After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

The Little Bird Fell Off the Horse Again! (part 1)

Qi Zhuoyu had been staring at him for quite a while before he turned his head, his gaze falling back on the Chaotic Sea.

Clearly, he also felt that consulting a dog about such emotional issues was not a problem with his feelings, but a problem with his brain.

Qi Zhuoyu pinched his brow, his tone carrying a hint of irritation. “Indeed.”

Huh? What does ‘indeed’ mean?

Li Chaofeng inexplicably felt that he had been attacked by a dog.

If it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t beat his cousin.

He would really perform what is called a ‘cornered dog jumps over the wall’ right now.

Moreover, his cousin’s configuration with him.

It really resembled when he was studying at the Royal Academy, the last and second-to-last asking questions!

The air was quiet for a while.

Li Chaofeng looked at Qi Zhuoyu, still hesitating to speak. “No, cousin. Are you so sure that this little fairy is the real body of sister-in-law?”

Qi Zhuoyu said, “I can’t possibly be wrong.”

His tone was light, but there was an inexplicable confidence and arrogance.

It made people want to slap a shoe sole on his smug handsome face.

Li Chaofeng thought that might be possible.

After all, isn’t it normal for a young widower like you who lost his wife at a young age to go a little crazy?

Until Qi Zhuoyu said, “His divine soul revived the wutong tree in Zhujian Xiaozhu.”

Li Chaofeng was shocked at this.

He knew about the wutong tree in Zhujian Xiaozhu, which had been dead for two hundred years, and only Xiao Qi’s divine soul could make it bloom again.

Holy crap?

He thought Qi Zhuoyu’s madness had gotten worse.

But unexpectedly, he casually grabbed in the White Jade Capital and caught the original body of that mortal Xiao Qi?

What the hell kind of destined love is this?

Li Chaofeng suddenly felt a sense of disarray in the wind, he wouldn’t be a comedic supporting character in one of those love stories that are produced in some Jinjiang Literature City in the mortal world, would he?

However, after learning the truth, Li Chaofeng was invigorated and couldn’t help but take the previous question seriously.

After all, when Qi Zhuoyu asked him just now, he just thought his cousin was having another episode.

Moreover, as the only indispensable pillar of this family, his rejection of the mysterious beauty from the heavenly realm was no less than a single child rejecting the young stepmother brought by the father.

Don’t even talk about giving advice, he didn’t want to give a damn.

Now that his identity as Xiao Qi was confirmed.

It was time for him to step up and protect his cousin and sister-in-law’s love.

He never expected that he initially came to be Qi Zhuoyu’s deputy in dominating the Three Realms.

Now he had dominated the Three Realms, but he had changed from the deputy of the Demon Venerable to the chief eunuch, damn!

After pondering for a long time, Li Chaofeng suddenly realized a problem.

In this case, wasn’t that mortal Xiao Qi just a clichéd script of a fairy descending to the mortal world, encountering a scumbag, feeling disheartened, her divine soul shattered, returning to the upper realm after severing love and forgetting mortal memories?

Not good.

If his cousin got the male lead setting of this clichéd script, wouldn’t he have to stab his kidney and self-harm, making himself half-dead before he could exchange for his sister-in-law’s soft-hearted forgiveness?

Just after imagining for a while, Li Chaofeng suddenly felt a surge of killing intent.

Qi Zhuoyu looked over at some point, his eyes sharp.

There was an attitude of “say one more word and die”, and the man in front of him was definitely not joking.

Oh my, damn.

He forgot that his cousin still had a mind-reading skill!

Damn it, is this skill useful for everyone?!

“Last night I said I would discard my own arm, but he didn’t want to.” Qi Zhuoyu suddenly blurted out a sentence very calmly.

The tone of this sentence was light, but Li Chaofeng heard a bit of a “have a wife to pity and don’t want to talk to people without a wife” show-off feeling.

…Are you some kind of elementary school chicken with a unique love brain, respect the dog’s dog style, thank you!

Li Chaofeng had to say, “Cousin, actually I think, you don’t have to do anything, sister-in-law should fall in love with you again.”

Qi Zhuoyu was puzzled. “Why?”

Why? Does this need an explanation?

Just because Feng Xuan was able to fall in love with you, a mass murderer, irritable, moody, and a whole mentally problematic peerless big devil, he is not an ordinary person.

This kind of mutual understanding and love between neurotics and neurotics, normal people can’t understand.

Li Chaofeng took on an attitude of a love mentor. “This is my intuition, cousin. If you really have no confidence, you just do to him what you used to do to sister-in-law, that’s fine.”

After saying that, he felt a bit insufficient.

Li Chaofeng thought for a while. “I saw you used to love to give sister-in-law things, why don’t you give her more gifts now, cousin?”

After the last two words fell.

Qi Zhuoyu finally had a bit of reaction.

He turned his head, his gaze seemingly falling on Li Chaofeng’s body.

Li Chaofeng saw a: ?


Feng Xuan didn’t expect that in his lifetime he could really experience what it feels like to wake up from a bed of eight hundred square meters.

When he woke up, the first thing he saw was a floor-to-ceiling window that covered an entire wall, very much in the architectural style of the Demon Realm.

Outside the transparent glass window was an endless black Chaotic Sea.

The gloomy sky was always a crimson color, with large snowflakes falling in mid-air.

Why is it still dark outside when I wake up?

Feng Xuan was a bit puzzled in his heart, he originally thought that he had been caught in the Chaotic Sea as a hostage, and had been on tenterhooks fishing in Zhujian Xiaozhu for seven days. For the little prince who had been pampered for more than a thousand years, these few days could be described as exhausting.

He fell asleep as soon as he hit the pillow last night, and he thought he could sleep at least a day and a night.

“You’ve been sleeping for three days.” Qi Zhuoyu’s voice suddenly rang out in the room.


So it wasn’t last night, it was the night before.

…Has he really been sleeping for three days?

Qi Zhuoyu walked to the bedside at some point, walking as if he made no sound. “Most of the time in the Demon Realm is eternal night, there is no day.”

Feng Xuan: …Alright. So it’s quite difficult for you guys in the Demon Realm to sunbathe.

As soon as he opened his eyes and saw Qi Zhuoyu, Feng Xuan understood that being kidnapped these few days was not a nightmare.

He sat on the bed, still a bit sleepy, not knowing how to communicate well with the kidnapper.

Should he start by saying hello?

While he was lost in thought, Qi Zhuoyu had already sat on his bed.

Then he threw something onto his bed, and upon closer inspection, it seemed to be a small white dog.

Feng Xuan: ?

A man and a dog stared at each other, their eyes wide.

After a while, the dog suddenly wagged its tail vigorously, as if to please him.


A common little dog that could act cute and make its owner happy~

Feng Xuan came back to his senses, surprised. “What is this?”

“A dog.” Qi Zhuoyu explained, “A gift for you.”

No. Big brother.

Why are you giving me a dog out of the blue?!

Do I look like some naive little fairy who loves to protect small animals?

Qi Zhuoyu’s face changed, “You don’t like it?”

Feng Xuan was familiar with this expression.

That’s how this domineering Demon Venerable was, if he didn’t like it, it meant he was ungrateful.

But Qi Zhuoyu just ruffled his hair, “It’s okay.”

Then his gaze fell on the dog with a fierce look. “It must be the dog’s problem.”

Li Chaofeng: ?

Damn it. Dead love brain.

Are you reasonable, my tail is almost spiraling into flight! How hard do you want a dog to try?!

He’s just short of performing a live show of breaking a stone with his chest and swallowing the moon, okay?!

Qi Zhuoyu was about to throw the dog-shaped Li Chaofeng out of the window as he spoke.

Feng Xuan came back to his senses and quickly stopped him. “Wait. I didn’t say I didn’t like it!”

Damn it.

The thought process of the big devil is really not something ordinary people can guess.

This is what “he doesn’t like it, it’s not his problem, it’s the gift’s problem” ultimate displacement of anger. He wouldn’t be the type to kill a person and implicate eighteen generations of his ancestors, would he?

Feng Xuan paused, then said, “I just think it looks like someone.”

The intention of saying this was to change the subject.

But when Feng Xuan took a look at the dog’s face, the more he looked, the more it looked like the man who came to Zhujian Xiaozhu that day, the unremarkable cheap son of the big devil.

Feng Xuan’s heart “thumped”, thinking it couldn’t be.

How could Qi Zhuoyu’s son be a dog, could it be that the original body of the Demon Venerable of the Chaotic Sea was a big dog demon?

The more he thought about it, the more possible it seemed. After all, he had always thought that Qi Zhuoyu’s temperament was like some kind of beast.

When being comforted, he also looked like that kind of obedient big dog.

But what does it mean for him to give his son to him?

He couldn’t really want him to be this cheap beautiful stepmother, the bird was still young, the bird hadn’t been in love, the bird felt it couldn’t!!

While Feng Xuan was passionately imagining on this side, he didn’t notice when Qi Zhuoyu’s gaze at him became more and more strange.

It wasn’t until there was no sound in the room that Feng Xuan noticed.

He looked up, Qi Zhuoyu’s expression was very hard to describe, as if he found it absurd. “Why do you think he is my son?”

Huh? Trash!

How can you just turn on mind reading without permission!

Feng Xuan was silent for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

Because in Qi Zhuoyu’s tone, there was a kind of inexplicable confidence in his words that “my son can’t possibly be this ugly.”

Li Chaofeng: ? Cousin, are you polite?

Qi Zhuoyu pinched his brow, continued. “I don’t have children.”

Feng Xuan muttered: If you don’t have them, you don’t have them, why explain this to him?

“Even if I did.” Qi Zhuoyu inexplicably glanced at him, indifferently said, “I would hope he wouldn’t be like me.”

Feng Xuan: ? You just looked at my stomach, didn’t you? What do you mean?! He can’t possibly be like you!!


Why should the big devil’s son be like him!

Feng Xuan was almost led into his robber logic, and was about to stand up to argue for himself.

Qi Zhuoyu seemed to be in a good mood. “Serve the meal.”

Feng Xuan: “.”

Alright. The bird eats to live, eating is the most important.




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