After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Senior Brother’s Jealous Rage (part 1)

The scene had been frozen for a long time.

Feng Xuan had maintained the action of being completely encircled in a man’s arms.

This was clearly an intimate action that exceeded any range Feng Xuan could accept.

But he didn’t know if it was because he had gotten used to his hugs and embraces during this time, or what, but Feng Xuan didn’t notice anything wrong.

He stared at Qi Zhuoyu for a while, then slowly opened his mouth. “I think I can explain.”

Qi Zhuoyu just had one hand on his lower back and one hand propped on his temple, looking like he was listening to his excuses.

Feng Xuan: “It was you who took me away from Qifeng Palace at that time, and then fiercely snatched my lamp. I didn’t know what you were going to do with the lamp, so of course I had to use a temporary measure to hide my identity.”

Thinking about it, it made sense.

Qi Zhuoyu had even said that he was the Demon Venerable of the Chaotic Sea at that time.

Listening to this terrifying title.

If he hadn’t eaten a hundred children, Feng Xuan wouldn’t believe it.

Qi Zhuoyu chuckled, coolly, always with a bit of ill-intentioned meaning.

He had no expression on his face, but Feng Xuan always felt that he read a kind of “just this” mockery.

“Just this.” Qi Zhuoyu really said this, “Aren’t you going to explain the rest?”

Feng Xuan: “?” What else did he have to explain?

Qi Zhuoyu repeated slowly, “Does His Highness of Qifeng Palace like men like me who are coquettish, and can sleep with ten at a time?”

After hearing this, Feng Xuan felt that his whole person was not good.

Qi Zhuoyu continued. “Or is it that being fancied by His Highness will make me unable to live or die?”

He laughed again, not the kind of sinister laugh, maybe he found him funny. “I wonder how His Highness plans to make me want to live and die?”



What is called trouble comes from the mouth, this is called trouble comes from the mouth. (TL: Disaster emanates from careless talk)

If there was any artifact in the world that could turn back time, the first thing he would do was to travel back to a few incense sticks ago.

Although Feng Xuan sometimes felt that his ideas were indeed a bit more peculiar than most people.

But he didn’t expect to be so peculiar that he would pull out such a broken lie and lift a rock only to smash his own foot.

Feng Xuan awkwardly wanted to find a crack in the ground to drill into.

But after thinking about it for a long time, he wondered why he had to inexplicably explain to him.

He was a kidnapper, and he didn’t even blame him for kidnapping him!

And after thinking deeply, he felt it was very unreasonable.

According to the routine, such a nonsense lie, as a domineering Demon Venerable, shouldn’t he have seen through it in a second? How could he really be deceived by him?

As soon as he raised her head, Feng Xuan bumped into Qi Zhuoyu’s line of sight.

It was written clearly, you are a small salted fish with a waste of a cultivation.

Isn’t it normal for a Qifeng Palace’s little lamp servant, it’s abnormal for a His Highness the Crown Prince.


So it was because he was too weak.

Feng Xuan suddenly didn’t want to talk about these nonsense with him here.

He pushed Qi Zhuoyu away in a very serious and extremely cold and decisive manner, forcibly pulling apart the distance that the two of them were about to stick together tightly.

He reached out his hand. “Where is the Divine Soul Lamp, give it back to me.”

Qi Zhuoyu’s desire to survive suddenly came online at this time, as if he felt that Feng Xuan’s mood was not very good.

In an instant, the light of the Divine Soul Lamp flashed between the two of them, and a trace of spiritual power in the air gathered together to form a lamp.

Just as Feng Xuan put the Divine Soul Lamp back under the Wutong Divine Tree, he suddenly felt a strong divine power coming from not far from Qifeng Palace.

This divine power was too familiar to him, if it wasn’t Emperor Feng Li, who else could it be.

It was estimated that Bi Xiao saw that he was awake, and immediately went to Ling Xiao Palace to inform his father.

Feng Xuan was a bit panicked, and after putting away the Divine Soul Lamp, he immediately pulled Qi Zhuoyu and pushed him out. “You hurry up and hide!”

Qi Zhuoyu was pushed back two steps, and the original posture of putting one hand behind his back was scattered, and he asked in confusion, “Why hide?”

Feng Xuan was stunned by his righteousness. “This is White Jade Capital, Qifeng Palace! My father will be here soon, you are a Demon Venerable of the Chaotic Sea, don’t you know what is called the incompatibility of gods and demons!”

He seemed to feel that it was not enough to scare him by just talking.

Immediately, he pulled Qi Zhuoyu to a more open place in the back hall of Qifeng Palace.

From here, one could see the Biluo River at the end of White Jade Capital at a glance.

So far away, the black and purple layered clouds in the sky above Biluo River, the oppressive atmosphere could be felt. Not to mention the muffled thunder that could be heard from time to time. When the two of them looked over, a huge lightning bolt fell from the vortex cloud layer above Biluo River, almost illuminating the entire Biluo River.

What followed was the deafening thunder.

And Feng Xuan’s voice, “Did you see this heavenly thunder?”

Qi Zhuoyu turned his head to look at him, seeming to be puzzled as to why Feng Xuan brought him to see this, frowning.

Feng Xuan slowly opened his mouth, pointing at the heavenly thunder. “If you don’t hide, my father will use a heavenly thunder that is ten times bigger than this.”

She stared at Qi Zhuoyu, slowly saying, “Strike, dead, you.”

Qi Zhuoyu: “…..”

In a few moments, Feng Li had already landed outside the main hall of Qifeng Palace.

The various killing arrays and barriers in the hall also receded like tides with the arrival of Feng Li.

Feng Li had been in the position of the emperor for thousands of years, and had long cultivated a steady character.

But at this moment, he couldn’t help but speed up his pace, almost eagerly heading towards the Wutong Divine Tree.

Before the person arrived, the voice arrived first. “Ling’er!”


What answered him was Feng Xuan’s weak voice. He was about to stand up from under the Wutong Divine Tree, and even coughed forcefully a couple of times for effect.

He didn’t know how a patient who had been asleep for two hundred years before waking up should act, so Feng Xuan could only pray that his acting skills had improved.

Feng Li’s eyes were full of worry. He was so concerned that he didn’t even notice that his son was acting.

He quickly pressed down on Feng Xuan, who was about to get up, and said, “No need to get up. Your primordial spirit is still recuperating, and this is the time when you need to rest well.”

Feng Xuan, who was originally a lazy person who would lie down rather than sit, immediately lay flat upon hearing this.

Fortunately, he was smart and had already moved a white jade couch under the tree. At this moment, lying on the couch, with the caring voice of his father, he somehow felt like crying.

It was strange.

He had just seen his father not long ago.

But it felt like he hadn’t seen him for many, many years.

Those grievances that he could originally bear in his heart, he didn’t even know where they came from.

This moment, like a tide, swept over his heart, sour and astringent, making Feng Xuan stunned for a moment. He couldn’t help but bury himself in Feng Li’s arms, his eyes reddening.

“Father. I seem to have had a very long dream.”

“It’s just a dream. It’s fine when you wake up.”

Feng Li’s voice was also a bit choked, but even more gentle. He stroked Feng Xuan’s head in a comforting manner, speaking softly and gently.

The two of them nestled quietly for a while.

Until Feng Li broke the silence, “You just woke up, is there anything wrong with your body?”

Feng Xuan had also collected his emotions, shaking his head. “No.”

It seemed as if he remembered something, and finally asked the question he had always wanted to ask.

“Father, why did I sleep for so long? What exactly happened?”

Actually, he should have asked the emperor for clarity the first time he woke up.

But that time he woke up was really an unlucky time. He woke up and didn’t see his father, but saw Qi Zhuoyu, the big devil. Without saying a word, before he could react, he was abducted to the Chaotic Sea.

When he arrived at the Chaotic Sea, Feng Xuan slowly learned that he had actually slept for two hundred years.

But his memory clearly still stayed at the moment when he shattered the Divine Soul Lamp.

And his primordial spirit was also unreasonably fragmented.

If it was a retreat, it would be even more unreasonable. Although he was a lazy person and not ambitious, he couldn’t possibly sleep soundly during a retreat, causing his cultivation and spiritual power to regress to the point where there was none left.

Feng Li pondered for a moment, seemingly thinking about how to explain to Feng Xuan.

After a while, he slowly said, “Now that it has come to this, your father will not hide it from you. In fact, before your father god’s divine fall, it was calculated that you were destined to have a calamity in your life.”

Feng Li continued solemnly. “That is, on your 1,700th birthday, you will shatter your own natal divine lamp, and be pierced by the fragments of the Divine Soul Lamp. Then you will fall into a hundred years of deep sleep, until the Divine Soul Lamp is completely repaired, Ling’er will be able to wake up from the deep sleep.”



Unexpectedly, after saying this.

The main hall of Qifeng Palace fell into a deathly silence.

Especially Feng Xuan, after listening, his expression was not ordinarily complicated.

Father, what were you thinking?

Did you take the bedtime story of the Sleeping Beauty from Yue’er’s Palace and give it to him with a change of soup but not medicine?

The Sleeping Beauty fell into a deep sleep because she was pricked by a spinning wheel, but when it came to you, it became being pricked by the Divine Soul Lamp, right?

Then the Sleeping Beauty was awakened by the prince’s kiss.

What about him? Could it be that he was awakened by Qi Zhuoyu, the big devil?!

Feng Xuan was really speechless.

Where did father get the confidence to think that he could believe his idiotic fabrication?!

Just because he was a dumb beauty when he was young, he must think that he also inherited his intelligence, right?!


Is there a possibility.

That he could inherit a bit of intelligence from his father god.jpg

Feng Xuan was silent, but Feng Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Ling’er didn’t ask questions, he guessed that he believed him.

Luckily, he was still young and could be fooled once or twice.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to fool him when he got older.

Feng Li spoke gently, “A lot has happened in these two hundred years that you don’t know about. You need to get better quickly, and then you can go out and see.”

Feng Xuan nodded, and then remembered something important. “By the way, Father, can I go down to the mortal world later?”

Actually, he wanted to find an excuse to send Qi Zhuoyu back to the Chaotic Sea, but saying he was going to the Demon Realm would definitely get him struck by heavenly thunder by his father, so he changed his words to the mortal world, thinking it would be more acceptable.

But unexpectedly, as soon as he mentioned the mortal world, Feng Li’s face changed instantly.

As if going to the mortal world was more serious than going to the Demon Realm, his face was serious, “Why do you suddenly want to go to the mortal world?”

“Oh, oh.” Feng Xuan suddenly felt guilty. “Nothing much. I just feel that I’ve grown so big and I’ve never left White Jade Capital, so I want to go and see.”

Feng Li spoke solemnly. “There’s nothing good to see in the mortal world. If you want to see the scenery, you can ask your senior brother Jing Yu to take you to Qingqiu.”

Why did Father suddenly get so angry?

It’s as if there’s some heartbreaker in the mortal world?!



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