After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

The Little Bird Fell Off the Horse Again! (part 2)

After finishing breakfast, the dog on the bed disappeared somewhere.

It seemed that its purpose was just to make him happy, he didn’t like it, the dog made a perfect exit.

Feng Xuan put down his chopsticks, thinking about Qi Zhuoyu’s promise to return to the White Jade Capital.

He sneaked a glance at him, the big devil was propping his chin, lazily staring out of the window.

Most of the time, he didn’t talk much, just quietly accompanying him.

Sometimes he seemed to be lost in memories, sometimes his expression was languid, like that kind of wild cat whose mood he couldn’t guess.

In the past, he would spend every day engrossed in reading ancient books and scrolls, and would ask him to join him, getting up in the middle of the night to repair the Divine Soul Lamp.

Recently, Qi Zhuoyu didn’t even need him to repair the Divine Soul Lamp anymore. It must be said, the laziness of a salted fish is contagious, even the Demon Venerable is no exception!

Of course, he also didn’t return the lamp to him.

He didn’t know what the big devil was planning to do with the Divine Soul Lamp.

The Divine Soul Lamp was his natal lamp, without his own Red Lotus Karma Fire, it absolutely couldn’t be ignited.

Even if Qi Zhuoyu took it, he couldn’t do any harm, Feng Xuan didn’t particularly mind this point.

He was pondering in his heart how to smoothly bring up the request to return to the White Jade Capital again.

Qi Zhuoyu had already looked over. “Have you finished eating?”

Feng Xuan nodded honestly.


…Here he comes again.

Once again being skillfully picked up by Qi Zhuoyu, Feng Xuan had already accepted his fate.

Alright, good. Anyway, he didn’t have to walk, this masochistic maniac was willing to be his human transportation, let him be!

Feng Xuan hugged his neck tightly. “Where are you going?”

Qi Zhuoyu said, “Aren’t you going to the White Jade Capital?”


Feng Xuan thought he had deliberately forgotten, but he remembered.

Looking at the way he was holding him, he wasn’t going to send him all the way like this, was he?

Thinking about it, after all, the Chaotic Sea was so big, his spiritual power was not enough, even if he flew out in his original form, it would take three days and three nights.

Not to mention three days, if he flew for an hour, he would crash directly.

Thinking of this, Feng Xuan silently hugged Qi Zhuoyu’s neck a little tighter.

Qi Zhuoyu silently hooked up the corner of his mouth, didn’t say anything, but his mood was visibly good.

Qi Zhuoyu’s flying speed was very fast, and it was more stable than any flying artifact Feng Xuan had ever ridden.

Shrinking the ground into an inch, a step was a thousand miles, soon Feng Xuan saw that they had left the Chaotic Sea and had already arrived at the boundary of the mortal world.

Going forward, it would be the Sanqing Realm.

Feng Xuan quickly prepared to jump down from Qi Zhuoyu’s arms, they were very close, Feng Xuan made a little movement, and the latter noticed.

“Uncomfortable?” Qi Zhuoyu asked.

Not really.

Feng Xuan still wanted to get down, Qi Zhuoyu had to temporarily land on the ground, gently putting him down.

“I’m not uncomfortable.”

Feng Xuan explained when he jumped down, he looked up at the sky, turned to Qi Zhuoyu and said, “You can just send me here. I can go back by myself for the rest.” After thinking about it, he added another sentence. “Thank you.”

Although he was initially abducted by Qi Zhuoyu when he descended to the mortal world, he didn’t seem to have had a particularly bad time during this period.

Apart from the first seven days when he was forced by the big devil to roll up and down repairing the Divine Soul Lamp, the rest of the days were all about eating, drinking, and sleeping, and he didn’t even have to get up early for classes. The days were even more comfortable than in the White Jade Capital, which made Feng Xuan doubt whether he was really kidnapped.

And in the first seven days, he also nourished his divine soul with the Divine Soul Lamp.

Compared to being kidnapped, it’s more like running to the mortal world and the Demon Realm to experience a vacation.

“Send?” Qi Zhuoyu’s expression became strange. “When did I say I would send you?”

Feng Xuan: ?

Qi Zhuoyu naturally said, “I want to go to the White Jade Capital with you.”

Feng Xuan: ? ? ?

As soon as these words came out, the scene was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Feng Xuan was stunned on the spot for at least tens of seconds before he suddenly realized in shock.

He said why the big devil agreed so quickly to let him return to the White Jade Capital that day, so he was going to go together!

Damn it.

What is a Demon Venerable of the Chaotic Sea going to do in the White Jade Capital?

Feng Xuan seemed to realize something, and his whole person was not good. “You, you wouldn’t be planning to destroy the White Jade Capital with my help! I won’t help the tyrant.”

Qi Zhuoyu passed him a “what are you thinking” look.

That’s good.

Thinking about it, if he really wanted to attack the White Jade Capital, how could he not bring a single soldier.

“If I want to fight, I only need one person.”

Qi Zhuoyu casually read his mind again, and like a primary school chicken, he had to emphasize his ability.

Feng Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, but after thinking about it, he still felt it was not right.

If Qi Zhuoyu went with him to the White Jade Capital, then he would be completely off the horse.

“I think it’s still not possible.” Feng Xuan refused.

“Why?” Qi Zhuoyu crossed his arms and asked.

“Just because.” Feng Xuan racked his brains, didn’t know what he was thinking, as if uncontrollably, he made up an extremely absurd reason. “Just because you know, I’m just a small lamp servant in the Qifeng Palace.”

He glanced at Qi Zhuoyu, who was listening to him seriously. “Then do you know the Crown Prince of Qifeng Palace, Feng Xuan?”

Qi Zhuoyu was leisurely.

Feng Xuan gritted his teeth, thinking that for the sake of the White Jade Capital, this god had really given up too much, he resolutely said, “Actually, he is a super pervert.”

After Feng Xuan finished speaking, he raised his head and pointed at Qi Zhuoyu. “He just likes men from the Demon Realm like you who look enchanting. If you follow me to the White Jade Capital and arrive at Qifeng Palace, and the Crown Prince takes a liking to you. He will make you wish you were dead!”

“Hmm. How scary.” Qi Zhuoyu responded without any emotion.

Feng Xuan was a bit anxious. “You must believe me. The Crown Prince is both fierce and terrifying, he can sleep with ten handsome guys like you in one breath!”

“Is that so. I haven’t seen such a person in the Three Realms.” Qi Zhuoyu looked at him. “Now that you say it, I want to see it for myself.”

Feng Xuan: “.”

Damn it.

What kind of competitive straight man are you in your life?

Your chastity is at stake! And you’re still thinking about fighting!

Feng Xuan wanted to say something else, but Qi Zhuoyu was already tired of listening to his nonsense here.

This wasn’t his first time going to the Ninth Heaven, returning to the White Jade Capital was like returning home, Feng Xuan didn’t have time to react, and in an instant, he had already arrived at the gate of Qifeng Palace.

Feng Xuan: Just angry.

Qifeng Palace was exactly the same as he remembered, spacious and bright.

Qi Zhuoyu directly brought him to the towering wutong tree, and even under the tree, there was a paper man who looked exactly like him.

Watching Qi Zhuoyu calmly put the paper man into his sleeve.

For a moment, Feng Xuan didn’t know whether to lament that the White Jade Capital had fallen to the point where they lost such a big Crown Prince and didn’t notice, or to marvel at the terrifying strength of the big devil, that so many dense formations and barriers in the hall couldn’t stop him.

Of course, now is not the time to worry about this.

Bringing a Demon Venerable from the Chaotic Sea to the White Jade Capital in a grand manner, Feng Xuan felt that his hair was about to be plucked bald by the Emperor Father’s anger.

The key was that Qi Zhuoyu came here as if it was his own home, and in a blink of an eye, he sat down on the stone bench and calmly asked, “Where is the Crown Prince you mentioned?”

Feng Xuan was dumbfounded: …What is called a lie needs a thousand lies to round it out.

Feng Xuan was about to open his mouth, ready to casually make up some lie about the Crown Prince going out for a journey.

But unexpectedly, an accident happened suddenly, before he could speak, there was a sound of a wooden board “clanging” falling to the ground behind him.

Feng Xuan turned his head, it was Bi Xiao who served in the Emperor Father’s sleeping palace.

It was also the only divine servant who had been responsible for checking how Feng Xuan’s divine soul was nourished every day for the past two hundred years.

At this moment, seeing Feng Xuan standing intact, her face was full of shock, her lips stuttering.

Feng Xuan seemed to realize something, his expression changed greatly, and he was about to stop: Wa——

Bi Xiao’s voice that broke through the sky had already screamed recklessly. “His Highness…His Highness is awake! The Crown Prince is awake! The Crown Prince is awake!!”

As she spoke, she immediately ran away, jumped on the auspicious cloud, and ran towards Lingxiao Palace at a fast speed, to report this great good news to the Emperor.

So much so that Bi Xiao didn’t see clearly, in Qifeng Palace, under the wutong tree, there was still a third man sitting.


Feng Xuan silently said the complete word in his heart.

Then he looked up and met Qi Zhuoyu’s gaze.

The other party just stood there, his face didn’t show much expression.

After a while, he heard Qi Zhuoyu’s voice. “…The Crown Prince?”

Feng Xuan: …This matter is really hard to explain to you, if I say Bi Xiao recognized the wrong person, would you believe me?

The air under the tree was quiet to the extreme.

And then, Qi Zhuoyu seemed to remember something.

He looked him up and down, and suddenly said, “Didn’t you tell me that the Crown Prince of Qifeng Palace is a pervert.”

Feng Xuan: “…”

Thank you for repeating the social death statement of this god.

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly grabbed his arm, and in an instant, Feng Xuan was pulled in front of him.

He almost lost his balance and fell directly into Qi Zhuoyu’s arms.

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly hooked up a smile that was not a smile, “I didn’t see it, where are you perverted.”

He paused, stroked his chin, and sneered, “Why don’t you show me now.”

Feng Xuan: “.”

Help. I’ve met a real pervert!



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