqiu in the lower realm, but also arrived at Qifeng Palace one after the other with Yue’er.

Yue’er and Feng Xuan hadn’t seen each other for a full two hundred years.

She originally wanted to comfort Feng Xuan, but as soon as she sat on the bed, she couldn’t help but stroke Feng Xuan’s face. “Precious Ling, how do you maintain your skin? You’ve slept for two hundred years and it’s still so delicate and smooth, I’m envious.”

Feng Xuan: “..…”

He knew that Yue’er couldn’t say anything nice.

Sure enough, the next second, Yue’er took out a lot of beauty and supplement products that she had saved up over the past two hundred years from her storage pouch, saying they were for Feng Xuan to replenish.

There were also things like the popular materials, styles, and colors in White Jade Capital, and the lonely work she had done in the Moon Palace for two hundred years. She didn’t know how many mortal men and women’s dog-blood love stories she had seen and no one complained about.

As she was talking, she suddenly became serious. “Precious Ling, I just heard you tell the emperor that you want to go to the mortal world to see men, what’s going on?”

Feng Xuan: … How did it get spread that he was going to the mortal world to see men!

Yue’er held his hand, suddenly emotional. “I tell you, Precious, there’s not a single good man in this world! Especially the men in the mortal world, they’re all scum, all trash!”

Feng Xuan: So in your eyes, even the father god doesn’t count as a good man, right?

But what’s going on?

When he woke up, it seemed like all the people in White Jade Capital suddenly hated the men in the mortal world…?

Yue’er asked vigilantly. “Do you know what a scum man is?”

Feng Xuan paused. “…I don’t know.”

Yue’er explained to him. “It’s the kind that deliberately approaches you, just for your stunning little face. Then relying on the fact that their family has a few stinky money, they give you this and that, regardless of whether you like it or not, they just give the most expensive and biggest, dead straight men. And this kind of man has a characteristic, that is, they may look good, but when they speak, it’s like their throats are stuck together, with a bit of a suave grainy feeling. They call you baby, darling, with every word, they’re the best at deceiving you little immortals who haven’t seen much of the world!”

Feng Xuan: Hmm? Why does this description seem familiar?

Yue’er hugged him like she was guarding against a thief. “You haven’t met this kind of man, have you?”

Feng Xuan was vague. “Hmm, ah…probably not.”

This atmosphere of a sisterhood meeting discussing the handsomest male cultivator in the academy was really what the hell, it really shocked Feng Xuan.

Also, Yue’er, Goddess of the Moon, could you please have a little concept of gender difference, don’t just hug this god as soon as you come up, thank you!

Qifeng Palace, which had been quiet for two hundred years, suddenly became lively.

Until the evening, those ancient gods who came to visit the Crown Prince one after another slowly left.

Finally, even Yue’er followed her master, Lady Taiyin, back to the Moon Palace.

Only Feng Li and Jing Yu were left in Qifeng Palace.

Feng Li stood under the Wutong Divine Tree, taking down the Divine Soul Lamp to check.

Jing Yu worriedly said, “Master, how is Ling’er’s primordial spirit?”

Feng Li shook his head, his tone full of unspeakable helplessness. “It can only be barely repaired, relying on the Divine Soul Lamp to nourish it so that it won’t disperse. But in the long run, Ling’er’s primordial spirit will sooner or later disperse again between heaven and earth.”

Jing Yu said, “Can’t the Divine Soul Lamp continue to gather souls?”

Feng Li: “The Divine Soul Lamp is Ling’er’s natal lamp, born and dying together. His primordial spirit had an accident, and without external force to ignite the Divine Soul Lamp, when would it burn? Even if I use my primordial spirit as a guide, there will be an end to eternity.”

“Master is the Emperor, and must not use his own primordial spirit as a guide, otherwise it will cause chaos in the Three Realms.” Jing Yu hurriedly said, “Jing Yu is willing to use his own primordial spirit to continue Ling’er’s soul.”

Feng Li didn’t speak anymore, but he seemed to disagree.

Feng Xuan was his own son, and he was willing to use his primordial spirit, but Jing Yu had no blood relation with him, and it was a hard task.

Moreover, whether it was his primordial spirit or Jing Yu’s primordial spirit.

This Divine Soul Lamp would one day burn out, and when he’d fell between heaven and earth, who could protect his Ling’er.

Under the Wutong Divine Tree, there was no sound.

Only occasionally, the wind blew, and the leaves made a “rustling” sound.

It was unknown how long it took, Feng Li suddenly spoke again.

But this time, the topic jumped abruptly. “Just now I heard Ling’er say that she wanted to go to the mortal world to play, could it be that he has reached the age of Mu Shao Ai?”

(t/n: Mu Shao Ai-when people are young, they admire their parents in their hearts; when they grow up and know the love between men and women, they will admire young and beautiful people)

Thinking about it, Feng Xuan was also 1,900 years old in terms of divine age this year.

When he was this big, he had already been married, and it was just a matter of having children running around on the ground.

Jing Yu was taken aback.

Feng Li didn’t notice, and said to himself, “If so, it would be good to find a suitable family for him in White Jade Capital, and get married as soon as possible. So that he won’t have a whim one day and turn over the memory that was lost for two hundred years with me, and then it would be bad if he remembered that damned mortal again.”

The Emperor was always gentle to people, but only when he mentioned the mortal Dao companion that Feng Xuan knew in the lower realm.

He would say “damned”, “deserving to die”, “struck by thunder”, showing how much he disliked this mortal.

Feng Li seemed very satisfied with his decision, and quickly settled it.

“Wait until his father god’s divine sacrifice day is over, and then the news can be leaked out.”


When the Emperor left Qifeng Palace, Feng Xuan still got up from the bed, in order to show him few filial piety, he sent the Emperor to the gate.

Feng Li was worried that he was not well after just waking up, and as soon as he got to the gate, he drove him back to lie down.

But to be honest, Feng Xuan had been lying in bed for a day today in order to perform a weak patient who had just woken up.

Plus, he had been lying in the Chaotic Sea for three days and three nights.

Even a salted fish can’t lie like this.

After Feng Li left, Jing Yu stayed alone and said a few words to Feng Xuan.

In White Jade Capital, apart from his own father, the only elder that Feng Xuan could be considered close to was this non-blood-related senior brother.

Although he was a senior brother, Feng Xuan felt that Jing Yu was more like his brother.

Jing Yu was a nine-tailed fox born and raised in Qingqiu, and by chance, he became a disciple of the Emperor.

When he was very young, Qingqiu was in constant war, and Jing Yu was taken to the Ninth Heaven by the Emperor, raised under his knee, as if he were his own child.

So in those years when Feng Xuan was not born, the ancient gods of White Jade Capital were actually more accustomed to calling Jing Yu “Your Highness”.

Later when Feng Xuan was born, the gods still didn’t change this habit, subconsciously treating Jing Yu as the elder prince, and Feng Xuan as the younger prince.

Jing Yu looked at Feng Xuan and sighed.

He also knew the whole truth about his little junior brother’s tribulation in the mortal world, and hesitated for a moment, and then a piece of jade with an extremely warm color appeared in his hand. “This is the divine jade of our Qingqiu Zhenzu, and also the soul jade of your senior brother.”

Feng Xuan was taken aback, why did he suddenly say this to him?

Jing Yu handed the jade to Feng Xuan. “Now that your primordial spirit is unstable, you can use this soul jade to slowly recover your divine power.”

Ah, this.

Isn’t this too valuable?!

And giving jade or something is strange, it feels like exchanging tokens or something.

Feng Xuan scratched her head. “Forget it, Senior Brother Jing Yu. Such a good thing, you better not give it to me, I will lose it.”

Jing Yu sighed. “I knew you would refuse. Well, whenever you want it, you can come and ask your senior brother for it.”

It’s not that he won’t give it, it’s that he knew Feng Xuan too well.

This little junior brother of his, although he seemed to be gentle in character, was actually a unique rebel. If he didn’t want something, even if it’s the most precious treasure in the Three Realms, he saw it as dust. If it’s something he wanted, something he liked, even if it’s just a worthless little purse in the mortal world, he would cherish it.

Jing Yu didn’t insist anymore, and after looking at Feng Xuan, he left.

As soon as he left, Feng Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he had been acting for a day, and he didn’t dare forget that there was a big demon from the Chaotic Sea hidden in Qifeng Palace.

But, he didn’t come out all day?

Feng Xuan was a bit hesitant, he wouldn’t have left White Jade Capital and returned to the Chaotic Sea, would he?

As a result, as soon as the big devil was mentioned, the big devil appeared silently.

As soon as Feng Xuan turned around, he saw him and was startled, “Why don’t you make any noise when you walk!”

Qi Zhuoyu had a stinky expression on his face, as if White Jade Capital owed him money.

Feng Xuan felt that he was inexplicable, and continued to ask, “When were you here?”

“Dislike that this Venerable came too early and disturbed you?” Qi Zhuoyu looked extremely annoyed.

Feng Xuan didn’t understand his sudden anger. “Why are you so fierce when you speak?”

“Fierce?” Qi Zhuoyu sneered. “Of course it’s not as gentle as your good senior brother.”

After saying that, he walked into the hall with a huff.

After walking for a while, Qi Zhuoyu seemed to think of something, and walked back again as if he was extremely irritable.

His dark clothes and thin silk were flying up and down with his movements.

Feng Xuan felt that he looked like a big cat with all its fur standing on end.

And like something that originally belonged to him was taken away by others.

Qi Zhuoyu stood high above, with his arms folded, almost gritting his teeth and staring at him, word by word.

“This Venerable didn’t know that you, in this White Jade Capital.”

“Also have a good, senior, brother.”



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