After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Senior Brother’s Love Consultation (part 2)

Actually, he wanted to ask just now.

The big devil inexplicably took him from Zhujian Xiaozhu to the Chaotic Sea, treated him to so many delicious foods, and now brought him to this super luxurious palace master bedroom to sleep.

You look at it yourself.

Is this the quality of life a kidnapped hostage can have?

Feng Xuan didn’t feel so good.

He felt that the script he was getting was becoming more and more like a domineering Demon Venerable’s little demon wife.

But he felt that he could still save this precarious character setting.

“That. Demon Venerable, I don’t think this is very good.” Feng Xuan tentatively opened his mouth, “After all, this is someone else’s room, it’s not okay for me to sleep here. Are we occupying civilian houses?”

Just because this house is particularly luxurious, it can’t be considered civilian, right!

“Don’t worry.” Qi Zhuoyu calmly uttered some domineering Demon Venerable’s rhetoric, “The entire demon realm is my territory.”

It’s very much like a stray cat that suddenly ran over to bump into him and force him to raise it, then pointed its paw at the entire open space and said: Look, this is the kingdom I fought for you.

Alright, fine.

What else could Feng Xuan say, could only applaud and praise him?!

Qi Zhuoyu noticed his expression and asked coldly, “Don’t you like it here?”

There was a great sense that if he didn’t like it, he might go to the human world and forcibly occupy someone’s imperial palace.

It wasn’t that he didn’t like it, what was wrong with the bed, it was so comfortable to sleep in.

Feng Xuan looked up at him and voiced his doubts, “Big devil. Are you feeling guilty for choking me and now compensating me?”

He thought about it and could only think of this one truth.

After all, the beginning of Qi Zhuoyu’s abnormality was when he choked himself and knocked over the Divine Soul Lamp.

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him without speaking.

Feng Xuan quickly sat up and said sincerely, “You don’t have to compensate me so much. Although you choked me, you also apologized. The incident of knocking over the Divine Soul Lamp and letting the primordial spirit flow out was also because I lied to you that I would help you gather souls, but secretly nurtured my own primordial spirit. We are even, no one owes anyone.”

After Qi Zhuoyu heard him finish, his expression gradually sank and he murmured, “You’re right. I owe you too much.”

Feng Xuan: ?

Are you really listening to me?

And after Qi Zhuoyu finished saying this, his gaze suddenly fell on Feng Xuan’s fair neck with a sinister look.

Although he looked fierce, Feng Xuan didn’t feel scared at all.

Qi Zhuoyu rubbed Feng Xuan’s wound with his thumb.

In fact, the scar was completely invisible, Qi Zhuoyu had completely healed it with his spiritual power earlier.

Feng Xuan saw his irritable expression, as if he was about to discard the arm that had just choked him in the next second.

So Qi Zhuoyu performed on the spot, not as if, but really planning to do so, and do it right away.

Feng Xuan didn’t see how his movements were so fast, and in the blink of an eye, Qi Zhuoyu was about to break his own arm.

He was startled and almost reflexively hugged his hand and quickly said, “Wait!”

Father, save me.

There’s an abnormal here!

What kind of ruthless person is Qi Zhuoyu, how can he be so proficient in self-harm.

Feng Xuan felt that if he was a second late, his right hand would be discarded!

“You!” Feng Xuan was really a bit angry at him, “Can you understand what I’m saying?”

Qi Zhuoyu coldly said, “It hurts you, this Venerable wants it to die.”

…I really thank you.

So in that sentence you domineering Demon Venerables said, “Anyone who hurts you must die”, it also includes yourself.

Feng Xuan was really at a loss, he felt that it was really difficult to communicate effectively with a neurotic.

Qi Zhuoyu still looked determined to discard this arm.

Feng Xuan felt that no matter what he said, it was useless, so he thought about it and simply gave up, “Well then. If you want to discard your arm, I can’t stop you. I just think that, although it choked me, didn’t you also use this arm to hold me today?”

Think about it carefully, it’s actually a balance of merits and demerits.

But he knew that Qi Zhuoyu looked hard to talk to, but he was actually completely hard to talk to.

He didn’t expect to be able to persuade him.

But unexpectedly, after Qi Zhuoyu heard him, he actually pondered for a moment.

It seemed that this arm was still a bit useful, so he finally gave up the idea of making a bloody scene of chopping his hand on the spot.

When Feng Xuan saw him loosen up, he was overjoyed.

He quickly took advantage of the heat, leaned in front of him, and looked up at him.

It was precisely because of this that Qi Zhuoyu had been with him for a full seven or eight days.

Today, he really had a bit of awareness that Feng Xuan’s original face was a kind of stunning beauty.

When he looked up at him, those lively fox eyes would slightly lift, weakening the enchantment between his eyebrows and eyes, making them look a bit round. Like his apricot eyes when he was a mortal, they had a few more points of boyish obedience and childishness.

The upper eye line was very obvious, so that even though he was not acting coquettishly, he also gave people a feeling of selling cuteness and innocence.

Feng Xuan sincerely negotiated with him, “That is, Demon Venerable. If you really feel that you owe me a lot, why don’t you send me back to the White Jade Capital. I promise that after returning to the White Jade Capital, I will absolutely not reveal a bit of your whereabouts, okay?”

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him, silently for a long time.

In the end, the air in the bedroom even froze a bit.

Just when Feng Xuan thought it was completely hopeless.

After all, as a hostage, he was actually negotiating with the kidnapper to send him home.

He thought about it himself and felt it was absurd.

Forget it.

When you encounter difficulties, go to sleep.

Feng Xuan grabbed the quilt and wanted to turn over and fall down.

But unexpectedly, at the moment he fell on the bed, he heard Qi Zhuoyu’s voice, “Okay.”

Feng Xuan felt as if he hadn’t heard clearly, his eyes wide open looking at him.

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly smiled, it was a truly handsome smile.

Having known him for so long, Feng Xuan had seen him go crazy and laugh, and his gloomy and abnormal laugh.

He had never seen this kind of laugh with a bit of turbidity and indulgence, even the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were relaxed.

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him with his eyes downcast, “If you want to go back to White Jade Capital, of course you can.”

It seemed that he was saying it to Feng Xuan, and also to himself, “Whatever you want, Senior brother can promise you.”

The words behind were really too soft.

Feng Xuan was still shocked that the big devil had loosened his mouth so easily.

According to the script of their domineering Demon Venerable and little demon wife.

If he wanted to go back to White Jade Capital, wouldn’t you have to torture me, I torture you, torture the body and heart, misunderstand for thirty or so chapters before Qi Zhuoyu would agree?

Therefore, that word “Senior Brother”.

Also like a light breeze, it passed by his ear.

Even if he heard it.

He probably wouldn’t notice anything.


When Li Chaofeng was summoned by Qi Zhuoyu again, the whole dog was very surprised.

After all, his cousin always liked to be alone, even if he was fighting, he was the one who actively ran up to help, never actively summoning.

Last time in Zhujian Xiaozhu was fine, this time it was actually in Xirong’s Yingxu Palace.

Isn’t it that the cousin never stays in this Yingxu Palace?

And what’s even stranger is.

These two summons, less than a day apart.

On the way here, he heard the rumors from the Xirong demon clan.

It was said that the Demon Venerable seemed to have brought back a young man from the heavenly realm, who was very loved, directly brought into the Yingxu Palace, probably the future demon queen.

Not to mention, for the demon queen, the Demon Venerable, in a fit of anger, also severely injured the little prince of Xirong!

Severely injuring the little prince of Xirong, Li Chaofeng could understand.

After all, Qi Zhuoyu is the kind of person who will beat up whoever he doesn’t like, sometimes when he’s in a bad mood, even the dogs passing by will be kicked by him.

But who is the domineering idiot Demon Venerable who gets angry for a beauty’s smile?!

Would Qi Zhuoyu really kill someone for a beauty, in his eyes, except for that mortal Xiao Qi, probably everyone in the Three Realms, whether male or female, looks the same!

Wait, the beauty of the heavenly realm.

Li Chaofeng suddenly froze, thinking it couldn’t be that one-

“I have confirmed that he is Xiao Qi.”

Qi Zhuoyu stood in the corridor, facing the boundless Chaotic Sea, and slowly opened his mouth.


So cousin’s madness hasn’t been cured yet?

Qi Zhuoyu frowned, his voice cold, “It’s just that I don’t know why, he seems to have lost part of his memory and can’t recognize me.”

Li Chaofeng: Alright. You’re a neurotic, you’re still logically self-consistent, you’ve rounded up the loopholes, right?

Qi Zhuoyu continued, “Perhaps his primordial spirit was shattered too severely, causing Xiao Qi to forget everything about the tribulation. It doesn’t matter, I have found a way to help him repair his primordial spirit.”

Li Chaofeng: …You’ve said it all, so why did you call me?

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him, his expression a bit subtle.

But soon he adjusted his expression, a kind of tone that wanted to pretend to be indifferent, but actually had a bit of anxiety.

“But he seems to have forgotten even his feelings for me.” Qi Zhuoyu’s face darkened, “I ask you, how can I make him fall in love with me again?”



It seemed like a second, it seemed like ten thousand years had passed.

Li Chaofeng suddenly reacted, only then did he hear clearly what Qi Zhuoyu had said, his pupils dilated in an instant.

…What the hell?!

Li Chaofeng even doubted if he had heard wrong, even his answer was a bit stuttering, “Cousin, listen to me, it’s not that I don’t want to help you with this kind of emotional matter.”

“You’re just desperate.”

Li Chaofeng continued with a sorrowful expression, “You too.”

He paused, thinking of his own single status, seemed even heavier, slowly said, “You too, can’t, come to consult a dog.”



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