After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Senior Brother’s Love Consultation (part 1)

Qi Zhuoyu cried without making a sound.

He seemed to be just resting tiredly on his own shoulder.

As if he had been tense for thousands of days and nights, a hundred years of time, and finally found the other shore in his drifting.

Although he didn’t make a sound, Feng Xuan felt it.

Qi Zhuoyu’s pain was greater than those who wailed and were hysterical.

…Impossible, right?

Feng Xuan quietly glanced at him.

Although the wound on his neck looked painful, was it really that painful?

He thought that Qi Zhuoyu, who could summon wind and rain and was a cool Demon Venerable, would be the kind of cool guy who would be very forbearing after being injured.

How come?

Was he actually the type who loved to cry and act like a baby when he had a little problem?

More importantly, Feng Xuan felt that their current posture was very subtle.

Wasn’t it a bit unreasonable for Qi Zhuoyu to lean on his shoulder in such a wholehearted dependent posture?

It didn’t match the character setting of a kidnapper and a god.

It looked like the script of a domineering Demon Venerable’s little demon wife.

And looking at their current actions.

Feng Xuan felt that he should be the domineering demon wife, and the big devil was the crybaby Demon Venerable.

Should he comfort him a little according to the plot development?

When Feng Xuan was nervous, he couldn’t help but think wildly. The lines from the love stories he used to watch with Yue’er in the Moon Palace popped into his mind one by one, like “Damn husband, I won’t let you shed another tear”, “What should I do with your tears that make my damn heart break”?

But in the end, he didn’t say anything.

Feng Xuan hesitated for a moment, then put his hand on Qi Zhuoyu’s head.

Comforting him as the Emperor Father usually comforted himself.

Just like soothing an injured beast.

Only, this action was clearly his first time doing it.

But there was a familiar feeling deep in his soul.

As if he had done it millions of times before.


It proved that the big devil was worthy of being the big devil.

Even if he occasionally showed a little vulnerability, he could quickly recover as before.

Becoming the cold and ruthless appearance at the beginning.

Turning his face faster than turning a book, making Feng Xuan somewhat doubt whether what he saw just now was an illusion.

But he was very obedient in healing his own wound, at least he didn’t continue to bleed.

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t mention what happened just now, his expression was inscrutable, and he looked like he couldn’t understand what he was thinking.

Feng Xuan also pretended nothing happened with a strong will to survive.

After all, their kind of villain bosses have a very arrogant image externally.

What’s the difference between seeing their vulnerable side and seeing the face of the murderer at the scene of the crime?

Would be killed on the spot to silence them ah ah.

So he decisively focused his attention on the food in front of him.

It was a good thing he hadn’t looked before, the table was full of a dazzling array of rich demon clan specialties. After seeing it, Feng Xuan felt that he was really a bit hungry.

This thought just flashed by, and Qi Zhuoyu suddenly spoke, “Eat if you’re hungry.”

Feng Xuan: ? No. How can this person have a dialogue with his own mental activity?

Could it be some kind of mind-reading technique?

“I don’t read minds.” Qi Zhuoyu said, “It’s just that what you’re thinking is written all over your face.”

Feng Xuan: ? Really? Qi Zhuoyu is a big idiot! Stinky idiot! Big bad guy!

Qi Zhuoyu picked a fruit of unknown kind and brutally stuffed it into his mouth.

Physically blocking his mouth. “Don’t swear.”

He really believed his lie about not being able to read minds.

Feng Xuan didn’t bother with him anymore, after all, he was indeed hungry.

It had to be said, the big devil really came to the banquet at the right time, this banquet had just started, the food on the table was still steaming hot, untouched.

The unlucky host of the banquet had already been thrown into the sea by Qi Zhuoyu.

The full seat of demon clan specialty delicacies, all cheap for Feng Xuan alone.

He tasted this dessert, bit that fruit.

Eat more of the delicious ones, and only willing to eat one bite of the not so delicious ones.

A hundred years passed like a shuttle, the sea changed into mulberry fields, but his habits hadn’t changed at all.

Halfway through eating, he found that Qi Zhuoyu was just staring at him, with no intention of eating together.

Considering that this meal, rounded up, could barely be considered as the big devil treating him.

Feng Xuan wasn’t the kind of person who didn’t know how to return a favor, so he hesitated for a moment and gave half of the plate of fruit in front of him to Qi Zhuoyu.

These fruits were all tasted by him one by one, the sweetest varieties were all here.

Feng Xuan pushed it in front of him, kindly, “This is for you, eat more, it can replenish blood.”

He had bled so much from his neck just now.

Always felt that he should eat something good to make up for it.jpg

“I don’t need it.” Qi Zhuoyu lowered his eyelashes, then casually picked up the very sour fruit that Feng Xuan had just bitten into. “This is fine.”

Feng Xuan: ? Big brother. You’re abnormal ah.

Feng Xuan was a bit not so good.

He felt that Qi Zhuoyu was really a bit mentally ill.

A good Demon Venerable, leaving the luxurious palace to live in ruins.

Leaving the delicious fruit to eat those sour ones, sour ones are fine, but they are his leftovers!

Does he have some weird hobby of loving to eat people’s leftovers?

Feng Xuan’s eyes were a bit speechless.

Thinking in his heart, it couldn’t be to leave some sweet fruit for himself to eat.


Big devil, you’re overacting, what’s this earthy deep love domineering Demon Venerable character setting?

Do you see if our kidnapper and hostage setting is suitable for this sweet pet mode?

And there are so——many untouched dishes here.

Do you have to eat this one fruit that he has bitten into, what kind of frugal villain’s good husband is this.jpg

Although Feng Xuan had been complaining in his heart for a long time, it didn’t delay his meal.

Anyway, if the big devil wants to eat leftovers, let him eat it, the god himself is just at the age of growing body, can’t eat a bit of leftover bitterness.

After eating and drinking enough, Feng Xuan finally put down his chopsticks.

Qi Zhuoyu moved, asking him. “Are you full?”

Feng Xuan nodded honestly.

Qi Zhuoyu said, “That’s good.”

The last time he heard him say “that’s good” was the last time.

That was when he suddenly picked up Feng Xuan and brought him here to eat.

When his words fell, Feng Xuan had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, Qi Zhuoyu was already very skilled in wanting to pick him up again.

This time, Feng Xuan quickly refused. “Wait. You don’t have to always carry me!”

Please. Although he does, compared to walking, prefer to fly with wings, but it’s not to the point where he can’t walk at all, right?

Qi Zhuoyu always carried him around like this, making him seem very unmanly.

There’s a feeling of becoming that kind of precious and fragile vase, it’s very strange!

Qi Zhuoyu frowned, but was very patient. “Why?”

Feng Xuan muttered, “What why. It’s just that, people just finished eating, they should take a walk.” He paused, “Are you taking me somewhere?”

As a result, Qi Zhuoyu turned into a riddle person again, not intending to tell him his thoughts at all.

He just stared at him for more than ten seconds before giving up the idea of carrying him. And looking at his expression, he seemed quite regretful.

Feng Xuan felt that this person’s brain was really a bit abnormal.

Who else would love to do physical work like him?

However, even though he didn’t carry him.

But Qi Zhuoyu still held Feng Xuan’s wrist, which made Feng Xuan stunned.

The man’s hand had distinct joints, tightly holding him.

No matter how he looked at it, it made Feng Xuan feel uncomfortable.

He had lived in the White Jade Capital for over a thousand years and had never held hands with anyone.

He tried to shake it off quietly a couple of times, but his resistance failed.


Hand in hand, after all, he was at the mercy of others, he had no rights!

Under the bright moonlight, the mysterious and gorgeous aerial corridor of Yingxu Palace was illuminated.

He didn’t know what kind of white jade stone was used to cast the pillars that supported the corridor. Suddenly, two shadows appeared on these pillars spaced tens of meters apart. Under the cover of the moonlight, they swept over the pillars, leaving fleeting shadows of varying lengths.

Feng Xuan was dragged by Qi Zhuoyu by the wrist, stumbling behind him.

His stride was just too big, sometimes Feng Xuan couldn’t keep up, he was almost being dragged forward.

Qi Zhuoyu’s dark thin silk fluttered with his walking pace, intertwining with Feng Xuan’s moon-white brocade into a piece.

In no time, the two came to a large door.

This door was more complex and gorgeous than any door Feng Xuan had seen before, it looked like the master bedroom of the entire palace.

The next second, Qi Zhuoyu simply and brutally kicked open the door.

This home-wrecking style of opening the door, Feng Xuan had even become accustomed to it, calmly accepting.

The room inside the door was indeed the largest bedroom in the center of the entire palace.

It was originally built for Qi Zhuoyu to live in, but he hadn’t lived there for many years.

The Xirong demon clan, it was unknown what method they used to make the furniture in the room brand new, and they could move in directly without cleaning.

Qi Zhuoyu scanned around, his gaze falling on the largest bed in the room.

Immediately after, Feng Xuan was pulled over with a bewildered face, and then stuffed into the big bed by Qi Zhuoyu’s smooth and flowing movements.

Having done all this, Qi Zhuoyu looked at him satisfied and slowly said, “Alright. Sleep.”



The air suddenly became quiet.

Excuse me.

What is this new type of kidnapping method he has never seen before?

Feng Xuan could no longer express his confusion with a foggy head.


Although he already knew that Qi Zhuoyu was a capricious neurotic.

But everything that happened tonight was too much for Feng Xuan to understand.



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